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Vinyl siding with stains or moisture indicators (C) Daniel Friedman

Building Siding Noise Causes / Cures

Diagnose, & Cure Siding Noise Problems on Buildings

  • POST a QUESTION or COMMENT about diagnosing the source and finding the cure for noises or sounds in or around buildings and their systems

Building siding noise troubleshooting: causes & cures.

What causes siding to make a popping, creaking or snapping sound. How do we fix that irritating siding noise?

These articles discuss building noise control: how to inspect, diagnose & cure noise or sound problems in homes or commercial buildings. We also discuss methods of sound or noise control in buildings during construction or as a building retrofit.

InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website.

- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Siding Noises, Possible Causes, Effects, Cures for Vinyl Siding

Vinyl Siding buckling & loose (C) Daniel FriedmanQuestion: Why is our Siding Creaking, Popping, Crackling?

We had our house vinyl sided recently. We are hearing lots of creaking, popping,crackling , squeaking noises coming from the siding - at times it is so loud that we cannot stay outside on our deck.

I have never heard of this problem and none of my friends with vinyl siding have this problem.

I am being told these noises are normal caused by the siding contracting and expanding when the sun hits it.

Have you ever heard of this before ? if so, any idea what is causing it ?

I have been trying to research it and some articles talk about nails being driven in too tight.

Thank you for your help. I appreciate it.

John, Massapequa, New York

Reply: We Suspect Improper Nailing Plus Installation over a Squeaky Insulation or Insulating Board - How to Diagnose Siding Noises

Figure 1-23: Vinyl siding nailing guidelines (C) Wiley and Sons, S BlissA competent onsite inspection by an expert usually finds additional clues that help accurately diagnose a problem. That said, here are some things to consider:

Loose Siding Trouble: loose siding can make a flapping noise in windy conditions and may actually blow off the building as we show in our photo above.

But more likely your siding is nailed too tightly, moving or buckling when it is heated and expands.

Tight Siding Trouble: Your hypothesis that the siding is not properly installed, and that some sections are nailed too tightly is a good place to start.

Our sketch (left) shows how siding should be hung on the building wall, from Best Practices Guide to Residential Construction, by Steven Bliss, courtesy of Wiley & Sons.

Here is the reasoning and here are some diagnostic suggestions for noisy siding & thermal expansion of siding

Siding Needs to Move:

Especially if the new wall siding was installed over a squeaky surface such as polystyrene foam board or foil faced leveling board, as the siding heats in the sun and expands it wants to move, mostly in the horizontal or lateral direction.

If the siding is nailed tight against the wall it might be making the sounds you are asking about.

The Vinyl Siding Institute, in discussing vinyl siding installation, emphasizes that siding should be hung not nailed tightly against the building wall. VSI states:

Vinyl siding can expand and contract 1/2” (12.7mm) or more over a 12’ 6” (3.81m) length during normal, year-round changes in temperature. That's quite a bit, and we think that metal siding will have an even greater coefficient of thermal expansion. - VSI Cited where we discuss proper siding installation, including the importance of "hanging" the siding on the wall, not "nailing" the siding to the wall,

Vinyl siding blow off New Jersey (C) Daniel Friedman


We illustrate causes of buckled siding


Siding Doesn't Want to be TOO Loose:

 however we don't want siding to be inadequately nailed to the building, since that leads to siding blowing off from wind damage.

The siding can be hung with allowance for movement, but if the installer also did not use enough nails the siding may still come off of the walls. Or if you hear siding banging and clacking, it may be blowing around in the wind. That's what happened to the condominium in our siding photo at left.

Test the Siding Tightness:

See if you can with just hand pressure slide the siding back and forth about 1/4" on the wall - it should be movable. The nail holes are oblong for this purpose and siding should be hung loosely so it can move with temperature changes - otherwise it may buckle

Look for Siding Buckling:

Look along the siding to see if it looks buckled, especially when it's warmed up

Listen to the Siding: Listen to the siding up close when you are hearing these noises - put your ear close to but not touching the siding so it can move if it wants to - see if you can hear sounds right at the wall. Of course there could be something else going on - after all we're just emailing here.

Record the Siding Sounds? 

Did you ever listen to NPR's car talk? Click and Clack the Tappett Brothers? See if you can make a recording of the siding sound and send it to us.

Fix the Noisy Siding:

unfortunately, if you discover that indeed the siding is too tightly fastened to the wall, at least on the wall section that gets the most direct sunlight, the only "fix" we know of is to remove the siding and re-hang it properly, allowing for movement. There is no emergency, except that as Spring comes you might want to be on your deck.

Question: What's the best way to fix noisy siding on our new home

Noisy metal siding on sun-exposed side of a new home (C)  AmmendoliaI just read your Building Siding Noise Causes / Cures article and comments and found it very insightful, and comforting to know we’re not alone when it comes to metal siding haunting our third floor with consistent popping sounds.

Due to location of where the popping is occurring – third floor, hard to get to, sun-facing side only – I’m unable to do a manual check of the siding to see if it slides 1/4 inch, as a way to check for improper install as noted in your article below, without removing some of the end caps first. There’s definitely no slide occurring based on what I can grip at the moment. I have attached/included a recording as the sound is consistent each and every sunny day. I also attached some photos – hard to tell if there’s buckling or just the angle.

There is a warranty on the house for another 10 months and the contractor assures us it was installed correctly and the issue just comes down to bad luck and material choice. Likewise, they suggested we wont get any further guidance from the manufacturer. Here are their words on the topic and same recording:

Thank you for sharing your concerns about the siding. One of the down sides of the metal siding is that it is louder when it expands and contracts during the seasons just due to the nature of the material. That being said whats happening is quite normal unfortunately when the cold siding gets hit by the sun it amplifies this expansion and contraction and is why you hear it more on the SOUTH facing wall as naturally that get more light from the sun, also during very hot days as well. The installation is done correctly and is not an issue in this case... This is the unfortunate down side of metal siding and is what was chosen as the NON COMBUSTIBLE cladding required on the side walls.

Another factor is sometimes when the wind blows past the wall it creates a low pressure area (kind of like over the top of a plane wing). That causes the siding to “suck” out, and away from the home. As the wind ebbs and flows, the siding will go in and out slapping against the sheeting making a “Poppong sound”. The sound you hear could be several things: slapping against sheeting, sliding along nails, rubbing against each other, edges popping at j-channel, etc.

The only way to rid yourself of the sound would be to change the cladding system to something like a NON COMBUSTIBLE stucco/or cement based... - comments by building contractor.

When I pushed on options to decrease the occurrence instead of eliminating it they said it was not possible without changing the material and reiterated it was installed properly. They are a reputable contractor and have been helpful with other concerns we flagged.

I would be interested to get your feedback on the recording [link given below] as it would likely determine if we should spend the money to have the install inspected with the goal of having the contractor redo the work if it is discovered an improper install is the culprit. The ballpark they provided to switch the material was 5-10K. - Anonymous by private email 2022/04/20

Moderator reply:

Noisy metal siding on sun-exposed side of a new home (C)  AmmendoliaI listened to your recording - was that made on a day of no wind?

Readers can here the reader's recording by clicking on or downloading and playing

METAL SIDING NOISE RECORDING [m4a] 370 kb sound file.

Is the siding aluminum or steel?

Was there an insulating backing on the siding panels or are they in essence hollow metal?

I take it this is a new house.

More Noisy Siding Diagnostic Data Needed

  1. When - month of the year - was siding installed?
  2. What is the location of the home - country/city?
  3. Does the siding noise occur specifically due to temperature change and sun-exposure or is wind ever a factor?
  4. What are the manufacturer brand and model of siding?
  5. Any photos of the siding packaging?
  6. Any photos of the home during construction, particularly framing, housewrap installation, flashing, and most-important, siding installation?
  7. Did the same individual or individuals nail all of the siding on all areas of the building or did different workers install siding in different areas?
  8. What color is the siding? (Color affects heat uptake).
  9. Are siding ends butted tightly against vertical trim at building corners, windows, doors, etc? That is: was the metal siding cut too snug with no thermal expansion room?
  10. Can you slide siding sections back and forth, showing that the siding is not nailed snugly to the walls? That is: was siding nailed too tightly?
  11. Can you see a visible change in siding buckling or bending when it is exposed to sunlight and warmer temperatures?
  12. Have you got in-hand the installation instructions for this specific product?
  13. Is there some other source of metal siding movement or noise that we have not yet diagnosed or pinpointed?
  14. Get someone safely up to access the noisy siding area for a closer look at its installation details, and meanwhile, check the same installation details (above in this list) on other wall areas that are easily accessible.

    Then check the details we discuss in this article and just above in this list.

Initial thoughts about your metal siding noise

Metal or vinyl siding can indeed be noisy and one cause is as you're discussing, thermal expansion or contraction.

We know that sun exposure and temperature and wind are key factors, along with exactly how the siding is hung on the wall, and how it's cut at end-butt-joints at corners, windows, doors.

Watch out: In my OPINION it's not just "bad luck" or "bad choice of material". Not all metal siding on all buildings with sun exposure is noisy.

Watch out: Before making any request of the builder, and absolutely before considering changing the siding out for a different product, we need a confident, independent diagnosis and assessment of what's actually going on.

Keep in mind that for the contractor, tearing off and re-hanging siding would be a significant expense that they are not going to want to do unless you're paying for it. It is possible that that's behind an insistence that the siding is installed properly - (which may be the case, we don't yet know), and for the suggestion of a for-pay change-over to a completely different siding product.

And keep in mind that the contractor is the manufacturer's customer, not you, so the manufacturer isn't going to want to upset the installing contractor.



Reader Comments, Questions & Answers About The Article Above

Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.


On 2022-03-01 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator (mod) - check this recording of "siding noise" & guess its cause

@Jill S,

Styrofoam is considered a noise-deadening insulation, but at the same time, if sheets of styrofoam are being moved about by air leaks or air pressure changes, there might be noise caused by that movement.

Note that in some climates wrapping an exterior with an insufficient amount of styrofoam insulating board might lead to accumulation of condensation in the wall cavities - an undesired event - since the perm rating of styrofoam is about 1.1 per inch - making it almost as impermeable as an actual vapor barrier. (Except in hot wall or hot roof designs we don't want a vapor barrier where it might trap moisture).

So if your home is in a cold climate and the walls sport exterior styrofoam, your builder might want 2". This is all speculative or "generic" comment, as we know almost nothing about your home and its constrution.

I listened to your recording - now online to invite comment from other readers.

SIDING NOISE RECORDING - Jill S [this is a 2MB .mov file]

To my ear the pitch of rattling sounds is rather low and not squeaky, as if wind is moving about some loose building component, but we might hear similar sounds traced to thermal expansion/contraction of siding, solid insulation, or of course something else.

Has anyone tried using a mechanic's stethoscope to determine the principal source of the noise? It may be diagnostic to determine if it's from just one or two points or from a much larger area.

On 2022-03-01 by Jill S

House with noisy siding: vinyl siding, Dow styrofoam Insulation, Tyvek house-wrap (C) Jill S@Inspectapedia Com Moderator,

A representative from PlyGem came to my house to see if the siding was hung correctly, not too tight or too loose.

He removed a piece and determined that was not an issue for the noise I’m hearing. I wish the audio would’ve come through.

I will try to send again using Contact link below.

The sheathing/insulation on the house is a Dow styrofoam product. The house wrap is Tyvek but the whole house is not wrapped only certain areas. Sending a pic.

I hope this answers your questions.

On 2022-02-28 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator (mod)

@Jill S,

Sorry but Comment Box software doesn't accept audio files- you can send a audio using the page top or bottom CONTACT link.

When you say the siding was checked and was "OK" I'm uncertain whether or not I agree, as "checked" is a bit vague. Who checked, what expertise, and what checks were made?

The common causes of siding noise are given above on this page. I haven't had reports-of nor investigated siding noises that I could trace to the housewrap, though without more details I agree that we ought not rule out anything.

What housewrap product was used on your building? I asked because the synthetic fabric type materials such as Tyvek are pretty soft - I'd not expect much noise from such products.

Was a "plastic" housewrap used?

On 2022-02-28 by Jill S - check this recording of siding noise: vinyl siding over Dow Styrofoam insulation & in some areas, Tyvek

My house was built the last quarter of 2013. Have vinyl siding and every winter when it gets cold and the sun hits the siding it makes a very obnoxious sound like pouring milk over Rice Krispies cereal-snap crackle pop.

It’s so loud it wakes me up. I’ve had the siding checked for proper installation. That’s good. Someone suggested it’s not the vinyl siding but the sheathing (insulation) under the siding. Sending audio of sound. Make sure you turn up the volume. Any suggestions?

On 2022-01-21 by Inspectapedia Com Moderator (mod)

@Dave R.,

The article and replies to other readers above on this very page offers a number of causes and cures for various siding noises, especially as it may relate to temperature changes. Please do take a look.

If that still leaves you with questions, please let us know.

On 2022-01-21 by Dave R.

Had new vinyl siding installed in December 2021. Have twice heard a loud sound coming from one corner of the house. Almost sounds like an explosion. Both times at night when temps were in the single digits. Never heard before in the 20 years we have lived here.

Question: EDCO steel siding is noisy all the time all year - EDCO says noise is normal.

I have steel siding and it is constantly making noise, 24x7, winter or summer. I was really sick after my second Covid19 shot but as sick as I was the siding noise woke me up in the morning. Sometimes it sounds like a group of people squeezing potato chips bag and it is so loud my wife and can’t have a conversation.

Certainly on the exposed Eastern side when the sun comes up it’s crazy. We live in Minnesota and had a very cold winter and the siding was making noise one -35f degree night at 2:00am and woke us up again.

We are desperately tried to get this fixed and I immediately suspected it was installed too tightly and couldn’t move. After finding your site and reading this article I’m totally convinced. Building Siding Noise Causes Diagnose, & Cure Siding Noise Problems on Buildings (

However when we contacted the manufacturer, EDCO, they insisted this is “normal” and it happens with all installations. Not surprising these days as real customer service and quality seem to be going the way of the dinosaurs.

We need to get this fixed as our new dream retirement home is unlivable at times when the noise is really bad. It’s a new house and the siding has been installed for less than a year. I’m looking for some information as to how and were I find a competent expert to do an onsite inspect and provide me with the proper documentation to start pursing getting this repaired but I really don’t even know where to start.

I live in north central Minnesota and for good or bad the company that makes the siding is also based in Minnesota.

Can you provide some ideas as to who or where I can start contacting to find an expert and have the siding inspected and hopefully get someone to address the issue.

Also if you have some ideas as to how to pursue getting the contractor and the manufacturer to take some responsibility that would be helpful also.

I would sincerely and greatly appreciate and help and information you can provide. Thanks in advance for your help. - Anonymous in Crosby MN 2021/05/25

Moderator reply: you are not the manufacturer's customer; check for too-tight siding, explore careful loosening

It's useful to remember that the siding manufacturer does not consider you their customer. Their customer, in their view, is the siding contractor who buys from them. So they will naturally be inclined to protect the installer from complaints.

"They all do that" is a disappointing response in every regard.

Living in northern Minnesota for much of the time, I am familiar with the wide range in temperatures we experience; particularly if siding was installed during chilly weather, it may suffer from insufficient end-clearance as well as tight-nailing.

And if you see buckling of the siding in July that's a visual confirmation of the trouble.

In the article you cite, you'll see I suggest a few simple observations to confirm that the siding was nailed too-tigthtly: no clearance at vertical abutments such as window and door trim, and inability to slide vinyl siding from side to side means it's probably too tightly "nailed" instead of having been "hung" on the wall so as to permit quiet thermal movement.

At any of our page tops you can find a suitable expert or contractor, perhaps starting in out

EXPERTS DIRECTORY to find a home inspector who might be familiar with impropr siding installation details and who can document the conditions for you, though frankly I'm not sure that step is necessary.

OPINION: From your description I'm not optimistic that you're going to get relief from the siding manufacturer EDCO, particlarly on a noise complaint, as even if the siding is warranted it's not warranted against improper installation. The words "noise" and "sound" do not appear in any of the Edco siding warranties that I have examined, and the company explicity excludes any issues that arise between you and the installing contractor. (Entex Canada, Entex U.S.)

For other readers,

The company's products also include PVC siding and sofit, fascia, and trim coverings.

Ultimately the cure for noisy siding all over a building is expensive

For siding that was tightly-nailed or installed without clearance, at least on the sunny side of the home, the repair probably requires removal and re-installation: a job more-expensive than the original installation.

Before taking that step I might experiment with un-hooking the siding courses and gently prying with a flat bar up under the siding at nails to see if I can loosen it enough to free it up; hiring someone to do that might work.

On 2019-03-29 by (mod) - possible or probable thermal expansion & contraction explain some siding noises

Probably thermal expansion

On 2019-03-18 by Anonymous

The house is 20 years old, the siding is vinyl and brand new installed, live in Rochester NY, nothing is loose that I know of. Constant rain noise as if it’s raining hard outside but it’s sunny. Crazy

On 2019-03-18 by Frank

I just got my whole house resided with vinyl siding and insulation board, ever since then my house constantly makes the noise of hard rain hitting the house and doesn’t go away. Even happens whether it’s sunny outside, snow, wind, no wind. Won’t go away and is driving me nuts! I hear it in almost every room.

On 2018-12-19 1 by (mod) -

I'd start by looking through the suggestions above on this page, Vinyl as that's more detail and better organized than if I try to repeat it again off the cuff and with absolutely no information at all about your home: age, location, type of siding, presence of loose components, etc.

Unfortunately comments box doesn't accept attachments of sound files but you can contact us by email to provide that data.

On 2018-12-18 by Vinyl howling when windy

Just bought house. Everytime wind picks up, it starts howling. I'm up all night. It is so loud. Please help. I've attached a sound clip of it. Thank you

On 2018-05-12 by (mod) -


I agree that you could be hearing thermal expansion or thermal contraction. It would be diagnostic to think about the relationship between when you hear the sound and temperature change. I don't have a recording. In fact if you'd like to make one of your siding noises I would really like to hear it. Our email is at the page top or bottom contact link.

On 2018-05-12 by CuriousAboutSound

Sometimes there is noise from the exterior wall in my bedroom that sounds like rain hitting the siding even when it is not raining. I will hear the noise for 30-60 seconds and then it will stop for maybe a minute or two. I don't hear it all the time.

At first, I thought it was creature like mice scurrying around. However, I am almost certain that is not the case, because it doesn't stop if I bang on the wall. I am pretty sure knocking on the wall would cause the sound to either get louder from the creature fleeing or stop completely if it was a creature.

My next guess is that expansion/contraction of the siding is causing the noise. I am curious to hear a recording of vinyl siding expanding. Does the sound of vinyl siding expanding make noise similar to rain hitting it?

On 2017-11-23 by (mod) -


We played your sound clip - and would appreciate it if you'd use the page bottom CONTACT link to send along a copy of the recording file.

I hear a low-frequency click / creak / tap noise that occurs as individual sound points. This could be thermal movement of siding material, movement of a loose bit of siding or trim, or of course something else. It would be helpful to know

- the location of the building - country, city

- the type of siding material

- the type of construction of the building

- seasonal or temperature or other conditions that cause the noise to appear or disappear

Meanwhile if it were my building I'd get up close on a ladder, inspecting the siding, trim, windows, eaves, soffit covering, gutters, leaders, and any loose building components.

On 2017-11-23 by (mod) - During windy days only I keep hearing these creaking/tapping noises.

re-posting w/o link (site security)

Cody said:
During windy days only I keep hearing these creaking/tapping noises. The noise happens directly above my bed and seems to be coming from the corner where the wall meets the ceiling. I'm unsure if this sound is coming from my vinyl siding or not. Here is an audio clip of what it sounds like, any suggestions welcome!

On 2017-08-27 by Ben

On one side of my house, the siding has been making this sound since I moved in 15 years ago - the house is 25 years old. All the siding on the house is nailed on (there is no 'give' at all).
After reading this page and paying more attention to when the noise occurs, I find it happens for a few minutes after a wind burst (not a sun facing wall).
Since I don't to want re-hang the siding, I guess I'll just have to live with this and count myself lucky that it doesn't happen on the side of the house my bedroom is on.

On 2017-06-08 by (mod) - diagnosing siding noise


I'm not sure what's going on with your siding - it'd help to know

- what siding material is installed: wood, vinyl, metal, something else

- the age of the home

- when the noise started

- whether the noise occurs mostly on the side of the home that gets the most sunlight (warmth)

It's reasonable to think that if there is no loose nor buckled siding that the issue is mostly a noise annoyance.

On 2017-06-08 by Michelle

I was told that even though my siding makes these annoying noises that nothing is wrong with it since it is not buckling.

The noise has been going on for over a year. Will it eventually stop? Will it eventually buckle? It does not move side to side 1/4". In fact it does not move at all. Thanks!!


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