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Photo of the discontinued-use electric heater next to a milkhouse heater fro Power Gear (C) Daniel Friedman at Inspectapedia.comPortable Electric Heater Safety

Advice for safe use of portable electric heaters

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  • How to use a portable electric heater safely.

    This article series describes the types of residential electric heating systems and their inspection, diagnosis & repair.

    We describe each type of electric heat used in buildings and provide links to further and more detailed electric heat diagnosis & repair articles for each heater type.

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    - Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

    Portable Electric Heater Safety Tips

    Electro kindling example: plastic parts of this electric heater ignite and burn vigorously - Aronstein 1996 cited & discussed at InspectApedia.comLet's review the basics of using a portable electric heater safely, avoiding fire or injury and avoiding damage to the heater itself.

    Photo: The plastic control panel on this portable heater has caught fire and burns vigorously - see Electro-Kindling by Aronstein, cited below on this page.

    [Click to enlarge any image]

    Watch out: If you ignore basic electric heater safety instructions provided by the manufacturer, you risk fire, injury, or worse, and that won't be the fault of the heater. Here we list examples of common safety suggestions found in manufacturers' literature and other sources.

    Electric heater line cord routing for coolest operation (C) Daniel Friedman at

    Photo above: It's best to avoid kinking or much overlapping in the heater's power cord.

    Milk house all metal heater - (C) Daniel Friedman at

    Photo above: this low-cost "milk house" style utility heater is made of all-metal parts and includes a "freeze-protection" setting that turns on the heater when temperatures approach freezing.

    On a heater line cord plug the wide space (neutral) must go into the wall receptacle wide slot - for safety (C) Daniel Friedman at

    Warning on DeLonghi tower heater (C) Daniel Friedman at

    Portable Electric Heater Built-in Safety Devices

    Heater Tip-Over Safety Switch

    Konwin electric heater, portable, metal (C) Daniel Friedman at ... Konwin IR heater tip over safety switch probe on heater bottom (C) Daniel Friedman at

    Many portable electric heaters include a safety device that will shut off the heater if it detects that the heater has tipped-over.

    Designs for these devices vary and might include

    Watch out: Heaters that use a bottom plunger switch must be on a level surface for the switch to work reliably. We found that the Konwin heater shown above, when placed on a ceramic tile floor, would switch off if the heater happened to be positioned so that its switch probe was right over a tile grout joint.

    When to Stop Using a Portable Electric Heater

    Brown burning plastic and metal parts on a portable electric heater (C) Daniel Friedman at If for any reason your portable electric heater makes you nervous, un-plug it and stop using it until you've resolved the question by help from the heater's manufacturer, your local electrician, or another expert.

    Here are examples of reasons to stop using an electric heater

    Konwin IR electric heater data tag showing date of manufacture (C) Daniel Friedman at

    Research on Portable Electric Heater Safety

    ...Electro kindling example: plastic parts of this electric heater ignite and burn vigorously - Aronstein 1996 cited & discussed at


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    PORTABLE ELECTRIC HEATER SAFETY at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.

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    Joppy · Nov 18, 2022

    Joppy · 19 hours ago

    Thanks for sharing detailed safety measures. If the heater's normal controls or fan stop functioning, there is a chance that it will overheat and catch fire or ignite a fire.

    So, you can click on the below link to buy affordable and safer heaters variety heatyourhomeforless [dot] co [dot] uk

    - re-posted by mod fixing blocked link.

    Mod says: Joppy, we don't allow posting of advertisements, but if you contribute any technical criticism, content, discussion, we are happy to keep that contribution and to cite and give back-links to those who submit technical content, reviews, or suggestions. - Editor


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