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Consumer and Marketing Pamphlets*MC $30/100 $135/500 (The prices above apply to the pamphlets below) P-102 *MC Maintaining Your Home Solid public relations for you. Tells your client what to do, when to do it. Includes checklist and house schematic. P-103 *MC Wet Basements Tells clients the basics of what they need to know about wet basements P-104 *M The Home Inspection and You Tells prospects what home inspection is, why to use an ASHI member. P-105 *MC Give Your Attic a Breath of Fresh Air Details the importance of attic ventilation, explains methods. P-106 *MC All About Roofs Basic facts, diagrams, and invaluable information about leaks, maintenance, safety, and roofers. P-107 *MC Electrical Power and Safety in Your Home Safety rules, basic facts on electricity, and more. P-108 *MC The Facts About Exterior Walls General information about different wall exteriors and the importance of maintenance. P-109 *MC Your Plumbing System Basic facts, illustrations, and important maintenance information about residential plumbing. P-110 *M For Real Estate Professionals Only Describes ASHI, home inspections, and how they benefit real estate sales transactions P-111 *M Marketing Tips for Home Sellers An advice-packed booklet that can be used by sales agents to enhance credibility and promote pre-listing home inspections. P-112 *MC Consumer Reports Book Flyer $10/100 $90/1000 Include this flyer with your inspection reports to promote the sale of ASHI's and CRB's "Preventative Home Maintenance" book. (Not to be used for business promotion.)
Annual Conference Proceedings $25.00*MC $45.00*P (The prices above apply to the proceedings below) CP-95C 1995 Conference (Calgary) (TB Added) CP-95 1995 Conference (Orlando) Includes over 30 sessions focusing on current issues facing the home inspection profession. Basic, specialty, business, and legal issues are covered. Also included is information from over 15 roundtable sessions. CP-94SD 1994 Conference (San Diego) Defining Your Services and Market Niche; Structure Evaluation; Insulation and Ventilation in Residential Construction; Swimming Pool and SPA Inspection; Environmental Inspections CP-93 1993 Conference (San Antonio) Solar Systems-A Bright New Look; Dealing with Contract Disclosure and Creating More Legal Ease; What it Takes To Become an Expert Witness; The Ins and Outs of Framing Defects CP-92 1992 Conference (New Orleans) Succeeding in a Competitive Market; Diagnosing Moisture Problems; Gas-Fired Warm Air Heating Systems; Getting Started in the Home Inspection Business; Plumbing Systems; The Crack Detective; and Residential Electrical Systems, just to name a few. CP-91 1991 Conference (Phoenix) Creating a 1990's Market Plan that Works; Tile & Slate Roofing; When Your Spouse is Your Business Partner; Wood Framing and several other topics. CP-90 1990 Conference (Nashville) Roof System Inspections Criteria; Home Inspections Using The National Electrical Code Book; Liability and Litigation for the Home Inspector; Moisture; Masonry Inspection; Report Writing... and more.
ASHI Standards of Practice B-200 *MC the basic ASHI reference $25/50 Covers what and what not to inspect. Every paid applicant is given a copy. Lost yours? Re-order several. Revised 1994.
ASHI Technical Journals $12.*MC $16.*P (The prices above apply to the Journals below) V1-1 Winter 1991 Vol.1 No.1 V1-2 Summer 1991 Vol.1 No.2 V2-1 Winter 1992 Vol.2 No.1 V3-1 Spring 1993 Vol.3 No.1 VSET Complete set of all four volumes $30.*MC $40.*P
A Training Manual for Home Inspectors $25.*MC $50.*P (The prices above pertain to individual chapters below) The full training manual includes 11 individual chapters with tab dividers and comes in a quality 3-ring binder. Each chapter is separately bound and can be removed easily from the full set. Each chapter provides a simple procedure for examining the major system to be inspected, a checklist of possible deficiencies, explanations of possible causes, and hints about special tests. Written by Alfred L. Alk. NOTE: The contents of these documents have NOT passed technical review by the ASHI Technical Committee and may contain incomplete or incorrect information. The manual is a helpful collection based on work by an experienced inspector. Additional information is needed for proper professional practice and for passing the ASHI Exam. TM-1 Electrical Systems TM-2 Central Heating TM-3 Interiors TM-4 Insects, Vermin, and Decay TM-5 Roofing Systems TM-6 Foundations, Basements, and Structures TM-7 Central Air Conditioning TM-8 Writing a Report TM-9 Exteriors TM-10 Plumbing TM-11 Inspecting a Home Complete set of all eleven chapters $139.*MC $250.*P
Public Relations Materials PK-1 *MC ASHI Press Kit $5. PK-2D *MC ASHI Press Releases on IBM 3.5" disk $5. (WP 5.1) PK-3S *MC Presentation to Realtors/Consumers Includes slides, script, and instruction manual $50. PK-4V *MC 90-minute video repeating a 3- minute PBS-TV segment $10. on Home evaluation. PK-5V Educational Video $40.*MC $50.*P Home Inspection: Where Experience Counts! - a 15-minute educational/promotional video that explains and demonstrates the importance and benefits of home inspection and of using an ASHI Member. Hosted by Dean Johnson of PBS-TV's "Home time" series.
Miscellaneous Products HC-1 Carrier HVAC Blue Book Ref Guide $40.*MC $50.*P The ASHI Mailing List is available for rental. Call the ASHI Pubs department for a price list and an order form. *M publications that can be purchased only by ASHI Members *MC publications that can be purchased only by ASHI Members and Candidates *P indicates price for members of the public (not ASHI Member/Candidate)
*M = can be ordered only by ASHI Members *MC = can be ordered only by ASHI Members or Candidates *P = can be ordered by the general public. Consumer and Marketing Pamphlets*MC $30/100 $135/500 (The prices above apply to the pamphlets below) P-102 *MC Maintaining Your Home P-103 *MC Wet Basements P-104 *M The Home Inspection and You P-105 *MC Give Your Attic a Breath of Fresh Air P-106 *MC All About Roofs P-107 *MC Electrical Power and Safety in Your Home P-108 *MC The Facts About Exterior Walls P-109 *MC Your Plumbing System P-110 *M For Real Estate Professionals Only P-111 *M Marketing Tips for Home Sellers P-112 *MC Consumer Reports Book Flyer $10/100 $90/1000 Annual Conference Proceedings $25.00*MC $45.00*P (The prices above apply to the proceedings below) CP-95C 1995 Conference (Calgary) CP-95 1995 Conference (Orlando) CP-94SD 1994 Conference (San Diego) CP-93 1993 Conference (San Antonio) CP-92 1992 Conference (New Orleans) CP-91 1991 Conference (Phoenix) CP-90 1990 Conference (Nashville) ASHI Standards of Practice B-200 *MC the basic ASHI reference $25/50 (Note: single copies of the ASHI Standards of Practice are available to the public at no charge.) ASHI Technical Journals $12.*MC $16.*P (The prices above apply to the Journals below) V1-1 Winter 1991 Vol.1 No.1 V1-2 Summer 1991 Vol.1 No.2 V2-1 Winter 1992 Vol.2 No.1 V3-1 Spring 1993 Vol.3 No.1 VSET Complete set of all four volumes $30.*MC $40.*P A Training Manual for Home Inspectors $25.*MC $50.*P (The prices above pertain to individual chapters below) TM-1 Electrical Systems TM-2 Central Heating TM-3 Interiors TM-4 Insects, Vermin, and Decay TM-5 Roofing Systems TM-6 Foundations, Basements, and Structures TM-7 Central Air Conditioning TM-8 Writing a Report TM-9 Exteriors TM-10 Plumbing TM-11 Inspecting a Home Complete set of all eleven chapters $139.*MC $250.*P Public Relations Materials PK-1 *MC ASHI Press Kit $5. PK-2D *MC ASHI Press Releases on IBM 3.5" disk $5. (WP 5.1) PK-3S *MC Presentation to Realtors/Consumers Includes slides, script, and instruction manual $50. PK-4V *MC 90-minute video repeating a 3- minute PBS-TV segment $10. PK-5V Educational Video $40.*MC $50.*P Miscellaneous Products HC-1 Carrier HVAC Blue Book Ref Guide $40.*MC $50.*P *M publications that can be purchased only by ASHI Members *MC publications that can be purchased only by ASHI Members and Candidates *P indicates price for members of the public (not ASHI Member/Candidate) Shipping Charges (In $U.S.) For amounts purchased United States Canada Up to $50. $ 5.00 $10.00 $51.00 to $100.00 $10.00 $15.00 Over $100.00 $15.00 $20.00 RUSH CHARGE $25.00 Call ASHI HQ
How to Order by Mail or FAX: Print the Order Form (a copy is included in this file, or you can download and use file PUBORDER.TXT), filling in the order information, and mail or fax it to: ASHI Publications, 85 West Algonquin Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 FAX: 708-290-1920. If you're an INTERNET user this is the safest approach since you should NOT send Internet email that contains your credit card number. If you're an ASHI ONLINE BBS user the email is secure and you can use the electronic order procedure below. How to Order Electronically: For ASHI ONLINE BBS users, from the HQNEWS ONLINE Library, download to your computer file PUBORDR.TXT. This is an ASCII file which you can edit to enter your order information. Users who know how to capture screen images can capture a copy of PUBORDR.TXT which is also included at the end of the text file you're reading right now (ASHIPUBS.TXT). Save the edited file, containing your specific order information, ASCII file on your computer. Give it a unique name like DAN0577.TXT. Write an Email message to Denise Herdrich at ASHI ONLINE, and either copy your order text file into your message or send it as an attachment to your message. (This publications order handling Email address will change to Rob Paterkiewicz as soon as we have Rob's account set up on ASHI ONLINE, since he handles publications.) Be sure to include shipping charges. Sorry, but we'll have to return any orders which are submitted without shipping charges or with imroper calculations.
Publications marked with "*M" next to the pub number can be ordered only by ASHI Members. Publications marked with "*MC" can be ordered by ASHI Members or Candidates Publications marked "*P" can be ordered by the general public. WARNING: Since payment must accompany the order, orders by fax or email will need to use a credit card number. PRIVATE EMAIL on ASHI ONLINE is secure for this purpose. NEVER type your credit card information in public places like forums or on Internet. From those locations anyone could use your card without your consent. Keep a copy of your order for your own records. All orders received with proper payment will be handled and shipped within 3-4 weeks of receipt. Orders will ship via UPS ground service. RUSH orders will ship the next business day.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBORDER.TXT - ONLINE ORDER FORM - From Internet, Print and Mail/FAX this form This is the ASHI Publications Order Form Publication Number Name F/E* Quantity Price ______ ________________________________ ___ _______ _______ ______ ________________________________ ___ _______ _______ ______ ________________________________ ___ _______ _______ ______ ________________________________ ___ _______ _______ ______ ________________________________ ___ _______ _______ ______ ________________________________ ___ _______ _______ ______ ________________________________ ___ _______ _______ ______ ________________________________ ___ _______ _______ ______ ________________________________ ___ _______ _______ ______ ________________________________ ___ _______ _______ ______ ________________________________ ___ _______ _______ *NOTE: for Consumer Pamphlets only, Subtotal ________ "F" = ship flat (for imprinting ONLY by ASHI Members) or "E" = folded for #10 env. Shipping ________ PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARY Total US$________ Name_____________________________ Date_________ Company__________________ Street_________________________ City_____________ State ____ ZIP_________ (Orders can't be filled to PO Boxes) Telephone(Required)_________________ ___ASHI Member ___Candidate ___Payment by Check (payable to ASHI) enclosed ** Internet users should print and mail or fax this form to ASHI ** ** ATTENTION INTERNET USERS - DO NOT SEND CREDIT CARD NUMBERS BY EMAIL ** ___VISA ___MasterCard ________________________Card Number ______Expiration Signature (Required)______________________________________________________
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