This free online dictionary of construction terms is adapted from a Master Index of Government Guide Specifications for Construction, 3rd Ed., provided as a service to the construction industry by serving as a single source reference.
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SECTION 01010 ACCEPTANCE: see "Final Acceptance" (AIA)
ACCIDENT ( insurance terminology) : A sudden, unexpected event identifiable as to time See also "Occurrence n . (AIA) and place.
ACOUSTICS: The science of sound, its pro— duction, transmission and effects. (AIA)
ADDENDUM: Written or graphic instruments issued prior to the execution of the con— tract which modify or interpret the bid— ding documents, including Drawings and specifications, by additions, deletions, clarifications or corrections. Addenda will become part of the Contract Docu— ments when the Construction Contract is executed . (AIA)
ADDITION (to Contract Sun) : Amunt added to the Contract Sun by Change Order. See also "Extra . (AIA)
ADDITION ( to the structure ) : A construc— tion project physically connected to an existing structure, as distinct from al— tera Zions within an existing structure. (AIA)
ADDITIONAL SERVICES (of the Architect) : Professional services which may, upon the owner' s request or approval, be rendered by the Architect in addition to the Basic Services identified in the omer—xrchi tect Agreemen t. (AIA)
ADDITIVE ALTERNATE: An alternate bid re- suiting in an addition to the same bidder' s Base Bid. See also "Alternate Bid". (AIA)
ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTUCT : See "Construction of the Construction Contract" . (AIA) Published public no—
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS: tice soliciting bids for a construction proj ect. Most frequently used to conform to legal requirements pertaining to proj— ects to be constructed under public auth— ority, and usually published in newspapers of general circulation in those districts from which the public funds are derived. (AIA) (I) Relationship between agent and
AGENCY : pr incipal . (2) Organization acting as (3) Administrative subdivision of agent. an organization, particularly in govern— t. (AIA)
AGENT: One authorized by another to act in his stead or behalf. (AIA) (I) A meeting of minds.
AGREEMENT: legally enforceable promise between two (3) On a con— or among everal persons. struction proj ect, the document stating the essential terms Of the construction Contract which incorporates by reference the other Contract Documents. (4) document setting forth the terms of the Contract between the Archi tect and Owner or between the Archi tect and a consultant. See also (1) "Agreement Form" ; (2) Con— txact . (AIA)
AGREEMENT FORM: A document setting forth in printed form the general provisions of an Agreement, with spaces provided for inser— tion of specific data relating to a parti— (AIA) cular project.
ALLOWANCE: see (1) "Cash Allowance"; (AIA) tingency Allowance" . (2) "con- (I) A construction proj ect (or
ALTEIUTIONS: portion of a project) comprising revisions within or to prescribed elements of an existing structure, as distinct from addi— tions to an existing structure. (2) Remodel— ing. (AIA
ALTERNATE BID: Amount stated in the bid to be added to or deducted from the amount of the Base Bid if the corresponding change in project scope or al ternate materials and/or æthods Of construction is accepted. (AIA)
APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT: Contractor's written request for payment of amount due for com— pleted portions of the Work and, if the Contract so provides, for materials deliv— ered and suitably stored pending their in— corporation into the Work.
APPRAISAL: Evaluation or estimate (prefer— ably by a qualified professional appraiser) of the market or other value, cost, utility or other attribute of land or other facili— (AIA)
APPROVAL, ARCHITECT'S: Architect's written or imprinted acknowledgement that materials, equipment or methods of construction are ac— ceptable for use in the Work, or that a Contractor's request or claim is valid. (AIA)
APPROVED EQUAL: Material, equipment or method approved by the Architect for use in the Work, or that a Contractor's request or claim is valid. (AIA)
ARBITRATION: Method of settling c Iaims or disputes between parties to a Contract, rather than by litigation, under which an arbitrator or a panel of arbitrators , selected for his or their specialized know— ledge in the field in question, hears the evidence and renders a decision. (AIA)
ARCHITECT: Designation reserved, usually by law, for a person or organization pro— fessionally qualified and duly licensed to perforra archi tectural services, includ— ing analysis of project requirements, crea— tion and development of the proj ect design preparation of Drawings, Specifications and bidding requirements, and general ad— ministra tion of the Construction Contract. (AIA)
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ARCHITECT-ENGINEER: An individual or firm offer- ing professional services as both architect and engineer; terrn generally used in government con— tracts, particularly those with the Federal (AIA) governmen t.
ARCHITECT-IN-TRAINING: see "Intern Architect" . (AJA)
AREA METHOD (of estimating cost) : Method of esti— mating probable total cons •Eruction cost by mul— tiplying the adjusted gross floor area by a pre— determined cost per unit of area. (Ali) (1) A subdivision Of a document. (2) In
ARTICLE: proj ect specif ica tions, the primary subdivision of the Section, often further subdivided into paragraphs, subparagraphs and clauses. (AIA)
AS-BUILT DRAWINGS: Use "Record Drawings
ASSOCIATE (of an office or firm): A member of an Architect's staff who has a special employ— (AIA) ment agreement.
ASSOCIATE (or ASSOCIATED) ARCHITECT: An Archi- tect who has a temporary partnership, joint venture or agreement with another Architect to colaborate in the perforrnance Of services for a specific project or series of projects. See also "Joint Venture U . (AIA)
ATTORNEY IN FACT: A person authorized to act for or in behalf of another person or organization , to the extent prescribed in a written instru— ment known as a Power of Attorney. See al so "Power of Attorney". (AIA)
AWARD: A comaunication from an Owner accepting a bid or negotiated proposal An award creates legal obligations between the parties. (AIA)
BASE BID: Arnount of money stated in the bid as the sum for which the bidder offers to per— form the Work, not including that Work for which Alternate Bids are also submitted. (AIA)
BASE BID SPECIFICATIONS: The specifications list- ing or describing only those materials, equip— ment and methods of construction upon which the Base Bid must be predicated, exclusive of any Alternate Bids. See also (1) nspecifica— tions (2) "Closed Specifications n (AIA
BASIC SERVICES (of the Architect) : The Archi— tect's Basic Services consist of the following five Phases: Schematic Design; Design Develop— ment; Construction Documents; Bidding or Nego— tiation; and Construction Contract Administra— tion. (AIA)
BENEFICIAL OCCUPANCY: Use of a project or por- tion thereof for the purpose intended. (AIA)
BENEFITS, MANDATORY & CUSTOMARY: Personnel bene- fits required by law (such as social security, workmen's compensation and disability insur— ance) and by custom (such as sick leave, holi— days and vacation) , and those which are op— tional with the respective firm (such as life insurance, hospitalization programs, pension plans and similar benefits) . (AIA) 01010 OF WORR
BID: A complete and properly signed pro: posal to do the Work or designated por— tion thereof for the sums stipulated therein, supported by data called for by the bidding requirements . (AIA)
BID BOND: A form of bid security execut— ed by the bidder as Principal and by a Surety. See also (I) "Bid Security" , (2) "Surety" . (AIA)
BID DATE: The date established by the Omer or the Architect for the receipt of bids. See also "Bid Time " . (AIA)
BID FORM: A form furnished to a bidder to be filled out, signed and submi tted as his bid. (AIA) See "Bid Security" (AIA)
BID LETTING: Use "Bid opening". (AIA) The opening and tabulati on
BID OPENING: of bids submitted by the prescribed bid time and in conformity with the pres— cr ibed procedures. See also "Bid Time " . (ÄIÄ)
BID PRICE: The sum stated in the bid for which the bidder offers to perform the Work. (AIA)
BID SECURITY: The deposit of cash, certi— fled check, cashier's check, bank draft, money order or Bid Bond submitted with a bid and serving to guarantee to the Owner that the bidder, if awarded the Contract, will execute such Contract in accordance with the bidding requirements and the Contract Documents. (AIA)
BID TIME: The date and hour established by the Owner or the Architect for the re— ceipt of bids. See also "Bid Date" . (AIÄ)
BIDDER: One who submits a bid for a prime contract with the Owner, as distinct from a sub—bidder who submits a bid to a pr ime bidder. Technically, a bidder is not a contractor on a specific proj— ect until a contract exists between him and the Owner. (AIÄ)
BIDDING DOCUMENTS: See "Selected Bidder " . See "Invited Bidders . The adverti sement or invitation to bid, Instructions to Bid— ders, the bid form and the proposed Contract Documents including any Adden— da issued pr ior to receipt of bids. (AIA)
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BIDDING OR NEGOTIATION PHASE: The fourth Phase of the Architect's Basic Services, during which competitive bids or negotia— ted proposals are sought as the basis (AIA) for awarding a contract.
BIDDING PERIOD: The calendar period begin- ning at the time of issuance of biddi ng requirements and Contract Documents and ending at the prescribed bid time. See also *Bid Time . (AIA)
BIDDING REQUIREMENTS: Those documents pro- viding inforrnation and establishing pro— cedures and conditions for the submission of bids. They consist of the notice to bidders or advertisement for bids, In— structions to Bidders, invitation to bid , See also "Bidding Docu— and sample forms. men ts. (A1 A)
BILL OF iATERIALS: see "Quantity Survey". (AIA)
BODILY INJURY (insurance terminology) : Phy— sical injury, sickness or disease sustain— See also "Per sonal In— ed by a per son jury . (AIA)
BONA FIDE BID: Bid submitted in good faith, complete and in prescr i bed form which meets the conditions of the bidding re— quirenents and is properly signed by some— one legally author i zed to sign such bid. (AIA)
BOND: see (1) "Bid Bond"; (2) "Labor and Material Payment Bond " ; (3) "Perforrrznce Bond 'l; (4) "Surety Bond " . (AIA)
BONUS AND PENALTY CLAUSE: A provision in the Contruction Contract for payment of a bonus to the Contractor for comple ting the Work prior to a stipulated date, and a charge against the Contractor for fail— ure to complete the Work hy such stipulat— (AIA) ed date.
BONUS CLAUSE: A provision in the Construc— tion Contract for additional payment to the Contractor as a reward for complet— ing the Work prior to a sti pulated date. (AIA)
BOUNDARY SURVEY: mathematically closed dia- gram of the complete per ipheral boundary of a site, reflecting dimensions, compass bearings and angles. It should bear a licensed surveyor's signed certificate, and may include a metes and bounds or other written description . (AIA)
BREAKDOWN, CONTRACTOR' S: Use " schedule of (AIA) Values .
BUDGET, CONSTRUCTION ; (1) The sum establish— ed by the Owner as available for construc— tion of the Project. (2) The stipulated highest acceptable bid price or, in the case of a project involving multiple con— struction contracts, the stipulated aggre— gate total of the highest acceptable bid (AJA) prices. 01010
SUMMARY OF WORK BUDGET, PROJECT: The sum established by. the Owner as available for the entire Project, including the construction budget, land costs, equipment costs, financing costs, compensa tion for professional services , contingency allowance, and other similar established or estimated costs. (AIA)
BUILDER'S RISK INSURANCE: A specialized form of property insurance to cover Work in the See also n Proper ty course of construction. Insurance. " (AIA) See "Codes"
BUILDING INSPECTOR: A representative of a governmental authority employed to inspect construction for compliance with applicable (AIA) codes, regula tions and ordinances .
BUILDING PERMIT: A permit issued by approp— priate governmental authority allowing con- struction of a Project in accordance with approved Drawings and Specif ica tions . (AIA)
CARE, CUSTODY AND CONTROL (insurance terminology) The term used to describe a standard exclusion in liability insurance policies. Under this exclusion, the liability insurance does not apply to damage to property in the care or custody of the insured, or to damage to prop— erty over which the insured is for any pur— pose exercising physical control . (AIA)
CASH ALLOWN{CE: An amount established in the Contract Documents for inclusion in the Con— tract Sum to cover the cost of prescr ibed items not specified in detail, with provi— sion that variations between such amount and the finally determined cost of the prescribed items will be reflected in Change Orders ap— propriately adjusting the Contract Sum. (AIA)
CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT: A statement from the Archi tect to the Owner confirming the amount Of money due Contractor for Work accomplish— ed or materials and equipment suitably stored or both (AIA)
CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE; A memorandum issued by an authorized representative of an insur— ance company stating the types, arnounts and effective dates of insurance in force for a designated insured . (AIA)
CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: Document issued by governmental authority certifying that all or a designated pörtion of a building com— plies with the provisions of applicable sta— tutes and regulations, and permitting occu— pancy for its designated use. (AIA)
CHANGE ORDER: A written order to the Contrac— tor signed by the Owner and the Architect, issued after the execution of the contract, authorizing a Change in the Work or an ad— justment in the Contract Sum or the Contract Time. A Change Order may be signed by the Architect alone, provided he has written authority from the Owner for such procedure and that a copy of such written authority is furnished to the Contractor upon request. A Change Order may also be signed by the
****** Result for Image/Page 4 ****** SECTION 01010 Contractor if he agrees to the adjustment in the Contract Sum or the Contract Time. The Contract sum and the Contract Time may be changed only by (AIA) Change order.
CHANGES IN THE WORK: Changes ordered by the Owner consisting of additions, deletions or other re— visions within the general scope of the Contract, the Contract Sum and the Contract Tine being ad— justed accordingly. All Changes in the Work, ex— cept those of a minor nature not involving an adj ustment to the Contract Sum or the Contract Time, should be authorized by Change Order. (A1 A)
CLARIFICATION DRAWING: A graphic interpretation of the Drawings or other contract Documents is— sued by the Architect as part of an Addendum, Modification, Change Order or Field Order. (A1 A) a subdivision of a In the AIA Doc uments,
CLAUSE: Subpar agraph, iden tified by four numerals, e.g. , (AIA) use "Project Rep—
CLERK OF THE WORKS: Obsolete; "lnvi ted Bidders" . resentative'( . (A IA)
CLOSED SPECIFICATIONS: Specifications stipulat— ing the use of specific products or processes without provision for substitution. See also " Base Bid Specifications 'l (ÄIÄ)
CODES: Regulations, ordinances or statutory requirements of a governmental unit relating to building construction and occupancy, adopt— ed and admini stered for the protection of the public health, safety and wel fare. (AIA) (1) Payment for services rendered or products or mater ials furni shed or (2) Payment in satisfaction of delivered. claims for damages suffered . (ÄIÄ)
COMPLETED OPERATIONS INSURANCE: Liability in- surance coverage for inj uries to persons or damage to property occurr ing after an opera— t ion is comple ted but attributed to that op— era t ion. An operation is completed (I) when all operations under the Contract rnve been completed or abandoned; or (2) when all op— era t ions at one project site are completed; or (3) when the portion of the Work out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its intended use by the person or or— gani za tion for whom that portion of the Work was done. Completed Operati ons Insurance does not apply to damage to the completed Work itself. (A1 A)
COMPLETION DATE: The date established in the Contract Documents for Substantial comple— t ion Of the Work. See also (1) stantial Completion (2) "Time " Inspection "Date of Sub— of Cornp I e — tion (AIA) C OMPLETION LIST: See List " (AIÄ) 01010 SUMMARY OF WORK
COMPLETION, SUBSTANTIAL: see "Date of Substantial Completion" (AIA)
COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE: A broad form of liability insurance cov— ering claims for bodily injury and prop— erty damage which combines under one policy coverage for all liability expo— sures (except those specifically exclud— ed) on a blanket basis and automatically covers new and unknown hazards that may develop. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance automatically includes contrac— tual liability coverage for certain types Products Liability, Com— of contracts. pleted Operations Liability and Broader Contractual Liability coverages are avail— able on an optional basis. This policy also be written to include Automobile Liability. (AIA) Professional ser-
COMPREHENSIVE SERVICES: vices performed by the Architect in addi— tion to the Basic Services, in such related areas as project analysis, programming , land use studies, feasibility investiga— tions, financing , construction management and spec ial consulting services. (AIA)
CONDITIONS OF THE BID; conditions set forth in the Instructions to Bidders, the notice or advertisement for bids, the invi tation to bidders or other similar documents pres— cr ibing the conditions under which bids are to be prepared, executed, submi teed , received and accepted. (AIA)
CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT: Those portions of the Contract Documents which define, set forth or relate to: contract terminology ; the rights and responsibilities of the con— tracting parties and of others involved in the Work; requirements for safety and for compliance with laws and regulations; gen— era I procedures for the orderly prosecu— tion and management of the work; payments to the Contractor; and similar provisions of a general, nontechnical nature. The Conditions of the Contract include General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and other Cond itions . (AIA)
CONSENT OF SURETY: Written consent of the surety on a Performance Bond and/or Labor and Material Payment Bond to such Contract changes as Change Orders or reductions in the Contractor's retainage, or to final pay— ment, or to waiving notification of con— tract changes. The term is also used wi th respect to an extension of time in a Bid (AIA) Bond .
CONSTRUCTION COST: The cost of all of the construction portions of a Proj ect, gen— era11y based upon the sum of the cons truc— tion contract (s) and other direct construc— tion costs. Construction Cost does not in— clude the compensation paid to the Archi— tect and consultants, the cost Of the land rights—of—way or other costs which are de— fined in the Contract Documents as being the responsibility of the Owner. (AIA)
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CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS: Working Drawings (AIA) and Specifications.
CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS PHASE: The third Phase of the Architect's Basic Services. In this Phase the Architect prepares from the approved Design Development Documents , for approval by the Owner, the Working Drawings and Specifications and the neces— sary bidding information. In this PIEse the Architect also assists the Os•mer in the preparation of bidding forms, the Conditions of the Contract, and the form Of Agreement between the Owner and the (AIA) Contractor.
CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR: See "Project Repre- sentativet' (AIA) C ONSTRUCTION IANAGEMENT: special management services perforrned by the Architect or others during the Construction Phase of the Project, under separate or special agree•nent wi th the Omer. This is not part of the Architect's Basic Services, but is an additional service sometirres in— cluded in Comprehensive Services. (AIA)
CONSTRUCTION PHASE--ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT: The fifth and fi- nal Phase of the Archi tect s Basic Ser— vices, which includes the Architect's gen— era I administration of the Construction Contract (s) . See also "Contract Adminis— tra tion (AIA)
CONSULTANT: An or organization engaged by the owner or Architect to ren— der professional consulting services com— plementing or supplementing the Architect s services , (AIÄ)
CONTINGENCY ALLOWANCE: A sum designated to cover unpredictable or unforeseen items of Work, or changes subsequently required by the Omer.
CONTINGENT AGREEMENT: An Agreement, gen- era Ily between an Owner and Architect, in which some portion of the Architect's com— pen sation is contingent upon the Owrier s obtaining funds for the Proj ect (such as by successful referendum, sale of bonds or securing of other financing) , or upon some other specially prescribed condi— tion. (AIA)
CONTRACT : A legally enforceable promise or agreement between or among several per— See also "Agreanent . (AIA) sons.
CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION: The duties and res- ponsibilities of the Archi tect during the Construction Phase. (AIA)
CONTRACT DATE: see "Date of Agreement". (AIA)
CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The Owner-contractor Agreement, the Conditions of the Contract (General, Supplementary and other Condi— tions) , the Drawings, the Specifications , 01010 - SUMMARY OF WORK all Addenda issued prior to execution Of the Contract, all Modifications thereto, and any other items speci ficaIIy stipulated as being included in the Contract Documents. (AIA)
CONTRACT LIMIT: A limit line or perimeter line established on the Drawings or else— where in the Contract Documents defining= the boundaries of the site available to the Contractor for construction purposes. (AIA)
CONTRACT SUM: The price stated in the Owner— Contractor Agreement, which is the tot-al amount payable by the Owner to the Contrac— tor for the performance of the Work under the contract Documents. The contract sum can be adjusted only by Change Order. (AIA)
CONTRACT TIME: The period of time established in the Contract Documents wi thin which the Work must be completed. The Contract Time can be adj usted only by Change Order. (AIA)
CONTRACTING OFFICER: The person designated as an of ficial representative of the owner with specific authority to act in his be— IEIf in connection with a Project. (AIA)
CONTRACTOR: (1) one who contracts. (2) In construction terminology, the person or or— ganization responsible for performing the Work and identified as such in the Owner— Contractor Agreement. KAIA)
CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT: A certified state- ment of the Contractor, properly notarized, relating to payrnent of debts and claims, re— lease of liens, or similar matters requir— ing specific evidence for the protection of the Omer. See also "Noncollusion Affi— davit . (AIA)
CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY INSURANCE: Insur ance purchased and maintained by the contractor to protect him from specified claims which may arise out of or result from his opera— tions under the Contract, whether such operations be by himself or by any Subcon— tractor or by anyone directly or indirectly anployed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. (AIA)
CONTRACTOR'S OPTION: Provision of the Con- tract Documents under which the Contractor select certain specified materials , æthods or systems at his om option, with— out change in the contract Sum. (AIA)
CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY; Liability assumed by a party under a contract. An indemnifica— tion or "hold harmless" clause is an ex— ample of contractual liability. (AIA) cos•r see "Schedule of values." (AIA)
COST PLUS PEE AGREEMENT: An Agreement under which the Contractor (in an Owner—Contractor Agreanent) or the Architect ( in an Owner— Architect Agreement) is reimbursed for his 5
****** Result for Image/Page 6 ****** SECTION 01010 direct and indirect costs and, in addition, is paid a fee for his services. The fee is usu— ally stated as a stipulated sum or as a percen— tage of cost. (AIA)
CRITICAL PATH METHOD (CPM): A charting of all events and operations to be encountered in completing a given process, rendered in a form permitting determination of the relative significance of each event, and establishing the optimum sequence and duration of opera— tions . (A1 A)
CUBAGE; The architectural volume of a building; the sum Of the products of (1) the areas and (2) the height from the underside of the low— est floor construction system to the average height of the surface of the finished roof above, for the various parts of the Hiilding . SUMMARY OF WORK other essentials as may be appropriate, The Architect also submits to the Owner a further Statement of probable Construc— tion Cost. (AIA) D ESIGN PROFESSIONS: sign Professions" . See "Environmental De— (AIA) DATE OF AGREEMENT: The date stated on the of the Agreement, If no date is stated, could be the date on which the Agreement actually signed, if this is recorded, or may be the date established by the award. face it is it Also sometimes referred to as the Contract Date. (AIA)
DATE OF C020ENCEMENT OP THE WORK: The date es- tablished in a Notice to Proceed or, in the absence of such Notice, the date of the Agree— ment or such date as may be establish— ed therein or by the parties thereto. (AIA)
DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL CO*ELETION: The date cer- tified by the Architect when the Work or a designated portion thereof is sufficiently complete, in accordance with the Contract Docu— ments, so the maxer occupy the Work or designated portion thereof for the use for which i t is intended. (AIA)
DEDUCTION (from Contract Sum) : deduct— ed from the Contract Sum by Change Order. (AIA)
DEDUCTIVE ALTERNATE: An alternate bid result- ing in a deduction from the same bidder s Base Bid See also "Alternate Bid" . (AIA)
DEFECTIVE IWR.K: Work not complying with the Contract requ irements. (AIA)
DEFICIENCIES: see "Defective Work". (AIA)
DEPOSIT FOR BIDDING DOCUrENTS: Monetary deposit required to obtain a set of Construction Docu— ments and bidding requirements, customarily refunded to bona fide bidders on return of the documents in good condition within a specified time. (AIA)
DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PHASE: second Phase of the Architect s Basic Services. In this Phase the Architect prepares from the approv— ed Schematic Design Studies, for approval by the Owner, the Design Development Documents consisting of drawings and other documents to fix and describe the size and character OE the entire Project as to structural, mechani— cal and electrical systans, rtEteria1s and such 01010
DETAIL: A drawing, at a larger scale, of a part of another drawing, indicating in detail the design, location, composition and correlation of the elements and ma— terials shown. (AIA)
DIRECT EXPENSE: All items of expense di- rectly incurred by or attributable to a specific project, assignment or task.
DIRECT PERSONNEL EXPENSE: Salaries and wages of principals and employees engaged on a project, assignment or task, includ— ing nEndatory and customary benefits . (AIA)
DIVISION (of the Specif ications) : One of the sixteen basic organi zational subdi— visions used in the Uniform System for Construction Specifications, Data Filing and Cost Accounting. (AIA)
DOCUMENT DEPOSIT: see "Deposit for Bidding Document S . (AIA)
DRAWINGS : The portion of the Contract Docu— ments showing in graphic or pictorial form the design, location and dimensions of the elements of a project. (AIA) DUE CARE: A legal term indicating the re— quirement for a professional to exercise reasonable care, skill, ability and judg— ment in the performance of his duties and services consistent with the level of such services provided by reputable pro— fessionals in the same geographical area and at the same period of time. (AIA) (1) A two—dimensional graphic
ELEVATION : representation of the design, location and certain dimensions Of the Project, or parts thereof, seen in a vertical plane viewed from a given direction. (2) Distance above or below a prescribed datum or reference point. (AIA)
EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY INSUmNCE: Insurance protection for the employer against claims by anployees for damages which arise out of injuries or diseases sus— tained in the course of their work and which are based on cormon law negli— gence rather than on liability under wrkrnen' s compensation acts. (AIA)
ENGINEER: See "Professional Engineer (AIA)
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ENGINEERING OFFICER: A person designated, usually by a military component or a cor— por ation, as having autll)ritative charge over certain specific engineering opera— (AIA) tions and duties. E NVIRONMENTAL DESIGN PROFESSIONS: The pro- fessions collectively responsible for the design of man's physical environment, in— cluding archi tecture, engineering, land— scape architecture, urban planning and similar environment—related professions . (AIA)
ERRATUM: Correction of a pr inting, typo— graphical or editorial er ror. Not to be confused with Addendum. (AIA)
ERRORS AID OMISSIONS INSURANCE: See Pro- fessional Liability Insurance. (AIA) See (1) "Estimate of Construc—
ESTIMATE: (2) Statement of tion Cost, Detailed" Probable construction Cost . (A1 A) (1) A forecast
ESTIMATE (Contractor's) : of Construction Cost, as opposed to a firm proposal, prepared by a Contractor for a Project or a portion thereof. (2) A term sometimes used to denote a Con— tractor 's application or request for a progress payment. With respect to (2) , see also "Application for Payment*' . (AIA)
ESTIMATE OF CONSTRUCTION COST, DETAILED: A forecast of Construction Cost prepared on the basis of a detailed analysis of ma— ter ials and labor for ail items of work, as contrasted with an estiæte based on current area, volume or similar unit (AIA) co sts.
EXPERT WITNESS: A witness in a court case, or other legal proceeding, or in an ar— bitration proceeding, who, by virtue of his experience, training, skill and know— ledge of a particular field or subject, is recognized as being especially quali— fied to render an inforn•ed opinion on matters relating to field or subject. (AIA) E XTENDED COVERAGE see "Property See also "steam Boiler and Insurance" (AIA) Machinery Insurance.
EXTRA: An item of Work involving additional See also "Addition (to Contract cost. sum) . " (AIA)
FEASIBILITY STUDY: A detailed investigation and analysis conducted to determine the fi— nancial, economic, technical or other ad— visability of a proposed project. (A1 A) FEE: A term used to denote payænt for pro— fessional ability, capability and avail— ability of organi zation, excluding compensa— tion for direct, indirect and/or reimbur— sable expenses, as an Agreement based on a 01010
SUMMARY OF WORK Som times "professional fee plus expenses" . used to denote compensation of any kin for services rendered. See also n Compensation . (AIA)
FEE PLUS EXPENSE AGREEMENT: (AIA) Fee Agreement. See Cost Plus
FIELD ENGINEER: Term used by certain govern— rental agencies to designate their represen— tative at the Project Site. See also "Proj— (AIA) ect Representative" .
FIELD ORDER: A written order effecting a minor change in the Work not involving an adjustment in the Contract Sum or an extension of the Contract Time, issued by the Architect to the contractor during the Construction Phase. (AIA)
FIELD REPRESENTATIVE: see "Project Representa- (AIA) tive" .
FINAL ACCEPTANCE: The Owner's acceptance of the Proj ect from the Contractor upon certi— fication by the Architect that it is complete and in accordance with the Contract require— men ts . Final acceptance is conf irmed by the Itzking of final payment unless otherwi se stipulated at the time Of making such pay— (AIÄ) men t.
FINAL COMPLETION: Term denoting that the Work is complete and all Contract requirements have (AIA) been fulfilled by the Contractor.
FINAL INSPECTION: Final review of the Project by the Architect prior to his issuance of (AIA) the final Certificate for Payment.
FINAL PAYMENT: Payment made by the Owner to the Contractor, upon issuance by the Archi— tect of the final Certificate for Payment, of entire unpaid balance of the Contract Sum as adj usted by Change Orders. See also "Final Acceptance" . (AIA)
FIRE AND EXTENDED COVERAGE INSURANCE: "Property Insurance" . (AIA) See FIXED LIMIT OF CONSTRUCTION COST: The maxi- mum allowable cost of the construction Work as established in the Agreement between the see also "Budget, Owner and the Architect. Construction . (AIA)
FORCE ACCOUNT: Term used when Work is ordered to be done without prior agreement as to lump sum or unit price cost thereof and is to be filed for at cost of labor, materials and equipment, insurance, taxes, etc. , plus an agreed percentage of overhead and profit. (AIA )
FORMAT (for construction specif ications) : Stan— dardized arrangement for the Project Manual including bidding information, contract forms, Conditions of the Contract, and Specifications subdivided into sixteen Divisions . (AIA)
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GENERAL CONDITIONS (of the Contract for construc- tion) : That part of the Contract Documents which sets forth many of the rights, responsi— bilities and relationships of the parties in— volved. See also "Conditions Of the Contract" (AIA) (I) Under the single contract
ENERAL CONTRACT : system, the Contract between the and the Contractor for construction Of the entire Work. (2) Under the separate contract system, that Contract between the Owner and a Contractor for construction of architectural and struc— tural Work. (AIA)
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Title of Division 1 of Uniform System for Construction Specif ications , Data Filing and Cost Accounting. (AIA) GUARANTEE: Legally enforceable a ssurance of the duration of satisfactory or quali— ty of a product or Work. (AIA)
GUARANTEED IAXIMUM COST: Amount established in an Agreement between Omer and contractor as the maximum cost of performing specified Vbrk on the basis of cost of labor and ltEteriaIs plus overhead expense and profit. (AIA)
GUARANTY: see "Guarantee" .
GUARANTY BONDS: See (1) "Bid Bond " ; (2) "Labor and Material Payment Bond (3) Per forrence Bond ; (4) "Surety Bond . (AIA) HEADING: A classification of related data used in the Filing System (Part Two of the Uni form System) as the first step in subdividing each of the sixteen Divisions and corresponding generally to the Sections used in Parts One (AIA) and Three.
HOLD HARLESS: see "Indemnification". also "Contractual Liability n . (AIA) See SUMMARY OF WORR during the progress of the Work. The term is also used to mean examina tian of the Work by a public official, Owner's representative or others . (AIA)
INSPECTION LIST: A list of items of Work to be completed or corrected by the con— tractor . (A1 A) INSPECTOR: see (1) "Building Inspector" • (2) "Owner's Inspector"; (3) "Resident Engine er t' . (AIA)
INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS: Instructions contained in the bidding requirements for preparing and submitting bids for a construction Project. See also "No— tice to Bidders" . (AIA)
INSURANCE: See (I) n Builder's Risk Insur— ance"; (2) "Completed Opera tions Insur— ance (3) Comprehensive General Liabili— ty Insurance; (4) n Contractor's Liabili ty Insurance (5) "Employer' s Liability In— sura nce " (6) Liability Insurance; (7) Loss of Use Insurance; (8) "Owner's Liability Insurance"; (9) "Professional Liability Insurance " (10) "Property Damage Insur— ance" (11) Property Insurance" ; (12) Pub- lic Liability Insurance" ; (13) n Special Hazards Insurance; " (14) "Steam Boiler and Machinery Insurance; (15) "Workmen s Compensation Insurance " . (AIA)
INTERN ARCHITECT: one pursuing a program of training in practice under the guid— ance of practicing Architect's with the objective of qualifying for registration as an Architect. (AIA)
INVITATION TO BID: A portion of the bid- ding requirements soliciting bids for a privately financed construction Proj ect. See also "Advertisement for Bids"
INVITED BIDDERS: The bidders selected by the Architect and the Ov.mer as the only ones from whom bids will be received. (AIA)
ISOMETRIC DRAWING: A form of three- dimensional projection in which all of the principal planes are drawn parallel to corresponding established axes and at true dimensions Horizontals are usually drawn at 30 degrees from the normal horizontal axes; verticals re— rtEin parallel to the normal vertical
INDEMNIFICATION : A contractual obligation by which one person or organization agrees to secure another against loss or damage from specified liabilities. (A1-A)
INDEMNIFICATION, IMPLIED: An indemnification which is implied by law rather than arising out Of a contract. (AIA)
INDEX OF KEY Part Four of the Uniform System for Construction Specif ications, Data Filing and Cost Accounting. (AIA)
INDIRECT EXPENSE: Overhead expense; expense indirectly incurred not directly chargeable to a specific project or task. (AIA) .
INSPECTION : Examination of work completed or in progress to determine its compliance with Con— tract requirements. The Architect ordinar ily makes only two inspections of a construction proj ect, one to determine Substantial Comple— tion, and the other to determine final comple— tion. These inspections should be distinguished from the more general observations rtBde by the Architect on his periodic visits to site 01010 - 8 axis. (AIA)
JOB: see (1) "Project"; (2) n Work" (AIA)
JOB CAPTAIN: Member of the Architect' s staff normally responsible, on a given Project, for the preparation of Draw— ings and their coordination with other documents . (AIA)
JOB SITE: See "Site (AIA)
JOB SUPERINTENDENT: see " superintendent" (AIA)
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JOINT VENTURE: A collaborative und ertaking by two or more per sons or organizations for a specific Proj ect or Projects, ing the legal characteristics of a partner— ship . (AIA)
LABOR AND YATERIAL PAYMENT BOND: A bond of the contractor in which a Surety guaran— tees to the Owner that the contractor will pay for labor and materials used in the performance of the Contract. The claimants under the bond are defined as those hav— ing direct contracts with the Contractor (AIA) or any Subcontractor See (1) "Bound ary Survey"
LAND SURVEY: (2) "Survey . (AIA)
LETTER AGREEMENT or LETTER OF AGREEMENT: A letter stating the terms of an Agreement between addressor and addressee, usually prepared to be signed by the addressee, to indicate his acceptance of those terms as legally binding . (A1 A)
LETTER or INTENT: A letter signifying an inten tion to enter into a formal Agree— ment, usually setting forth the general terms of such Agreeraent. (AIA) See "Bid Opening"
LETTING (BID) : (AIA) Insurance which pro—
LIABILITY INSURANCE: tects the insured aga inst liability on ac— count of injury to the person or property of another . See also (I) completed Op— era t ions Insurance; (2) Comprehensive General Liability Insurance; (3) Contrac— tor's Liability Insurance; (4) Employer 's Liability Insurance; (5) Owner's Liability Insurance; (6) Pro fessional Liability In— surance; (7) Property Damage Insurance; (8) Public Liability Insurance; (9) Special SUMMARY OF WORK
LOW BID: Bid stating the lowest bid priee, including selected alternates, and comply— (AIA) ing with all bidding requirements .
LOWEST QUALIFIED BIDDER: see "L.owest Res- ponsible Bidder" . (AIA)
LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER: Bidder who sub- mits the lowest bona fide bid and is consi— dered by the owner and the Archi tect to be fully responsible and qualified to perform the Work for which the bid is submitted. (AIA)
LOWEST RESPONSIVE BID: The lowest bid which is responsive to and complies with the bidding requirements. (AIA)
LUMP SUM AGREEMENT: see "Stipulated sum Agree- ment t' (AIA)
MANDATORY AND CUSTOMARY BENEFITS : fits, Mandatory and Customary" .
MATERIAL SUPPLIER: see "supplier" . See "Bene— (AIA) (AIA) Hazards Insurance .
LICENSED CONTRACTOR: (AIA) See "Architect" (A1 A) A per son or organi za— tion certified by governmental author , where required by law, to engage in con— struction contracting . (AIA)
LICENSED ENGINEER: see "Professional Engin- eer . (AIA)
LIEN: See Mechanic's Lien" (AIÄ)
LIEN WAIVER; see "Waiver of Lien". (AIA )
LIQUIDATED DNAGES: A sum established in a Construction contract, usually as a fixed sum per day, as the mea sure of damages suf fered by the Owner due to failure to complete the Work wi thin a stipulated time. See also (I) Bonus and Penalty Clause ; (2) Bonus Clause. (AIA)
LOSS OF USE INSURANCE: Insurance protecting against financial loss during the time re— quired to repair or replace property dam— aged or destroyed by an insured peril. (A1-A) 01010
MECHANIC'S LIEN: A lien on real property creat— ed by statute in all states in favor of per— sons supplying labor or materials for a build— ing or structure for the value of labor or materials supplied by them. In some j urisdic— tions a mechanic's lien also exists for the value of professional services. Clear title to the property cannot be obtained until the claim for the labor, materials or profession— al services is settled. (AIA)
METES AND BOUNDS: The boundaries, property lines or limits of a parcel of land, defined by distances and compass directions . (AIA)
MINOR CHANGE (in the Work) : A change of minor na ture in the Work not involv ing an adj us t— ment in the Contract Sum or Contract Tirae, which may be effected by Field Order or other written order issued by the Architect. (ÄIA)
MODIFICATION (to the contract Documents) : written amendment to the Contract si gned by both parties . (2) A Change Order . wr itten or graphic interpretation issued by the Archi tect. (4) A written order for a minor change in the Work issued by the Ar— chi tect. See also (I) "Change Order"; (2) Field Order (AIA) (I) A repetitive dimensional or func—
MODULE : tional unit used in planning, recording, or constructing buildings or other structures. (2) A di stinct component forming part of an ordered system. (A IA)
MULTIPLE OF DIRECT PERSONNEL EXPENSE; A method of compensation for professional ser— vices based on the direct expense of pro— fessional and technical personel, including cost of salar ies and mandatory and customary benefits, mul tiplied by an agreed factor . (AIA)
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OCCUPANCY PERMIT: See "Certificate of Occupancy" (AIA)
OCCURRENCE (insurance terminology) : An accident or a continuous exposure to conditions which re— sult in injury or damage, provided the injury or damage is neither expected nor intended . (ZIA )
OPENING OF BIDS: see "Bid Opening" (AIA)
OPTION (CONTRACTOR'S) : See "Contractor' s Option " (AIA)
OR EQUAL: See "Approved Equal (AIA) Services performed in
OUT-OF—SEQENCE SERVICES: other than the normal or natural order of suc— cess ion . (AIA) See "Ind irect Expense" .
OVERHEAD EXPENSE: (A1-A (I) The Architect's client and party to OWNER ; the Owner —Architect Agreement. (2) The Ovmer Of the Proj ect and to the Owner—contractor (A1-A) Agreemen t. 01010 SECTION 01010
MULTIPLIER: The factor by which an Architect 's Direct Personnel Expense is multiplied to de— termine compensation for his professional ser— vices or designated portions thereof. (A1 A)
NEGLIGENCE: Failure to exercise that degree of care which a reasonable and prudent person %ould exercise under the sane circumstances. Legal liability for the consequences of an act or omission frequently turns on whether or not there has been negligence. (AIA )
NEGOTIATION PHASE: see "Bidding or Negotiation Phase " (AIA)
NONCOLLUSION AFFIDAVIT: Notarized statement by a bidder that he has prepared his bid without collusion of any kind. (AIA)
NONCONFORMING WORK: work that does not fulfill the requirements of the Contract Documents . (AIA)
NOTICE TO A notice contained in the bidd ing requ ire:aents informing prospective bidders of the opportunity to submit bids on a Project and setting forth the procedures for doing so . See also Instructions to Bid— der S (AIR)
NOTICE TO PROCEED: Written comunication issued by the OMIer to the Contractor authorizing him to proceed with the Work and establishing the date of corrmencement of the Work. OBSERVATION OF THE VORK: A function of the Archi- tect in the construction Phase, during his peri— odic visits to the site, to familiarize himself generally with the progress and quality of the Work and to determine in general if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Docu— - 10 SUMMARY OF WORK
OWNER-ARCHI TECT AGREEMENT: contract be- tween Architect and client sional services . (AIA)
OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREMEENT: tween Owner and Contractor tion Proj ect. (AIA) OWNER'S INSPECTOR: A person for profes— Contract be— for a construc— employed by See also "Construction Phase ments. tration of the Construction Contract — Adminis— (AIA) the Owner to inspect construction in the owner's behalf. (AIA)
OWNER'S LIABILITY INSURANCE: Insurance to protect the Owner against claims aris— ing from his owraership of property and which may be extended to cover claims which may arise from operations of others under the Construction Contract. (AIA)
PACKAGE DEALER: A person or organization as suming responsibility under a single contract for the design and construction of a Project to meet the specific require— men ts of another . (AIA)
PARAGRAPH: In the AIA Documents, the first subdivision of an Article, identified by two numerals — e.g., 2.2. A paragraph rrey be fur ther subdivided into subpar a— graphs and clauses. (AIA)
PARTIAL OCCUPANCY: Occupancy by the Owner Of a portion of a Project prior to final comple tion . (AIA)
PARTIAL PAYPENT: see "Progress Payment. " (AIA)
PAYMENT BOND: see "Labor and Material pay- ment Bond . " (AIA)
PAYMENT REQUEST: see "Application for Pay- men t . PENAL S UM: The amount named in a con tracct or bond as the penalty to be paid by a signa tory thereto in the event he falls to perform his contractual obligations . (AIA)
PENALTY AND BONUS CLAUSE: Penalty Clause" . (AIÄ) See "Bonus and
PERCENTAGE AGREEMENT: agreement for professional services in which the com— pensa tion is based upon a percentage of the Construction Cost. (AIA)
PERCENTAGE FEE: Compensation based upon a percentage Of Construction Cost. See also "Fee". (AIA)
PERFORMANCE BOND: A bond of the contractor in which a surety guarantees to the Owner that the Work will be performed in accord— ance with the Contract Documents. Except where prohibited by statute, the Per form— ance Bond is frequently combined with the Labor and Material Payment Bond . See also "Surety Bond". (AIA)
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PERMIT, OCCUPANCY: pancy" (AIA) "Building Pemit" . (AIA) "Certificate of Occu—
PERMIT, ZONING: see n Zoning Permit" . (AIA)
PERSONAL INJURY (insurance terminology) : ln- j ury or damage to the character or reputa— tion of a person, as well as bodily injury. Per sonal injury insurance usually covers such situations as false arrest, malicious prosecution, willful detention or imæ:ison— ment, libel, slander, defamation of charac— ter, wrongful eviction, invasion of privacy or wrongful entry. See also "Bodily Injury" (AIA)
PERSPECTIVE DRAWING: A graphic representat ion of the Project or part thereof as it wuld appear three—dimen siona Ily. (A1 A) PERT SCHEDULE: An acronym for Project Evalua— tion Review Technique. Pert Schedule charts the activities and events anticipated in a work process. See also "Critical Path Method (CPM) " (AIA)
PLAN : A two—dimensional graphic representa— tion of the design, location and dimen— sions of the Proj ect, or parts thereof , seen in a horizontal plane viewed from above. See also "Drawings " (AIA) See "Deposit for Bidding Docu—
POST-COMPLETION SERVICES: Additional servi- ces rendered after issuance of the final certificate for payment, such as consul— tation regarding maintenance, processes, (AIA) systems, etc.
POWER OF ATTORNEY: An instrument authoriz- ing another to act as one t s agent. also "Attorney In Fact.
PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS: Drawings prepared dur- ing the early stages of the design of a Proj ect. See also (1) Schematic Design Phase; (2) Design Development Phase. (AIA)
PRELIIQ(ARY ESTIPATE: See "Statement of Probable Construction Cost. (AIA)
PREQUALIFICATION OF PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS. The process of investigating qualif ications Of prospective bidders on the basis of their competence, integrity and responsi— bility to the contemplated Project. (AIA)
PRIME CONTRACT: contract between Omer and Contractor for construction of a project or Portion thereof. (AIA)
PRIME CONTRACTOR: Any contractor on a Proj- ect having a contract directly with the (All) Ovmer . 01010 - 11 SUMMARY OF WORK
PRIME PROFESSIONAL: Any person or firm baving a contract directly with the Owner for pro— fessional services. (AIA)
PRINCIPAL (in professional practice) : Any person legally responsible for the activi— ties of a professional practice. (AIA)
PRODUCER: Manufacturer, processor or assem— bier Of building materials or equipment. (AIA)
PROFESSIONAL ADVISOR: An Architect engaged by the Owner to direct an authorized de— sign competition for the selection of an Architect. (AIA )
PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER: Designation reserved usually by law, for a person or organization professionally qualified and duly licensed to perform such engineering services as structural, mechanical, electrical, sani— tary, civil, etc. (AIA) See "Cost Plus Fee Agree—
PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE: Insurance designed to insure an Architect or Engineer against cla ins for damages resulting from alleged professional negligence. (AIA)
PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: The practice of one of the environmental design professions in which services are rendered within the frame— wrk of recognized professional ethics and standards and applicable legal requirements. (AIA)
PROGRAM: A written statement setting forth in detail the conditions and requirements for a Project. (AIA)
PROGRESS PAYMENT: Partial payment made during progress of the Work on account of work com— pleted and/or materials suitably stored. (AIA)
PROGRESS SCHEDULE: A diagram, graph or other pictorial or written schedule showing pro— posed and actual times of starting and com— pletion of the various elements of the Work. See also (I) Critical path Method (CPM) : (2) Pert Schedule. (AIA)
PROJECT; The total construction designed by the Architect, of which the Work performed under the Contract Documents may be the whole or a part. (AIA)
PROJECT COST: Total cost of the Proj ect in— cluding professional compensation, land costs, furnishings and equipment r financing and other charges, as well as the Construc— tion Cost. (.AIA)
PROJECT MANUAL: The manual prepared by the Architect for a Proj ectr including the bid— ding requirements, Conditions of the Con— tract and the technical Specifications. (AIA)
****** Result for Image/Page 12 ****** Pm,JECT SITE: see "Site".
PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE: The Architect's represen- tative at the project site who assists in the Administration of the construction Contract. When authorized by the Owner, a Full—Time Proj— ect Representative may be employed. (AIA) - 12 (A-IA) Part of general lia— bility insurance covering injury to or destruc— of tangible property, including loss of use re— suiting therefrom, but usually not including property which is in the care, custody and con— trol of the insured. See also 'ICare, Custody and Control. (AIA)
PROPERTY INSURANCE: Insurance on the Work at the site against loss or damage caused by per i Is of fire, lightning, extended cover— age (wind, hail, explosion, except steam boil— er explosion, riot, civil cornrnotion, aircraft, land vehicles and snoke) , vandalism and Clous mischief and additional perils (as other— wise provided or requested) . See also "Spe— ciaI Hazards Insurance" (AIA)
PROPOSAL FORM: see "Bid Form". Insurance covering
PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE: liability of the insured for negligent acts resulting in bodily injury, disease or death of others than enployees of the insured, and/ (AIA) or property damage.
PUNCH LIST: Use "Inspection List" . (AIA)
QUANTITY SURVEY: Detailed analysis and listing of all items of nzterial and equipment neces— sary to construct a Project. (MA)
QUOTATION; A price quoted by a contractor, sub— contractor, material supplier or vendor to furnish terials, labor or both. (AIA)
RECORD DRAWINGS : Construction drawings revised to show significant changes made during the construction process, usually based on marked— up prints, drawings and other data furnished by the Contractor to the Architect. (AIA )
REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES: Amounts expended for or on account of the Project which, in accord— ance with the terms of the appropriate agree— ment, are to be reimbursed by the . (AIA)
RELEASE or LIEN; Instrument executed by one supplying labor, rtBteria1s or professional services on a Project which releases his mech— anic's lien against the Project property. See also "Mechanic's Lien" (AIA)
REMODELING: see "Alterations" . (AIA)
RENDERING : A perspective or elevation drawing of a Project or portion thereof with an artistic 01010
SUMMARY OF WORK delineation of materials, shades and shadows. (AIA)
RESIDENT mGINEER : A person representing the Owner's interests at the Project site during the Construction Phase; term frequently used on Projects in which a governmental agency is involved. See also "Owner's Inspector" (AIA)
RESIDENT INSPECTOR: see (1) Owner's ln- spector ; (2) Resident Engineer. (AIA)
RESPONSIBLE BIDDER: see "I-owest Responsi- ble Bidder". (AIA)
RESPONSIVE BID: see "Lowest Responsive Bid " . (AIA)
RESTRICTED LIST OF BIDDERS: see "Invited Bidders " (AIA)
RETAINAGE: A sum withheld from progress payments to the contractor in accordance with the terms of the Owner—contractor (AIA) Agreement.
RETAINED PERCENTAGE: see "Retainage" . (AIA) SAMPLES : Physical examples furnished by the Contractor for the Architect' s review and approval, which illustrate materials, equipment or wrkmanship, and which es— tablish standards by which the Work will be judged .
SCHEDULE OF VALUES: A statement furnished by the contractor to the Archi tect re— flecting the portions of the contract Sum allotted for the various parts of the Work and used as the basis for reviewing the Contractor' s applications for progress (AIA) paymen ts
SCHEMATIC DESIGN PHASE: The first Phase of the Architect's Basic Services. In this Phase, the Architect consults with the Owner to ascertain the requirements of the Project and prepares Schematic Design studies consisting of drawings and other documents illustrating the scale and relationship of the Project com— ponents for approval by the The Archi tect also submits to the Owner a statement of Probable Construction Cost. (AIA) SEAL: (1) A device usually consisting of an impression upon wax or paper, or a wafer, which is used in the execution of a formal legal document such as a deed or con tract. The statute Of Iimitations applicable to a contract under seal is ordinarily substantially longer than to (2) An emboss— a con tract not under seal. ing device or stamp used by a design pro— fessional on his Drawings and Specifica— tions as evidence of his registra tion in the state where the Work is to be per— formed. (AIA)
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SECTION (drawing) : A drawing of a surface revealed by an imaginary plane cut through the Project, or portion thereof, in such a manner as to show the cornposition of the surface as it would appear if the part intervening between the cut plane and the eye of the observer were rernoved. (AIA)
SECTION (of specif ications) : A subdivision of a Division of the Specifications which should cover the Work of no rrore than one (AIA) trade.
SELECTED BIDDER: The bidder selected by the Ovmer for discussions relative to the possi— ble award of the Construction Contract. - 13 (AIA)
SELECTED LIST OF BIDDERS: (AIA) Bidders" . See "Invited
SEPARATE CONTRACT: one of several prime con- tracts on a construction Project. (AIA) Drawings, diagrams, illustra—
SHOP DRAWINGS; t ions, schedules, performance charts, bor— chures and other data prepared by the Con— tractor or any Subcontractor, manufacturer , supplier or distributor, which illus trate how specific portions of the Work shall be fabricated and/or instal led. (A1 A)
SINGLE CONTRACT: Contract for construction of a Project under which a single prime Contractor is responsible for all of the work. (AIA)
SITE: Geographical location of the Project, usually defined by legal boundary lines. (AIA)
SOIL SURVEY: Use "Subsurface Investigation" (AIÄ)
SPECIAL CONDITIONS: A section of the condi- tions of the Contract, other than General conditions and supplementary conditions , which nay be prepared for a particular Project. See also "Conditions Of the contract . (AIA)
SPECIAL HAZARDS INSURANCE: Additional perils insurance to be included in Property Insur— ance (as provided in Contract Documents or requested by Contractor or at option of Owner) such as spr inkler leakage, collapse, water damage, all physical loss, or insur— ance on materials and supplies at other lo- cations and/or in transit to the site. See also "Property Insurance" (AIA)
SPECIFICATIONS: A part of the contract Docu- ments contained in the Project Manual con— sisting of written descriptions of a tech— nical nature Of materials, equipment con— struction systems, standards and wrkman— ship. Under the Uniform Systan, the Speci— fica.tdons comprise sixteen Div isions. (AIA)
SPECULATIVE BUILDER; one who develops and con- structs building projects for subsequent sale or lease. 01010 SUMMARY OF WORK
STANDARDS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: St#e— ments of ethical principles promulgated by professional societies to guide their mem— bers in the conduct of professional prac— tice. (AIA)
STATEMENT OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST: Cost forecasts prepared by the Architect during the Schematic Design, Design Develop— ment and Construction Documents Phases of Basic Services for the guidance of the Owner . (AIA)
STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS: A statute specifying the period of time within which legal ac— tion must be brought for alleged darnage or injury. The lengths of the periods vary from state to state and depend upon the type of legal action. Ordinarily the period commences with the discovery of the act re— suiting in the alleged damage or injury, al— though in construction industry cases a num— ber of jurisdictions define the period as commencing with completion Of the Work or services performed in connection therewith. (AIA)
STATUTORY BOND: A bond, the form or content of which is prescribed by statute. (AIÄ)
STEAM BOILER AND MACHINERY INSURANCE: Special insurance covering steam boilers, other pressure vessels and related equipment and REchinery. This insurance covers damage or injury to property resulting from explosion of steam boilers which is not covered by ex— tended coverage perils. (AIA)
STIPUIATED SUM AGREEMENT: contract in which a speci fic amount is set forth as the total payment for performance of the Contract. (AIA) specif ica tions
STRENdLINED SPECIFICATIONS : con tain adequate technical information for the const:ruction of the Work but written in an abbreviated manner. (AIA)
STUDY: Preliminary sketch or drawing to fa— cilitate the development Of a design . (AIA)
SUB—BIDDER: One Who tenders to a bidder on a prinp Contract a proposal to provide ma— terials and/or labor. (ZIA)
SUBCONTRACT: Agreement between a prime Con— tractor and a Subcontractor for a portion of the Work at the site. (AIA)
SUBCONTRACTOR: A person or or ganization who has a direct Contract with a prime Contrac— tor to perform a portion Of the Work at the si Cf. (AIA)
SUBHEADING: A subdivision Of a Heading used in the Filing System (Part Two of the Uni— form Sy stea ) . (AIA) In the A IA Documents, the first
SUBPARAGRAPH : subdivision of a Paragraph, identified by three 2.2.2. A subparagraph may be subdivided into clauses. (AIA)
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SUBRQGATION: The •substitution Of one person for another with respect to legal rights such as a right of recovery. Subrogation occurs when a third person, such as an insurance company, has paid a debt of another or claim against an— other succeeds to all legal rights which the debtor or person against whom the claim asserted may have against other per sons (AIA)
SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: see "Date of substantial Completion . (AIA)
SUBSTITUTION: A nuterial or process offered in lieu of and as being equivalent to a speci— fled or process. (AIA)
SUB-SUBCONTRACTOR: A person or organization who has a direct or indirect Contract with a Sub— contractor to per fortn a portion of the Work at the site. (AIA)
SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION: The soil boring and sampling program, together with the assoc iated laboratory tests, necessary to establish sub— surface profiles and the relative strengths , compressibility and other characteristics of the various strata encountered within the depths likely to have an influence on the de— sign Of the Project. (AIA)
SUCCESSFUL BIDDER: Use "Selected Bidder". (AIA)
SUPERINTENDENT: contractor's representative at the site who is responsible for continuous field supervision, coordination, completion of the Work and, unless another person is des— ignated in writing by the Contractor to the Owner and the Architect, for the prevention of accidents (AIA)
SUPERVISION: Direction of the Work by Contrac— tor s personnel Supervision is neither a duty nor a responsibility of the Architect as part of his basic professional services. (AIA)
SUPPLEMENTAL CONDITIONS: Use "Supplementary Conditions . (AIA)
SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS : A part of the contract Documents which supplements and also modi— fy provisions of the General Conditions . also "Conditions of the Contract" . (AIA)
SUPPLIER: A person or organi zation who supplies materials or equipment for the work, including that fabricated to a special design, but who does not perform labor at the site. See also "Vendor (AIA)
SURETY: A person or organization who for a con— sideratlon, promises in writing to good the debt or default of ano (AIA) SURETY BOND : A legal instrument under which one party agrees to ansær to another party for the debt, default or failure to perforrt•t of a third party. (AIA) Boundary and/or topographic rapping SURVEY; of a site. (2) Measuring an existing building . (3) Analyzing a building for use of space. (4) Determining s requirements for a 01010 - 14
SUMMMARY OF WORK Pro j (5) Investigating and reporting of required data for a Proj ect. (AIA)
SYSTEMS (a process) : Combining prefabr icated assemblies, components and parts into single integrated units utilizing industriali zed production, assembly and methods. (AIA)
TERMINAL EXPENSES: Expenses incurred in con- nection wi th the termination of a contract. (AIA) TIME (as the essence of the Construction Con— tract): Tirae limits or periods stated in the Contract. A provision in a Construction contract that "time is of the essence of the Contract" signifies that the parties consi— der that punctual performance within the time limits or periods in the Contract is a vital part of the performance and that fail— ure to perform on time is a breach for which the injured party is entitled to damages in the amount of loss sustained. (AIA)
TIME or COMPLETION: Date established in the Contract, by name or by number of days, for Substantial Completion of the Work. See also (1) Completion Date; (2) Contract Time. (AIA)
TIMELY COMPLETION: Completion of the Work or designated portion thereof on or before the date required. (AIA)
TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY: The configuration of a surface including its relief and the loca— tions of its natural and man—made features, usually recorded on a drawing showing sur— face var iations by means of contour lines indica ting height above or below a fixed datum. (AIA)
TRADE (CRAFT) : (1) Occupation requir ing man— ual skill. (2) Members of a trade organized into a collective body. (AIÄ)
UNIFORM SYSTEM: Coordination of specification sections, filing of technical data and prod— uct literature, and construction cost ac— counting organized in 16 Divisions based on an interrelationship of place, trade, function or material . (AIA)
UNIT PRICES: Amounts stated in a Contract as pr ices per unit of measurement for materials or services as described in the Contract Documents.
UPSET PRICE: (AIA) (AIA) See "Guaranteed Maximum Cost. '1
VENDOR: A person or organization who furnishes materials or equipment not fabricated to a special design for the Work. see also "Sup— plier (AIA)
VOLUME METHOD (of estimating cost): Method of estima ting probable total construction cos+ by multiplying the adjusted gross building volume by a predetermined cost per unit of volume. (AIA)
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WAIVER or LIEN: An instrument by which a person or organization who has or may have a right of mechanic's lien against the prop— erty of another relinquishes such right. See also (1) Mechanic •s Lien; (2) Release of Lien . See "Guarantee"
WARRANTY : (AIA ) See "Expert Witness" . (AIA)
WORK: All labor necessary to produce the construction required by the Contract Docu— ments, and all mater ials and equipment in— corporated or to be incorporated in such cons truc ti on. (AIA)
WORK ORDER: Use "Notdce to nproceed" . (AIA) See "Drawings "
WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE: (AIA) Insurance covering liability of an employer to his employees for compensa tion and other bene— fits required by wor krnen' s compensation laws with respect to injury, sickness, d is— ease or death arising from their employrnent. (AIA) Letters which XCU (insurance terminology) : refer to exclusions fran coverage for prop— erty damage liability arising out of (I) ex— plosion or blasting, (2) collapse of or structural damage to any build ing or struc— ture, and (3) underground damage caused by and occurring during the use of mechanical equipmen t. (AIA) ZONING PERFIIT: A permit issued by appropriate governmental author i ty authorizing land to be used for a specific purpose. (AJA) 01010
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ADDITIVE ALTERNATE: An alternate bid result- ing in an addition to the same bidder s Base Bid. See also "Alternate Bid". (AIA)
ALTERNATE: A different approach or design and generally requir ing a separate bid item. (NAVFAC)
ALTERNATE BID; stated in the bid to be added to or deducted from the amount of the Base Bid if the correspond ing change in project scope or alternate materials and/or methods of construction is accepted. (AIA)
APPROVED EQUAL: Material, equipment or method approved by the Architect for use in the Work as being acceptable as an equivalent in essential attributes to the material, equipment or method specified in the contract Documents. (AIA)
AWARD: A cormunication from an O',mer accept— ing a bid or negotiated proposal. An award creates legal obligations between the parties. (AIA)
BASE BID: Arnount of money stated in bid as the sum for which the bidder offers to perform the Work, not including that Work for which Alternate Bids are also submi tted. (AIA)
BASE BID SPECIFICATION: The specifications listing or describing only those ItEteri— als, equipment and methods of cons truc— tion upon which the Base Bid must be predicated, exclusive of any Alternate (AIA) Bids.
BID: A complete and properly s igned propo— sal to do the Work or designated portion thereof for the sums stipulated therein, supported by data called for by the bidding requirements. (AIA)
BID FORM: A form furnished to a bidder to be filled out, signed and submitted as his bid. (AIA)
BID PRICE: The sum stated in the bid for which the bidder offers to perform the Work. (AIA)
BIDDER: One who submits a bid for a prime contract with the owner, as distinct from a sub—bidder who submits a bid to a prime bidder. Technically, a bidder is not a contractor on a specific proj ect until a con tract exists between him aryl the Owner . (AIA)
BIDDING DOCUMENTS: The advertisement or in- vi tation to bid, Instructions to Bidders, the bid form and the proposed Contract Documents including any Addenda issued prior to receipt of bids. (AIA) 01100 ALTERNATIVES /ALTERNATES
BIDDING REQUIREMENTS: Those documents nrovid- ing information and establishing ppocedures and condi tions for the submission of bids. They consist of the notice to bidders or advertisernent for bids, Instructions to Bidders, invitation to bid, and sample forms . See also "Bidding Documents" (AIA)
CONDITIONS OF BID: Conditions set forth in the Instructions to Bidders, the notice to bidders or advertisement for bids, the invitation to bidders or other similar documents prescribing the conditions under which bids are to be prepared, executed, submitted, received and accepted . (AIA)
CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT: Those portions of the Contract Docurnents which define, set forth, or relate to : contract terminology; the rights and responsibilities of the con— tracting parties and of others involved in the Work; requirements for safety and for compliance with laws and regulations; gen— eral procedures for the orderly prosecution and management Of the Work; payments to the Contractor; and similar provisions of a general, nontechnical nature. The Conditions of the Contract include General conditions , Supplementary Conditions and other Conditions . (AIA)
CONSTRUCTION COST: The cost of all of the construction portions of a Project, gener— ally based upon the surn of the construction contract (s) and other direct construction costs. Construction Cost does not include the compensation paid to the Architect and consultants, the cost of the land, rights— or other costs which are defined in the Contract Documents as being the respon— sibility of the Ov•mer. (AIA)
CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS: working Drawing and Specif ications . (AIA)
CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The Owner —Con tractor Agreement, the Conditions Of the Contract (General, Supplementary and other Conditions) , the Drawings, the Specifications, all Adden— da issued prior to execution of the contract, all Modifications thereto, and any other items specifically stipulated as being in— cluded in the Contract Documents. (AIA)
CONTRACT SUM: The price stated in the Owner— Contractor Agreement, which is the total amount payable by the Owner to the Contrac— tor for the performance of the work under the Contract Documents. The Contract Sum can be adj us ted only by Change Order. (AIA)
CONTRACTOR: (1) one who contracts. construction terminology, the person or or— ganization responsible for perforrning the work and identif led as such in the Owner— Contractor (AIA)
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DEDUCTIVE ALTERNATE: An alternate bid resulting in a deduction from the same bidder ' s Base Bid. See also "Alternate Bid (AIA) DRAWINGS : The portion of the contract Documents showing in graphic or pictorial form the de— sign, location and dimensions of the elements (AIA) of a Project. Instructions contained
INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS: in the bidding requirements for preparing and submitting bids for a conBtruction Project. (Ref. AIA Docurnent A701 and Handbook Chapter 16.) (AN)
INVITATION TO BID: A portion of the bidding re— quirements soliciting bids for a privately financed cons truction project. (AIA)
LOW BID: Bid stating the lowest bid price, in— cluding selected alternates, and complying with all bidding requirements. (AIA)
LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER; Bidder who submits the lowest bona fide bid and is considered by the Owner and the Architect to be fully res— ponsible and qualified to perfom the Work for which the bid is submitted. (AIA)
PROJECT MANUAL: The manual prepared by the Ar— chi tect for a Proj ect, including the bidding requirements, Conditions Of the Contract and the technical Specif ications . (AIA)
SPECIFICATIONS: A part of the contract Documents contained in the Project Manual consisting of written descriptions of a technical nature of materials, equipment construction systems , standards and wrkmanship. Under the Uniform System, the Specifications comprise sixteen Divisions . (AIA) 01100 A LTERNATIVES /ALTERNATES
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APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT: contractor 'S written request for payment of amount due for completed portions of the Work and, if the Contract so provides, for Iraterials delivered and suitably stored pending their incorporation into the Work . (AIA)
APPROVAL, ARCHITECT'S: Architect's written or Imprinted acknowledgement that materials, equipment or methods of construction are acceptable for use in the Work, or that a Contractor's request or Claim is valid . CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT: A stateraent from the Architect to the Owner confirming the amount of money due Contractor for Work accomplished or materials and equipment sui tablY stored , EXTRA : cost. Sum) . An item of See also (AIÄ) or both. (AIA) Work involving addi tional "Addition" (to Contract The owner' s acceptance of
RETAINAGE: A sum withheld from progres% pay— ments to the Contractor in accordance with the terms of the Owner—Contractor Agreement. (AIA)
SCHEDULE OF VALUES; A staternent furnished by the Contractor to the Architect reflecting the portions Of the contract Sum allotted for the var ious parts of the Work and used as the basis for reviewing the Contractor' s applications for progress payments. (AIA)
UNIT PRICES: stated in a Contract as prices per unit of measurement for rtEteria1s or services as described in the Contract (AIA) Documents .
WORK: All labor necessary to produce the construction required by the Contract Docu— ments, and all materials and equipment in— corpora ted or to be incorporated in such construction. (AIA)
FINAL ACCEPTANCE: the Project from the Contractor upon cer— tif ication by the Architect that it is com— plete and in accordance with the Contract requirements. Final acceptance is con— firmed by the making of final payment unless otherwise stipulated at the tüne of rreking such payment . (AIA)
FINAL PAYMENT: Payment made by the owner to the contractor, upon issuance by the Archi— tect of the final Certificate for Payment, of the entire unpaid balance of the Contract Sum as adj usted by Change Orders. See also "Final Acceptance (AIA)
INDIRECT EXPENSE: overhead expense; expense indirectly incurred and not directly charge— able to a specific project or task. (Ref : Handbook Chapter 6 and "The Economics of Architectural Practice", "Profit Planning in Architectural Practice", and "Methods of Compensation for Architectural Services" all published by the A IA). (AIA)
MINOR CHANGE (in the Work) : A change of minor nature in the Work not involv ing an adj ust— ment in the Contract Sum or Contract Time , which nay be effected by Field Order or other written order issued by the Architect. (AIA)
MODIFICATION (to the contract : (1) A written amendment to the Contract signed by both parties . (2) Change Order . written or graphic interpretation issued by the Architect. (4) A written order for a minor change in the Work issued by the Ar— chi tect. (AIA)
PROGRESS PAYMENT: Partial payment rnade during progress of the Work on account of work com— pleted and/or materials suitably stored. (AIA) 01150
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APPROVAL, ARCHITECT'S: Architect's written or imprinted acknowledgement that materi— als, equipment or methods of construction are acceptable for use in Work, or that a Contractor 's request or claim is valid . (AIA)
APPROVED EQUAL: Material, equipment or method approved by the Architect for use in the Work as being acceptable as an equivalent in essential attributes to the ma terial, equipment or method specified in the Contract Document s. (AIA)
DRAWINGS: The portion of the Contract Documents showing in graphic or pictorial form the design, loca tion and dimensions of the elements Of a Project. (AIA)
INSPECTION : Exarnination of Work coapleted or in progress to determine its compli— ance with Contract requirements. The Ar— chitect ordinarily makes only two in spec— t ions of a construction project, one to determine Substantial Completion, and the other to determine final completion. These inspections should be distinguished from the more general observations ItEde by the Architect on his periodic visits to the site during the progress of the Work. The term is also used to mean exam— ination of the Work by a public official, Owner 's representative, or others. (AIA)
INSPECTION LIST: A list of items of Work to be completed or corrected by the Con— (AIA) tractor .
QUALITY ASSURANCE: The system for insuring that the contract technical requirerrents are met. (NAVFAC)
RECORD DRAWINGS: construction drawings re- vised to show significant changes made during the construction process, usually based on marked—up prints, drawings and other data furnished by the Contractor to the Architect. (AIA) Physical examples furnished by
SAMPLES : the Contractor for the Architect's review and approval, which illustrate nuterials , equipment or wrkmanship, and which es— tablish standards by which the Work will be judged
SECTION (drawing) : A drawing Of a surface revealed by an imaginary plane cut through the project, or portion thereof, in such a manner as to show the composition of the surface as it wuld appear if the part intervening between cut plane and the eye of the observer were removed. (AIA) SHOP DRAWINGS: Drawings, diagrams, illustra- tions, schedules, perfor11Ence charts, bro— chures and other data prepared by the Con— tractor or any Subcontractor, manufacturer , supplier or distr ibutor, which illustrate how specific portions of the Work shall be fabr icated and/or installed. (AIA) 01300
SPECIFICATION: A detailed description of what is wanted. (NAVFAC)
SPECIFICATIONS : A part Of the contract Documents contained in the Project Manual consisting of written descriptions of a technical nature of materials, equipment . construction systems, standards and work— manship. Under the Uniform System, the Specifications comprise sixteen Divisions. (Ref. AIA Document KIO 3 and Handbook Chapter 14) .
SUBSTITUTION: A material or process offered in lieu of and as being equivalent to a specif led material or process. (AIA)
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ACCEPTANCE INSPECTION: That inspection that must be performed prior to the acceptance of a facility or any thereof for payment. (NAVFAC )
ADDITIONAL GENERAL PROVISIONS (AGP) (CON- STRUCTIOIJ CONTRACT): The prepr inted form which is attached to, and becomes a part of, each construction contract. This forn provides standard clauses on a varie— ty of subjects which pertain to the job and is an extension of the General Provisions . (NAVFAC)
ARMED SERVTCES PROCUREMENT REGULATION (ASPR) : The primary procurernent regulation and di— rective of the Department of Defense. (NAVFAC)
CONSTRUCTION REPRESENTATIVE: A Civil service employee or the Officer In Charge of Con— struction (OICC) or Resident Officer In Charge of Construction (ROICC) staff whose pr imary function is to provide inspection and/or surveillance on construction pro— jects. (NAVFAC)
CONTRACTOR QUALITY CONTROL (CQC): The quality control and inspection systan established and maintained by the contractor that as— sures compliance with the contract plans and specifications. (NAVFAC)
CONTRACTOR QUALITY CONTROL PAN: A plan pre- pared by the contractor and approved by the Navy which outlines the procedures, ins truc— tions, reports and per sonnel the contractor intends to use in the implementation of the CQC Program. (NAV?AC)
CONTRACTOR QUALITY CONTROL REPRESENTATIVE (CQC REP) : An employee of the construction contractor, appointed in writing, by the contractor and approved by the Navy, with the responsibility for administration and implanentation of CQC at the job site. (NAVFAC)
FACTORY INSPECTION: That inspection that is performed at the point of manuf acture of var ious products incorporated into the job. (NAVFAC)
FINAL ACCEPTANCE: The acceptance of the Project from the Contractor upon cer— tif ication by the Architect that it is complete and in accordance with the Contract requirernents. Final acceptance is confirmed by the making of final payment unless other— wise stipulated at the time of making such paymen t. (AIA)
FINAL COMPLETION: Term denoting that the Work is complete and all Contract require— ments have been fulfilled by the contractor. (AIA)
FINAL INSPECTION: Final review of the Project by the Architect prior to his issuance of the f inal Certificate for Payment. (AIA)
QUALITY CONTROL That inspection performed at the request of the contractor to insure that the entire project has been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and as a result, the project is accepted by the owner. Very often the sponsor is invited to accompany the ROICC during the final Inspection. (NAVFAC)
GENERAL QUALITY CONTROLS: The inspections and/or investigations that are performed by the CQC REP or his staff, in a visual manner or with a minimum of equipment to as sure the quality level required by the specif (NAVFAC)
GENERAL PROVISIONS (GP) (CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT) : The preprinted standard form 23—A which is attached to, and becomes a part of, Federal construction contract. (NAVFAC)
GUARANTEE: Legally enforceable assurance of the duration of satisfactory performance or quality of a product of Work. (AIA)
INSPECTION : A strict, close or critical exam— ination or careful investigation of the work to determine compliance by the contractor with plans and specifications. (NAVFAC) Examination of Work completed or in progress to determine its compliance with Contract re— quirements. The Architect ordinarily makes only two inspections of a construction proj— ect, one to determine Substantial Completion, and the other to determine final completion. These inspections should be distinguished from the more general observations made by the Architect on his periodic visits to the site during the progress of the Work. The term is also used to mean examination of the Work by a public official, Owrxer' s represen— tative, or others. (AIA)
INSPECTION LIST: A list of items of Work to be completed or corrected by the contractor . (AIA)
OFFICER OF THE FIRM: An owner or employee of the construction firm who, by virtue of this position, is znpowered to obligate the con— struction company. (NAVPAC)
QUALITY ASSURANCE: The planning, training, management and other technical actions per— formed by the Navy prior to the construction phase to assure the control of quality by the contractor at the job site during con— struction . (NAVFAC)
QUALITY CONTROL: Tests and sampling techniques to see that required quality is provided. (AIA
QUALITY LEVEL: The specific degree of excel- lence, basis, nature, character or kind of per formance of a particular item or group of items established by the designer and in— cluded in the plans and specif ications . (NAVFAC)
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RESIDENT ENGINEER: A person representing the Owner's interests at the Project site during the construction Phase; term frequently used on Proj ects in which a governmental agency is involved. (AIA)
SAMPLES: Physical exarnples furnished by the Contractor for the Architect' s review and approval, which illustrate materials, equip— ment or workmanship, and which establish standards by which the work will be judged. (AIA)
SPECIFIC QUALITY CONTROL: The tests, controls, performances or certifications specifically required in each technical section of the specif ication to assure the specified quality level of a particular item or group of items. (NAVFAC)
SUBSTITUTION : A IEteriaI or process offered in lieu of and as being equivalent to a speci— fied material or process. (AIA)
UPERINTENDENT : Contractor s representat ive at the site who is responsible for continu— ous field supervision, coordination, com— pletion of the Viork and, unless another per— son is designated in writing by the Contractor to the owner and the Architect, for the pre— vention of accidents. (AIA)
SURVEILLANCE: A close watch or observation kept over a contractor ' s inspection sys tem to in— sure that It is functioning properly, per•- formed concurrently with the construction rep— resentation inspections . (NAVFAC ) 01400 QUALITY CONTROL
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ACCIDENT (insurance terminology) : A sud— den, unexpected event identifiable as to time and place. (I) A construction project ALTERATIONS : (or portion of a proj ect) comprising re— visions within or to prescr ibed elements of an existing structure, as distinct from additions to an existing structure. (2) ReliOde1ing . (AIA)
APPROVAL, ARCHITECT'S: Architect's written or imprinted acknowledgeænt that nuteri— als, equipment or rethods of construction are acceptable for use in the Work, or that a Contractor's request or claim is va lid. (AIA)
BODILY INJURY (insurance terminology) : Phy- sical injury, sickness or disease sustain— ed by a person. See also n Per sonal Injury" (AIA)
BOUNDARY SURVEY: A mathematically closed diagran of the complete per ipheral boun— dary of a site, reflecting dimensions , compass bearings and angles. It should bear a licensed land surveyor t s signed certification, and may include a metes and bounds or other written description. (AIÄ)
BUILDER'S RISK INSURANCE: A specialized fom of property insurance to cover Work in the course of construction. See a I So n Property Insurance" (AIA)
BUILDING PENIIT: A permit issued by approp- priate governmental authority allowing construction of a Project in accordance with approved Drawings and Specifications . (AIA)
CARE, CUSTODY AND CONTROL (insurance ter- minology): The term used to describe a standard exclusion in liability insurance policies. Under this exclusion, liability insurance does not apply to dam— age to property in the care or custody of the insured, or to damage to property over which the insured is for any purpose exercising physical con trol.
CODES : Regulations, ordinances or statutory requirements of a governmental unit relat— ing to building construction and occupancy, adopted and administered for the protection of the public health, safety and ælfare. KAIA)
CONTRACT LIMIT: A limit line or perimeter line established on the Drawings or el se— where in the Contract Documents defining the boundaries of the site available to the Contractor for construction purposes. (AIA)
CRITICAL PATH METHOD (CPM): A charting of all events and operations to be encountered in completing a given process, rendered in a form permitting determina tion of the relative significance of each event, and 01500
CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS establishing the optimum sequence and dura— See also "Pert Schedule" tion of operations. (AIA)
DATE OF COMMENCE>ENT OF THE WORK: The date es- tabl ished in a Notice to Proceed or, in the absence of such Notice, the date Of the Agreement or such other date as may be es— tabl i shed therein or by the parties thereto. (AIA)
INSPECTION: Examination of Work completed or in progress to determine its compliance with Contract requirements. The Architect or— dinar ily Inakes only two inspections of a construction project, one to determine Sub— stantial Completion, and the other to deter— mine final completion. These inspections should be distinguished from the more gen— era I observations made by the Architect on his periodic visits to the site during the progress of the Work. The term is also used to mean examina t:ion of the Work by a public official, Owner's representative, or others . (AIA)
PERSONAL INJURY (insurance terminology) : jury or damage to the character or reputation of a person, as well as bodily injury. Per— sonal injury insurance usually covers such situations as false arrest, malicious prose— cution, willful detention or imprisonment, libel, slander, defamation of character , E ongful eviction, invasion of privacy or wrongful entry. See also "Bodily Injury. " (AIA)
PERT SCHEDULE: An acronym for Project Evalua— tion Review Technique. The pert Schedule charts the activities and events anticipated in a wrk process. see also "Critical Path Method (CPM) " . (AIA)
PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE: The Architect's repre- sentative at the Project site who assists in the Administration of the construction Contract. When authorized by the Owner, a Full—Time Proj ect Representative may be em— ployed. (AIA)
PROPERTY DA»mGE INSURANCE: (AIA) Part of general liability insurance covering injury to or des— truction of tangible property, including loss of use resulting therefrom, but usually not including property which is in the care, custody and control of the insured. See also "Care, Custody and Control '1 (AIA)
PROPERTY INSURANCE: Insurance on the Work at the site against loss or damage caused by perils of fire, lightning, extended coverage (wind, hail, explosion, except steam boiler explosion, riot, civil commotion, aircraft, land vehicles and smoke) , vandalism and ma— licious mischief and additional perils (as otherwise provided or requested) . See also "Special Hazards Insurance" . (AIA)
PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE; Insurance covering 1i abili ty of the insured for negligent acts resul ting in bodily injury, disease or death
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CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS of Others than enployees of the insured, and/or (AIA) property damage.
SINGLE CONTRACT: Contract for construction of a Proj ect under which a single prime Contractor is responsible for all of the wrk. (A1-A)
SITE: Geographical location of the Project, us u— ally defined by legal koundary lines (AIA) S PECIAL HAZARDS INSURANCE; Additional perils in- surance to be included in Property Insurance (as provided in Contract Documents or reque sted by contractor or at option of owner) such as sprinkler leakage, collapse, water damage, all physical loss, or insurance on nEteriaIs and supplies at other loca tions and/or in transit to the site. See also Property Insurance" . (AIA)
SURVEY: (I) Boundary and/or topographic æpping of a site. (2) Measuring an existing building. (3) Analyzing a building for use of space. (4) Determining Owner's requirements for a Project. (5) Investigating ard reporting Of required data for a Project. (AIA)
WORK: All labor necessary to produce the con— struction required by the contract Documents, and all materials uld equipment incorporated or to be incorporated in such construction . (AIA)
WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSUmNCE: Insurance covet ing liability of an employer to his era— ployees for compensation and other benefits required by wrkmen' s compensation laws with respect to injury, sickness, disease or death arising from their enployænt. (AIA) ZONING PERMIT: A permit issued by appropriate governmental authority authorizing land to be used for a specific purpose. (AIA) 01500
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CERTIFICATE FOR PAYENT: A statement from the Architect to the Owner conf irming the amount of money due Contractor for Work accomplished or materials and equipment suitably stored, or both. (A1 A)
NONCONFORMING WRK: Work that does not ful fill the requireaents of the contract (AIA) Documen ts . Physical examples furnished by the
SAMPLES : contractor for the Architect's review and approval, which illustrate nuterials, equipment or wrkmanship, and which es— tablish standards by which the Work will be judged.
SUPPLIER: A per son or organization who sup— plies materials or equipment for the Work, inc luding that fabr icated to a special de— sign, but who does not perform labor at the site . (AIA) Combining prefabricated
SYSTEMS (a process) : assemblies, components and parts into single integrated units utilizing Indus— trial i zed production, assembly and methods. (ATÄ)
VENDOR: A person or organization who furnish— es materials or equ ipment not fabricated to a special design for the Work . (AIA) 01600 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT
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APPLICATION FOR PAYEENT: contractor 'S written request for payment of amount due for completed portions of the Work and , if the Contract so provides, for nEteriaIs delivered and suitably stored pending their incorporation into the Work. (AIA)
AS-BUILT DRAWINGS: Use "Record Drawings n (AIA)
ASSOCIATE (of an office or f irm) : A member of an Architect' s staff who has a special employment agreement . (A IA)
BENEFICIAL OCCUPANCY: Use of a project or portion thereof for the purpose intended. (AIA)
BONUS AND PENALTY CLAUSE: A provision in the construction contract for payrnent of a bonus to the Contractor for corpleting the Work prior to a stipulated date, a charge against the Contractor for fail— ure to complete the Work by such stipulat— ed date. (AIA)
BUILDING INSPECTOR: A representative of a governmental author ity employed to in— spect construction for cmpliance with applicable codes, regulations and ordin— (AIÄ) ances.
CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT: A statement from the Architect to the Owner conf irming the amount of money due Contractor for Work accomplished or materials and equipment suitably stored, or both. (AIA)
CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: Document issued by governmental author ity certifying that all or a designated portion of a build— ing complies with the provisions of ap— plicable statutes and regulations; and permitting occupancy for its designated (AIA) use.
CHANGE ORDER: A written order to con- tractor signed by the Owner and the Ar— chitect, issued after the execution of the Contract, authorizing a change in the Work or an adjustment in the Contract Sum or the Contract Time. A Change Order may be signed by the Architect alone, pro— vided he has written authority from Owner for such procedure and that a copy of such written authority is furnished to the Contractor upon request. A Change Order nay also be signed by the Contractor if he agrees to the adjustment in the Contract sum or the Contract Time. The Contract Sum and the Contract Time may be changed only by Change Order. (AIA)
CHANGES IN THE WORK: Changes ordered by the Owner consisting of additions, deletions or other revisions within the general scope of the Contract, the contract Sum and the Contract Time being adj usted accordingly. All Changes in the Work, except those of a minor nature not involving an adjustment to the contract Sum or Contract Time , should be authorized by QEnge Order See also "Field Order n (AIA) 01700 -1
COMPLETED OPERATIONS INSURANCE: Liabiligy in- surance coverage for injuries to persons or damage to property occurring after an opera— tion is completed but attributed to that operation. An operation is completed (1) when all operations under the Contract have been completed or abandoned; or (2) when all operations at one project site are completed; or (3) when the portion of the Work out of which the inj ury or damage arises has been put to its intended use by the person or organization for whom that portion of the Work was done. completed Operations Insur— ance does not apply to damage to the completed Work itself. (AIA)
COMPLETION DATE: The date established in the Contract Documents for Substantial Completion of the Work. See also (1) Date of substan— tiaI Completion; (2) Time of Completion. (AIA)
COMPLETION LIST: see "Inspection List" (AIA)
COMPLETION, SUBSTANTIAL: see "Date of Substan- tia1 Completion n . (AIA)
CONTRACT TIME: The period of time established in the Contract Documents within which the Work must be completed. The Contract Time can be adjusted only by Clunge Order. (AIA)
CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT: A certified statement of the Contractor, properly notarized, relat— ing to payments of debts and claims, re— lease of liens, or similar matters requiring specific evidence for the protection of the (AIA) Omer.
CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY: Liability assumed by a party under a contract. An indemnification or "hold harmless" clause is an example of contractual liability. (AIA)
DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: The date certi- fled by the Architect when the Work or a de— signated portion thereof is sufficiently com— plete, in accordance with the contract Docu— ments, so the Owner may occupy the Work or designated portion thereof for the use for which it is intended. (AIA)
DEFECTIVE WORK: Work not complying with the Contract requirements. (AIA)
DEFICIENCIES : See "Defective Work n (AIA)
EXTRA: An item of Work involving additional cost. See also "Addition (to contract Sum) u (AIA)
FIELD ORDER: A written order effecting a minor change in the Work not involving an adjustment in the Contract Sum or an exten— sion of the Contract Time, issued by the Architect to the contractor dur ing the Construction Phase. (AIA)
FINAL ACCEPTANCE: The Owner's acceptance of the Proj ect from the Contractor upon certi— fication by the Architect that it is complete and in accordance with the Contract require— ments. Final acceptance is confirmed by the
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SECTION 01700 making of final payment unless otherwise stipu— lated at the time of making such payment. (AIA)
FINAL COMPLETION: Term denoting that the work is complete and all Contract requirements have been fulfilled by the Contractor . (AIA)
FINAL INSPECTION: Final review cf the Project by the Architect prior to his issuance of the f inal Certificate for Payment. (AIA)
FINAL PAYMENT: Payment Nde by the Owner to the contractor, upon issuance by the Architect of -the final Certificate for Payment, of the en— tire unpaid balance of the Contract Sum as ad— justed by Change Orders. See also "Final Ac— ceptancel' (AIA)
GUARANTEE: Legally enforceable assurance Of the duration of satisfactory per formance or quali— ty of a product or Work. (AIA)
HOLD HARMLESS: See "Indemnification " "Contractual Liabili tyn . (AIA) See also
INDEMNIFICATION: A contractual obligation by which one person or organization agrees to secure another against loss or damage from specified liabilities. (AIA)
INDEMNIFICATION, IMPLIED: An indemnification which is implied by law rather than arising out of a contract. (AIA)
INSPECTION : Examination of Work completed or in progress to determine its canpliance with Contract requirements. The Architect ordin— ar ily makes only two inspections of a con— struction project, one to determine Substan— tial Completion, and the other to determine final completion. These inspections should be distinguished from the more general obser— vat ions Inade by the Architect on his periodic visits to the site during the progress of the Work. The term is also used to mean examina— tion of the Work by a public official, s representative, or others (AIA)
INSPECTION LIST: A list of items of Work to be completed or corrected by the Contractor (AIA) LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND: A bond of the Contractor in which a Surety guarantees to the Owner that the Contractor will pay for labor and materials used In the perforrznce of the Contract. The claimants under the bond are defined as those having direct contracts with the Contractor or any Subcontractor. (AIA)
LIEN: see "Mechanic's Lien". (AIA)
LIEN WAIVER; see "Waiver of Lien" (AIA)
LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: A sum established in a Con- struction contract, usually as a fixed sum per day, as the measure Of damages suffered by the Owner due to failure to complete the Work with— in a stipulated time. See also (I) Bonus and penalty Clause; (2) Bonus Clause. (AIA) 01700
MECHANIC'S LIEN: A lien on real property created by statute in all states in fa— vor of per sons supplying labor or materi— als for a building or structure for the value of labor or materials supplied by them. In some jurisdictions, a mech— anicts lien also exists for the value of professional services. Clear title to the property cannot be obtained un— til the claim for the labor, materials or professional services is settled. (AIA)
MINOR CHANGE (in the work) : A change of minor nature in the Work not involving an adj ustment in the Contract Sum or Contract Time, which may be effected by Field Order or other written order issued by the Architect . (AIA)
MODIFICATION (to the Contract Documents) ; (1) A written amendment to the Contract signed by both parties. (2) A Change Order . (3) A written or graphic inter— pretation issued by the Architect. (4) A written order for a minor change in the Work issued by the Architect. See also (I) Change Order; (2) Field Order. (AIA)
NONCONFORMING WORK: Work that does not fulf ill the requirements of the Contract Dæ ument S. (AIA)
PARTIAL OCCUPANCY; Occupancy by the Owner of a portion of a Project prior to final completion . (AIA)
PERMIT, OCCUPANCY: See "Certificate of Occupancy. " (AIA)
POST-COMPLETION SERVICES: Additional ser- vices rendered after issuance of the final Certif icate for Payment, such as consultation regarding maintenance, (AIA) processes, systems, etc.
PROGRESS PAYMENT: Partial payment made during progress of the work on account of work completed and/or materials suit— ably stored. (AIA)
PUNCH LIST; Use n Inspection List" (AIA)
RECORD DRAWINGS: Construction drawings revised to show significant changes made during the construction process, usually based on marked—up prints, drawings and other data furnished by the Contractor to the Architect. (AIA)
RELEASE OF LIEN: Instrument executed by one supplying labor, materials or pro— fessional services on a Proj ect which releases his mechanic's lien against the Proj ect property. See also "Mech— anic 's Lien" (AIA)
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RETAINAGE: A sum withheld from progress payments to the Contractor in accordance with the terms of the Owner —Contractor (AIA) Agreernent. Expenses incurred in con—
TERMINAL EXPENSES : nectåon with the termination of a con— (AIA) tract.
TIME (as the essence of the Construction Con— Time limits or periods stated in tract) ; the Contract. A provision in a Construc— tion Contract that "tirne is of the essence of the Contract" signifies that the parties consider that punctual per fornEnce within the time intervals or periods in the Contract is a vital part of the per formance and that failure to perform on time is a breach for which the inj ured party is entitled to damages in the amount of loss sustained . (AIA)
TIME OF COMPLETION: Date establi shed in the Contract, by name or by number of days, for Substantial Cornpletion of the Work . See also (I) Completion Date; (2) Contract Time. (AIA)
TIMELY CO>PLETJON: completion of the work or designated portion thereof on or before the date required.
WAIVER OF LIEN: An instrument by which a per- son or organization who has or may 2Eve a right of mechanic 's lien against the prop— erty of another relinquishes such right. See also (I) Mechanic's Lien; (2) Release of Mechanic's Lien. (AIA )
WORK: All labor necessary to pr oduce the construction required by the Contract Documents, and all materials and equipment incorpora ted or to be incorpora ted in such construction. (AIA )
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