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SKETCH of a typical aerobic treatment unit tank, aerator, chamber Aerobic Septic System Diagnostic FAQs

ATU Maintenance or Repair Questions & Answers

Aerobic septic system repair FAQs:

Questions and answers about diagnosing and fixing problems that occur in aerobic septic systems, aeration septic systems or fine-bubble septic aerators.

At this website are designs and products for aerobic septic treatment units (ATUs) for onsite waste disposal, also called fine bubble aeration systems. We address aerobic septic system design, features, inspection, repair, and maintenance. Product sources are also listed.

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Aerobic Treatment Unit Problems

Septic Solutions Inc Cyclone aerobic septic pump SS-80-AL discussed at Inspectapedia.comRecently posted questions & answers about aerobic septic system troubleshooting & repair. Be sure to see AEROBIC ATU SEPTIC PROBLEMS - home.

On 2016-09-30 by (mod) smell from aerobic SYSTEM


Changing the septic treatment and effluent disposal system ought not change what odors show up in a shower though like you I'm not a believer in coincidences. Perhaps the plumbing vent system is defective - leaking, incomplete, blocked - and perhaps the new system piping is allowing more sewer gases than previously to return up the sewer piping system.

I'd ask that an expert who knows the specific design requirements and maintenance requirements of your new aerobic system inspect that installation, and I'd ask for help from an experienced plumber to check out the drain and vent piping.

On 2016-09-30 by Jennifer

I recently had an arobic system installed. It replaced a 35 year old conventional. Every since it was installed I get a septic smell in my bathroom after my shower. Smells like it is coming from toilet, but not sure.

I have called and had the installers come out a couple of times. They cannot find anything wrong. Something is not right. Please help.

On 2016-09-15 by (mod) - how to find out what aerobic septic maintenance your system needs


I'd look for a tag, sticker label that identifies the brand and model of your system and find the local company who installed or maintains it;

I'd ask them to review the system, its condition, needs, and to tell you what regular maintenance it requires. And yes the sprinkler head need to work; you may be about to see a backup if effluent can't be disposed-of.

On 2016-09-15 by K

We just moved to a place with a aerobic system and dont know any thing about them if the sprinkler heads are broke will it cause the light to come on

On 2016-09-12 by (mod) - Mo-Dad Aeribic system sludge layer


I would be concerned enough to talk with the manufacturer about the system, its evaluation, condition, and maintenance requirements.

I'd want to know that the aerator is working properly, and that any post-treatment or disinfection system is working properly.

This PDF gives some information about the operation of your system and it gives contact information for a Mo-Dad Aerobic Septic system company in Louisiana.

I would NOT just try any septic treatment or additive, though Mo-Dad does recommend two additive products: use one that they recommend.

On 2016-09-12 by Dre

I have an aerobic treatment system. It is a Mo-Dad 1 500gpd system. I'll start by saying I have absolutely no problems or issues. System is 5 years old. Prior to 6 months ago, the few times I opened the cap, I noticed black water.

About 6 months ago, I noticed a layer of scum/sludge and no visible water is seen. Forward to now, I still see the same sludgy layer on top and no visible water.

I'm in South Louisiana so no drain field, treated water flows directly out of a pipe into the drainage ditch along the road in front of the house. This is working properly. Is this layer of sludge normal on the top of the tank? Installer/seller of the system told me it should always look like black swampy water inside and no layer on top with these systems. My father's same system is 18 years old and has never been pumped out and he has never had any issues.

He sees the same layer on top of his tank. Should I be concerned? Should I try any enzymes in attempt to help treat this scum layer on top? Far as I know, the aerator pump is working.

On 2016-09-07 by (mod) - pumping a "slow" aerobic septic system ?

Sorry but I don't understand your aerobic design and don't have enough detail to give an authoritative answer.
In general, a manufacturer, motivated by cost control, does not include features such as a pump that a system does not need to function properly.

Effluent pumps move clarified effluent out of a treatment tank and into a disposal field or soil absorption system. Without the pump to move the effluent I speculate that if your septic system doesn't actually back up into the home it may at least be on the brink of that messy condition - hence you see it as "slow".

An effluent pump normally runs on cycles, activated by the wastewater level in a discharge chamber or tank. If the pump empties its charge more quickly (20 gpm) than required (12 gpm) that probably has little effect on the operation of the system. It may simply mean that the pump has slightly longer OFF times.

The actual GPM flow rate from a pump, including effluent pumps, is not a fixed number. Instead it will vary depending on the "head" or lift height that the pump has to achieve.

For example

A low-range, low-head pump such as Liberty's 250 series effluent pumps will pump at a flow rate of 45 GPM if the pump lift is only 5 feet while that rate falls to 5 gpm at a 22 foot lift.

A 1/2HP Liberty FL50 pump will pump at about 82 GPM if it is only lifting the waste 10 feet, while its pumping rate falls to 10 gpm if it has to lift the waste 50 feet.

This is considered a mid-range capacity pump.

On 2016-09-07 by Danny

Our aerobic tank is 14 years old and we've never had any issues with back-ups into the house, etc. However, we have it pumped once every 1-2 years because it's "slow"- especially when the ground is saturated like after a week of rainy days. (There are only 2 of us and it's the type of system that distributes the water underground.)

We finally got an electrician out and he found that our effluent pump motor was burned out and not running at all (the aerator pump is working just fine however).

We want to replace it but it's rated at 12 Gallons Per Minute, and the closest suitable replacement we can find online is 20 GPM.

Would this difference negatively impact the system in any way? BTW, I've also read that the effluent pump isn't critical for the system to work- it just helps it work more efficiently...

so I'm curious- without a working pump, how does the clean water get distributed? By shear osmosis or something? Thanks for any info you can provide.

On 2016-08-11 by (mod) - aerobic aerator pump diaphragm replacement


To have space for a detailed reply I repeat your question and answer it at


Please take a look and let me know what happens.

On 2016-08-11 by Rick

Great site. Can you tell me how often the diaphragm need to be replaced on the aerator for a clear stream system? Currently we are having to replace it every two years.

Question: aerobic system fresh water tank is low

(Sept 2, 2015) phil said:
My clean water tank was really low. After I put fresh water from a hose up to top switch , and everything seemed to work perfectly. Why did fresh water tank get so low?

Reply: ATU disinfection systems?


Let's start by giving the brand, model, age of the system we are discussing. Otherwise I don't know what you're asking about.

On some aerobic systems a disinfectant is mixed with fresh water and then injected into the septic ATU effluent before it is discharged to the environment. IF that's what you are asking about suspect that an automatic fill-valve or float valve is sticking on your system.

Question: humming noise from the aeration pump

(Sept 23, 2015) Debbie said:

I have had my tank pumped and a new aeration pump installed recently.

There is now a loud humming noise inside my house. I have always been able to hear the pump outside, but never inside. The company that did the install said they don't know why it is making the noise inside and that there is nothing they can do. Any suggestions?


"Nothing we can do" is a pretty maddening reply, I agree. You want to know at the very least if this sound is actually normal or does it indicate an operating problem? If it's normal, why didn't you hear it before? Is this a different brand or model of ATU pump?

Make a note of the pump brand and model, then give the manufacturer a call to ask an opinion.

Also search InspectApedia HUMMING NOISE DIAGNOSIS where you'll find some notes about noise transmission through piping, vibrating motors or mounts, or failing motors.

A more generous and helpful plumber can

- confirm that the pump is working properly - increased pump noise could indicate a bearing or mounting problem

- install a sound-isolating plumbing fitting or connection on piping connecting the pumping chamber or tank top the building

Question: Aerobic effluent sprinklers never coming on

(Oct 28, 2015) Jan said:

I have a new aerobic system just installed the pump has been on and two tanks are almost full but the tank that is suppose to set sprinklers off is only to the bottom ball. The sprinklers have never come on in 2 weeks.


Jan as virtually all packaged ATU systems include inspection, maintenance, and repair for the first two years, I'd give your installer a call to ask what's up with your system.

You need to be taught how to inspect and operate the system or at the very least how to know if it's working properly. If the installer didn't do that, insist that they do.

Keep me posted.

Question: lights flicker when aerobic system runs

(Mar 9, 2016) Yona said:

I have a timer aerobic system and it makes my lights flicker when it goes off. Many times it will shorten the circuit to my bedroom and the pump will stop and this is only when the sprinkler comes on.

I will go out into the garage and flip the breaker and the sprinkler will resume spraying and sometimes shorten the breaker again.

Sometimes I have to cut the switch off to the pump so that my pump will stay on. I have replaced the breaker and there is no improvement. I have replaced the pump. I think it may be with the timer. Do I need an electrician or someone to work on the system?

I meant to say I cut the switch to my pump so that my electricity to my bedroom will remain on,



I suspect a short or an overloaded / failing electric motor on the circuit that is causing lights to dim. I'd ask for help from a licensed electrician.

If you can find a local plumber who can scope your sewer lines with a camera I'd do so, as I suspect there is a collapsed or damaged sewer pipe. But before making that examination ask the plumber to check the septic tanks for signs of a backup at the tank or tank outlet.

Question: aerobic system was blocked

(Mar 14, 2016) Anonymous said:

We have an aerobic septic system with two tanks. Two days ago it was blocked completely. We
took a snake and pushed it down the pipe and unblocked it. as soon as someone flushed the commode it would completely clog again. What could be wrong?


A clogged or broken waste pipe. Search InspectApedia for CLOGGED DRAIN PIPE REPAIR to read details.

Question: aerobic pump keeps cycling on every half-hour

(Apr 24, 2016) Anonymous said:
pump comes on every 30 to 40 minutes and sprays for 10 minutes.



I don't know which pump you're discussing. Aerobic treatment units may use both an aerator pump (that is normally always on though some run by a timer), and an effluent dispersion pump that may be used to operate sprinklers that dispose of the effluent on to the ground (depending on your ATU system design and type).

If you are NOT running wastewater into the system and the effluent dispersion pump keeps cycling on I would ask for inspection and repair by your aerobic system service company. I suspect groundwater leaking into your system. But check first for a running toilet.

Question: Cottage north of Toronto: how to provide toilet function during freezing weather

(May 27, 2016) Glen said:

Great and informative site! At our cottage north of Toronto we have been using a central composting toilet system and lo-flow toilets for many years and it works OK, but occasionally leaks so we want to move to a septic system.

All our gray water is separate from the toilets and goes to a gray water pit. We have a few challenges/questions -

1) Since our gray water is separate, we have very little water for the septic system - is this OK?

2) Our cottage site is rocky and steep so if a drainage bed is needed, runoff (or sewage?) would probably have to be pumped up to a flat spot behind the cottage.

3) Everything is shut off during the (very cold) winters so is there a system that can be left for the winter?


Thanks for the nice note, Glen.

A septic system does need some water for proper operation, lest it act more as an outhouse pit. Flush water from the toilets may be enough. The steep rocky site means you probably need an alternative design system, raised bed septic, mound, peat bed septic, or a mini wastewater treatment system.

Would you consider an incinerating toilet as an alternative? If so search InspectApedia for INCINERATING TOILET to read more.

Question: diaphragm replacement on an aerator pump for aerobic septic systems

2016/08/11 Rick said:
Great site. Can you tell me how often the diaphragm need to be replaced on the aerator for a clear stream system? Currently we are having to replace it every two years.



To have space for a detailed reply I repeat your question and answer it at


Please take a look and let me know what happens.

On 2013-04-03 by (mod) -


The compressor is how we get air to circulate (in fine bubbles) through the aerobic treatment tank - increasing the level of treatment by improving the level of oxygen needed by aerobic bacteria.

On 2013-04-02 by R Buckly

It is round, deep tank. Funnels to a point on the bottom.

According to the original sewage permit paperwork it is an aerobic system. Sewage dumps into the center, then there are two more rings around it. The air line comes out of the house with the sewage line and goes straight down into the center section.

According to the homeowners paperwork the tank discharges into a distribution box and then branches into 3 lines. I think it said they are 75' long with crushed stone.

The sewage paper has no more information on it, just states approved for aerobic system. Has a comment about the sewage field being within 100' of a well. Seems like the homeowner only runs the compressor every once in a while.

Said the homeowner before never ran it. Looks like it is a plain conventional system and they used a deep, round tank due to space limitiations. But, why the air compressor? Thanks!

On 2013-04-01 by (mod) - deep round septic tank with nothing attached

R Buckly

From just your description, I have no idea. It sounds as if there is perhaps a home-made or add-on aeration system installed.

Watch out: a DIY septic tank aerator or add-on aerator installed on a septic tank not designed for aerobic use may churn and stir the sewage resulting in destruction of the drainfield.

What makes sense is to get local septic tank installers over to take a look at your system so that you have a more accurate understanding of what's there and what maintenance or repair may be needed.

On 2013-04-01 by R Buckly

Just looked at a house that has a deep, round septic tank.

There is a pvc pipe that goes right down into the center of the tank, it is attached to a small compressor inside the house. There is nothing else attached to the tank - no pumps, no wires, no alarms. What kind of system is this? Thank you.

On 2013-03-13 by (mod) - if the septic tank had a lot of soap

M. Berry,

Just guessing, but if the septic tank had a lot of soap, enough to cause a problem with soap bubbles and foam in the ATU, just changing the detergent won't immediately cure the problem. I'd pump the septic tank and start over.

Dan K Haitian

Indeed like all great lies, the sales pitch you heard may be another, containing a grain of truth. There are systems to increase the oxygen level in ATUs - that's what a pump and aerator are doing. But unless the MANUFACTURER of your ATU system tells you that a product is required, I'd have skipped it.

Worse, paying $1,500 for a single dose of a treatment that was poured into the system sounds extremely suspicious to me, possibly even fraudulent. Not to mention you never even saw the product applied.

Ask your technician to give you the name of the treatment product he (claims to have) used. We could at least figure out what the heck that is.

On 2013-03-12 by M. Berry

My aeration company says I have a build up of bubbles/foam in my ATU system due to using the wrong clothing detergent. I have switched detergents but the alarm is still going off. How can I get rid of this?

On 2013-01-28 by dankhaitian - technician said I need to buy more oxygen for $1500

I previously got my system pumped out however my technician also persuade me to buy this oxidation for $1500 to put more oxygen in my system.

I feel like I spent the $1500 in vain b/c I don't think I really need it. He first said my system is in working order but said my system needs more oxygen.

Before he pour the solution, he told me to go flush my toilet twice and when I came back, he was closing my system. So I'm not sure if he even put that solution in my system. Can someone help me? I really feel like the guy took advantage of me and make me paid for something I did not need.

On 2012-11-05 by (mod) -

I'd look for a leak in the buried piping

On 2012-10-09 by Bates

We have a gurgling aerator. It appears that the gurgling occurs in the ground, in a area just before the tank. As if the aerator was now suddenly aerating the ground instead of the contents of the tank. What could be causing this?

On 2012-08-31 by Treat My

We are producer of wastewater treatment plants, from Europe. We would like to start sell our product in New York state. How we need for start from legislative parts? We need some approval?

On 2012-08-17 by Roger

My inspection recommends a pump out due to a dark color of the effluent. The scum level is 0 in. and the sludge is 2 in. Is a pump out really necessary?

On 2012-06-03 by Kevin

During the winter, my horses knocked over two of my sprinkler heads. With the rain and erosion, the sites have been buried and I cannot not locate them. Any suggestions on how to locate the sprinkler site so I may repair it?

On 2012-05-09 by Rick

Our chlorine tablets are specifically for septic systems. We have to put 2 tablets in the tube every 4 days. We've read the tablets should last much longer. Do we have a problem or are the reports of 1 - 2 weeks exaggeration?

On 2012-05-02 by (mod) -

Kenneth, if an aerobic sprinkler is leaking, it's not going to be fixed one iota by pumping the septic tank. More likely fittings or gaskets or sprinkler heads need replacement.

On 2012-05-01 by Kenneth Skoczlas

My aerobic septic system is not working right. The sprinklers basically just leak all the time instead of spraying. The sprinklers are downhill from the tanks. I had the tanks pumped out (1st time in 6 years) and the sprinklers are still not spraying. Any clues?


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