This article discusses sitting by the biggest lake and listening to the loons.
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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
Take me home
to watch the sun rise
as we watch our own,
breathing cool morning air
sitting by the lake,
listening to loons,
and heartbeats.
Let's drink morning tea,
wine at sunset
and taste one another,
and pulsing fire,
both passionate
passionately quiet,
Let's sit
still and listening to Bach
or run on rocky roads
panting, sweating,
hot with life
then cool chilled wine
swallows and fireflies
fanning our heaving breasts.
Let's climb through rocks
and crevices,
swim in mountain lakes,
read The Captain's Verses,
taste spicy food,
count flowers,
squash Japanese beetles,
admire your rose.
we have time
for making love
for making life
finding comfort,
for writing
and sharing
take me home.
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