How to reduce the levels of lead in drinking water:
This article explains simple steps you can take to reduce exposure to lead in drinking water; new EPA Standard for lead and copper in drinking water, and requirements placed on community water suppliers. Links to Lead Testing Services are also provided.
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You can spot the lead water supply piping in our photo at left. The right-hand lead water pipe is thicker than the copper water pipe in left side of the photo, and you can see the lead pipe wipe joint as well.
[Click to enlarge any image] More photos of lead water supply (and drain) piping are
Just how serious is lead contamination in private or public water supplies? It depends in part on where you live. In June 2010 the New York Times, citing Reuters reported:
Health workers have set up emergency treatment centers in northern Nigeria for scores of children suffering from lead poisoning and are racing to contain contamination that has already killed more than 160 people.
High levels of lead have contaminated water supplies in at least six villages in Zamfara State, close to where residents were illegally mining for gold. More than 350 cases have been reported over the past few months, and 111 of the dead are children, many younger than 5. The Dutch arm of Doctors Without Borders has brought in drugs to treat villagers found to have high levels of lead in their blood.
Watch Out: Lead Hazard Warning: consumption or absorption of lead into the human body is hazardous, particularly for children but in fact for anyone. [1] & [3-21]. And at least one correspondent has expressed the view that there is no level of lead exposure for which they have not found an adverse effect. [22]
Watch out for devices sold to reduce lead in drinking water but that do not work. The U.S. EPA recommends that you should verify the lead-reduction claims of device manufacturers by checking the NSF International or the Water Quality Association.
Related Articles on lead hazards and citations of authorities on lead hazards, testing, and remediation are atReferences or Citations .
In the U.S. lead levels in public water supplies has been dropping since passage of the 1974-2004 Federal Safe Drinking Water Act, and public water supplies are much less likely to be a lead hazard source. But in-building sources of lead in water may remain.
In November 2010 the New York Times reported that in 2009 only 5.4% of samples had elevated lead, but in 2010 tests of 222 water samples found lead from 16-30 ppb in 14% of the samples. Although at these low levels the city did not consider the lead a clear health hazard, the city advised residents to run water for "at least 30 seconds" before drinking or cooking with it. A similar advisory was issued in 2005.
Watch out: the length of time needed to run water to flush out high-lead-level water that has been sitting in piping overnight depends on the total length of pipe between your tap and the street as well as use by other building occupants. If you run water at a tap until it is cold you have most likely successfully flushed the lines. This same principle applies to private residences.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and various U.S. municipal water suppliers are concerned about lead in drinking water. As late as 1961 major cities such as New York were still installing lead water mains piping.
In 1992, as a result of legislation written in Congress (the U.S. Federal Safe Drinking Water Act), a new US EPA standard for lead and copper became effective. This standard is intended to help communities around the nation reduce their exposure to lead/copper in drinking water, and there by, lower their exposure to lead/copper from all sources, including air, lead based paint, soil and dust. Lead paint is the main source of lead poisoning; however, lead contamination from water can contribute 10 to 20 percent of a person's exposure.
In 1992, more than 60,000 public water suppliers throughout the U.S. tested various homes they served for lead/copper at household taps.
In-building sources of lead in water: Although water supplied from your water treatment plant may be free from lead or copper*, contamination from your piping system may cause lead/copper to dissolve (leach) into your water supply if:
EPA Lead limit: Although most homes have very low levels of lead in their drinking water, some homes in some communities have lead levels above the EPA action level of 15 parts per billion (ppb), or 0.015 milligrams of lead per liter of water (mgL).
Under Federal Law water suppliers are required to have a program in place to minimize lead in drinking water by January 1, 1996. This program includes corrosion control treatment, source water treatment, and public education. We are also required to replace each lead service line that we control if the line contributes to lead concentrations of 15 ppb or more after we have completed the comprehensive treatment program. If you have any questions about how the requirements of the lead regulations are being carried out, call your local water department or health department.
Gilbert & Weiss cite the history of the U.S. CDC's position on the acceptable levels of lead in children's blood levels as we summarize below:[23]
Acceptable Childhood Blood Levels - U.S. CDC & Other Agencies |
Year Published & Agency | Blood Level in ug/dl |
U.S. CDC - 1960 | 60 |
U.S. CDC - 1973 | 40 |
U.S. CDC - 1975 | 30 |
U.S. CDC - 1985 | 25 |
WHO - 1986 | 20 |
U.S. EPA - 1986 | 15 |
U.S. CDC - 1990-1991 | 10 |
U.S. CDC - 2006 ?? |
2. OPINION: in general authorities argue that there is no level below which it can be demonstrated that lead exposure is not hazardous. [23]
3. Table quoted from Steven G. Gilbert & Bernard Weiss, "A rationale for lowering the blood lead action level from 10 to 2 μg/dL", NeuroToxicology, Volume 27, Issue 5, September 2006 [23]
Lead is a common, natural, and often useful metal found throughout the environment in lead-based paint. air, soil, household dust, food, certain types of pottery porcelain pewter, and water.
Lead can pose a significant risk to your health if too much of it enters your body. Lead builds up in the body over many years and can cause damage to the brain, red blood cells, and kidneys. The greatest risk is to young children and pregnant women.
Amounts of lead that won't hurt adults can slow down normal mental and physical development of growing bodies. In addition, a child at play often comes into contact with sources of lead contamination - like dirt and dust - that rarely affect an adult. It is important to wash children's hands and toys often, and to try to make sure they only put food in their mouths.
The answer depends on the answer to "Is My Water Supply Public (regulated by the Safe Drinking Water Act) or Private (responsibility of the homeowner)?"
Definition of a public water system (PWSs): a public water supply system, or "community water supply" or "municipal water supply" is one that has at least 15 service connections or serves at least 25 people per day for 60 days (or more) during the year.
Any such system is defined as a "community water system" or in our words, a public water supply and is regulated by federal law. The community government, typically its water department and health departments are responsible for compliance with federal law regulating safe drinking water, including both regular testing and if necessary, treatment of the water supply. The type of water treatment required depends on the water source and water quality.
Occupants of homes served by municipal water supply in the U.S. are receiving water that is required by law to be regular tested for a number of contaminants, including lead. But even if the supplied water and its delivery system are acceptable, in-building piping can be a source of lead contamination, especially for buildings whose piping contain lead or lead solder.
Some cities such as New York City include phosphoric acid to the water supply to help form an oxide coating inside piping to reduce the rate of lead flowing through piping. But water sitting in piping during times of little or no use may still absorb some lead if it's present in the system.
Definition of a non-community or private water system: a private water supply system is smaller in size than the definition above, or serves people for less than 60 days per year. The owners of a private water supply system are responsible for assuring that the water provided by that system is safe to drink. While private water supply systems may not be regulated by federal law, local village, town, state, or county health departments and regulations may indeed apply and may set standards for acceptable drinking water for private wells in their community.
The EPA defines two types of non-community water supply systems: (Quoting from the EPA's Drinking Water Treatment)
Owners of private wells (serving less than 15 connections or 25 people) are responsible for assuring that their well water is safe. The EPA Recommends (Drinking Water Standards):
People with private wells are responsible for making sure that their own drinking water is safe. Some states do set standards for private w ells, so well owners should c heck their state requirements. U S EPA recommends testing your water once per year to see if it meets federal and state standards.
Call the EPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426- 4791 or see the US EPA Safewater home page at to find out how to get a list of certified testing labs in your state.
Reader Question: 9/17/2014 Ajay Sankar N R said:
is there any water purifiers for removing heavy metals like "lead"- this question was originally posted at UV ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT WATER TREATMENT
Yes Ajay there are some filters that can remove lead from drinking water, but certainly UV treatment (the article on this page) does NOT remove lead, nor other nonbiological contaminants.
Here is what the US EPA advises about lead removing water filters
A number of cartridge type filtering devices [for removing lead from drinking water] are available. These devices use various types of filtering media, including carbon, ion exchange resins, activated alumina and other privately marketed products.
Unless they have been certified as described below, the effectiveness of these devices to reduce lead exposure at the tap can vary greatly. It is highly recommended that before purchasing a filter, you verify the claim made by the vendor. If you have bought a filter, you should replace the filter periodically as specified by the manufactuer. Failure to do so may result in exposure to high lead levels.
Penn State offers more clear lead in water removal than does the EPA
Distillation units, also normally placed on the kitchen counter, are effective in removing lead from drinking water. However, they are relatively expensive to operate and produce only a gallon or so of water per day, depending on their size.
Contrary to some claims, water softeners are not recommended for lead removal. Softeners are inefficient lead removal devices, and they usually are installed in the plumbing system ahead of the piping and fixtures where most of the lead originates. Also, softened water is more corrosive than unsoftened water. Thus in some cases softeners could actually cause an increase in tap water lead concentrations.
Other treatment devices such as granular activated carbon Letting the water run for 1–2 minutes is the easiest and cheapest way to reduce lead levels in drinking water. This method is effective for reducing lead levels below 15µg/L in more than 90 percent of cases. (GAC) filters can remove lead, but their efficiency is questionable. GAC filters, for instance, are only efficient at removing lead when the water pH is near 7.
Small, inexpensive countertop filter units are being marketed for lead removal, but prospective buyers should beware of salespersons who will not substantiate their claims or who use devices that involve questionable treatment methods.
Furthermore, excessively small units are limited in the amount of time that the filter is effective in removing lead. A National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) seal on treatment equipment is one method of ensuring that the unit has been tested for adequate removal efficiency.
A NSF seal does not guarantee, however, that the filter will be effective after many months of continuous use, and filter replacement is always required periodically.
The most effective and most expensive lead removal method is to replace the leaded components in the plumbing system with nonleaded components. This procedure most often involves replacing copper pipes and lead solder with plastic PVC pipes.
Only plastic PVC pipes approved for home plumbing use, as indicated by the letters NSF-pw appearing on the side of the pipe, should be used for replacement.
Replacing home plumbing components will be effective only if the source of the lead is within the home plumbing system. If the lead originates from lead service lines within a public water system, this method may be of limited benefit.
Watch out for devices sold to reduce lead in drinking water but that do not work. The U.S. EPA recommends that you should verify the lead-reduction claims of device manufacturers (including those listed below) by checking the NSF International or the Water Quality Association.
Watch out: also for lead removal water filters or systems that cannot handle high levels of lead that may be present in some water supplies such as the Flint Michigan drinking water lead contamination problem widely reported in 2015 and 2016.
Typical household lead filters may not be adequate for water with high lead levels and drinking water processed through such filters mayu be unsafe.
Please see the details about water filters, including US EPA recommendations, at WATER FILTERS, HOME USE
NSF International: NSF International
P.O Box 130140
789 N. Dixboro Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48105, USA. NSF has offices world wide. USA Tel: 1-800-673-6275, Website: Email: or for standards questions:
Manufacturers, regulators and consumers look to NSF International for the development of public health standards and certification programs that help protect the world’s food, water, consumer products and environment.
Our mission is to protect and improve global human health. As an independent, accredited organization, we develop standards, and test and certify products and systems. We provide auditing, education and risk management solutions for public health and the environment.
WQA Water Quality Association: Water Quality Association, International Headquarters & Laboratory
4151 Naperville Road
Lisle, IL 60532-3696 USA
Tel: 630-505-0160, Website:
The Water Quality Association (WQA) is a not-for-profit association for the residential commercial, and industrial water treatment industry. WQA represents more than 2,700 member companies around the globe.
Our membership is comprised of equipment manufacturers, suppliers, dealers and distributors of water quality improvement products and services. WQA proudly serves as an educator of water treatment professionals, certifier of water treatment products, public information resource and voice of the water quality improvement industry.
NRDC: Natural Resources Defense Council:
Natural Resources Defense Council, 40 West 20th Street
New York, NY 10011
USA Tel: (212) 727-2700, Website: Email:
The Natural Resources Defense Council's purpose is to safeguard the Earth: its people, its plants and animals and the natural systems on which all life depends. We work to restore the integrity of the elements that sustain life -- air, land and water -- and to defend endangered natural places. We seek to establish sustainability and good stewardship of the Earth as central ethical imperatives of human society.
NRDC affirms the integral place of human beings in the environment. We strive to protect nature in ways that advance the long-term welfare of present and future generations.
(Jan 21, 2016) Mr V said:
Our city is in a huge mess, with high levels of lead or simply bad water from the source/ water plant system. Is there any know help for the people and the water treatment plant!?!??
Depending on where you live national or local laws require the delivery of safe potable drinking water to city inhabitants. Laws specify the allowable level of lead in drinking water. There are lab tests that identify the level of lead in water but those won't tell us the lead source (such as lead in the water source versus lead traced to lead supply piping in a building).
There are also point of use systems that can remove lead from drinking water that might be practical as an interim measure if the community water supply is in trouble.
Certainly if you are referring to the current problems with Lead in the Flint Michigan water supply, the problem is receiving national attention and support in the U.S.
A combination of a change in the source of Flint Michigan's water supply and then continued lead leaching into the water system even when the water supply source was replaced has continued to deliver unsafe drinking water to Flint Michigan residents in 2016.
Class action litigation has begun and names Flint officials for failure to take proper action.
None of that addresses an immediate need for safe drinking water - for which at the very least one would use bottled water or would install a lead removal system.
President Obama has appointed a federal team to assist and Nicole Lurie has been sent to Flint to coordinate federal efforts to correct the water supply problems. Flint officials are looking to the state government for financial aid. By declaring a state of emergency in Flint the state and/or federal government should be able to obtain necessary financial aid to correct conditions at the water treatment plant and in the water source for the city.
However as the New York Times reported (6 Feb 2016) federal financial assistance to Flint Michigan to permit the city to correct its unsafe drinking water supply system was blocked in the Senate by Republicans who raised concerns about how the money might be spent and by demands that the aid be accompanied by other federal spending cuts. - "The Republican Refusal to Aid Flint", The New York Times, Editorial Board 5 February 2016, Opinion Page. a version of this editorial appears in print on February 6, 2016, on page A22 of the New York edition with the headline: The Republican Refusal to Aid Flint.
For safe water to be used for drinking or cooking Flint Michigan residents will want to either use safe bottled drinking water from a reputable source or to use a reverse osmosis or distillation system as we describe below.
Meanwhile for those who can afford to install a point of use method for removing lead from drinking water, typically you'd install one such system at one plumbing fixture - often the kitchen sink, and you'd use that to supply water for drinking and cooking. Types of point of use systems for removing lead include
At WATER TREATMENT METHODS TABLE we point out that few if any water treatment or water purification systems can reliably remove all possible water contaminants that may be present in a water supply or may be contributed by contamination of the building's water supply system & equipment.
(Jan 23, 2016) Hill Webb said:
I find it unfathomable to believe that water filters can remove the high levels of lead in Flint water enough to make it safe. Am I right that the water would not be safe to drink by using water filters.
I agree that typical simple filters sold for home use are unlikely to be adquat to remove high levels of lead in the Flint Michigan water supply. It's worth noting that while the Flint Michigan water supply and lead contamination were (in late 2015 and continuing into 2016) a shiny object in the media, other cities world wide have areas where the water supply is as high or higher in lead content and thus in lead hazards. Please see the details about water filters, including US EPA recommendations,
The highest levels of lead in Flint appear to be in neighborhoods of older homes, most likely because of older lead water service lines and also lead water supply piping that remains in place in those areas. Tests found 15 ppb of lead in some areas.
Watch out: our own tests for lead in water where lead supply piping is present have shown that the very highest lead levels in drinking water will be found in the "first draw" water taken out of pipes in which water has lain overnight. Typically when all of the lead service and supply piping has been flushed out the level of lead found in fresh water that has moved through such pipes will be substantially less.
In the article above we state that
Watch out: also for lead removal water filters or systems that cannot handle high levels of lead that may be present in some water supplies such as the Flint Michigan drinking water lead contamination problem widely reported in 2015 and 2016. Typical household lead filters may not be adequate for water with high lead levels and drinking water processed through such filters mayu be unsafe.
2016/02/07: Pam (no email)
COMMENT:My parents live in Flint, Mi, and from reading your articles, I know filters won't remove the lead from their water. Although their water was never discolored, I want to purchase filters (specifically for the shower) that will ar least reduce the lead. What would you recommend?
NSF International (National Small Flows) has produced a half-helpful guide to lead-reducing water filters.
There you will see a long list of manufacturers of lead-reducing water filters that have been NSF certified. But now comes the difficulty:
1. None of the filters listed was tested for its ability to remove lead from hot water such as would most likely be used when bathing or showering (unless you're a "cold shower" person)
2. The filters listed are certified to remove lead up to 150 PPB. If lead is at higher levels the filter cannot be assumed to provide safe water - certainly not for drinking at any rate. Some of the homes in Flint MI were tested at at least 100 ppb and some may be episodically higher depending on when and how the water test sample is collected. I explain this in the article above.
3. The filters listed are intended for use on drinking water supplies, not for higher volume, higher flow rate water flows associated with bathing or showering.
4. The total gallons of water that each filter can process before it must be replaced varies widely, from about 100 gallons (a few showers at most) to 6000 gallons. And some must be installed by a plumber.
Continue reading at LEAD in WATER, ACTION LEVELS or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX.
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CORROSIVITY or ACIDITY of WATER - home - highly corrosive water leaches copper or lead from water supply pipes.
LEAD IN DRINKING WATER, HOW to REDUCE at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.
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"The voluntary standard established in the United States under ASTM F-963 and the European standard under EN-71 for soluble lead in toys (lead which may migrate from the toy and be ingested by the child) is 90 parts-per-million. At that level, any intentional use of lead in paints or other surface coatings containing lead would immediately put the toy over the permitted limit."
"Under federal law, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) enforces a standard for total lead of 600 ppm. Recently, the CPSC refused to lower the lead limit in paint and other similar surface coating materials to 100 ppm after finding that most paints sold in the United States were already at or below that level and, therefore, these materials did not present an unreasonable risk of injury warranting further government regulation."
"The lead-in-construction standard was intended to apply to any detectable concentration of lead in paint, as even small concentrations of lead can result in unacceptable employee exposures depending upon on the method of removal and other workplace conditions. Since these conditions can vary greatly, the lead-in-construction standard was written to require exposure monitoring or the use of historical or objective data to ensure that employee exposures do not exceed the action level. Historical data may be applied to all construction tasks involving lead. Objective data was intended to apply to all tasks other than those listed under paragraph (d)(2) of the standard.
["OSHA does not consider X-ray fluorescence (XRF) to be an acceptable method of analysis. As stated in your letter, XRF analyzers are generally considered accurate when concentrations of lead in paint exceed 1 mg/cm�. For the purposes of occupational health, these levels are considered substantial and may easily present an exposure hazard. Without having conducted monitoring, or without the benefit of historical or objective data, the employer has no assurance of the employee's exposure."
"Other regulatory agencies, such as Housing and Urban Development, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) have designated levels of lead in paint below which they consider the paint to be non-lead containing. The missions of these agencies differ from OSHA's, and for that reason, OSHA cannot recognize these levels as safe under workplace situations"
We recommend reviewing this position letter from OSHA. -- DF
"The voluntary standard established in the United States under ASTM F-963 and the European standard under EN-71 for soluble lead in toys (lead which may migrate from the toy and be ingested by the child) is 90 parts-per-million. At that level, any intentional use of lead in paints or other surface coatings containing lead would immediately put the toy over the permitted limit."
"Under federal law, the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) enforces a standard for total lead of 600 ppm. Recently, the CPSC refused to lower the lead limit in paint and other similar surface coating materials to 100 ppm after finding that most paints sold in the United States were already at or below that level and, therefore, these materials did not present an unreasonable risk of injury warranting further government regulation."