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GO TO CONTENTS - The Website Author is Member of ASHI The American Society of Home Inspectors 1985-2017 The American Society of Home Inspectors, ASHI,now has its own official website located at

Home inspection professional information: associations, education, standards, ethics, certification & licensing.

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ASHI American Society of Home Inspectors Contact Information Update

Contact ASHI, the American Society of Home Inspectors at

American Society of Home Inspectors,® Inc.
932 Lee Street, Suite 101
Des Plaines, Illinois, 60016

Phone : 1-847-759-2820
Fax : 1-847-759-1620

ASHI Website:


ASHI American Society of Home Inspectors - ASHI - original information

Address: 85 West Algonquin Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60005

Telephone: 847-290-1919
FAX: 847-290-1920 -- Fax on Demand Document-Retrieval System: 800-743-2744
Institutional Contact:
Executive Director: -

Organization Description: The American Society of Home Inspectors is the national professional certifying organization of home inspectors in the United States and Canada.

ASHI Membership: Membership is limited to inspectors who have met rigorous professional and educational requirements through a comprehensive certifying exam and a membership review process. Members are not allowed to actively engage in real estate sales or to have a financial interest in the sale or maintenance of any property that they inspect. The ASHI Code of Ethics governs professional behavior and avoids potential conflicts of interest.

Services Provided by ASHI Members to Consumers: Professional home inspectors examine and report the condition of houses for purchasers and home owners. The inspection is performed according to the ASHI Standards of Practice. Survey scope is a comprehensive, visual inspection of the physical components of the building, its mechanical systems, and site conditions.

Services Provided by ASHI to its Members: Professional home inspector education, qualification standards, national home inspector qualification exam; Standards of Practice for home inspections; A Code of Ethics, keeps the concept of third-party neutral professionals intact;

Through publications, conferences, seminars, and a national electronic bulletin board, ASHI ONLINE, ASHI informs members of the most advanced methods and techniques for examination and diagnosis of building defects. ASHI's membership convenes annually to review and upgrade their services and to participate in a continuing technical education program. ASHI Conducts seminars through both national education programs and through local chapters in each state or province.

Publications: Membership Directory (annual), The ASHI Reporter (monthly newsletter),The ASHI Technical Journal of home inspection and in-service building-component failures, $12/issue, published by the American Society of Home Inspectors. ISSN 1061-7035.

Convention/Meeting: Annual, with exhibits, January & Mid-year, July

Geographic Area Served: National, United States and Canada
Language: English, limited support in French and Spanish available.
Sponsoring or Funding Agency: private, not-for-profit professional organization, supported by membership dues and professional activities.

ASHI Objectives:


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