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Photograph of a dirty air conditioning filterAir Filter FAQs, Heating & Air Conditioning

Air conditioner or heater air filter FAQs:

Questions & answers about air filters used on air conditioning or forced-air heating systems.

This article series answers almost any question you might ask about air filters for central heating or air conditioning systems.

We explain how an air conditioning service technician will diagnose certain common air conditioning system failures or defects. In these articles we are referring to filters installed on central air conditioning or central heating systems that move air through air handlers and duct systems.

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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Air Conditioner, Heat Pump, or Furnace Air Filter Questions & Answers

Dirty air filter © D Friedman at

These questions & answers about air filters were posted originally

at AIR FILTERS for HVAC SYSTEMS - be sure to see the air filter selection, troubleshooting, and repair advice given there.

Article Contents


Air Filter Placement or Airflow Direction FAQs

Which side of the air filter should face the room?

My permanent filter says: "Black side receives dirty air white side gives you clean air." Which side faces the room? The filter is for the air duct that goes to the attic furnace. 2016/11/26 Rev Patricia

Reply: Check the direction of air flow and then see the air flow direction arrows on your filter.


Thank you for asking about which side of a filter faces the room - it has pointed out that we need to be more clear about this point.

Recapping how air flows in an HVAC system:

Air flows in at a return register into and through return ducts onwards

To the air handler (where it will be heated or cooled)

Then Out through supply ducts into the occupied space

I do not know for sure the answer to your question because I do not know where your filter is installed: a supply outlet or a return inlet or inside of an air handler.

Return Air filter's "black" or "dirty" Side Faces the Incoming Air - usually that's the room side

If you are installing the filter in a return register, then the “black” side of the filter is receiving “dirty” air (dusty air from your room) so it would be facing the room.

That is the usual case. Dusty dirty side faces the room because room air is moving towards and then through the filter.

If you are installing an air filter right inside the air handler itself, usually the filter is going to be placed at a point where it can filter air returning from the occupied space (“the room”) before that air gets on to the blower fan.

That’s to try to avoid clogging up the blower fan with dust. So the filter’s “black” side intended to receive “dirty” air would be facing the incoming air - away from the blower fan and towards the return duct system.

Occasionally people install air filters right on the supply registers in their building (not the best practice because we’re sucking dust into and clogging up most of the air handling system: ductwork, blower fan, heat exchanger or cooling coil).

But if someone were doing this naughty thing, then their filter’s “black” side would be facing away from the room and towards air that is moving towards the filter.

In general with any air filter:

Ask "Which way is air going to flow through this filter?

Then look on the filter or its edges. Usually there is an arrow showing the intended direction of air flow.

Put the filter into its holder facing such that the arrow points in the direction that air is going to flow through the filter.

If this is all less clear than ever, do let me know and I’ll take another stab at a shorter explanation.



Which way to insert the filter in my central AC air handler?

I'm a little confuse about which way to insert the filter in my central AC air handler?

I have a vertical air handler in my basement that supplies air to the whole house, is the filter arrow pointing toward the floor the bottom of the air handler in the direction of the condenser outside the house or up toward the ceiling and the evaporators?

I've read that the arrow needs to point toward the Blower Motor, is the Blower Motor above the coils toward the ceiling or under the point where the filter goes in?

I think there is nothing under the filter opening on the floor of the air handler. Thanks in advance On 2016-08-12 by Dave

Reply by (mod) - WHICH WAY does the AIR FILTER GO regarding its ARROW?

Dave we've got several articles on air filters including location and placement beginning

at AIR FILTERS for HVAC SYSTEMS - topic home

In general the ARROW you see on the edge of the filter should point in the SAME DIRECTION as the AIR FLOW in the air handler.

Take a look inside your air handler.

You'll see a big opening that brings IN air TO the air handler FROM the RETURN DUCT.

You'll see another big opening that sends air PUSHED by the BLOWER IN to the body of the air handler or TOWARDS the COOLING COIL.

So air is moving FROM the RETURN DUCT - TOWARDS the COOLING COIL inside the air handler.

Whether that is up or down, left or right, depends on the design of the particular air handler - and of course I can't see yours.

Let me know if this works for you or else ask again.


Air Filter Size FAQs

Question: I cant' find the right air filters for my system

I have 2 wall convector units in my apt.

Having a difficult time finding replacement filters.

21 ½” long

7 ½” wide

31 1/2 “ long

7 ¾” wide

- Anonymous by private email 2022/07/17

Moderator reply:

An exact fit filter you can almost certainly buy filters that can be cut to size.

This may seem a little obscure encouragement but one thing I tell myself when a problem like this comes up is that it's almost certain that other people have encountered the same problem and there's a solution.

You ought to be able to just do a search on filter size to find a replacement.

Else I would contact the manufacturer.

In case it wasn't obvious I'll explain that we can't provide the filters that you need. Inspectapedia doesn't sell anything, no products, no service. That's an order to protect reader trust that there's no conflict of interest.

Replhy by (mod) - adding air filters to the HVAC ductwork?


The rub is that if you add very high filtration at your supply registers you'll so constrict the air flow as to prevent proper operation of your heating or cooling system.

1. Have the ducts inspected for damage; if the fiberglass mat liner material is un-damaged and not moldy it's not likely to be shedding significant levels of fiberglass (nor mold) into room air.

2. Collect and have tested representative samples of settled dust to see if there are significant levels of problem particles - those can point to a problem source;


you're welcome to post further questions or comments, but posting there hits a better segment of readers and experts

by Dan - Is there a sub micron cloth I could use to capture small particulates at the register?

I have a house built in the 70’s with rectangular metal duct work

Inside these ducts are fiber panels with exposed fibers around the perimeter.

We are experiencing sore throats after sleeping in the home for a couple nights.

Is there a sub micron cloth I could use to capture small particulates at the register? Is there a good recommendation on that filter fabric?


How do I find out what filter size my oil furnace / air handler needs?

What size filter do i need for a Oil furnace anthes modle LOD-115 - (Sept 20, 2014) Anonymous said:

Where do I get the right air filter when shopping at Loews - Annie 5Jan 2015


What kind of filter: air? oil? Air filter dimensions are determined by its mounting location.


You can probably read the filter dimensions in the owners manual for your heat pump air handler or blower unit.

You can also locate the slot where the air filter is installed and measure its dimensions: length, width, and thickness.

Then you can buy an air filter of the right size or dimensions at any HVAC supplier or at construction supply stores such as Home Depot or Loews or at your local building supplier.


Where to buy the right-sized air filter

Photograph of a home made air filter.Where can I find an air filter that's 15-3/4" x 17-1/2". There was one filthy one in place, but I can't find a replacement.

I purchased one from Home Depot that consists of a plastic grid with a mesh like cover that can be cut to size.

It's the only thing I could put in its place. The management office was of no help. (Sept 4, 2015) Silvia M Rapacz


Either at your local HVAC supplier - a more specialzed company than Home Depot - or online at air filter suppliers. Don't forget to also specify the thickness.

Most HVAC equipment is designed to use one of the standard air filter sizes. If your equipment uses an odd filter you'll have to go to the manufacturer.

Watch out: there are kits to build air filters of any size, but beware of cutting and modifying a store-bought air filter to fit your system. Such home-made filters can collapse, get sucked into the blower fan and cause it to overheat, possibly causing a building fire.



Air flow issues - is our air filter too small?

We are having an air flow issue. We have had 3 HVAC people out and get different answers.

One said that our cold air return is undersized, others said it was fine.

I am trying to do the calculations and having issues. The a/c unit is a 3.5 ton.

The filter size is 16x25. Is this undersized? Also I would love help on how you calculated this? (June 8, 2016) AKH said:


If your air filter fits and completely closes the space where it is intended to be installed, and provided you're installing the air filter in the factory-designed location where it belongs, then the air filter is not "too small" for the air handler.

But the whole duct system, particulary the return air openings, locations, and duct size can cause inadequate air flow through a heating or air conditioning system.

See RETURN AIR, INCREASE where we show some very simple field tests that can help you determine if your return air is adequate or not.

You'll also see that there are multiple ways to improve air flow through your system, as we describe there.



OK to add a secondary air filter downstream and a pre-filter before the air conditioner?

Is there any issue to have filter (secondary filter) downstream the A/C unit and prefilter before the unit. (July 16, 2015) Filter downstream the A/C

Reply: maybe

Filter downstream:

It's ok (as long as you are not creating too much of an air flow obstruction) except you are creating additional filter locations to find and maintain; the risk is that a future occupant fails to find and change a filter.



A/C fan with 2.5 static pressure and a MERV 16 - is this static pressure OK?

(July 16, 2015) External Fan Static Pressure said:
I have A/C Fan with 2.5 Static pressure and have two filters to put in the way MERV 16 and prefilter. the duct to the area is no longer than 15 ft. Is that Static pressure enough to have these two filters in the way.
Thank you

Reply: no


Your static pressure reading is more than twice what is likely to be found and four times recommended.




Wrong sized air filter, moldy damp smells - will right filter fix the mold smell?

My landlord has the wrong sized filter in the HVAC and the system is in the basement where there is a moldy damp smell, that damp smell is filtering into my living area above the basement when the AC is on.

Will the right size filter combat the smell, I told him but he doesn't seem to get the problem? (Sept 18, 2016) alison

Reply: no

These problems may have different causes and effects. Wrong filter size - if too small - means air leaks and ineffective filtering; - if too large: perhaps poor fit, bending, leaking; if a filter gets drawn into the blower it can cause a fire.

Moisture and dampness are not problems likely to be caused directly by a filter problem; I'd look for the water or moisture source as well as for its effects (such as mold).



OK to switch from 5-inch pleated air filter to a 1-inch washable and a 4-inch pleated filter combo

Can I switch from a 5" pleated with lip whole house filter to a 1" washable and additional 4" pleated filter, neither of which would have a lip of course. The filters I need are VERY expensive and HARD to find also.

If I did this the only issue I can think of is tha the filter might get sucked into the unit since there would be no lip. Please help as I do not know where else to turn. - On 2012-01-3 by Mary McKay

Reply by (mod) - yes if they fit

You can often fit a pair of air filters into the same space where a thicker filter was in use, and most likely the combination of filters you describe won't much reduce air flow, but that's the question to ask. A 5-inch pleated filter gives a lot of filter surface area which improves filtration and gives good air flow through the filter.

Changing to a 4" pleat and a washable or disposable 1" flat filter may be about the same air resistance.

In general I like cascading air filters if space and system design permits. Using a low-cost disposable filter on the front end can extend the life of those costly air filters.


Dirty or Damaged Air Filter FAQs

Air filter got sucked into the air duct

Our air conditioner air filter in hallway got sucked into ducts. what should I do? On 2012-07-27 by howard

Reply by (mod) -


For an air filter that has fallen or been drawn into the ductwork, clearly you need to retrieve the sucked-in air filter out of the ductwork in order for the system to be safe and functional.

Watch out: for air filters located just ahead of the blower fan itself - at the air handler - if the air filter gets drawn into the blower fan it can jam the fan, overheat the fan motor and even cause a building fire.

Shut down the system, inspect and locate the filter (all of it) and remove it. You may be able to fish it out with a hooked wire, or in worst case you'll need to make an opening in the ductwork. It depends.

When you've unsnarled that mess, check the filter type, frame, and fit to be sure it doesn't happen again.

Air handler air filter is as black as ink though we change it every month.

my air filter is black like ink. i change it once a month - have never seen this. what could it be. thanks On 2012-10-20 by pat

Reply by (mod) -


Watch out: if your heating furnace is producing soot, especially if it's a gas furnace, that is an immediate life safety hazard risking fatal carbon monoxide poisoning: turn off the system and call for repair; and be sure you have working carbon monoxide and smoke detectors properlhy located in your home.

It would be wild speculating to pretend I could tell you what is making up black crud on your air filters - you'd need to send a particle sample to a forensic lab for a reliable identification of the particles.

But you can certainly look around the home for sources of dark or black dust, debris or particles, such as soot from a malfunctioning oil burner (or gas burner), use of a woodstove or fireplace, burning up something in the building, etc.


Could a clogged air filter cause weak supply air flow at the registers?

My air is on but but barely can feel cold air at vents could it be my filter? On 2016-07-18 by

by (mod) - could weak air flow be due to clogged air filter?

Yes, Rose.

Check your air filter for dirt and try installing a new clean filter.

Watch out: even a small amount of dust and dirt on the blades of the actual blower fan itself inside the air handler can also drastically cut airflow.



Air filters for a commercial AC unit never need changing? Says who?

I have questions regarding the filters for a commercial AC unit.

We were told that our 2012 and 2013 units don't need filters inside our suite but rather the filter is inside the roof top unit.

We also have a 2008 unit and for that we were told that we do need to change the filters inside our suite. We were also told that is because of new regulations. Is this true? So which filters should we be changing quarterly?

We currently have filters at the roof top units and we also have filters in all the registers. Is this chocking our AC systems? (May 2, 2014) Raquel

Moderator reply: Really?

Really? I would very much appreciate it if whoever is quoting regulations would be kind enough to tell us the regulation authority, publication name, date, and where the regulation could be read. I'd be glad to study that information further.

It is possible that HVAC filtration is being performed in a rooftop unit, that's a common design. I'd prefer that all of the return ducts were protected by filters but that is certainly not a requirement and many systems filter only at the air handler.

What you might want to know is the maintenance schedule for the rooftop filtration system. Often remote filters suffer from being forgotten.

Yes it is a concern if you add too many layers of filtration as if you restrict the air flow beyond what the system is designed to handle it will not work properly and could fail entirely.


Question: which side of the air filter should be dirty?

Removed an air filter and the outflow side of the filter was dirty and the inflow side was
clean. I would have expected the reverse? Was it in wrong the whole time? (Aug 19, 2016) JDH said:


"In wrong" wouldn't affect which side of the filter got dirty unless somebody took out a dirty filter and flipped it around to expose its cleaner side to the incoming air.

Check the airflow direction in the air handler.

Now look at your NEW filter (throw that old one away) and spot the airflow direction arrow on the edge of the filter.

install the new filter so that the air flow through the filter will be in the same direction as the arrow.

One obscure and unlikely situation: sometimes a power outage or an electrical problem can cause a blower motor to run backwards. THAT would dirty up the "wrong" side of the air filter and when the motor is running you'd feel air coming OUT of the return register instead of moving into it.

Let me know what you find.


Dirty air filters and indoor air quality

Photograph of a filthy air conditioning air handler filter(June 2, 2014) DIRTY AC FILTERS said:

I moved into a older one bedroom Florida condo about 6 weeks part of my rental agreement I agreed to change the AC filter every 30 days. I am IMMACULATE.

After about a week of living there I noticed the filter (the AC unit is located in a utility closet) was totally black....I immediately replaced it...two days later, again it is black....started to read about causes- had the coils cleaned (they weren't very dirty FYI) and paid out of pocket for a duct cleaning

mind you, the unit is only 730 SF so it only had one duct attached to the AC unit with a vent opening in the living area and the bedroom (FYI I also bought a mold test from Home Depot and taped it to the air blowing out as it directed to see if any mold spores grew-I did NOT take a sample from the duct itself-it looks like soot, not mold).

The cleaning service said they could only think that the insulation inside the one duct (about 8 feet long) was covered in old cigarette smoke that was causing the filter to become filthy.

Since the condo has been somewhat updated there is no odor or visible signs of smoking EXCEPT perhaps within the duct (unit were built in the 1970s) after they cleaned the duct I again immediately replaced the filter (this would be the fourth filter in 5 weeks) and within 12 hours it was pitch black again

. I am at a loss-I cannot get any indoor air quality testing done thru the state/county since its a residential unit and I am now at odds with my landlord (who plainly does not want to put even $1 into unit upkeep) So what does that leave me with?

Paying for air testing out of my own pocket or breaking my lease ??(which I would rather avoid due to moving expenses,etc) I am not a hypochondriac but if the AC filter is catching the dirty air and it is black within 12 hours that can't be good?!? I'm breathing that air

I really don't know what to do. .I live in Palm Beach COunty, Florida. .thank you for any assistance. Lee


Air testing as you suggest would be an unreliable approach in the first place and not diagnostic in the second.

If you want to do some useful testing I suggest sending a tape sample of the air filter debris to a lab for particle identification. That filter and the HVAC system have already made a huge air sample for you.


Anonymous said:

Thank you- not one person that has looked at the situation can figure out what it is...I am sure the ductwork needs to be replaced as the duct cleaners stated bc the insulation is "contaminated" but in order to "force" my landlord to do so I have to prove what is actually causing the filters to turn black...I wish I could send an attachment for readers to view...are there any labs that you suggest?

I have never dealt with anything like this

Just to let you know, I looked into lab testing and most quotes were in the thousand+ dollar range...wayyy out of my reach


Typically dominant particle identification of a tape sample of dust on an air filter surfac is $50 - $100. U.S. I sent you some lab names by email.

Keep in mind that even harmless fabric fibers could look quite dark on an air filter.

Anon replied:

Perhaps candles or other chemicals that are VOC's in the air.

Smart Vent unit is not so smart at cooling the house - dirty filter caused collapsed air duct

I was just told that our smart vent was not cooling the house due to a collapsed air duct and that the cause of the collapse was most likely a dirty filter. Due to an extended injury recovery period the filter did not get changed for about 5 months.

Can a dirty filter really cause the ducting to collapse? The system is 15years old. (Aug 26, 2014) Bobbie in Roseville



IF an air filter were very sorely blocked by accumulated dust and debris and if the return duct were made of flex-duct then yes that flex duct might collapse under the negative pressure created when the air handler was running.

Worse, if a section of duct or filter is sucked into the air handler the blower can jam and we might even risk a fire.

But a dirty air filter would not cause the collapse of a supply duct.

So we need to know which vent was collapsed and what it was made-of.


Air filter is getting fuzzy

I had a 3 ton split system split change out. Furnace: 3 ton 95% down flow, 3 ton AC compressor with matching coils. Approx 1500 sq ft resident. 20x30 return air register in hall ceiling with new merv 8 filter. New approximatly 40' 18" ATCO flex duct.

One 90 degree bend. two approximatly 45 degree bends. 16x25 filter rack on the furnace with new merv 11 16x25 filtrete filter. The 16x25 filter on top of the furnace is becoming fuzzy.

And causing a slight air flow resistance. The filter is barley 2 months old. I would approximate 180 hours of use.

The filter doesn't appear to be the least bit dirty. The system is rated at approxmatly 1200 CFM warm air and 1450 CFM of cold air.( possibly the other way arond- 1200 CFM cold, 1450 CFM warm)

What could be the possible causes for the filter to have it ridges become all fuzzy. Looking forward to your answer Ron On 2013-03-06 by Ron Piper -

by (mod) -


I think we might get somewhere with the brand, code numbers, and any other data about the filter.

We might guess at least at whether you're seeing abnormal filter deteriortaion vs. normal dust accumulation by looking at both sides of the filter - see if it's debris.


Air Filter Location FAQs

Service tech removed air filters at the air return inlets

We had filters placed at each of the two indoor air returns and at the air handler.

Two A/C Repairmen said to remove the filters at the air returns (which we did not do) - I explained that cat dander and outdoor smoke from an ill-fitting door were reasons for the filter placements in the air returns

Last man said we should not have a third filter, then, at the Air Handler as too many filters reduce air flow - but I am concerned after reading your info that leaving the filter off at the Air Handler could cause dirt buildup/damage to the blower fan.

You said you preferred to see filters at the air returns rather than at the Air Handler. Which is better - leave filter at Air Handler out or in? Thanks! On 2012-09-30 by Carol

Reply by (mod) -


Indeed I'm surprised that your A/C repairmen wanted to remove air filters at the returns - unless they just want more business; failure to filter air entering the HVAC system means we clog up the ductwork as well as the blower fan assembly itself - reducing air flow and increasing operating cost.

But the repairmen are technically quite correct that if you place too many air filters or too-restrictive air filters in the system beyond the system's design then the air flow rate is reduced.

If you have adequate air filtering at the returns, that protects the system and is best.


inaccessible or hard to access air filter

29 January 2015 Harry said:
I have a filter in the ceiling that is a pain in the neck to replace every 3 months. Is there a tool that will let me change it without getting up on a ladder. My mobile number is 240 671 8358.



A step ladder is de-rigeur. You need to be able to un-latch the cover as well as remove and replace the filter. Having just tried some overhead tools to change a recessed light bulb at a Chicago condominium I can testify that working overhead with a pole trying to do anything precise is difficult and often of marginal success.

The bulb broke off in its socket. We were able to un-screw the broken bulb base from the socket using a rubber-tipped extendable pole but having to press hard enough to turn the broken base pushed the light fixture up higher into its recess, making bulb replacement impossible. Ultimately we had to go get a ladder. In my OPINION the same issue faces you.

Options are:

- relocate the return plenum or grille to a more accessible location (costly, probably not reasonable)

- switch to a longer-lasting air filter, a deeper plated unit (possible but may require removal and replacement of the ceiling register itself with a different design that accepts a different filter. Be sure the new filter does not impact air flow rate or you'll foul up the HVAC system operation.


Other Air Filter FAQs

Clicking air cleaner / eletrostatic air filter sounds

I have a TRANE XV80 air conditioner, with a Dual Filtration Electronic Air Cleaner System by Perfect Fit.I have cleaned both the filters and the metal box that holds the fan like blades.

I have done this when I hear clicking from the unit, knowing that its time to clean the filters and fan boxes out.

The clicking has stopped. This time after cleaning it has not stopped.

The clicking stays on the whole time the unit is cooling the house. What can I do to fix this situation. (July 29, 2014) kathleenmccallartist said:

Reply: electrostatic air cleaner noises are normal but a lot of clicks mean dusty air

Look for another dust source nearby.






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