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Table of typical sound levels in decibels dB (C) J Wiley & Sons Best Practices Steven BlissBuilding Noise Source & Cure FAQs

Q&A About Solving Wind & Creaking Noise Problems

  • POST a QUESTION or COMMENT about diagnosing the source and finding the cure for noises or sounds in or around buildings and their systems

Frequent questions & replies help in diagnosing & curing building noises.

Questions about building noise control, tracking down wierd building sounds, soundproofing, or just diagnosing what the heck is making that sound?

This article series includes catalogs of types of building noises & sounds, common sources for each of these noises, & methods of sound or noise control in buildings during construction or as a building retrofit.

InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.

- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Questions & Answers About Noises & Sounds in Building Interiors

Raccoon outdoors on a downspout (C) Daniel FriedmanThese discussions of finding and curing the source of noises at, in, or around buildings were posted originally

at BUILDING NOISE DIAGNOSIS - topic home. Be sure to see the suggestions found there for diagnosing and stopping aggravating building noises.

Question: how can I track down wind-related fluttering, tapping, knocking noises at a building?

I hear a tapping, fluttering and sometimes knocking noise coming from the wall in my bedroom which drives me crazy when trying to sleep. The noise only happens when the wind is blowing in a specific direction and there is a PVC plumbing vent stack that runs through the exterior wall where the noise is coming from.

I've already confirmed that the noise is not coming from an outside air exhaust fan cover from the adjacent bathroom. I had that problem in my previous house.

Anyway, what could the wind be blowing to make this noise in a plumbing vent stack? There aren't any moving parts in the stack; are there? Could it be that the pipe is loose in the wall and is being shifted slightly by the wind? I just hope there isn't a break somewhere in the pipe and it's dangling in the wall; however, I don't smell any sewer gas.

To troubleshoot if the problem is caused by wind going down inside the pipe or whether it's pushing the outside of the pipe;

I'm going to wait until it starts happening again, then cover the opening of the pipe to see if it stops. Either way, I'm not sure what to do next short of opening up the wall. What a big mess. Any suggestions? - B.B. 12/11/2012

Reply: more things to check for wind related tapping, flapping, fluttering noises


In tracking down wind-related fluttering or tapping or knocking, because such sounds typically involve a moving part, I think you're on the right track to try some experiments such as temporarily covering a vent pipe, though I've not come across a tapping, rap-tap-tapping ever tapping at my plumbing vent since The Raven.

In addition to our wind noise track down suggestions in this article at WIND Noise and wind-caused noises, you might also check

  • For a clothes dryer exhaust vent flapper that is loose and blowing in the wind
  • A bathroom vent fan exhaust vent flapper that is loose and blows in the wind.

In fact for each of the above, the next time you hear the wind-related tapping knocking fluttering noise, try turning on each bath vent fan (if you have such installed) and the clothes dryer to see if the pressure of outgoing air stops or changes the sound.

Also inspect outside for:

  • Loose siding or trim or shutters
  • If the noise is close to the first floor of the building, shrubbery or anything stored close to the building that might be disturbed by wind. Sometimes we can see a scrape mark from an item rubbing on a building even when the wind is not blowing.

- Keep us posted, what you find will assist other readers. Thanks - DF - Ed.

Question: mobile home ticking or slapping noise diagnosis in doublewide home

I am becoming very sleep deprived and am searching for answers

. I own a double wide mobile home and in my bedroom,where wall meets ceiling above my bed, there is a very loud (seems very loud as it happens in middle of night for several hours) ticking or slapping noise, intermittent noise. it seems to be worse in extreme cold, although it does happen in summer sometime. any advice is appreciated, thank you. - G.D. 12/27/12



Without an onsite inspection (not cost-justified) I can only give some general advice and offer a few guesses. It's possible that the sounds you hear are related to thermal expansion/contraction as various parts of the mobile home expand and contract along with changes in temperature or operating of the heating system.

When I am trying to track down the cause of a "mystery noise" I find it helpful to make note of every site condition I can think of or observe that might give me a track-down clue.

When we can relate the occurrence of a noise to building or site conditions such as the operation of mechanical systems, temperature changes, weather, movement of people in the building etc. we can usually find the noise source and then we will know how to cure it. Take a look

at SOUND EVENT LOG - in the article above for some specific suggestions.

Question: what instrument can I use to track a noise to its source ? A mechanic's stethoscope is too limited

Is there an instrument available that could be used to locate sound source? The common mechanical stethoscope is not very effective in locating the constant 24 hr humming sound in my home. The sound is a droning 60 HZ constant, but there are other sources harmonizing with it.

I managed to eliminate the sound sources one by one and I am now left with the last two major ones. I badly need some help because my health is starting to go. - C.M. 4/23/2013

Reply: six approaches used by acoustical engineers to pinpoint or localize noise and sound sources

I agree that a stethoscope is not where one would start in finding the source of a widespread building noise.

A mechanic's stethoscope is useful principally when one is checking specific machinery, surfaces, or objects for sound emanation. This tool does not quickly direct one to an area of a building when a noise is heard as ambient or widespread

. For moving from an ambient widespread noise to a source requires a combination of careful listening with methodological investigation such as keeping a noise-event log to relate sounds to changing conditions of time, weather, equipment in or out of operation, nearby activities, combined as well with visual inspection and occupant interviews.

Directional microphones are sold by a variety of vendors who supply some quite different models and technologies. But I'm not sure an affordable directional microphone will do a great job tracking down a building noise source.

I have not found good success at tracking down a "general" noise using pressure-gradient-type directional microphones - the common instrument used to pick up remote conversations or sounds. Since directional microphones pick up noise from any direction you can be fooled if a sound coming from direction A is bouncing off of a hard surface B at which you have aimed the device. [11][12][18]

In other words some skill and experience are needed to use such tools. has an excellent, if technical, explanation of the types of microphone and their sensitivity to the actual direction of sound emanation.

My reading about directional mikes suggests that equipment is intended for the recording industry or for the hearing aid industry but not for sound localization.

Engineers use about six different methods to pinpoint the origin of sounds, procedures described by Mehdi Batel et als (2003) [18]. Six approaches to noise localization used by acoustic experts include

  1. Sound pressure mapping
  2. Sound intensity and selective intensity
  3. Near-field acoustic holography
  4. Non-stationary acoustic holography
  5. Beamforming (phased array technique)
  6. Inverse Boundary Element Methods (IBEM)

These approaches were tested and described for industrial applications such as the automotive industry and it does not appear that these methods, including a relatively new beamforming microphone array methods, are being used in residential noise complaint applications.

Some are quite costly, some are quite time-consuming to use. Beamforming for sound localization can examine large objects (a car in a wind tunnel, for example) and is a more rapid process that might work in or at buildings, particularly where we are less interested in the precise sound level and mostly interested in finding the sound source.[18]

If you can find an engineer who has access to beamforming sound-localization equipment, and if her employment and equipment costs are justified by your local noise problem, that approach may be what you need.

But before trying that more sophisticated and costly approach, a thoughtful site interview, investigation, and some data logging can very often find the source of a building noise. Perhaps these items will help you

Keep us informed on what success you have, as that may assist other readers.


On 2023-10-22 by Day canoeist - Noises carry farther when we're canoeing

Do you think noises carry farther when we're canoeing and when we are in the city?

Reply by InspectApedia Publisher - sounds carry farther over water

@Day canoeist,

In general sounds carry farther over water particularly quiet water and are more lost in background noise of a city.

On 2023-08-21 by Anonymous - strange noise every few minutes

I am in an apartment building and here this strange noise every few minutes mostly in the evenings. Sounds like it is coming from above or next to the apt. Almost like something plumbing or mechanical. Usually two of these segments and then two more in ten minutes.

On 2023-08-21 by InspectApedia Publisher - Keeping a noise log can help identify noise source


Keeping a noise log as described above on this page at SOUND EVENT LOG might help you identify just what equipment is running at the intervals that makes that noise.

On 2023-07-12 by Kathy - humming noise in my house

In December, I began to get a humming noise in my house. It was traced to a faulty Xcel transformer next to my property. Xcel replaced the transformer and the humming got better.

But it has returned and has gotten worse. However, the transformed is quiet. I have contacted Xcel, but since the transformer is working correctly, they do not believe it is related to their equipment.

What else could be causing it? I have tried to drown it out with fans and a white noise machine, but nothing helps. It keeps me awake at night. Who could help me find the source of this problem?

Any help is appreciated. E-mail:

Reply by InspectApedia Publisher - what is causing the humming noise I hear


Sure, glad to help.

Above at this page where we list tracking different types of noises to their source we have a link to


That's a good place to start. Step through that checklist and let me know what you find.

On 2023-02-27 by Bernice - strange rumbling noises at my condo & walls shake

For the past few months, residents living in this cracking, crumbling, neglected, low rise condominium building have been hearing strange rumbling noises that sometimes shake and shudder the walls and floors of many units on every floor.

At first we thought someone had built a skateboard ramp in their rental unit because the rumblings sounded very much like somebody was occasionally skating ramp from one side to the other because the sounds and vibrations would always come in patterns of two,, only a few times a day.

When the frequency of the sets increased to every few hours and most every long term tenant in building began questioning each other trying to determine where the sounds were coming from,

some suggested the sounds could be the result of tenants opening and closing their lanai’s sliding glass doors, but then the sounds increased to several times hour every hour around the clock

to the point it completely unimaginable that anybody would do such a thing as constantly open and shut their doors that frequently and our investigations of where could this rumbling be coming from

only proved that tenants on every floor from one end of the building to the other have been baffled and even quite worried by these sounds and other thunking and pipe clanging sounds that accompany what feels like the floors are moving beneath our feet.

There are so many warning signs that this old building is about to collapse, I fear for my children’s and grandchildren’s lives and actively searching for another home to rent.

So much debris has fallen from exterior walls and from beneath the bottom floor lanais that there’s caution tape and cones warning residents to avoid at least five areas around the building and surrounding property.

And there’s been two fires in a span of less than one year, as well as life threatening fire hazards from ancient faulty electrical wiring and massive cockroach infestations in nearly every unit,

as well as constant plumbing breaks and mysterious water puddles coming up through the floors and condensation bubbling the paint on the walls and ceilings, oh, and there’s rats and termites, too.

What do you think may be causing those sounds ? And do you have any suggestions about what authorities I should alert about these problems before I move?

I can’t in good conscience just leave the building knowing how many lives could be in danger if this should-be-condemned building crushes down on top of them.

On 2023-02-27 by InspectApedia Editor - imminent risk of catastrophic building collapse requires immediate action


Watch out: Considering the risk of injury and loss of life should your building collapse, and given no other information but what you've cited, in my opinion you should call 911 - emergency services, and report that building noises and history raise enough worry about a possible catastrophic building collapse that an expert evaluation is needed immediately.

You would then notify your building management and other occupants that you've raised this concern, also immediately.

Most likely, people should get OUT of the building immediately and move to a safe distance until experts have determined its safety. Rather than risk loss of life we have no choice but to err on the side of caution.

Please give us the location of the building and let us know what is the response to your 911 call. But don't waste more time on the internet. Call 911. Take action. Now.


On 2022-12-12 by Suzann - rhythmic perfectly timed snoring sounds in my den

I hear rhythmic perfectly timed snoring sounds in my den near exterior wall. You can’t hear it outside.

On 2022-12-12 by InspectApedia (Editor) - "I hear rhythmic perfectly timed snoring sounds in my den"


Above on this page we suggest

Find the Source of Building Noises by Keeping a Sound or Noise Event Log

To track a mystery noise or sound to its source in a building, try keeping a noise log, noting the conditions, times, events, and information we list in our printable sound event log worksheet:

We provide a sound event log in three formats:

SOUND EVENT LOG a web article including explanation of what information should be recorded to help track down the source of building sounds & noises
BUILDING NOISE LOG a simplified printable html file
NOISE LOG, PRINTER-FRIENDLY- [PDF] RECOMMENDED - to assist in noise localization in buildings.

SOUND EVENT LOG - provides more detail

On 2022-12-13 by Suzann

@InspectApedia (Editor), I have! It’s crazy. 4:30am until midnight I’ve heard it. Perfectly spaced in time. No derivation.

On 2022-12-13 by (mod) - collect more details than just time

To make good use of a noise log to track down the source of that snoring sound, you need more than a time log. Take note of the other conditions suggested in our checklist / noise log, such as what equipment is operating, weather conditions, timers, traffic, etc.

Recently we tracked down a rather regular and loud clanking sound at a New York hotel to cars entering a parking garage in a rather steady stream. Each car drove over the same steel plate that was loosely set into the garage entrance. It took some looking around outside the hotel to find the noise source.

On 2022-12-21 by Nik - rhythmic perfectly timed snoring

@Suzann, I have the same thing - you described it perfectly. It's in between a half bath and a full bath, right in between two toilets, and it sounds like it's at the top. of my bathroom or at ear level. It's so weird - I originally thought it was a dog sleeping on the floor above me snoring, but now it sounds like something in the wall. I will check timing. I live in an old prewar building in UWS.

On 2022-12-21 by InspectApedia (Editor)


Snoring noises can certainly come from a plumbing fixture drain or even supply piping (some types of water hammer or water velocity noise in piping). Keeping a careful note using the Sound Log that we recommend can help track down the sound, as can the simple test of slightly closing the main water valve to reduce the water flow rate.

Don't forget to include hot water heating piping and radiators/baseboards in such diagnosis.


On 2022-12-07 by Anonymous - loud fan at neighboring commercial building

I don't know where to go with this. I have a neighbor that has a industrial building ... . Some type of noise; I'm guessing a large cooler fan is LOUD and seems to never stop.

Where can I find out what my rights are as a neighbor, how long this noise can be going on and on, who can give me information.

Does the noise supposed to exceed a certain amount of decibles if so how many and for how long. Please point me in the direction I need to be. Please.

On 2022-12-07 by InspectApedia (Editor) - How to register a noise complaint


How to register a noise complaint:

Noise complaints, a common concern, might be taken to your local building department; you need to identify your country and city of location; some cities have specific noise ordinances and enforcement authorities.

For example in San Francisco, CA, USA, In-Progress noise complaints are handled by the Police Non-Emergency Telephone Number 415-553-0123,
DO NOT CALL THIS NUMBER if you do not live in San Francisco - I just gave this as an example.

For another example, in Paris France, If your noise issue not urgent, like to make a noise complaint in the evening, you should call your nearest police station (commissariat de police).

In a smaller city ask your building or zoning department whom to call.

For larger cities in most countries you can try a simple web-search for "noise complaints in "cityname" "

Watch out: if the noise you hear suggests that there could be a life-safety emergency such as hissing gas, crumbling collapsing structures, or if you smell gas, or fire-smoke, get everyone out of the building and call emergency services from a safe distance.

On 2022-11-30 by Feroza - terrible wind noise at condo

We live in a condo that is designed like a ship. Our unit is like a Arc design. The wind is terrible but acceptable but recently we have started getting noises in the evening and late night from above like a rotating movement object like it is churning very deeply.

Our management has checked everything on the roof and has ruled it out as wind noise. The wind is so severe here and we know the difference between howling and churning.
What could be the cause

On 2022-11-30 by InspectApedia (Editor)

If the noise occurs only when there is wind, it is certainly wind-related.

See WIND NOISES at BUILDINGS for a list of common sources of such sounds

On 2022-10-19 by A C - huge banging‘s or slamming noises in apartment building

Hi I live in a three-story apartment building on the second level and I live in an end unit. My bedroom has two exterior walls. One interior wall faces into the living room and the other into the bathroom.

In my room only, we hear huge banging‘s or slamming intermittently. I did not hear it for the first six months I lived here And then suddenly between August 16 and 19th I heard it for those four days on and off.

It never is after 9 PM at night but sometimes start as early as 8 AM. I didn’t hear it again until around 29 September or that week and now I’ve been hearing it for the last week and a half almost every single day.

It is terrifying my small 12 year old dog who is hiding in the closet or the bathroom shaking uncontrollably. I thought my upstairs neighbors were doing it but now I have corroborating evidence from other neighbors who were in the third floor apartment at the time the noise occurred and none of them were doing it as were no one in my home.

What can this slamming/banging be that is causing me severe stress and anxiety as well as my dog!?? I am at my wits end. Any and all suggestions are appreciated.

On 2022-10-19 by InspectApedia (Editor) - "we hear huge banging‘s or slamming intermittently"

@A C,

Above on this page you will find lists of sources of banging noises in buildings.

Best bet is to take a look through those and select the ones that could possibly apply to your building and then investigate those possible sources.

Examples include starting or stopping HVAC equipment, duct noises as metal ductwork is expanded or contracted by fans, doors, other mechanical equipment, vehicle traffic.

Let me know what you find or what further questions may arise.


On 2022-08-05 by - explosion sound near my home theatre

I have a sound that sounds like a low “explosion” near my home theatre. This has been going on for several weeks. It happens at close to the same time every day and only lasts a few seconds.

I have tried turning off all components, disconnecting components and moving them away. I have sat by each speaker and do not hear the sound from them. I can not find the source. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

On 2022-08-05 by InspectApedia-911 (mod)


That certainly sounds like an electrical or wiring connection problem with your home theatre system.

I'm totally baffled, however, if in fact you've turned off components and still hear the sound.

I'd start over again. With power to the equipment OFF I'd check all of the speaker connections.

On 2022-07-23 by Poppy - rhythmic pump sound, usually late at night

Lived here a year and every now and then noticed a rhythmic pump sound, usually late at night, similar to the starting of a washing machine and the inlet of water. Recently this sound is constant and consistent — I’ve timed it as running for just over 6mins with a pause of just over 2mins. 24/7. Sometimes the pumping of water sounds strained and gargled, other times, it’s just like a flow.

I have no idea where’s it’s coming from. I have a very tiny kitchen — side by side are my washing machine, kitchen sink and boiler. I’ve checked all around them and behind the kickboards — It sounds as though it’s beneath the floor between them. I live in a basement and don’t believe there is a cavity under there.

My neighbour mentioned it could be a Saniflo — however, surely they do not run 24/7 and this is newly constant. Would anyone have any idea what this could be?

On 2022-07-24 by InspectApedia-911 (mod)


If there is Plumbing in a basement apartment it's very often the case but a pump is used to lift the Wastewater up to the building drain. If that's happening and if there is a leak somewhere that is leaking into the pumping chamber, such as a running toilet, that could cause a pump to cycle on and off.

On 2022-07-31 by Poppy

@InspectApedia-911, thanks very much for your reply. So it’s been happening for just over a month but just recently has been shorting out the electrics in the kitchen. I’m wondering if it’s become a hazard? Should this be the job for a plumber to solve or an electrician do you think?

On 2022-07-31 by InspectApedia-911 (mod)


Certainly any building defect or appliance or equipment malfunction that is causing a short circuit is dangerous, risking shock or fire.

It seems that a simple first step would be to turn off circuits, one by one, to see which circuit stops the noise.

When you find that circuit you'll then follow it (or have your electrician follow it) to see what it's powering.

On 2022-08-03 by Poppy

@InspectApedia-911, Brilliant. Thank you so much for your help! Much appreciated


On 2022-06-01 by Wanda - loud long whine or howling noise come from the same side of the house that the HVAC unit outside is on

Doing a whole house renovation. Removed furnace, HVAC and hot water heater. I've got a loud long whine or howling noise come from the same side of the house that the HVAC unit outside is on. The furnace was in the basement on that side also.

What is causing this noise? It comes and goes nothing long lasting just unexpected and kinda spooky. Contractor hasn't finished disconnecting all if the pipes from HVAC unit and possibly furnace. Any thoughts. He hasn't a clue.

On 2022-06-01 by InspectApedia-911 (mod)


If you've actually removed mechanical equipment and therefore it's not connected to power it seems to me that the noise has got to be coming from something that has been left in place. This article provides a check list of possible noise sources. Please take a look and don't hesitate to follow up with us


On 2022-05-25 by Dennis - undulating sound in my house 24/7

There is an undulating sound in my house 24/7. If Circuit breaker is shut off the sound is still there.

Many plumbers have come; when the water main is shut off the annoying sound is still there.

Is their some type engineer that can use an instrument to locate the source?

On 2022-05-25 by InspectApedia-911 (mod)


Yes often an audio engineer who is familiar with sound source tracing can use a dB meter to help track noises to their source.

But before going that more-costly route, take a look at

SOUND LOG - provides more detail

where you might find other factors such as other equipment on-off times that can help point to a source of noise.

On 2022-03-26 by Anonymous - exposion sounds in Florida

Explosion sounds right now saint cloud, fl?

On 2022-03-26 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator - first check for an immediate emergency & get out of the building if present


Watch out: If there are explosion sounds coming from INSIDE YOUR HOME you should get everyone out and call 911.

Otherwise while there are other less-likely booming noise sound sources in Florida, for the case you mention, you may be hearing aircraft-generated booming sounds - your location is not far from Florida's Patrick Airforce Base or Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida.

On 2022-02-02 by Kelly Trewella - loud bang every 35 minutes

Every 35 minutes I hear a loud bang inside my home. It doesn’t correlate with water running or the heater turning on. It happens when nothing is running. I’ve been in my utility closet when it happens (in my basement). Nothing is happening in there.

It seems to be above the basement below the first floor. No clogged drains or backed up water. Is this a plumbing issue or an HVAC issue?

On 2022-02-02 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator

@Kelly Trewella,

Please take a look at our catalog of sources of banging noises in homes


and let us know what you find after stepping through those noise sources and noise diagnosis suggestions.



Question: high pitched noise and buzzing sounds

High pitched noise in air, inside and outside the home after at&t installed gateway boxes to homes in neighborhood, U-verse internet, high speed, noise complaints, buzzing in air for miles around Jacksonville, Florida,Pablo Oaks/Pablo Point subdivision, annoying and constant high-pitched buzzing noise in all areas of neighborhood. Will At&t fix their January,2014 RF fiasco? - (Feb 4, 2014) Anonymous


Anon if you believe there is an immediate health or safety risk that is a question to bring to your local health department. I can't offer a diagnosis ore suggestion based just on your note.

Question: crackling crunching noise in building siding

(Mar 1, 2014) Carol Boeskool said:

We also --like I seen posted, have a crackling crunching noise with our siding---and we did have it treated a couple times for ants :)--that is not the problem.

we live in a condo and it is just the outside wall that does get sun on and off---is there any like silicone spray that would make it slide easier so the noise would not be so loud? This is frustrating!!! and annoying!


Carol, silicone spray ought not harm vinyl siding; aluminum siding, or for that matter possibly vinyl too, might be discolored, however, if the siding surface is oxidized. Try first in an inconspicuous area.

I would look further to see if the siding is improperly nailed - too tightly, restricting movement.

Question: vibration & resonating noise in house - possible motor sources

(Mar 8, 2014) Ken said:

I'm experiencing vibration and resonating noise in my house from an external source. Its like have tens units on my feet. The vibration wakes me up and then it and other noise sources keep me awake. There are several electro-mechanical sources (heat pumps, HVAC, and hot tubs) in my neighbourhood.

Where can I find someone to take measurements in my home for proof there is a problem? How can I determine where the source of the vibration is coming from? I just recently found a hot tub that isn't making much noise but is a likely source of vibration. So far if I complain to the owner of a particular noise source the reaction is 'its not my equipment'. How far can vibration travel through ground?


Ken, you might find help by calling on a professional home inspector (see EXPERTS DIRECTORY in the top of this page) discuss your concerns with the inspector and confirm that she/he has experience in this tpe of inspection.

Keeping a log of when noise is observed, what equipment is operating at the time, combined with tracking the noise to its source usually narrows down the cause and thus suggests a remedy.

Question: creaking cracking roof noises in Albuquerque

We have a two-story adobe home, 30+ years old with a pueblo-style roof, vigas were used in the upstairs ceilings.

Throughout the day the roof makes creaking, cracking noises. We believe it has to do with expansion/contraction (this is in Albuquerque where there's big swings in temp throughout the day) but wonder if anyone has a suggestion!

Thanks in advance for your answers!

Barbara and Gary


I don't have enough information to hazard a guess, and worse, I'm not sure what you mean buy "vigas" in ceilings. Perhaps some photos of the home from outside and ceiling inside would permit a comment beyond the obvious thermal effects. Use the CONTACT link to send us images.

We do offer diagnostics for roof noises - see

Question: drum beat sounds

(May 9, 2014) Linda Yurick said:

how or where would the sounds of beats,waves and drums come from. we just moved in to this place


Linda it's such a broad question with no information about the home, location, neighborhood, nearby noise sources and other important factors that I just don't know. You will want to combine an auditory inspection (walk around and listen for where sounds are loudest), a visual inspection, and perhaps the SOUND EVENT LOG document whose link you'll find at the top of this article.

That should help you track down the noise.

Question: Outdoor rumbling humming noises in Mountain View CA

(May 16, 2014) Sarah said:

I live in Los Altos on the Mtn. View border (CA). Last Friday/Saturday (5-10-14) approx. I instantly notice a constant awful rumbling/Loud humming outside. The 1st night I thought it was just temp. but since then the nights have been pure hell. It is a continous rumbling,loud humming around the clock.

It is so horrible. I am now so sleep deprived and depressed and of course. I am making mistakes at work. Please can someone pls help me locate the source. Please help me out. PLEASE


Sarah, give your local building department a call for a referral.

Question: tormented by electrical signals aimed at house

(June 8, 2014) Kevin said:

Someone who has it out for me is tormenting me with some sort of electrical signal directed at my house. They are able to cause a high pitched type hissing effect when ever my refrigerator compressor is running as well as my receiver for my dish network that is also hooked into my television even the swamp cooler fan motor is effected with a hissing sound.

They have been doing this to me for over 6 months. The noise is now constant and at night they increase the surge or something like a surge, it seems to come in short waves if you really listen. I cannot sleep without earplugs and even then I can still hear the high pitch through the earplugs. It truly is a tormenting effect on me. Is there any way I can filter or scramble this signal? Can anyone help me? \

Further to my last post -- I can verify that the noise does occur, so it's not tinnitus!



Let's start by suggesting that you discuss tinnitus or other possible medical factors with your doctor and with an audiologist. Keep us posted.

Some hard to track down noise sources are discussed at GHOST NOISES in BUILDINGS

Question: pipe vibration noises

(July 7, 2014) Val said:

I hear (and feel) a large pipe vibration noise in my house once in a feels like air in the pipes (but in a big pipe...) it happens sporadically, even at night when no toilets have been flushed, no sinks have been run.

We have heard it approx 6 times over the last 4 months. It occurs only once, approx 5-10 seconds, then it goes away for a couple of weeks. We do not have a sum pump, and we are connected to a sewer system. It happens rain or shine. Any idea what it could be? I am worried sick I'll have to dig up under my house..


As we suggested at your other posting on another article, try turning off the water main to confirm that the noise is in the supply piping.

Try an electronic portable sound amplifier (Radio Shack) and a portable tape recorder.

Question: hammering noise from drain pipes in bath tub

(July 25, 2014) JW said:

Every time the AC comes on the drain pipe in the bathtub continually makes a hammer noise. Don't understand it. What to do?


JW that baffles me too. All I can guess is that there may be a depressurization of some areas of the home when the blower fan comes on. If the hammering noise is continuous I'd be looking at water supply piping troubles.

See the diagnostic and cure suggestions at WATER HAMMER NOISE DIAGNOSE & CURE

Question: popping gunshot like noises

(Aug 19, 2014) NG said:

I have a question about a "popping, gunshot-like" noise that my tenant is reporting. We're both completely baffled by it! It occurs in the outside wall towards the floor in a first-floor flat. There doesn't appear to be anything tapping from the outside.

There is no radiator or pipes near that wall. The electrical socket has been ruled out as the cause and the noise continues when the electricity to the flat is turned off. The flat is in a quiet area of Cambridge, UK, not near roads. It occurs randomly throughout the day and night but sometimes it stops for a day or so. We lived in the flat for 10 years and never heard it.

Only two things have changed since we moved out: the tenants are using a 10-year-old cable broadband outlet on the wall that we haven't used for 5 years. However, the noise still occurs when this is unplugged. And we have had a carpet installed.

I know it sounds crazy, but could the nails keeping the carpet grippers attached to the concrete floor be the cause? I just can't think of anything else! There was a suggestion that the small electrical current that is in the cable broadband box could cause a popping, but we never heard the noise ourselves and, as I say, it still occurs when unplugged.

Thank you so much for any ideas -- we just don't know what to do and our tenants are going crazy over it!



Let's start by asking you to keep a SOUND EVENT LOG (see the link above)

with that we might correlate the sound to temperature swings, leading to a look for what might be expanding or contracting such as siding or piping

Question: bird chirp noise - like from a smoke alarm

(Aug 29, 2014) Sharon said:

Bird chirp noise coming from somewhere ~we thought it was battery for fire alarm but took the thing apart still chirping noise every 30 seconds, driving me nuts !
cannot figure out where it is coming from but I think in the ceiling near where the fire alarm box is.
thank you


Some smoke or CO alarms will chirp just as you said - for battery; if it's still chirping after a new battery was inserted I'd replace the unit, figuring that the sensor is fouled.

If you're not sure that the noise is coming from the alarm, remove the alarm and place it far away and check again.

Remember to see if there is more than one CO or smoke detector alarm in your home - you may be checking the wrong one.




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