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  (C) Daniel Friedman Super High-R Insulation Products

Specifications & sources for types of super High-R value insulation:

This article discusses the choices of super high-R value building insulation products and other very high R-value insulation products currently available for use on residential and commercial super insulated buildings. Sketch at page top and accompanying text are reprinted/adapted/excerpted with permission from Solar Age Magazine - editor Steven Bliss.

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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Q&A on Super High R-Value Insulation Products

The question-and-answer article below paraphrases, quotes-from, updates, and comments an original article from Solar Age Magazine and written by Steven Bliss.

Information on Advanced Super-Insulation Products for buildings


I recently read an advertisement in which a new "miracle" insulation rated at R-16 per inch had passed initial tests at Oak Ridge National Laboratories.

Do you have any information about this very high-R insulating material? -- Blair Sponaugle, Roswell NM


For in the early 1980's, Oak Ridge National Laboratories began investigating exotic high-R insulations for use in appliances. The most promising contender to emerge was ultra-fine (200 angstroms) "fumed" amorphous silica particles sandwiched in an evacuated panel of aluminumized plastic.

One prototype very high R prototype panel from France consistently tested at R-16.6 per inch for over two and a half years - demonstrating the panel's ability to hold its vacuum, at least in a laboratory setting.

The panel's main drawback was the powder's exorbitant cost.

Preliminary tests on a far cheaper substitute super insulation material - waste product of silicon production - were very encouraging, with test results as high as R-34 per inch.

It is important to note that if the insulating panel is punctured or damaged, the vacuum and the super high-R values are lost. This would likely preclude most building applications for this type of insulation, though its use in appliances is promising.

"Development of Advanced Thermal Insulation for Appliances," Oak Ridge National Laboratories, ORNL/TM-9121 is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office.

As for the super high-R miracle insulation advertisement you cited, we suspect it is a misuse of the Oak Ridge findings, since at the time of your question, those products had yet to emerge from the testing laboratory.

Also see Ceramic Insulation.

Current High-R Building Insulation Products for Super Insulated buildings

The high-R insulating panel building products currently in most common use are POLYSTYRENE FOAM INSULATION

and POLYISOCYANURATE FOAM and IAQ panels and also polyurethane spray foam (URETHANE FOAM DETERIORATION & OUTGASSING).

These materials have a typical R-value of about R-5 to R-6 per inch, though when installed with a radiant surface (that might help) and a 3/4" air gap, the R-value is increased substantially - as we detail below. Fiberglass batts, which are still most-widely used in residential construction, are about R-3 per inch.

Here are some currently-available high-R building insulation products as well as some specialty very high-R insulation materials:

This article is reprinted/adapted/excerpted with permission from Solar Age Magazine - editor Steven Bliss.

Here we include solar energy, solar heating, solar hot water, and related building energy efficiency improvement articles reprinted/adapted/excerpted with permission from Solar Age Magazine - editor Steven Bliss.

Original article

The link to the original Q&A article in PDF form immediately below has been preceded by an expanded/updated online version of this article.



Reader Comments, Questions & Answers About The Article Above

Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.



(July 5, 2014) Alex said:
Need to use R-19 insulation under radiant heat to be installed on a slab. It has to be hard and as thin as possible not to raise floor level. The thinnest I saw was 3.5-4". Are there any other options? Would consider lower R.


(Aug 14, 2015) Anonymous said:
cost per any square or linear space?


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Shannon Wynne · Nov 14, 2021

I need a 1.5 inch thick high performance insulation that can achieve an R19 rating. Aeronautical engineers must have one. Please advise. Thanks

Inspectapedia Com Moderator (mod) · Nov 14, 2021

@Shannon Wynne,

Indeed we describe products that provide the type of insulation that you want in the article above. Did you take a look?

danjoefriedman (mod) · Apr 9, 2020


Without more details I can't say for sure what insulation product you've seen. There are, for example, very high ceramic insulating blankets, though I suspect that they would be cost-prohibitive for use in a typical residential or commercial building.

If you can find a product name or supplier I'll be glad to research the topic further.

Anonymous · Apr 9, 2020

I have seen mention on BBC home improvement programs that there is a flexible and very thin blanket type insulation with the equivalent R value of about 4 to 6 inches of fiberglass. They aren't very informative and don't get into specifics. One program claimed it was developed by the French space program and another claimed it was invented for NASA. Is there any truth to these claims? The blanket didn't look much thicker than the flexible blankets commonly used on HVAC ducts.
Although the programs don't show the installation, I think they were placing it on top of the roof framing members, which I think would crush the blanket and compromise the effectiveness of the insulation.

danjoefriedman (mod) · Nov 6, 2018


Sometimes when I'm having trouble finding a product it's because I haven't stumbled onto the right keyword.

Have you tried searching for structural insulated roof panels or sips?

danjoefriedman (mod) · Nov 6, 2018

Joe M

If you use a search box just about to find our article on

Straw-bale houses

You will see a variation on your idea of grass insulation.

Andrew Vitvitsky · Nov 6, 2018

Searching for insulating polystyrene panels, suitable for roof decking, witrh minimal thickness (approx. 2"), and maximum R value (R 15-25). Preferably 4' x 8'. Some apparently made by Dupont, although there should be others. Would appreciate information.

Joe M · Jan 22, 2017


I am surprised that I haven't seen or heard any mention of using grass as an insulation. It seems like it would be useful if implemented properly. I might be wrong.


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