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Collapsing building © Daniel FriedmanConstruction Dictionary 4 - Masonry Terms
Definitions of terms used in all phases of masonry, brick, stone, marble construction

This free online dictionary of masonry construction terms is adapted from a Master Index of U.S. Government Guide Specifications for Construction, 3rd Ed., provided as a service to the construction industry by serving as a single source reference.

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4: Dictionary of Masonry Construction Terms


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Section 04100 Mortar Definitions

Definition of ACCELERATOR: In masonry, any ingredient added to mortar to speed drying and solidifying. Compare "retarding agent". (DNR)

Definition of ADDITION: A material that is interground or blended in limited axnounts into a hyeraulic cement during manufacture either as a "processing addition" to aid in manufaturing and handling the cernent or as a "functional addition" to modify the use (ACI) properties of the finished product.

Definition of ADDITIVE: A term frequently (but improperly) used as a synonym for addition to admixture (ACI )

Definition of ADMIXTURE: A material other than water, aggregates and hydraulic cernent, used as an ingredient of concrete or mortar, and added to the concrete imediately before (ACI ) or during its mixing. Materials added to nor tar to impart speciaI properties to the mortar. (BIA)

Definition of AIR-ENTRAINING: The capability of a material or process to develop a system of minute bubbles of air in cement paste, mortar or concrete during mixing. (ACI )

Definition of AIR ENTRAINING AGENT; An addition for hydraulic cement or an admixture for concrete or mortar *üch causes entrained air to be incorporated in the concrete or mortar during mixing, usually to increase its workability and frost resistance. (ACI )

Definition of AIR-ENTAINING HYDRAULIC CEMENT: Hydraulic cement containing an air-entraining addition in such a-mount as to cause the product to entrain air in mortar within specifled limits. (ACI)

Definition of AIR ENTRAINMENT: The occlusion of air in the form of minute bubbles (generally smaller than I mm) during the mixing of concrete (ACI) or mortar. Salts of alkali rtetals, principally

Definition of ALKALI: sodium and potassium; specifically sodium and potassium occurring in constituents of concrete or mortar, usually expressed in chemical analyses as the oxides Na20 and (See also "Cement, low alkali"). K20. (ACI)

Definition of AIR VOID: A space in cement paste, mortar or concrete filled with air; an entrapped air void is characteristically I run or more in size and irregular in shape; an entrained air void is typically between 10 and 100 um in diameter and spherical (ACI) or nearly so.

Definition of ASBESTOS-CEMENT PRODUCTS: Products made from rigid ItEteriaI composed essentially of asbestos fiber and portland cement, used in a wide range of forms in the building industry. (ACI ) 04100

Definition of MORTAR

Definition of AUTOGENOUS HEALING: A natural process of closing and filling of cracks in concrete or mortar when the concrete or mortar is kept damp. (ACI )

Definition of AUTOGENOUS VOLUME CHANGE: Change in volume produced by continued hydration of cement exclusive of effects of external forces or change of water content or temperature. (ACI )

Definition of BAG (OF CEMENT: also SACK): A quantity of 94 1b. in the United port land cement: States, and 50 kg. in most other countries; for other kinds of cement a quantity indicated on the bag (obsolete). ACI)

Definition of BATCH: Quantity of concrete or mortar mixed at one time. (ACI)

Definition of BATCH BOX: Container of known volume used to measure constituents of a batch of concrete (ACI or mortar in proper proportions.

Definition of BATCHED WATER: The mixing water added by a batcher to a concrete or mortar mixture before or during the initial stages of mixing. (ACI)

Definition of BATCHING: Weighing or volumetrically measuring and introducing into the mixer the ingredients for a batch of concrete or mortar. (ACI)

Definition of BATCH MIXER; A machine which mixes batches of concrete or mortar in contrast to a continuous mixer. (ACI)

Definition of BINDERS: Cementing materials, either hydrated cements or produéts of cement or lime and reactive siliceous materials; the kinds of cement and curing conditions govern the general kind of binder formed; also materials such as asphalt, resins and other materials forming the matrix of concretes, mortars and sanded grouts. (ACI

Definition of BRIQUETTE (also BRIQUET): A molded specimen of mortar with enlarged extremities and reduced center having a cross section of definite area, used for measurement of tensile strength. (ACI)

Definition of CATALYST: A substance that initiates a chemical reaction and enables it to proceed under milder conditions than otherwise required and which does not, itself, alter or enter into the reaction. (AIC)

Definition of CEMENT, BLENDED: A hydraulic cement consisting essentially Of an intimate and uniform blend of granulated blast-furnace slag and hydrated lime; or an intimate and uniform blend of port land cement and granulated blast-furnace slag, port land cement and pozzolan, or portland blast-furnace slag and pozzolan, produced by intergrinding portland cement clinker with the other materials. (ACI)

Definition of

Definition of CEMENT, HIGH-EARLY-STRENGTH: Cement characterized by producing earlier strength in mortar or concrete than regular cement, referred to in the United States as "Type ITI". (ACI)

Definition of CEMENT, MASONRY: A hydraulic cernent for use in mortars for masonry construction, containing one or more of the following materials: port land cement, port land blast-furnace slag, portland pozzolan cement, natural cement, slag cement or hydraulic lime; and in addi tion usually containing one or more materials such as hydrated lime, limestone, chalk, calcareous shell,, talc, slag or clay, as prepared for this purpose. (ACC)

Definition of CEMENT, NATURAL: A hydraulic cznent produced by calcining a naturally occurring argillaceous limestone at a temperature below the sintering point and then grinding to a fine powder. (ACI)

Definition of CEMENT, PORTLAND: A hydraulic cement pr oduced by pulverizing clinker consisting essentially of hydraulic calcium silicates, and usually containing one or more of the forms of calcium sulfate as an interground addi tion.

Definition of CEMENT, PUTTY-CRAM-BUTTER: A thick creamy mix- ture made with pure cement and water which is used to strengthen the bond between the stone and the setting bed. (BSI) CHIPS: Broken fragments Of marble or other mineral aggregate screened to specified sizes. (ACI)

Definition of CLAY MORTAR-MIX: Finely ground clay used as a plasticizer for masonry mortars. (BIA)

Definition of COARSE AGGREGATE: Aggregate predominantly retained on the V. S. Standard No. 4 (4. 75 mm) sieve; or that portion Of an aggregate retained on the NO. 4 (4. 75 mm) sieve. (ACI)

Definition of EARLY STRENGTH: Strength Of concrete or mortar usually as developed at various times during the first 72 hrs. after placement. (ACI)

Definition of ENTRAINED AIR: Microscopic air bubbles inten- tionally incorporated in mortar or concrete during mixing, usually by use of a surface-active agent; typically between 10 and 1000 um in diameter and spherical or nearly so. (ACI)

Definition of ENTRAPPED AIR; Air voids in concrete which are not purposely entrained and which are signi- ficantly larger and less useful than those of entrained air, I mrn or larger in size. (ACI )

Definition of EPOXY MORTAR: A mixture of epoxy resin, catalyst and fine aggregate. (ACI)

Definition of FLASH SET: The rapid development of rigidity in a freshly mixed portland cement paste, mortar, or concrete, usually with the evolution of considerable heat, which rigidity cannot be dispelled nor can the plasticity be regained by further mixing wi thout addition of water; also referred to as quick set or grab set. (ACI)

Definition of MORTAR

Definition of GROUT: Grout as applied to a facing tile application is generally the term relating to a heavy creamy mortar mix that ig rubbed and wiped into the joint after installation. Grout is frequently white, black or colored to complement or contrast with the tile units. (SC)

Definition of Mortar of pouring consistency. A bonding agent of high ultimate strength used to join individual pieces of stone. (ILA)

Definition of Mortar Of pouring consistency. (BSI)

Definition of Mixture of cementitious material and aggregate which is proportioned to produce pouring or pumping consistency without segregation of the constituents. (NCMA)

Definition of Mixture of cementitious material and aggregate to which sufficient water is added to produce pouring consistency without segregation of the constituents.

Definition of High-lift Grouting: The technique of grouting masonry in lifts up to 12 ft. The technique of

Definition of Low-lift Grouting: grouting as the wall is constructed. (BIA) Mortar or concrete without coarse aggregates, at consistency of viscous liquid so that it can be emplaced in voids by pour ing or pumping. (DNR)

Definition of HIGH MAGNESIUM LIME: A lime produced by calcining dolomitic limestone or dolomite, and therefore containing more magnesium oxide than limes made from calcite or high-calcium limestones and marbles. High-magnesiun I imes range from 37 to 41 percent MgO content, and high-calcium limes have less than 2. 5 percement MgO. Also called (incorrectly) dolomitic lime. (DNR)

Definition of HYDRATE: A chemical combination of water with another compound or an element. (ACI)

Definition of HYDRATED LIFE: calcium hydroxide, a dry powder obtained by treating quicklime with water. CACI )

Definition of HYDRAULIC CEMENT: A cement that sets and hardens by chemical interaction with water and that is capable of doing so (ACI) under water.

Definition of HYDRAULIC HYDRATED LIME: The hydrated dry cementitious product obtained by ca Icining a limestone containing silica and alumina to a temperature short of incipient fusion so as to form sufficient free calcium oxide to permit hydration and at the same time leaving unhydrated sufficient calcium silicates to give the dry powder its hydraulic (ACI ) properties.

Definition of LIME: Specifically, calcium oxide (CaO): also, loosely, a general term for the varous chemical and physical forms Of quicklime, hydrated I *me, and hydraulic hydrated lime. (ACI )

Definition of LIME, HYDRATED: Quicklime to which sufficient water has been added to convert the oxides to hydroxides. (PIA)

Definition of LIME PUTTY: Hydrated lime in plastic form ready for addition to mortar (BIA) hmSONRY CEMENT: A mill-mixed cementitious material to which sand and Eter must be added. see ASTM C91. (BIA)

Definition of MASONRY MORTAR: Mortar used in masonry structures. (ACI)

Definition of MORTAR: A plastic mixture of cementitious materials, fine aggregate and water. ASTM specifications C270, C476 or BIA MI-72.

Definition of Far Mortar: Mortar containing a high percentage of cementitous components. It is a sticky mortar which adheres to a trowel.

Definition of High-Bond Mortar: Mortar which develops

Definition of higher bond strengths with rtesonry units than normally developed with conventional mortar.

Definition of Lean Mortar; Mortar which is deficient in It is usually cementitious components. harsh and difficult to spread. (BIA) - A mixture Of cement paste and fine aggre- gate; in fresh concrete, the material occupying the interstices arnong particles of coarse aggregate; in masonry construction, mortar may contain masonry cement, or may contain hydraulic canent with lime (and possibly other admixtures) to afford great- er plasticity and workability than are at- tainable with standard hydraulic canent (See also Cement, masonry and mortar. Masonry mortar). (ACI)

- 1. A prepared mixture of retarded cement and lime or finely ground limestone, sold in the form of dry powder. Also called

- 2. Material mortar mix or masonry that Innds stone or other masonry units at joints. Used as a viscous, pasty mixture of portland or natural cement plus lime (or prepared masonry cement), sand and water. Mortar presents special requirements for retardation of setting, but the retarding agent is generally a part of the cement, and the lime ax so affects setting time. Mortar hardens to rocklike Itnterial as it dries and cures. (DNR)

- A plastic mixture of cement, sand, and water used to bond rnasonry units. (ILA) - A plastic mixture of cementitious material, fine aggregate and water. (NCMA)

Definition of MORTAR: A plastic mixture of cement, lime, sand and water, used to bond masonry units. (BSI)

Definition of NONSTAINING MORTAR: Mortar composed of materials which individually or collectively do not contain material that will stain. Usually have a very low alkali content. (BSI) A mortar with low free-alkali content to avoid efflorescence or staining of adjacent stone by migration Of soluble materials. (DNR)

Definition of PEA GRAVEL: Screened gravel, most Of the particles of which will pass a 3/8 in. (9. 5 nun) sieve and be retained on a NO. 4 (4. 75 mn) sieve. (ACI)

Definition of PIGMENT: A coloring matter, usually in the form of an insoluble fine powder. (ACI)

Definition of PLASTER: A cementitious material or combina- tion of cementitious material and aggregate that, when mixed with a suitable amount of water, forms a plastic mass or paste which when applied to a surface, adheres to it and subsequently hardens, preserving in a rigid state the form or texture imposed during the period of plasticity; also the (See also placed and hardened mixture. Stucco ). (ACI )

Definition of PLUMB RULE: This is a combination plumb rule It is used in a horizontal position as a level and in a vertical position and level as a plumb rule. They are made in lengths of 42 and 48 in., and short lengths from 12 to 24 in. (BIA)

Definition of QUICKLIME: calcium oxide (Ca0). (ACT)

Definition of RETARDING AGENT: In masonry cement or mortar mix, a chemical additive that slows setting (compare "aecelerator"), most comrnonly the S04 ion in the form of finely ground gypsum. (DNR)

Definition of SAND:

1. Granular material passing the 3/8 in. (9. 5 run) sieve and almost entirely passing the No. 4 (4. 75 mm) sieve and predominantly retained on the No. 200 (75 um) sieve, and resulting from natural disintegration and abrasion of rock or processing of completely friable sandstone; or

2. that portion of an aggregate passing the No. 4 (4. 75 nun) sieve and predominantly retained on the No. 200 (75 um) sieve, and resulting from natural disintegration and abrasion of rock or processing of completely friable sandstone. See also "Fine aggregate ". Note: The definitions are alternatives to be applied under differing circumstances

Definition (1) is applied to an entire aggregate either in a natural condition or after processing.

Definition (2) is applied to a portion of an aggregate. Requirements for properties and grading should be stated in Fine aggregate produced by crushing rock, gravel, or slag commonly is known as "Manufactured sand" the specif ications. (ACI )

Definition of SET: The condition reached by a cement paste, mortar or concrete when it has lost plasticity to an arbitrary degree, usually measured in terms of resistance to penetration or deformation; initial set refers to first stiffening; final set refers to attainment of significant rigidity; also, strain remaining after removal of stress. (See "Permanent set " ) (ACI)

Definition of SLUMP: A measure of consistency of freshly mixed concrete, mortar or stucco equal to the subsidence measured. (ACI )

Definition of STUCCO: A cement plaster used for coating exterior walls and other exterior surfaces of buildings. (See also "Plaster" ) (ACI )

Section 04150 Masonry Accessories

Definition of ANCHORS: Types for stone work: Of flat stock; strap, cramps, dovetails, and dowel, strap and dowel and 2-way anchors.

Definition of Corrugated anchors: corrugated wall ties and dovetail anchors.

Definition of Round stock anchors: rod cramp, rod anchor, eye-bolt and dowel, flat-hook wall tie and dowel, dowel and wire toggle bolts. (BST) A piece or assemblage, usually metal, used to attach building parts (e. g., plates, joists, trusses, etc.) to rnasonry or masonry materials. (BIA)

Definition of Metal rod anchor, wire or strap that secures building stone to structural or back- up wall, or (see "cramp") holds stone units together. (DNR) A metal tie used to secure stone in place. (ILA)

Definition of BAR SPACING: The distance between parallel reinforcing bars, measured center-to-center Of the bars perpendicular to their longitudinal axes. (AIC)

Definition of BENT BAR: A reinforci-ng bar bent to a prescribed shape such as a truss bar, straight bar with hook, stirrup, or column tie, (ACI)

Definition of BUCK: Framing around an opening in a wall; a door buck encloses the opening in which a door is placed. (ACI )

Definition of CAULKING: A resilient compound used for Sili- cones and rubber-base materials are common. pointing joints in cut stone masonry. (DNR)

Definition of CEMENT PAINT: A paint consisting generally of white port land cement and water, pigments, hydrated lime, water repellents, or hygroscopic salts. (ACI)

Definition of DEFORMED BAR: A reinforcing bar with a manufactured pattern of surface ridges which provide a locking anchorage. (AIC)

Definition of EXPANSION ANCHOR: A metal expandable unit inserted into a drilled hole that grips stone by expansion. (ILA)

Definition of EXPANSION BOLT: In masonry, an anchoring device, based on friction grip, in which an expandable socket swells as a b01t is tightened into it. (DNR) A socket that grips a drilled hole in stone by expanding as the bolt is screwed into it. (BSI)

Definition of EPOXY RESIN: A flexible, usually thermal setting resin made by polymerization of an epoxide and used as an adhesive. (ILA)

Definition of

Definition of FLASHING: (1) a thin impervious material placed in mortar joints and through air spaces in masonry to prevent water penetration and/or provide water drainage. (2) Manufacturing method to produce specific color tones. (BIA)

Definition of HIGH-STRENGTH ADHESIVE: A bonding agent of high ultimate strength used to join individual pieces of stone into preassembled units. (ILA)

Definition of HOOK: A bend in the end of a reinforcing bar. (ACI)

Definition of HOOKED BAR: A reinforcing bar with the end bent into a hook to provide anchorage. (ACI)

Definition of LEWIS: Any of several metal devices for lifting stone blocks in the quarry or mill or for hoisting columns or other heavy masonry units in construction. Metal pins, wedges, or assemblies are inserted in dovetailed cavities in the stone or placed in holes angling toward a conunon point below the upper surface to utilize the principles of wedging or lever-action •compression for gripping. See "box lewis, lewis hole, lewis pin" (DNR)

Definition of LEWIS BOLT: A tapered head wedged in a tapered recess in stone for hanging soffit stones. (BSI) A bolt used to hang soffit stones or suspend center part of lintels. May be conical or tapered and fit into slots cut in from the back, or may be leaded into stone, or use carries weight on I-beam expansion sleeves. or other supporting member above. (DNR) Tapered head wedged in a tapered recess in stone for hanging soffit stones.

Definition of Box Lewis: A tapered metal box wedged in the top of columns or other heavy stones for hoisting.

Definition of Lewis Holes: Sinkages in the top beds of stone to engage Lewis pins for hoisting. ( ILA)

Definition of LEWIS PIN: Metal peg, usually with eye at upper end, for lifting stone blocks or masonry units. tJsed in pairs, and dependent for gripping on lever-action compression. (DNR)

Definition of MALLET: In stone working, a short-handled wooden harmer, with a truncated conical head, used to drive mallet-head shaping tools. (DNR)

Definition of MASH HAMMER: In stone working, a short-handled heavy hanuner with two round or octagonal faces, used to drive harmer-head shaping tools. (DNR)

Definition of MASON'S SCAFFOLD: The true mason's scaffold, little used in modern construction because so few structures utilize masonry bearing walls, is unique because it must be totally self-supporting and must also carry the load of unusually heavy materials, whereas most scaffolding may be braced on the part of the building already erected. The scaffolding spans the wall and must be cross-braced through the permanent openings, that is, window and door apertures. (DNR)

Definition of MIXER: A machine used for blending the constituents of concrete, grout, mortar, cernent paste or other mixture (ACI).

Definition of MULLION: (1) a narrow vertical member separating windows or doors set in a series. (2) Any nayrow framing member that separates panes in a multipaned window. (DNR)

Definition of REBAR: Abbreviation for "reinforcing bar". (ACI)

Definition of REGLET: A narrow, flat molding of rectangular profile. (BSI)

Definition of REINFORCEMENT: Structural steel shapes, steel bars, rods, wire fabric or expanded metal em- bedded or encased in masonry in such a manner that it works with. thet masonry in resisting forces. (BIA) (NCMA)

Definition of SCABBLING HAMMER: sledge with a pointed peen and a square head (less used) for rough shaping of stone, particularly Of blocks at the quarry. (DNR)

Definition of SHELF ANGLES: Structural angles with holes or slots in one leg for bolting to the structure to support brick work, stone or terra cotta. (ACI)

Definition of S-IRON: Generic term (because "S" shape common) for exposed retaining plates on end of turn- buckled tie rods between two masonry wa I Is to prevent them from spreading, or to secure an interior framing wall to a masonry wall. Star motif and other decorative shapes also used, (DNR)

Definition of SLUMP CONE: A mold in the form of the lateral surface Of the frustum of a cone with a base diameter of 8 in. (203 m) top diameter 4 in. (102 nun), and height 12 in. (305 mrn), used to fabricate a specimen of freshly mixed concrete for the slump test; a cone 6 in. (152 mm) high is used for tests of freshly mixed mortar and stucco. (ACI )

Definition of SPLIT-FACE MACHINE: A device that splits slabs of stone into usable thicknesses for job-fabricated masonry patterns. Generally hydraulic, but may operate on impact. Blades are used to split billets from slabs for ... limestones and sandstones, but toothed bars may be used for harder stone, such as granite. (DNR)

Definition of SPOTTING: Adhesive material, applied in plastic form and setting to a solid bonding area, that attaches thin veneering units, especially marble, to a backup wall and furnishes multiple points at which spacing is fixed. (DNR)


Definition of STORY POLE: A marked pole for measuring masonry coursing during construction. (BIA)

Definition of TIE: Any unit of material which connects masonry to masonry or other materials. See "Wall Tie" (BIA) .

Definition of WALL TIE: A bonder or metal piece which connects wythes of masonry to each other or to other materials. (BIA) A bonder or metal piece which connects wythes of masonry to each other or to other materials. (BSI)

Definition of WALL TIE, CAVITY: A rigid, corrosion-resistant metal tie which bonds two wythes of a cavity wall. It is usually steel, 3/16" in diameter and formed in a "Z" shape or a rectangle. (BSI) (BIA)

Definition of WALL TIE, VENEER; A strip or piece of metal used to tie a facing veneer to the backing. (BIA)

Section 04200 Unit Msonry Definitions: Block, Brick, etc.

Definition of ABRASION RESISTANCE: Ability of a surface to resist being worn away by rubbing and friction. (ACI )

Definition of ABSORBED MOISTURE: Moisture that has entered a solid material by absorption and has physical properties not substantially different from ordinary water at the same temperatUre and pressure. (ACCI )

Definition of ABSORPTION: The weight of water a brick unit absorbs, when imnersed in either cold or boiling watter for a stated length of time, expressed as a percentage Of the weight of the dry unit. See ASTM Specification C67. (BIA) The process by which a liquid is drawn into and tends to fill permeable pores in a porous solid body; also increase in weight of a porous solid body resulting from the penetration of a liquid into its perneable pores.

Definition of ADOBE: Unburnt brick dried in the sun. (ACI)

Definition of ARCH: A curved stone structure resting on supports at both extremities used to sustain weight, to bridge or roof an open space. (BSI ) A structural member, most cormonly curved upward, that bridges an opening. (DNR) A curved compressive structural member, spanning openings or recesses; also built flat.

Definition of Back Arch; A concealed arch carrying the backing of a wall where t. he exterior facing is carried by a lintel.

Definition of Jack Arch; One having horizontal or nearly horizontal upper and lower surfaces. Also called n flat" or n straight" arch.

Definition of Major Arch: Arch with spans greater than 6 ft. and equivalent to uniform loads greater than 1000 1b. per ft. Typically known as

Definition of Tudor arch, semicircular arch, Gothic arch or parabolic arch. Has rise to span ratio greater than 0. 15.

Definition of Minor Arch: Arch with maximum span of 6 ft. and loads not exceeding 1000 1b. per ft. Typically known as jack arch, segmental arch or multicentered arch. Has rise to span ratio less than or equal to 0. 15.

Definition of Relieving Arch: One built over a lintel, flat arch or srnaller arch to divert loads. thus relieving the lower mernber from excessive loading. Also known as "discharging" or "safety" arch.

Definition of Trimmer Arch: An arch, usually of low rise arch of brick, used for supporting a fireplace heath, (BIA)

Definition of ARCHITECT-ENGINEER or ENGINEER-ARCHITECT: The architect, engineer architectural firm, engineering firm, or architectural and engineering girm, issuing project drawings and specifications, or administering the work under contract specifications and drawings, or both. (ACT)

Definition of ARRIS: The sharp edge or exterior corner formed by the meeting of two surfaces, whether plane or curved. (NBGQAI ) The angle, corner or edge produced by the meeting of two surfaces. (ILA)

Definition of ASHLAR; Masonry composed of squared stones; one pattern of masonry construction. (ACI) A catchall term, variously applied, for squared stone masonry units, or for walling constructed of them. (DNR) - Masonry having a face of square or rectangu- lar stones, either smooth or textured. (BSI) A flat-faced surface generally square or rectangular having sawed or dressed beds and joints.

Definition of Coursed Ashlar: Ashlar set to form continuous horizontal joints.

Definition of Stacked Ashlar: Ashlar set to form continuous vertical joints.

Definition of Random Ashlar: Ashlar set with stones of varying length and height so that neither vertical nor horizontal joints are contin- uous. (ILA)

Definition of ASHLAR MASONRY: Masonry composed of rectangular units Of burned clay or shale, or stone, generally larger in size than brick and properly bonded, having sawed, dressed or squared beds, and joints laid in mortar. Often the unit size varies to provide a random pattern, (BIA)

Definition of ASTM: Arnerican Society for Testing and Materials. (BIA)

Definition of AUTOCLAVE: A pressure vessel in which an environment of steam at high pressure may be produced; used in the curing of concrete products and in the testing of hydraulic cement. (ACI)

Definition of AUTOCLAVE CURING: Steam curing of concrete products, sand-lime brick, asbestos-cement products, hydrous calcium silicate insulation products, or cement in an autoclave at maximum ambient temperatures generally between 340-420 p (170-215 C). (ACI)

Definition of BACK ARCH: A concealed arch carrying the backing of a wall where the exter ior facing is carried by a lintel. (BSI)

Definition of BACK ARCH: An arch, usually a low rise used for supporting a fire- (BIA)

Definition of BACK. FILLING: (1) Rough masonry behind a facing or between two faces. (2) Filling over the extrados of an arch. (3) Brickwork in spaces between structural timbers, sometimes called "brick nogging. (BIA)

Definition of BACK PLASTERING: Plaster applied to one face of a lath system following application and subsequent hardening of plaster applied to the opposite face. (ACI )

Definition of BACKUP: That part of a masonry wall behind the exterior facing. (BIA)

Definition of BACK-UP (also spelled BACKUP): Masonry rnaterial or masonry construction used in a wall behind stone or brick facing. (DNR)

Definition of BALUSTER: A miniature pillar or column support- ing a in balustrades. (BSI ) A miniature column or Other form of upright which, in series, supports a handrail, as in a balustrade. (II. A) A small column, generally turned, that supports the rail of a balustrade. (DNR) An ornamental fencing consisting of a series of balusters supporting a handrail or molding. (DNR)

Definition of BALUSTRADE: A railing or parapet consisting of a handrail and balusters, sometimes on a base member and sometimes interrupted by piers. (ILA) BAT: A piece of brick. (BIA) A broken, burned brick or shape. (ACI)

Definition of BATTER: Recessing or sloping masonry back in successive courses; the opposite Of corbel. (BIA)

Definition of BAY: The space between two adjacent piers or mullions or between two adj acent lines Of columns; a snail, well-defined area of concrete laid at one time in the course •of placing large areas such as floors, pavements or runways. (ACI)

Definition of BEAM: A structural member subjected pr imar ily to flexure; also the gradated horizontal bar of a weighing scale on which the balancing poses ride. (ACI)

Definition of BED: (a) The top or bottom horizontal surface of a piece, which is covered when the piece is set in place. (b) A filled or open space extending horizontally between adj acent pieces set in place. (NBGQAI )

Definition of BED JOINT: A horizontal joint between stones, usua11y fil with mortar, lead or sealant. (ILA) The horizontal layer of mortar on which a masonry unit is laid. (BIA)

Definition of BELT COURSE: A continuous horizontal course, marking a division in the wall plane. (ILA) A narrow horizontal course of masonry. sometimes slightly projected such as window sills which are made continuous, sometimes called "string course" or "sill course". (BIA)

Definition of BEVEL: The angle that one surface or line makes with another, when they are not at right angles. (ILA) When the angle between two sides is greater or less than a right angle. (BSI)

Definition of BLIND TRACERY: Carved wall ornamentation in low relief using patterns borrowed from tracer led windows. (DNR)

Definition of BLOCK: A concrete masonry unit, usually containing hollow cores; also a solid piece Of wood or other material to fill spaces between formwork members. (ACI)

Definition of BLOCK BEAM: A flexural member composed of individual blocks which are joined together by prestressing. (ACI)

Definition of BLOCKING: A method of bonding two adjoining or intersecting walls, not built at the same time, by means of offsets whose vertical dimensions are not less than 8 in. (BIA)

Definition of BOND: (1) Tying various parts of a masonry wall by lapping units one over another or by connecting with metal ties. (2) Patterns formed by exposed faces of units. (3) Adhesion between mortar or grout and masonry units or reinforcement. (BIA)

Definition of BOND BEAM: Course or courses of a masonry wall grouted and usually reinforced in the hor izontal direction. serves as horizontal tie of wall, bearing course for structural members or as a flexural member itself. (BIA)

Definition of BOND COURSE: The course consisting of units which overlap more than one wthe of masonry. (BIA)

Definition of BONDER: A masonry unit which overlaps two or more adj acent wythes of masonry to bind or tie them together. (BIA)

Definition of BONDER (HEADER): A masonry unit which overlaps two or more adjacent wythes of masonry to bind or tie them together. (NCMA) A masonry unit which ties two or more wythes (leaves) of a wall together by overlapping.

Definition of BOSS: (1) In masonry, a roughly shaped stone set to project for carving in (2) A carved ornamentation to place. conceal the jointing at the junction of ribs in a Gothic vault. (DNR)

Definition of

Definition of BOSSAGE: In masonry, collective term for bosses left as an area of projecting, rough-finished stone for later carving. (DNR)

Definition of BOX LEWIS; Assembly of metal components, some or all tapered upward, that is inserted into a downward-flaring hole (dove-tail mortise) cut into the tops of columns or other heavy masonry units for hoisting. (DNR)

Definition of BRACE: Any structural member used to support another; always designed for compression and sometimes for tension under special load conditions. (ACI )

Definition of BRACING: Structural elements, which due to their ability to transmit direct stress, are provided to either prevent buckling of individual members subject to compression, to add rigidity to a structure as a whole, or to resist. (ACI)

Definition of BRACKET: An overhanging member projecting from a wall or other body to support weight acting outside the wall, or similar piece to strengthen an angle. (ACI )

Definition of BREAKING JOINTS: Any arrangement of masonry units which prevents continuous vertical joints from occurring in adjacent courses. (BIA)

Definition of BRICK: A solid masonry unit of clay or shale, formed into a rectangular prism while plastic and burned or fired in a kiln.

Definition of Acid-Resistant Brick: Brick suitable for use in contact with chemicals, usually in conjunction with acid-resistant mortars.

Definition of Adobe-Brick: Large roughly-molded, sun-dried clay brick of vary ing size

Definition of Angle Brick: Any brick shaped to an oblique angle to fit a salient corner. (1) Wedge-shaped brick for Arch Brick: (2) Extremely special use in an arch. hard-burned brick from an arch of a scove kiln.

Definition of Building Brick: Brick for bu ilding purposes not especially treated for texture Formerly cal led "cornmon brick": or color. see ASTM Specification C62.

Definition of Clinker Brick: A very hard-burned brick whose shape is distortéd or bloated due to nearly complete vitrification.

Definition of Conmon Brick: See "building brick Dry-Press Brick: Brick formed in molds under high pressures from relatively dry clay (5 to 7 percent moisture content). Economy Brick: Brick whose nominal dimensions are 4 x 4 x 8 in.

Definition of Engineered Brick; Brick whose nominal dinensions are 4 x 3. 2 x 8 in.

Definition of Facing Brick: Brick made especially for facing purposes, often treated to produce surface texture. They are made Of selected clays, or treated, to produce desired color. See ASTM Specification C216.

Definition of Fire Brick: Brick made of refractory ceramic material which will resist high temperatures.

Definition of Floor Brick: Smooth dense brick, highly resistant to abrasion, used as finished See ASTM Specification floor surfaces. C410.

Definition of Gauged Brick: (1) Brick which has been ground or otherwise produced to accurate (2) A tapered arch brick. dimensions.

Definition of Hollow Brick: A masonry unit of clay or shale whose net cross-sectional area in any plane parallel to the bearing surface is not less than 60 percent, of its gross cross-sectional area measured in the same See ASTM Specif ication C652. plane.

Definition of Jumbo Brick: A generic term indicating a brick larger in size than the standard. Some producers use this term to describe oversize brick of specific dimensions manfactured by them.

Definition of Norman Brick: A brick whose nominal dimensions are 4 x 2-2/3 by 12 in.

Definition of Paving Brick; Vitrified brick especially suitable for use in pavements where resistance to abrasion is important. See ASTM Specification C7.

Definition of Roman Brick; Brick whose nominal dimensions are 4 x 2 x 12 in.

Definition of Salmon Brick: Generic term for under-burned brick which is more porous, slightly larger and lighter colored than hard-burned brick. Usually pinkish-orange in color.

Definition of "SCR Brick": See "SCR"

Definition of Sewer Brick: Low absorption, abrasive-resistant brick intended for use in drainage structures. See ASTM Specification C32.

Definition of Soft-Mud Brick: Brick produced by molding relatively wet clay (20 to 30 percent moisture). Often a hand process. When insides of molds are sanded to prevent sticking of clay, the product is " sandstruck" brick. VT-xen molds are wetted to prevent sticking, the product is "waterstruck" brick.

Definition of Stiff-Mud Brick: Brick produced by extruding a stiff but plastic clay (12 to 15 percent moisture) through a die. (BIA)

Definition of BRICK AND BRICK: A method of laying brick so that units touch each other with only enough mortar to fill surface irregularities. (BIA)

Definition of BRICK GRADE: Designation for durability of the unit expressed as SW for severe weathering, MW for moderate weathering, or NW for negligible see ASTM Specifications C216, weather ing. C62 and C652. (BIA)

Definition of BRICK SEAT: Ledge on wall or footing to support a course of masonry. (ACT)

Definition of BRICK TYPE: Designation for facing brick which controls tolerance, chippage and distortion. Expressed as FBS, FBX and FBA for solid brick, and HBS, HBX, HBA and HBB for hollow brick. See ASTM Specifications C216 and C652. (BIA)

Definition of BROACH: To drill or cut out material left between closely spaced drill holes. Also a mason' s sharp pointed chisel for dressing stone. (BSI)

Definition of BUGGED FINISH: A smooth finish produced by grinding with power sanders. (ILA)

Definition of BUILDING OFFICIAL; The official charged with administration and enforcernent of the applicable building code, or his duly authorized representative. (ACI )

Definition of BULL NOSE: A convex semicircular molding used on edges of such stone units as stair treads and window sills. (DNR) Convex rounding of a stone member -- such as a stair tread. (BSI ) Convex rounding of a member, such as the front edge of a stair tread or window sill. (ILA)

Definition of BUTTERING; Placing mortar on a masonry unit with a trowel. (BIA) Process of spreading mortars on a brick or other masonry unit with a trowel; also the process by which the interior of a concrete mixer, transportation unit, or other item coming in contact with fresh concrete is provided with a mortar coating so that the fresh concrete coming in contact with it will not be depleted of (ACI)

Definition of BUTTONS: In setting masonry, lead discs or other materials to carry the weight of the super incum- bent stone while the mortar is green. (DNR)

Definition of BUTTRESS: A bonded column of resonry built as an integral part of the wall, projecting from either or both surfaces, and decreasing in area from base to top. (NCMA) A proj ecting structure to support a wall or building. (ACI)

Definition of CALCIUM-SILICATE BRICK (Sand-lime brick): A building unit made from sand and lime. (NCMA)

Definition of CAMBER: A deflection that is intentionally built into a structural element or form to improve appearance or to nullify the deflection of the element under the effects of loads, shrinkage and creep. (ACI)

Definition of CANOPY: A shallow projecting roof, bracketed or cantilevered, ornamenting a doorway, window, niche or throne. (DNR) A sheltering roof--as over a niche or a doorway. (BSI)

Definition of CANTILEVER: A structural member, supported at only one end, that projects from a wall. (DNR)

Definition of CAP: A smooth, plane surface of suitable material bonded to the bearing surfaces Of test specimens to insure uniform distribution of load during strength testing. (ACI)

Definition of CAPACITY INSULATION: The ability of masonry to store heat as a result Of its mass, density and specific heat. (BIA)

Definition of CAPITAL: Column cap. (BSI) (ILA)

Definition of CAVITY WALL: A masonry wall composed of two wythes (q. v.) spaced apart and secured to each other by wall ties. Window frames are cortunonly sealed into the cavity. (DNR)

Definition of C/B RATIO: The ratio of the weight of water absorbed by a masonry unit during immersion in cold water to weight absorbed during immersion in boiling water. An indication of the probable resistance of brick to freezing and thawing. Also called t' saturation coefficient". See ASTM Specification C67 (BIA).

Definition of CENTERING: Temporary framework for the support of masonry arches or lintels during construction. Also called center (s ). (BIA)

Definition of CERAMIC COLOR GAZE: An opaque-colored glaze of satin or gloss finish obtained by spraying the clay body with a compound of metallic oxides, chemicals and It is burned at high tempera- clays. tures, fusing glaze to body making them See ASTM Specification inseparable. C126. (BIA)

Definition of CHAMFER: TO bevel the junction of an exterior angle. (BSI ) To bevel an arris. (DNR)

Definition of CHASE: A continuous recess built into a wall to receive pipes, ducts, etc. (BIA)

Definition of CHAT SAWN FINISH: A rough gang saw finish produced by sawing with coarse chat. (BSI)

Definition of CLOSURE: Supplementary or short length units used at corners or jambs to maintain bond patterns. (BIA)

Definition of CLAY: A natural, mineral aggregate consisting essentially of hydrous aluminum silicate; it is plastic when sufficiently wetted, rigid when dried and vitrified when fired to a sufficiently high tenperature. (BIA) Natural mineral material having plastic properties and composed of very fine particles; the clay mineral fraction of a soil is usually considered to be the portion consisting of particles finer than 2 um; clay minerals are essentially hydrous aluminum silicates or occasionally hydrous magnesium silicates,(ACI )

Definition of CLEAR GLAZE: A term generally applied to a transparent glaze. Clear ceramic glazes are tinted with opacifiers, giving them a definite opaque characteristic and a resultant consistent color range of produced ware.

Definition of CLEAR CERAMI GLAZE: Same as "ceramic color glaze" except that is translucent or slightly tinted, with a gloss finish. (BIA)

Definition of CLIP: A portion of a brick cut to length. (BIA)

Definition of CLOSER: The last masonry unit laid in a It may be whole or a portion of course unit. (BIA)

Definition of COLLAR JOINT; The vertical longitudinal joint between wythes of masonry. (NCMA) (BIA)

Definition of COLUMN: A member used primarily to support axial compression loads and with a height of at least three times its least lateral dimension. (ACI) A vertical compression member whose horizontal dimension measured at right angles to the thickness does not exceed three times its thickness. bearing wall not bonded at the sides into associated shall be considered a column when its horizontal dimension measured at right angles to the thickness does not exceed three times its thickness. (NCMA) (1) A pillar supporting higher members in a building. Commonly tapered and round, but may be polygonal. In some classical orders consists of base, cylindrical shaft and capital. (2) A pillar standing alone as a monument. (DNR) Vertical member whose horizontal dimension measured at right angles to the thickness does not exceed three times its thickness. (BIA)

Definition of COLUMN, SLENDER: A column whose load capacity is reduced by the ihcreased eccentricity caused by secondary deflection moments. (ACI)

Definition of CONCRETE BRICK: A solid masonry unit having a shape approximately a rectangular prism and composed of inert aggregate particles embedded in a hardened cementitous matrix. (NCMA)

Definition of CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT: A masonry unit composed principally Of inert aggregate particles embedded in a hardened cementitious matrix. (NCMA)

Definition of CONTRACTION JOINT: Formed, sawed or tooled groove in a concrete structure to create a weakened plane and regulate the location of cracking resulting from the dimensional change of different parts Of the structure. (ACI)

Definition of COPING: The material or units used to form a cap or finish on top of a wall, pier, pilaster or chimney. (ACI) A protective covering capping a wall, as a parapet. May be flat, but cormonly sloping, double beveled or curved to carry off water. Most effective if extended beyond wall face and cut with a drip. (DNR) The material or masonry units forming a cap or finish on top of a wall, pier, pilaster, chimney, etc. It protects masonry below from penetration of water from above. (BIA)

Definition of CORBEL: A shelf or ledge formed by proj ecting successive courses of masonry out from the face of the wall. (BIA) A projection from the face of a beam, girder, column or wall used as a beam seat or a decoration. (ACI)

Definition of CORNICE: The molding or series of moldings forming the top member of a facade, door or window frame, or interior wall. Also the top member of a classical entablature. (DNR)

Definition of COURSE: One of the continuous horizontal layers of units, bonded with mortar in masonry. (BIA) A horizontal layer of concrete masonry units. (NCMA) A layer (range) of masonry units running horizontally in a wall or, much less commonly, curved over an arch. (DNR)

Definition of COURSING JOINT: (Brit.) Horizontal or arched mortar joint between two courses of masonry in a wall or arch. (DNR)

Definition of CRAMP: U-shaped metal fastening to hold adjacent units of masonry together, as in a parapet or wall coping. (DNR) An anchoring device in the form of a metal bar bent at both ends in the shape of a (NBGQAI ) flat "U".

Definition of CRAWLING: The characteristic of a glaze to separate during the fir ing process, leaving exposed areas of unglazed ware.

Definition of CROSS-SECTIONAL AREA: Net cross-sectional area of a masonry unit shall be taken as the gross cross-sectional area parallel to the bearing. surEace minus the area of the cores or cellular spaces. (BIA) Net cross-sectional area of a masonry unit shall be taken as the gross cross-sectional area minus the area of cores or cells. (NCMA)

Definition of CULLS: Masonry units which do not meet the standards or specifications and have been rejected. (BIA)

Definition of CURSTABLE; (Brit.) A masonry course carrying moldings or carvings. May be a strong course (q. v.) or part of a cornice (q. v.) (DNR)

Definition of DAMP COURSE:In stone masonry, an invervious horizontal layer to prevent vertical penetration of water in a wall. May be (1) a course of tile or tight stone (for example, slate or dense limestone), or (2) a thin layer of asphaltic or bituminous material or metal. Generally near grade to prevent upward migration by capillarity, but also used below copings, above roof level in chimneys, and elsewhere to top downward seepage. (DNR) A course or layer of impervious material which prevents capillary entrance of roisture from the ground or a lower course. Often called "damp check". (BIA)

Definition of DAMPPROOFING: Prevention of moisture penetration by capillary action. (BIA) One or more coatings Of a compound that is impervious to water. Usually applied to the back of stone or face of back of wall. (ILA) One or more coatings of a compound that is impervious to water applied to a surface above grade. (BSI)

Definition of DEFORMATION: A change in dimension or shape due to stress. (ACC)

Definition of DENSITY: Weight per unit vo lume. (ACI)

Definition of DENTIL: Block projections on an entablature. (ILA)

Definition of DENTIL COURSE: A narrow molding ornamented by small rectangular blocks (that is, dentils) jecting at regular intervals. (DNR) Mold course immediately below the cornice, having on one of its members, shall uniformly spaced blocks, referred to as dentils. (ILA) The lower part of the cornice with dentils. The cornice is jointed to allow 11Echine production of the dentils. (BSI )

Definition of DIAMOND-SAWED: Finish produced by sawing with diamond-toothed saws (ei ther circular gang). (ILA)

Definition of DISCOLORATION: Departure of color from that which is normal or desired. (ACI)

Definition of DISINTEGRATION: Deterioration into small fragments or particles due to (ACI) any cause.

Definition of DOG'S TOOTH: Brick laid wi th their corners projecting from the wall face. (BIA)

Definition of DRIP: A projecting piece of ma terial, shaped to throw off water and prevent its running down the face of wall or (BIA) other surface. A recess cut under a sill or projecting stone to throw Off water preventing it from running down face of wall or other surface as window or door. (BSI)

Definition of DRY WALL: In ma sonry construction a self-supporting rubble or ashlar wall laid up without mortar. (DNR)

Definition of ECCENTRICITY: The normal distance between the centroidal axis Of a member and the parallel resultant load. (BIA)

Definition of EFFECTIVE HEIGHT: The height of a member to be assumed for calculating the slenderness ratio. (NCMA) (BIA)

Definition of EFFECTIVE THICKNESS: The thickness of a member to be assumed for calculating the slenderness ratio. (NCMA) (BIA)

Definition of EFFECTIVE AREA OF REINFORCEMENT: The area obtained by multiplying the right cross-secEiona1 area of" the metal reinforcement by the cosine of the angle between its direction and the direction for which the effectiveness of the reinforcement is to be determined. (NCMA)

Definition of ENGINEERED BRICK MASONRY: Masonry in which design is based on a rational structural analysis. (BIA)

Definition of EFFLORESCENCE: A crystalline deposit appearing on stone surfaces caused by soluble salts carried through or onto the stone by moisture, which has sometimes been found to come from brick, tile, concrete blocks, mortar, concrete, and similar materials in the wall or above. (BSI) The formation of a white saline powder on the surface of masonry walls. (ILA) A powder or stain sometimes found on the surface of masonry, resulting from deposition of water-soluble salts. (BIA)

Definition of ENTABLATURE: Consists of an architrave, frieze and cornice. (BSI) (ILA) In classical architecture, the elaborated beam member carried by the columns, horizontally divided into architrave (below, frieze and cornice (above). The proportions and detailing are different for each order, and strictly prescribed. (DNR)

Definition of ENTASIS: The curve of the upper two-thirds of a column. (BSI.) Intentional slight convex curving Of the side profiles in a tapered column to overcome the optical illusion of pinching that characterizes straight-sided columns. (DNR) The curve resulting from the gradual diminishing of the diameter Of the upper two-thirds of a column. (IIA)

Definition of EPOXY JOINT: In masonry, a visible joint filled with epoxy resin in place of mrtar or caulking. (DNR) r

Definition of FACE: (1) The exposed surface of a wall or masonry unit. (2) The surface of a unit designed to be exposed in the finished masonry. (BIA)

Definition of FACING: Any material, forming a part of a wall, used as a finished surface. (BIA)

Definition of FASCIA: A horizontal belt of vertical face--often used in combination with moldings. (BSI) A flat member or band at the surface of a building or the edge beam of a bridge; exposed eave of a building; often inappropriately called facia. A flat horizontal band, appearing as a vertical face, used decoratively, alone or in combination with other moldings. (DNR)

Definition of FEATHER-EDGED COPING: coping that slopes in only one direction (not ridged or gabled). In some usage implies slope toward rear of wall. Also called (Brit.) "wedge coping." (DNR)

Definition of FIELD: The expanse of wall between openings, corners, etc., principally cornposed of stretchers. (BIA)

Definition of FILTER BLOCK: A hollow, vitrified clay masonry. unit, sometimes salt-glazed, designed for trickling filter floors in sewage disposal plants. see ASTM Specification C159. (BIA)

Definition of FINES: The powder, dust, si It-size and sandsize Inaterial resulting from processing (usually crushing) rock. (BSI)

Definition of FIRE CLAY: A clay which is highly resistant to heat without deforming and used for making brick. (BIA) An earthy or stoney mineral aggregate which has as the essential constituent hydrous silicates of aluminum with or without free silica, plastic when sufficiently pulvarized and wetted, rigid when subsequently dried, and of suitable refractoriness for use in commercial refractory products. (ACI )

Definition of FIREPROOF Relatively incombustible. (BSI)

Definition of FIREPROOFING: Any material or combination protecting structural members to increase their fire resistance. (BIA)

Definition of FIRE RESISTANCE: The property of a material or assembly to withstand fire or give protection from it; as applied to elements of buildings, it is characterized by the ability to confine a fire or to continue to perform a given structural function, or both. (ACI)

Definition of FIRE RESISTIVE MATERIAL: see "Noncombustible Material. (BIA)

Definition of FLAT ARCH (JACK ARCH, STRAIGHT ARCH): An arch that has little or no convexity. Arch construction (keyed) with essentially horizontal top and bottom. (DNR)

Definition of FLY ASH: The finely divided residue resulting from the combustion of ground or powdered coal and which is transported from the firebox through the boiler by flue gases; known in UK as "pulverized fuel ash (pfa). " (ACI)

Definition of FOOTING: That portion of the foundation of a structure which spreads and transmits load directly to the piles, or to the soil or (ACI ) supporting grillage.

Definition of FOUNDATION: The material oz materials through which the load Of a structure is transmitted to the earth. ( ILA)

Definition of FRIEZE: (1) The middle member of a classical entablature. (2) A horizontal decorative band or border, carved or painted, encircling a room at dado level or higher, or used on exterior build ing faces. (DNR) A belt course -- sometimes decorated with sculpture relief, occurring just under a cornice. (BSI)

Definition of FROG: A depression in the bed surface of a masonry unit; sometimes called a panel. (ACI) A depression in the bed surface of a brick. Sometimes called a "panel. " (BIA)

Definition of FURRING: A method of finishing the interior face of a masonry wall to provide space for insulation, prevent moisture transmittance, or to provide a level surface for finishing. (BIA)

Definition of CALLETING: (Brit.) Insertion of chips or spalls of stone into the joints of rough masonry to solidify the wall, reduce the amount of mortar required, or add detail to the appearance. (DNR)

Definition of GAUGED OR GAUGING: A grinding process to make all pieces of material to be used together the same thickness. (BSI )

Definition of GROG: A fired clay material that is ground, pulverized and screened and used as an additive to unfired clay material. (SC) Burned refractory material, usually calcined clay or crushed brick bats. (ACI )

Definition of GROUNDS: Nailing strips placed in masonry wal Is as a means of attaching trin or furring. (BIA)

Definition of GROUTED MASONRY: Concrete masonry construction composed of hollow units where hollow cells are filled with grout, or multi-wythe construction in which space between wythes is solidly filled with grout. (NCMA)

Definition of GROUTING: The process of filling wi th grout. (ACI)

Definition of HACKING: (1) The procedure of stacking brick in a kiln or on a kiln car. (2) Laying brick with the bottom edge set in from the plane surface of the wall. (BIA)

Definition of HARD-BURNED: Nearly vitrified clay products which have been fired at high temperatures. They have relatively low absorptions and high compressive strengths. (BIA)

Definition of HAUNCH: The deepened portion of a beam that increases in depth toward the support. (ACI)

Definition of HEADER: A brick laid across a wall with the end surface exposed. Headers are usually used as bonders. (1) See "bond stone". a lintel (DNR) (2) Colloquial term for A masonry unit which overlaps two or more adjacent wythes of masonry to tie them together. Often called "bonder".

Definition of Blind Header: A concealed brick header in the interior of a wall, not showing on the faces.

Definition of Clipped Header: A bat placed to look like a header for purposes of establishing a pattern. Also called "false header 't

Definition of Flare Header: A header Of darker color than the field of the wall. (BIA) A masonry unit laid across a wall with the end surface exposed. Headers are usually used as bonder s. (NCMA) (See "bonder": A masonry unit laid flat with its greatest dimension at a right angle to the face of the wall; when the unit is only the depth Of the face wythe it is known as a false header. (ACI )

Definition of HEADING COURSE; A continuous bonding course of header brick. Also called "header course.

Definition of HEAD JOINT: The vertical mortar joint between ends of masonry units. Often called "cross joint. ' (BIA)

Definition of HEARTH: (1) The masonry floor of a fireplace together with an adjacent area of fireproof material which may be a continuation of the flooring in the embrasure or some more decorative surfacing, as tile or marble. (2) An area permanently floored with fireproof material beneath and surrounding a stove. (DNR)

Definition of HOLLOW CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS: A masonry unit whose net cross-sectional area in any plane parallel to the bearing surface is less than 75 percent of its gross cross-sectional area measured in the same plane. (NCMA)

Definition of HONED FINISH: Honed is a super fine smooth finish. (BSI )

Definition of INITIAL RATE OF ABSORPTION: The weight of water absorbed expressed in grams per 30 sq. in. of contact surface when a brick is partially irrmersed for one minute. Also called suction. See ASTM Specification C67. (BIA)

Definition of INCISE: To cut inwardly or engrave--as in an inscription. (ILA) (BSI)

Definition of JACK ARCH: One having horizontal or nearly horizontal upper and lower surfaces. Also called flat or straight arch. (BSI)

Definition of JOINT: (1) The end or side surface of a piece, which is covered when the piece is set in place. (2) A filled or open space extending vertically between adjacent pieces set in place. (NBCI) The space between stone filled with mortar. (BSI)

Definition of JOINTS: Flush, Rake, Cove, Weathered, Bead, Stripped and/or "V". (BSI) In masonry, the surface at which two members join or butt. If they are held together by mortar, the mortar-filled aperture is the joint. The exposed edges of mortar joints are finished in many ways, each named, including: concave, flush, plain (filled to surface but not carefully smoothed), rustic (sunk back from surface), struck (excess mortar removed by a flush stroke of the trowel), raked (cut back from surface with a raking tool), bead (convex, protruding), V (indented by triangular jointing tool), and mason's (finished with a triangular projection). Concave and V joints are varieties of tooled joints. (DNR)

Definition of KERF: Kerf is to wire-cut a soft clay unit during extrusion, permitting easier breaking or cutting of the units on the job for specific and varied applications. (SC)

Definition of KILN: A furnace oven or heated enclosure used for burning or firing brick or other clay material.

Definition of Kiln Run: Brick from one kiln which have not been sorted or graded for size or color variation. (BIA)

Definition of KING CLOSER: A brick cut diagonally to have one 2 n end and one full width end. (BIA)

Definition of LATERAL SUPPORT: Members such as cross walls, columns, pilasters, buttresses, floors, roofs or spandrel beams which have sufficient strength and stability to resist the horizontal forces transmitted to them may be considered as lateral support. (BIA) (NCMA)

Definition of LEAD: The section of a wall. built up and racked back on successive courses. A line is attached to leads as a guide for constructing a wall between them. (BIA)

Definition of LINTEL: A beam loc ated over an opening in a wall to carry superimposed load. (NCMA) Horizontal member that bridges a door or window opening. (DNR) A horizontal supporting member above an opening such as a window or a door. (ACI ) A beam placed over an opening in a wall. (BIA)

Definition of LIVE LOAD: Any load that is not permanently applied to a structure. (ACI)

Definition of LOAD-BEARING WALL: A wall designed and built to carry superimposed vertical and shear loads as opposed to nonload-bearing walls. (ACI)

Definition of LUG: projection from, or extension Of, a building unit to engage adj acent unit. In masonry, that part of a sill that extends into adjoining amb. (DNR)

Definition of MASONRY: That branch. of construction dealing wtih plaster, concrete construction and the laying up of stone, brick, tile and other such units with mortar. (ILA)

- (1) Strictly speaking, the art of building in stone, but by extension the practice of the mason's craft with brick, tile, concrete block, and other materials.

- (2) The work resulting from the practice of the mason's craft, as structures built Of stone, brick, or other materials set as units in patterns (and amenable to assembly with mortar, whether or not mortar is actually used).

Also called stonework. (DNR ) - Construction composed of shaped or molded units, usually small enough to be handled by one man and composed of stone, ceramic brick or tile, concrete, glass, adobe, or the like; sometimes used to designate cast-in-place concrete. (ACI)

- A built-up construction or combination of masonry units set in mortar or grout. (NCMA) (BIA) - Brick, stone, concrete, etc., or masonry combinations thereof, bonded with mortar. (BIA) - Built-up construction, usually of a com- bination of materials set in mortar. (BSI)

Definition of MASONRY UNIT: Natural or manufactured building units of burned clay, concrete, stone, glass, gypsum etc.

Definition of Hollow Masonry Unit: One whose net cross- sectional area in any plane parallel to the bearing surface is less than 75 percent of the gross.

Definition of Modular Masonry Unit: One whose nominal dimensions are based on the 4" module.

Definition of Solid Masonry Unit: One whose net cross- sectional area in every plane parallel to the bear ing surface is 75 percent or more of the gross. (BIA)

Definition of MITER: The junction of two units at an angle, of which the junction line usually bisects on a 45deg. angle. (BSI) The junction of two units at an angle. The junction line usually bisects on a 45deg angle. (ILA)

Definition of MOISTURE MOVEMENT: (1) The movement of moisture through a porous medium. (2) The effects of such movement on efflorescence and volume change in hardened cement paste, mortar, concrete, or rock. (ACI)

Definition of MOSAIC: (1) A pattern or design formed by inlaying fragments or small pieces of stone, tile, glass or enamel into a cement, mortar or plastic matrix. (2) An irregular pattern of stone masonry surface used in veneering or solid stone walls (for example, (Brit.), polygonal masonry). (DNR)

Definition of NOMINAL DIMENSION: A dimension greater than a specif led masonry dimension by the thick- ness of a mortar joint, but not more than (BIA)

Definition of NONCOMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL: Any material which will neither ignite nor actively support combustion in air at a temperature of 1200 F when exposed to fire. (BIA)

Definition of OPACITY: Opacity is the opaque characteristic of a glaze eliminating or restricting the viewing of stains or colors occurring in the clay body. (SC)

Definition of OVERHAND WORK: Laying brick from inside a wall by men standing on a floor or on a scaffold. (BIA)

Definition of PIER: An isolated column of masonry. (BIA)

Definition of PIERCED WALL: A nonbearing masonry wall

Definition of PANEL: (1) A section of form sheathing, construct- in which an ornamental pierced effect that is achieved by alternating rectangular ed from boards, plywood, metal sheets, etc., or shaped blocks with open spaces. (DNR) can be erected and stripped as a unit. concrete member, usually precast, rectangular in shape, and relatively thin with respect to

Definition of PILASTER: A wall portion projecting from either or both wall faces and serving other dimensions as a vertical column and/or beam. (ACI)(BIA)

A flat engaged pier, extending less thanhalf its width from a wall. Many pilasters are really decorative features that imitate engaged piers but are not supporting structures. Ifused with free-standing columns, as in classical or Renaissance structures, pilasters follow their order in detailing and proportion. (DNR)

- Column built within a wall, usually projecting beyond the wall. (ACI)

- That portion of a wall which mayt serve as ither a vertical beam or a column or both. In reinforced masonry the pilaster may or may not extend beyond either face of the wall. (NCMA).

- An engaged pier of shallow depth which may serve as either a vertical beam or a column or both. In classical architecture it follows the height and width of related coluymns, with similar base and cap. (BSI)

Definition of PARAPET: That part of a wall that extends above the roof level; a low wall along the top of a dam. (ACI) - A low wall used on bridges, roofs and balconies ing structures. (DNR)

Definition of PARAPET WALL: The part of a wall that extends order in detailing and proportion: (DNR) above the intersection Of the wall with the roof. (DNR)

Definition of PARGE: To coat with plaster, particularly foundation walls and rough masonry. (ACI)

Definition of PARGING: Darnpproofing by placing a coat of 1/2" of setting mortar to the back of stones, or, the face of the backup material (BSI )

Definition of PARGETING: The process of applying a coat of cement mortar to masonry. Often spelled and/or pronounced "parging. (BIA)

Definition of PARTIALLY REINFORCED MASONRY mLLS: walls designed as plain masonry except that reinforcement is provided in some portions to resist flexural tensile stresses. (NCMA)

Definition of PLUMB: Vertical or to make vertical.

Definition of POINTING: Troweling mortar into a joint after masonry units are laid. (BIA)

Definition of PARTITION: An interior nonloadbearing wall one story or less in height, supporting no vertical load other than its own weight. (BIA) (NCMA)

Definition of PAVER: (1) A paving stone, brick or quarry tile. (2) A paving stone more than 6" square. (BSI) (DNR)

Definition of POROSITY: The ratio, usually expressed as a percentage, of the volumne of voids in a material to the total volume of the material, including the voids. (ACI)

Definition of PEDESTAL: An upright compression member whose height does not exceed three times its average least lateral dimension, such as a short pier or plinth used as the base for a column. (ACI)

Definition of PREFABRICATED BRICK MASONRY: Masonry construction fabricated in a location other than its final inservice location in the stucture. Also known as pre-assembled, panelized and sectionalized brick masonry. (BIA)

Definition of PEDIMENT: The triangular face of a gable, if separated by entablature or molding from the lower wall and treated as a decorative unit. By extension, a triangular surface used orna- mentally over doors or windows. (DNR)

Definition of PRESSURE-RELIEVING JOINT: An open horizontal joint below the supporting angle or hanger located at approximately every floor line and not over 15 ft. apart, horizontally, and every 20-30 ft. vertically, to prevent the weight from being transmitted to the masonry below. These joints are caulked with a resilient material to prevent moisture penetration. (BSI)

Definition of PERFORATED WALL: One which contains a considerable number of relatively small openings. Often called pierced wall or screen wall. (BSI)

Definition of PERPEYN WALL (PERPEND WALL): wall built in the interior of a building and at right angle to an enclosing wall, forming divisions like stalls, as in ecclesiastical buildings. (DNR)

Definition of PICK AND DIP: A method of laying brick whereby the bricklayer simultaneously picks up a brick with one hand and, with the other hand, enough mortar on a trowel to lay the brick. Sometimes called the "Eastern" or "New England" method. (BIA)

Definition of PRISM; A small masonry assemblage made with masonry units and mortar. Primarily used to predict the strength of full called the "Eastern" or "New England n method. scale masonry members. (BIA)

Definition of RBM: Reinforced brick masonry.

Definition of REBATE: A rectangular groove or to receive a frame insert in a window opening. (DNR)

Definition of RECESS: A sinkage.

Definition of QUALITY CONTROL: A system of procedures and standards by which a constructor, product manufacturer, mater ials processor or the like, monitors the properties of the finished wrk. (ACT)

Definition of QUEEN CLOSER: A cut brick having a nominal 2" horizontal face dimension. (BIA)

Definition of QUIRT: A groove separating a bead or other moulding from the adjoining members. (BSI)

Definition of QUOIN: A projecting right angle masonry corner. (BIA)

Definition of RACKING; A method entailing stepping back successive courses of masonry. (BIA)

Definition of RAGGLE: A groove in a joint or special unit to receive roofing or flashing. (BIA)

Definition of RAKED JOINT: A joint in a masonry wall which has the mortar raked out to a specified depth while it is only slightly hardened.

Definition of RELIEF OR RELIEVE: Ornament in relief. The ornament or figure can be slightly, half, or greatly projected. (BSI)

Definition of

Definition of REGLET: A recess to receive and secure metal flashing. (ILA)

Definition of REINFORCED BRICK MASONRY: Brick masonry in which reinforcement is enbedded as required in this standard and in such a manner that the two materials act together in resisting forces. (BIA)

Definition of REINFORCED CONCRETE MASONRY; Masonry con- struction rnade with hollow concrete masonry units in which certain cells are continuously filled with grout and in which reinforcement is embedded, or multi-wythe construction in which space between wythes is solidly filled with grout and in which reinforcement is bedded. (NCMA)

Definition of REINFORCED MASONRY: Masonry containing metal mesh or rods in the joints to resist shearing and tensile stresses, (DNR) -

Masonry units, reinforcing steel, grout and/or mortar combi ned to act together in resisting forces. (BIA)

- Unit masonry in which reinforcement is embedded in such a manner that the two materials act together in resisting forces. (ACI ) unit masonry in which reinforcement is embedded as required in these regulations and in such a manner that the two materials act together in resisting forces. (NCMA)

Definition of RELIEVING ARCH: one built over a lintel, flat arch, or smaller arch to divert loads, thus relieving the lower member from excessive loading. Also known as dicharging or safety arch. (BSI) - An arch, usually blind, built into the wall above a lintel or flat arch to carry the load to walls or other supporting members. (DNR)

Definition of REPOINTING: Replacing mortar in masonry. (DNR)

Definition of RETEMPERING: Addition of water and remixing of concrete or mortar which has lost enough workability to become unplaceable or unusable. (ACI)

Definition of RETURN: The right angle turn of a molding. (BSI) - The shorter run in a right-angle turn that continues but changes direction of a molding or wall. (DNR) - Any surface turned back from the face of a principal surface. (BIA)

Definition of REVEAL: That portion Of a jamb or recess which is visible from the face of a wall. (BIA) - In the side of a door or window opening that is rebated for a frame, the surface extending from the slot (or frame) to the outer surface of the wall (corripare "sconcheon") (DNR) - The side of an opening in a wall for a window or door; depth of exposure of aggregate in an exposed aggregate finish. (ACI)

Definition of RISER: The vertical component or panel between treads in a stair. (DNR)

Definition of ROMAN ARCH; Semicircular arch. (BSI) - A semicircular arch. If built of stone, all units are wedge-shaped. (DNR)

Definition of ROWLOCK: A brick laid on its face edge so that the normal bedding area is visible in the wall face. Frequently spelled t' rolok". (BIA)

Definition of RUBBED FINISH: Mechanically rubbed for smoother finish. (BSI )

Definition of RUSTICATION: A groove in a concrete or masonry surface. (ACI)

Definition of RUSTIFICATION OR RUSTICATION: Recessing the margin of cut stone so that when placed together a channel is formed at each joint. (BSI)

Definition of SALT GLAZE: A gloss finish obtained by thermo- chemical reaction between silicates of clay and vapors of salt or chemicals. (BIA)

Definition of SANDzLIME BRICK (CALCIUM-SILICATE BRICK): A building unit made from sand and lime. (NCMA)

Definition of SATURATION COEFFICIENT: see "C/B Ratio, (BIA)

Definition of SAWED EDGE: A clean cut edge generally achieved by cutting with a diamond blade, gang saw or wire saw. (ESI)

Definition of SCOTIA; A concave molding. (II. A)

Definition of SECTILIA: A pavement made up Of fitted hexagonal stones or tiles. (DNR)

Definition of SETTING SPACE; In masonry paneling or veneering the distance between the finished face of the wall and the backup wall. (DNR)

Definition of SHALE: Clay which has been subjected to high pressures until it has hardened. (BIA)

Definition of SHEAR: A type of stress; a body is in shear when it is subjected to a pair of equal forces which are opposite in direction and which act along parallel planes. (BSI )

Definition of SHOVED JOINTS: Vertical joints filled by shoving a brick against the next brick when it is being laid in a bed of mortar. (BIA)

Definition of SILL: In masonry, a flat or slightly beveled stone set horizontally at the base of an opening in a wall. (DNR)

Definition of SLENDERNESS RATIO: Ratio of the effective height of a member to its effective thickness. (BIA)(NCMA)

Definition of SLUSHED JOINTS: vertical joints filled, after units are laid, by "throwing" mortar in with the edge of a trowel. (Generally, not recommended ) (CBIA)

Definition of SOAP: A masonry unit of normal face dimensions, having a nominal 2" thickness. CBIA)

Definition of SOFFIT: The underside of a beam, lintel or arch. (BIA) - The finished underside of a lintel, arch, or portico. (ILA) - The finished lower underside of a lintel, or portico. (BSI ) -, The exposed lower surface of any overhead component of a building, such as a lintel, vault or cornice, or an arch or entablature. (DNR)

Definition of SOFT-BURNED: Clay products which have been fired at low temperature ranges, producing relatively high absorptions and low compressive strengths. (BIA)

Definition of SOLAR SCREEN: A perforated wall used shade. (BIA)

Definition of SOLDIER: A stretcher set on end with face showing on the wall surface. (BIA)

Definition of SOLID MASONRY UNIT: A masonry unit whose net cross-sectional area in every plane parallel to the bearing surface is or more of its gross cross-sectional area measured in the same plane. (BIA)

Definition of SPALL: A fragment, usually in the shape of a flake, detached from a larger mass by a blow, by the action of weather, by pressure, or by expansion within the larger mass; a small spall involves a roughly circular depression not greater than 20 in depth nor 150 nun in any dimension; a large spall may be roughly circular or oval or, in some cases elongated, more than 20 mm in depth and 150 in greatest dimension. - A small fragment removed from the face of a masonry unit by a blow or by action of the elements. (BIA)

Definition of SPANDREL: (1) In an arcade, a flat vertical face bounded by the adjacent curves of two arches and the horizontal tangent of their crowns. When a lintel is used above an arched doorway or archway, two half-spandrels may sit astride the arch. (2) On buildings supported by skeleton structure, the facing of the area between the sill of one window and the top (or lintel) of the window next below. (DNR)

Definition of SPANDREL WALL: That part of a curtain wall above the top of a window in one story and below the sill Of the window in the story above. (BSI) (ILA)

Definition of SPLAY: A beveled or slanted surface. In masonry, a reveal at an oblique angle to the exterior face of the wall. (BSI)(DNR) - A beveled or slanted surface.

Definition of SPLIT-FACE BLOCK: concrete masonry unit with one or more faces produced by purposeful fracturing of the unit, to provide architectural effects in masonry wall construction. (ACI )

Definition of STACK; Any structure or part thereof which contains a flue or flues for the discharge of gases. (BIA)

Definition of STACK BOND: Stack bond is an installation joint pattern where the joints, both horizontal and vertical, are aligned throughout the intallation. Units are stacked one over the other, either in a horizontal or vertical position. (SC)

Definition of STOOL: (1) Interior window sill, shelf (2) (Brit.) Flat member or ledge. against which the lower sash of a doublehung window seats, and thus both interior and exterior feature. (DNR)

Definition of STRETCHER: A masonry unit laid with its greatest dimension horizontal and its face parallel to the wa 11 face. (BIA) - Stretchers are units which occur in seguence in multiple units that form the basic wall layout and pattern. Such units as jambs, miters, starters and ends are generally not cons idered stretcher units,

Definition of STRING COURSE (BELT COURSE, BOND COURSE): A horizontal band of masonry, generally narrower than other courses, extending across the facade of a structure and in some structures encircling such decorative features as pillars or engaged columns. May be flush or projecting, and flat-surfaced or decorated. IDNR)

Definition of STRINGING MORTAR: The procedure of spreading enough mortar on a bed to lay several masonry units. (BIA)

Definition of STRUCK JOINT: Any mortar joint which has been finished with a trowel. (BIA) - In masonry, (1) a joint from which excess mortar has been removed by a stroke of the trowel, leaving an approxima tely flush joint. (2). (Brit.) A horizontal joint re- Cessed at the base and suitable only for interior work. (3) (Brit.) A horizontal joint recessed at the top. Also called "weather struck joint:". (DNR)

Definition of SUCTION: See initial rate of absorption". (BIA) (BSI) IILA)

Definition of SURROUND: An enframement.

Definition of TEMPER: To moisten and mix clay, plaster or mortar to a proper consistency. (BIA)

Definition of TEMPERING: The addition of water and mixing of concrete or mortar as necessary to bring it to the desired consistency during the prescribed mixing period; for truck-mixed concrete this will include any addition of water as may be necessary to bring the load to the correct slump on arrival at the work site but not after a period of waiting to discharge the concrete. (ACI )

Definition of TEXTURE: Three-dimensional surface enrichment independent of color. (BSI ) - - The pattern or conf iguration apparent in an exposed surface, as of concrete or mortar, including roughness, streaking, striation, or departure from flatness, (ACI )

Definition of TOLERANCE: Acceptable dimensional allowance under or over ideal net sizes. Dimensional allowance made for the inability of men and machines to fabricate a product of exact dimensions. (BSI) - Specified allowance of variation from a size specif {cation. (DNR)

Definition of TOOLING: Compressing and shaping the face of a mortar joint with a special tool other than a trowel. (BIA)

Definition of TOOTHING: Constructing the temporary end of a wall with the end stretcher of every alternate course projecting. Projecting units are "toothers. l' (BIA)

Definition of TRADITIONAL MASONRY: Masonry in which design is based on empirical rules which control thickness, lateral support reguirements and height without a structural analysis. (BIA)

Definition of TREAD: (1) The horizontal component of a (2) The fore- stairstep (compare "riser"). (3) The to-aft dimension of a stairstep. upper surface of a step. (DNR)

Definition of TUCK POINTING: The filling in with fresh mortar of cut-out or defective mortar joints in masonry. (BIA)

Definition of VENEER: In stone masonry, facing material used decoratively and as protection, but not loadbearing. (DNR) masonry facing which is attached to the backup but no so bonded as to act with it under load. A layer Of facing material used to cover a wall. (ILA) A single wythe of masonry for facing purposes, not structurally bonded. (BIA)

Definition of VIRTUAL ECCENTRICITY: The eccentricity of a resultant axial load required to produce axial and bending st:resses equivalent to those produced by applied axial loads and It is normally found by dividing moments. the moment at a section by the surrmation of axial loads occurring at that section. (BIA)

The eccentricity of resultant axial loads required to produce axial and bending stresses equivalent to those produced by applied axial and transverse loads. (NCMA)

Definition of VITRIFICATION: The condition resulting when kiln temperatures are sufficient to fuse grains and close pores of a clay product, making the mass impervious. (BIA)

Definition of WALL: A vertical member of a structure whose horizontal dimension measured at right angles to the thickness exceeds three times its thi ckness,

Definition of Cavity Wall; A hollow wall built of masonry units so arranged as to provide a continuous air space within the wall (with or without insulating material), and in which the inner and outer wyt:hes of the wall are tied together with metal ties.

Definition of Composite Wall: A multiple-wythe wall in which at least one of the wythes is dissimilar to the other wythe or wythes with respect to type or grade Of masonry unit or mortar.

Definition of Curtain Wall: An exterior nonloadbearing wall not wholly supported at each story. Such walls may be anchored to columns, spandrel beams, floors, or bearing walls, but not necessarily built between structural members.

Definition of Faced Wall; A composite wall in which the ma- sonry facing and backing are so bonded as to exert a common reaction under load

Definition of Hollow Wall: A wall built of solid or hollow masonry units so arranged as to provide an air space within the wall between the inner and outer wythes,

Definition of Loadbearing Wall: Wall which supports any vertical load in addition to its om weight.

Definition of Nonloadbearing Wall: A wall which supports no vertical load other than its own weight.

Definition of Panel Wall: An exterior nonloadbearing wall Wholly supported at each story.

Definition of Shear Wall: A wall which resists horizontal forces applied in the plane Of the wall.

Definition of Single-Wythe Wall: A wall containing only one masonry unit in wall thickness.

Definition of Solid Masonry Wall: A wall built of concrete masonry units laid continguously, with joints between units filled with mortar or grout.

Definition of Veneered Wall: A wall having a facing ef masonry units or other weather-resisting noncombustible materials securely attached to the backing, but not so bonded as to intentionally exert common action under load. (NCMA) A vertical member of a structure whose horizontal dimension measured at right angles to the thickness exceeds three times its thickness.

Definition of Apron Wall: That part of a panel wall between window sill and wall support.

Definition of Area Wall: (1) The masonry surrounding or partly surrounding an area. (2) The retaining wall around basement windows below grade.

Definition of Bearing Wall: One which supports a vertical load in addition to its own weight.

Definition of Cavity Wall: A wall built of masonry units so arranged as to provide a continuous air space within the wall (with or without insulating terial), and in which the inner and outer wthes of the wall are tied together with metal ties.

Definition of Composite Wall: A multiple-wythe wall in which at least one of the is dissimilar to the other wythe or wythes with respect to type or grade Of masonry unit or mortar.

Definition of Curtain wall: An exterior nonloadbearing wall not wholly supported at each story. Such walls may be anchored to columns, spandrel beams, floors, or bearing walls, but not necessarily built between structural

Definition of Dwarf Wall: A wall or partition which does not extend to the ceiling.

Definition of Enclosure Wall: An exterior nonload-bearing wall in skeleton frame construction. It is anchored to columns, piers or floors, but not necessarily built between columns or piers nor wholly supported at each story.

Definition of Exterior Wall: Any outside wall or vertical enclosure of a building other than a party wall.

Definition of Faced Wall: A composite wall in which the masonry facing and backing are so bonded as to exert a common reaction under load.

Definition of Fire Division Wall: Any wall which sub-divides a building so as to resist the spread of fire. It is not necessarily continuous through all stories to and above the roof.

Definition of Fire Wall; Any wall which subdivides a building to resist the spread of fire and which extends continuously from the foundation through the roof.

Definition of Foundation Wall: That portion of a load-bearing wall below the level of the adjacent grade, or below first floor beams or joists,

Definition of Hollow Wall: A wall built of masonry units arranged to provide an air space within the wall The separated facing and backing are bonded together with masonry units.

Definition of Insulated Cavity Wall: See " SCR insulated cavity wall"

Definition of Loadbearing Wall: A wall which supports any vertical load in addition to its own weight.

Definition of Nonloadbearing Wall: Wall which supports no vertical load other than its own weight,

Definition of Panel Wall; An exterior, nonloadbearing wall wholly supported at each story. That part of any wall en-

Definition of Parapet Wall: tirely above the roof line.

Definition of Party Wall; A wall used for joint service by adjoining buildings.

Definition of Perforated Wall: One which contains a considerable number of relatively small openings. Often called "pierced wall" or "screen wall

Definition of Shear Wall: A wall which resists horizontal forces applied in the plane of the wall.

Definition of Single Wythe Wall: A wall containing only one masonry unit in wall thickness.

Definition of Solid Masonry Wall: A wall built of solid masonry units, laid contiguously, with joints between units completely filled with mortar or grout. That part of a curtain wall

Definition of Spandrel wall: above the top of a window in one story and below the sill of the window in the story above.

Definition of Veneered Wall: A wall having a facing of masonry units or Other wea ther-resisting noncombustible materials securely attached to the backing, but not so bonded as to intentionally exert common action under load (BIA)

Definition of Bearing Wall: A wall supporting a vertical load in addition to its own weight. cavity: A wall in which the inner and outer wythes are separated by an air space, but tied together with metal ties.

Definition of Composite Wall: A wall in which the facing and backing are of different mater and bonded together with bond stones to exert a common reaction under load.

Definition of Veneer or Faced Wall: A wall in which a thin facing and the backing are of different materials, but not so bonded as to exert a common reaction under load.

Definition of Wind (Wined): A twisting warp from cutting slabs in the gang saws.

Definition of Wythe: The inner or outer part Of a cavity wall (BSI)

Definition of WALLS, BEARING: A wall supporting a vertical load in addition to its own weight, (ILA)

Definition of WALLS, CAVITY: A wall in which the inner and outer wythes are separated by an air space but tied together with metal ties. (ILA)

Definition of WALLS, COMPOSITE: A wall in which the facing and backing materials are bonded together. (ILA)

Definition of WALL PLATE; A hori zontal member anchored to a masonry wall to which other structural elements may be attached. Also called head plate. (ESI) (BIA)

Definition of WATERPROOFING: Prevention of moisture flow through masonry due to wa ter pressure. (BIA) See "Dampproofing" (ILA)

Definition of WATER RETENTIVITY: That property of a mortar which prevents the rapid loss of water to masonry units of high suction. It prevents bleeding or water gain when mortar is in contact with relatively impervious units. (BIA)

Definition of WATER TABLE: A projection of lower masonry on the outside of the wall slightly above the ground. Often a damp course is placed at the level of the water table to prevent upward penetration of ground water. (BIA) (BSI)

Definition of WEEP HOLE: A drainage opening usually inserted at the base of a stone unit to release moisture accumulating between the stone and backup. (ILA) - Opening placed in mortar joints of facing material at the level of flashing to permit the escape of moisture. (BSI) 'BIA)

Definition of WITH INSPECTION: Masonry designed with the higher stresses allowed under EBM. Requires the establishing of procedures on the job to control mortar mix, workmanship and protection of masonry materials. (BIA)

Definition of WITHOUT INSPECTION: Masonry designed with the reduced stresses allowed under EBM. (BIA)

Definition of WORKING STRESS DESIGN: A method of proportioning structures or members for prescribed working loads at stresses well below the ultimate, and assuming linear distribution of flexural stresses. (ACI)

Definition of WYTH: The inner or outer part of a cavity wall. (ILA) (1) Each continuous vertical section of masonry one unit in thickness. (2) The thickness of masonry separating flues in a chimney. Also called "withe" or "tier". (BIA)

Definition of WYTHE (LEAF): Each continuous vertical section of a wall one masonry unit in thickness. (NCMA)

Section 04400 Stone Masonry Definitions

Definition of ABATE: In stone carving, to cut away material leaving parts in relief. (DNR)

Definition of AGATE: A variegated variety of quartz showing colored bands or bother rnarkings (clouded, moss-like, etc.) (BSI)

Definition of ALABASTER: Fine-grained, translucent variety of gypsum, generally white or delicately shaded. (DNR) - Term is also incorrectly applied to fine-grained marble. - A massive, densely crystalline, softly textured form of practically pure gypsum.

Definition of APEX STONE: Uppermost stone in a gable or pediment, vault or dome. (DNR)

Definition of ARCHITRAVE; Lowermost unit of an entablature, carried by columns (or their capitals) or pilasters. (DNR) The member of an entablature resting on the capitals of columns and supporting the frieze. (BSI) (ILA)

Definition of ARGILLITE': A compact sedimentary rock composed mainly of clay, and aluminum silicate minerals. (BSI ) Metamorphic rock resulting from induration of siltstone and/or claystone and shale. Used locally as building stone, although rarely produced commercially. (DNR)

Definition of ARKOSE: ARKOSIC SANDSTONE: FELDSPATHIC SANDSTONE: A sandstone containing or more elastic grains of feldspar. (BSI)

Definition of ARKOSES Sandstone containing feldspar grains in abundance. Used as büilding stone. (DNR)

Definition of ARRIS: A natural or applied line on the stone from which all leveling and plumbing is measured. (BSI ) External angular intersection between two planar faces, or two curved faces, as in moldings or between two flutes on a Doric column or between a flute and the fillet on an Ionic or a Corinthian colurnn. (DNR)

Definition of ARTIFICIAL STONE: A contradiction in terms, as stone is naturally occurring earth material, but used to include rtzterials variously called art marble, artificial marble, cast stone, marezzo, patent stone, and reconstructed stone. Some mixture of stone chips or fragments is generally embedded in a matrix of cement or plaster, and the sur face may be ground, polished, molded or otherwise treated to simulate stone. (DNR)

Definition of AXED WORK; (Brit.) Hand-dressed stone surface showing fine to coarse toolmarks made by axe, pick or bush-hammer. (DNR)

Definition of BANKER; Bench of timber or stone (may be single block) on which stone is placed (?) (DNR)

Definition of BARGE STONE: Masonry unit, generally projecting, set at slope of roof and defining edges of gable wall. (Corruption of earlier term verge stone) (DNR)

Definition of BASALT; Dark fine-grained igneous rock used extensively for paving stones and rarely for building stone. (DNR) A dense textured (aphanitic), igneous rock relatively high in iron and magnesia minerals and relatively low in silica, generally dark gray to black, and feldspathic. A general term in contradistinction to a light-colored feldspathic and "felsite" highly siliceous rock of similar texture and origin. (BSI)

Definition of BATTED WORK: (Brit.) Hand-dressed stone surface scored top to bottom in narrow parallel strokes, using a batting tool. Strokes may be vertical (in which case the surface may be called tooled) or oblique, and may range from 8 to 10 per inch. Batting is also called broad tooling, droving, or angle dunting. (DNR)

Definition of BATTING TOOL; A mason's chisel several inches wide used to dress stone to a striated surface. (DNR)

Definition of BAUXITE: A rock composed principally of hydrous aluminum oxides, the principal ore of aluminum, and a raw material for manufacture ot calcium aluminate cement. (ACI)

Definition of BED: (1) In granites and marbles a layer or sheet of the rock mass that is hor izontal, conunonly curved and lenticular, as developed sometimes applied also to the by fractures. surface of parting between sheets.

(2) In stratified rocks the unit layer formed by sedimentation; of variable thickness, and commonly tilted or distorted by subsequent deformation; generally develops a rock cleavage, parting, or jointing along the planes of stratification. (BSI)

- The top or bottom of a joint, natural bed-surface of stone parallel to its stratification. (BSI )

- (1) A layer (stratum) of rock between two bedding planes.

(2) In layered stone used for building, a surface parallel to the stratification.

(3) In construction, the bottom surface of the masonry unit as it lies in the wall or other structure. (4) The layer of mortar on which a masonry unit is set. (DNR)

Definition of BEDDING PLANE: The surface at which two beds, layers, or strata join in stratified rocks. (DNR)

Definition of BELT COURSE: A continuous horizontal course of flat stones placed in line marking a division in the wall plane. (BSI)

Definition of BERLINER: A type of terrazzo topping using small and large pieces of marble paving, usually with a standard terrazzo matrix between pieces. (ACI)

Definition of BLOCK: In quarrying, the large piece of stone, generally squared, that is taken from the quarry to the mill for sawing, slabbing, and further fabrication. (DNR)

Definition of BLUESTONE: A trade term applied to hard, fine-grained, cormonly feldspathic and micaceous sand stone or siltstone of dark greenish- to bluish-gray color that splits readily along bedding planes to form thin slabs commonly used to pave surfaces for pedestrian traffic. (DNR) - A variety of flatstone. A hard sandstone of characteristic blue, gray and buff colors quarried in the states of New York and Pennsylvania. (BSI)

Definition of BOASTED WORK: (Brit.) Hand-dressed stone surface showing roughly parallel narrow chisel grooves, not uniform in width or carried across the face of the stone. (DNR)

Definition of BOND; In masonry, t. he arrangenent of stone units or brick to provide strength, stability and, in some cases, beauty, through a setting pattern in which some units extend into adjacent courses, between wythes, or through the wall, and vertical joints are not continuous. (DNR)

Definition of BOND STONE: Stones projecting Ia teraIIy into the backup wall used to tie the wall together. (ILA) Used in varying percentages to anchor or bond the st6ne veneer to the backing material. Bond stones are generally cut to twice the bed thickness of the material being used. (BSI)

Definition of BOND STONE (BONDER, HEADER, THROUGH BONDER, THROUGH STONE: A stone so set that it carries through, or nearly through, a thick masonry wall to tie the wall together. Long dimension generally perpendicular to wall, but a very large bond stone may be set with its long dimension parallel to the wall and still serve as a bonder. End (s) may or may not be exposed., although through stone implies full thickness of wall. (DNR)

Definition of BORDER STONE: Usually a flat stone used as an edging material. A border stone is generally used to retain the field of the terrace or platform. (BSI )

Definition of BOULDER: Naturally rounded rock fragment larger than 256 mm diameter, Used for crude walls and foundations, generally in mortar. (DNR) BOX: Tapered metal box wedged in the top columns or other heavy stones for hoisting. (. BSI)

Definition of BRECCIA: Rock composed of angular fragments older rock cemented together. (ACI) - Rock characterized by coarse, angular. fragments, either the result of crushing and recementing essentially in place, or deposition of angular pieces that become consolidated. Numerous marbles owe their distinctive appearance to the brecciation caused by metamorphism. (DNR)

Definition of BROACH: (1) In quarrying, to free stone blocks from the ledge by cutting out the webbing between holes drilled close together in a row. (2) (v.) To finish a stone surface with broad diagonal parallel grooves cut by a pointed chisel. Some broached work has a shallow drafted margin surrounding the broaching. (DNR)

Definition of BROACHED WORK: See entry 2 under "broach". (DNR)

Definition of BROWNSTONE: A trade term applied to f erruginous dark-brown and reddish-brcwn as- kosic sandstones quarried and extensively used for building in the eastern United States dur ing the middle and late 19th cen tury. Most later use has been for renovation, repair or additions to structures in which the stone was originally used.

Stone for the noted "brownstone fronts" came mainly from the Connecticut Valley in Massachusetts and from south-eastern Pennsylvania. (DNR) - A sandstone of characteristic brown or reddish-brown color that is due to a prominent amount of iron oxide as interstitial material. (BSI)

Definition of BRUSHED FINISH. (DNR) Stone finish produced by a coarse, rotating wire brush. Obtained by brushing the stone with a coarse rotary-type wire brush. (BSI)

Definition of BUSHHAMMER: A hammer having a face that is sharply ridged or toothed with points in square-set pattern. Used to dress stone. (DNR)

Definition of BUSHHAMMER FACE. A stone surface dressed with a bushhammer (g. v.) to have spaced, square-set pits. Used both decoratively and to provide a roughened traction surface for treads, floors and pavements. (DNR)

Definition of CALCITE: A mineral form of calcium carbonate. Principal constituent of most limestones. (DNR)

Definition of CALCITE LIMESTONE: A limestone containing not more than 5 percent of magnesium carbonate. (BSI).

Definition of CALCITE STREAK: A former fracture of parting (in limestone) that has been recemented and annealed by deposition of obscure white or light-colored calcite. contrasts with dry (q. v.) and is like glass seam (q. v.) except obscure. (DNR) - Description of a white or milky streak occurring in stone. It is a joint plane usually wider than a glass seam which been recemented by deposition of calcite in the crack. It is structurally sound. (ILA) (BSI)

Definition of CAPITAL: Intermediate member between shaft of a column or pier and beam, arch or vault, usually ornamented by molding or carving or both. (DNR)

Definition of CAPSTONE: Any single stone at the top of a If a continuous course, masonry structure. the term coping (q. v.) is used. (DNR)

Definition of CARVE; Shaping, by cutting a design to form--the trade of a sculptor. (BSI)

Definition of CARVER: In stone industry, the artisan who does carved work (q. v.)(DNR)

Definition of CARVED WORK: In stonework, hand cutting Of ornamental features for which the lines cannot be applied from pattern. (DNR)

Definition of CARVING: Cutting of ornamental shapes, figures, etc., from rndels or details, which are too intricate to produce from patterns. (ILA)

Definition of CARYATID: A supporting member serving the function of a pier, column or pilaster and carved or molded in the form of a draped human female figure. (DNR)

Definition of CHAT SAWED: Description of a textured stone finish, obtained by using chat sand in the gang sawing process. (ILA)

Definition of CHAT-SAWED FINISH: In stone fabrication, the moderately rough surface resulting from using chat (crushed chert) as the abrasive agent carried by the gangsaw blades. (DNR)

Definition of CHAMFERED RUSTICATION: Rustication in which the smooth face of the stone parallel to the wall is deeply beveled at the joints to an angle of 1350 with the face so that where two stones meet the chamfering forms an internal right angle. (DNR)

Definition of CIRCULAR CIRCULAR FACE (CIRCLE ON CIRCLE FACE): In stonework, a face worked to convex spherical shape. (DNR)

Definition of CIRCULAR FACE: In stonework, a face worked to convex circular (not spherical) shape. (DNR)

Definition of CIRCULAR CIRCULAR SUNK FACE (CIRCLE ON CIRCLE SUNK FACE): In stonework, a face worked to concave spherical shape. (DNR)

Definition of CIRCULAR SUNK FACE: In stonework, a face worked to concave circular (not spherical ) shape. (DNR)

Definition of CLEAN BACK: In masonry, the visible end of a stone laid as a bond stone. (DNR)

Definition of CLEAVAGE: In rocks, a tendency to split (cleave) along parallel and generally closely spaced surfaces caused by planar orientation of mineral constituents. True cleavage surfaces are unrelated to original stratification, but the term is also loosely used in some stone industries for splitting al ong the depositional layering. (DNR) The ability of a rock mass to break along natural surfaces; a surface of natural parting. (BSI) -

Definition of CLEAVAGE PLANE: Plane or planes along which a stone may likely break or delaminate. (BSI)

Definition of CLOSER: (1) (Brit.) In equidimensional stone masonry, a stone trimmed to nonuniform length to close a course next to a quoin or (2) A stone course running other end unit. from one window sill to another (a variety of string course). (DNR)

Definition of COBBLE: Naturally rounded rock fragment be- tween 64 mm and 256 mm diameter. Used for rough paving, walls and foundations. (DNR) In geology, a rock fragment between 2-1/2 and 10 in. (64 and 256 mm) in diameter; as applied to coarse aggregate for concrete, the material in the nominal size range 3 to 6 in. (75 to 150 Im). (ACI)

Definition of COBBLESTONE: A rock fragment, usually rounded or semirounded, with an average dimension between 3 and 12 in. (75 ram and 300 mm). (ACI) A natural rounded stone, large enough for use in paving. C01tunon1y used to descr ibe paving blocks, usually granite, general Iy cut to rectangular shapes. (BSI)

Definition of COLUMN CAPITAL: An enlargement of the end of a column designed and built to act as an integral unit with the column and flat slab and increase the shearing resistance. (ACI)

Definition of COMMERCIAL MARBLE: A crystalline rock composed predominantly of one or more of the following calcite-dolomite or serpentine materials, and capable of taking a polish. (BSI)

Definition of CORBEL: In stone masonry, a projecting stone, or series of stones, stepped progressively farther forward with height, at the top of a wall, story, column or chimney to support an overhanging member above, or, if contin- uous (corbel table), to support overhanging courses. (DNR)

Definition of CORNERSTONE: (1) Generally a stone that forms a corner or angle in a structure. (2) More specif ica11y, a stone prominently situated near the base of a corner in a building, carrying information recording the dedication and in some buildings containing or capping a vault in which are preserved contemporary memorabi (DNR) - in a wall. Also a stone laid at the formal inauguration of the erection of a building, not necessarily at corner, usually incorporating a date or inscription. (BSI)

Definition of CORNICE: A molded projecting stone at the top Of an entablature. (BSI) (II-A)

Definition of COPING: A flat stone used as a cap on free-standing walls. (BSI)

Definition of COURSE: A horizontal range of stone units the length of the wall. (BSI) - A continuous horizontal band of stone of (ILA) con stant height.

Definition of COURSED ASHLAR: Ashlar masonry laid in courses of stone of equal height for each course, although courses may be of varying height. (DNR)

Definition of COURSED RANDOM RUBBLE: (Brit.) Masonry construction in which roughly squared stones of random size are used to build up courses. (DNR)

Definition of COURSED VENEER: This is achieved by using stones of the same or approximately the same he ights. Horizontal joints run the entire length of the veneered area. Vertical joints are constantly broken so that no joints will be over one another. (BSI ) - In stone masonry, the use of veneer stones having equal height to form each continuous course, with horizontal joints extending the full length of any facade, but adjacent vertical joints not superimposed. (DNR)

Definition of COQUINA: A type of limestone formed of sea she 11 s in loose or weakly cemented condition, found along present or former shore-lines; used as a calcareous raw material in cement manufacture and other industrial operations. (ACI )

Definition of CROSS-BEDDING (also spelled crossbedding): In sedimentary rocks, inclined layers of sedimentation, resulting from progressive deposition of granular materials over a sloping surface, within a single bed between true In cross-section, lends bedding planes. textural and color pattern to building stone. (DNR) - The arrangement of lamina tions of strata transverse or oblique to the main planes of stratification. (BSI)

Definition of CROWFOOT: Colloquial term for stylolite (DNR) (Stylolite) A dark gray to black zigzag marking occurring in stone. Usually structurally sound. (ILA) (BSI)

Definition of CRYSTALLINE LIMESTONE: A limestone, either calcitic or dolomitic, composed Of interlocking crystalline grains of the constituent minerals, and of phaneritic texture. Cornmonly used synonymously with marble, and thus representing a recrystallized limestone. - Improperly applied to limestones that display some obviously crystalline grains in a fine-grained mass but which are not of in terlocking texture and do not compose all limes tones (NOTE: the entire mass. are microscopically, or in part mega-scopically, crystalline; the term is thus confusing, but should be restricted to stones that are completely crystalline and of megascopic and interlocking texture and that may be classed as marbles. (BSI)

Definition of CURBING: Slabs and blocks of stone bordering (BSI) streets, walks, etc. Tabular bodies of stone or concrete set on edge, and straight or curved, forming an upward projection border ing streets, sidewalks or planted areas. (DNR)

Definition of CUTTING: Handwork required to finish a stone which cannot be done by machine. (ILA)

Definition of CUTTING STOCK: A term used to describe slabs of varying size, finish, and thickness which are used in fabricating treads-s risers, copings, borders, sills, stools, hearths, mantels and Other special purpose stones. (BSI)

Definition of DOLOMITE: (1) Mineral form of calcium- Constituent of magnesium carbonate. (2) Limestome building limestones. stone consisting principally of the mineral dolomite. Also called dolo-stone. (DNR)

Definition of DOLOMITIC LIME: A trade term and misnomer, as the product does not contain dolomite, for high-magnesium lime. (q. v.) (DNR)

Definition of DOLOMITIC LIMESTONE: A limestone rich in magnesium carbonate, frequently crystalline in character. It is found in ledge formations in a wide variety of color tones and textures. Generally speaking, its crushing and tensile strengths are greater than the oolitic limestones, and its appearance shows greater variety in texture. (BSI) - Limestone that contains more than 10 percent but less than 80 percent of the mineral dolomite. (DNR)

Definition of DRAFTED MARGIN: (Brit.) Tooled border around the face of a stone. Also called "margin draft" (DNR) .

Definition of DRESSED or HAND DRESSED: The cutting of rough chunks of stone by hand to create a square or rectangular shape. A stone which is sold as dressed stone generally refers to stone ready for installation. (BSI) - (Brit.) Stone that has been worked to desired shape (s) and has had exposed face (s) smoothed. (DNR)

Definition of DRIP: A slot cut in the bottom of a projected stone, to interrupt the capillary attraction Of rain water. (ILA) - Groove or slot cut beneath and slightly behind the forward edge of a projecting stone member, such as a sill, lintel, or coping to cause rainwater to drip off. (DNR)

Definition of DRY: Natural fracture or parting (in stone) that has not been recemented or annealed by later deposition of Contrasts (in lime- mineral material. stone) with glass seam (g. v.). (DNR)

Definition of CUT STONE; This includes all stone cut or mazhined to given sizes, dimension or shape, and produced in accordance with working or shop drawings which have been developed from the architect's structural drawings. (BSI) Building stone cut to specified size and shape, each piece fabr icated to conform to drawings and to be installed in a designated location in the finished structure. (DNR) Finished, dimensioned stone, ready to set in place. (ILA)

Definition of CUTTING STOCK: In stone milling, slabs of suitable size and thickness from which cut stone units are fabricated. (DNR)

Definition of DAB: To surface a stone with a pointed tool. (DNR)

Definition of DACITE; A fine-grained, extrusive (volcanic) rock, intermediate color and composition between basalt and rhynite. (BSI )

Definition of DENTIL: Block projections on an entablature. (BSI )

Definition of DIMENSION STONE: Stone that is selected, trimmed, or cut to desired shapes and/or sizes for such uses as building stone, markers, paving blocks or flagging, curbing, cut or carved ornaments and novelties, furniture (for example, tabletops, laboratory bench tops and sinks), and industrial applications that use stone in shaped form (for example, pebble mill or furnace liners). (DNR) Stone precut and shaped to dimensions of specified sizes. (BSI) (ILA)

Definition of DOLOMITE: A mineral having a specific G rystal structure and consisting of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate in equivalent chemical amounts which are 54. 27 and 45. 73 percent by weight, respectively; a rock containing dolomite as the principal constituent. (ACI )

Definition of DRY: An open or unhealed joint plane not filled with calcite and not structurally sound. (BSI )

Definition of DRY SEAM: Unhealed fracture which is a plane (ILA) of weakness.

Definition of DRY A dry wall is a stone wall that is constructed one stone upon the other without the use of any mortar. Generally used for (BSI) retaining walls.

Definition of DUTCHMAN: (1) A small piece of stone inserted as filler in a patched area on a larger piece (2) A small piece of of dimension stone. (DNR) stone inserted in an ashlar wall. (DNR)

Definition of EDGESTONE: Stone used for curbing.

Definition of EPOXY WELD: In cut stone fabrication, a joint at an ins ide angle, cemented by an epoxy resin,' between two pieces of stone to form an apparent single unit. (DNR)

Definition of EXFOLIATION: Peeling or scaling of stone surfaces caused by chemical or physical weathering. (DNR)

Definition of EXPOSED AGGREGATE: Phrase applied to the larger pieces of stone aggregate purposefully exposed for their color and texture in a cast slab. (BSI)

Definition of FACE: This refers to the exposed portion of stone. The word face can also be used when referring to the edge treatment on various (BSI) cutting stock materials. In stone masonry, the surface visible after setting (DNR). (Brit) In masonry, stone set

Definition of FACE-BEDDED with the stratification vertical. (DNR)

Definition of FALSE JOINT: A groove routed (and generally pointed) in a solid block of stone to simulate a joint. (DNR)

Definition of FIELDSTONE: Loose stone found on the surface or in the soil ( "in the field" ) More strictly speaking, the term should be used for slabby units, flat in the direction of bedding or lineation of the rock, and suitable for setting as dry wall masonry. Streal shingle (q. v.) has much the same shape and appearance, but is not found in the fields. Glacial or alluvial boulders and cobbles, which may be found in or on the soil, are not fieldstone sensu strictu. (DNR)

Definition of FIELD STONE: Loose blocks separated from ledges by natural processes and scattered through or upon the regol ith ("soil") cover; applied also to similar transported mater iaI such as glacial boulders and cobbles. (BSI)

Definition of FLAGGING: (1) Collective term for flagstones. (2) A surface paved with flagstones. (3)The process of setting flagstones. (DNR)

Definition of FLAGSTONE: Thin slabs of stone used for flagging or paving walks, driveways, patios, etc. It is generally fine-grained sandstone, bluestone, quartzite or slate, but thin slabs of other stones may be used. (BSI) - A flat stone, thin in relation to its surface area, that may be used as a stepping-stone or for terrace or floor paving. Most flagstones are either naturally thin beds of stone or are split (by nature or man) from rock that cleaves readily, but thin paving material produced by sawing is also sold as flagstone (or flagging). (DNR)

Definition of FLINT: Dense, f ine-grained, naturally occurring form of silica (Si02) that fractures conchoidally. A variety of chert, the more technical terrn. Most flint is gray, brown, black, or otherwise dark, but nodules and other chunks tend to weather white or light shades from the surface inward. Broken "flints", as the nodules are called, commonly have dark interiors with light rims. They are used in cobble size, either whole or split ("knapped") in mortared walls, especially in England. (DNR)

Definition of FREESTONE: The distinguishing characteristic of freestone is that it has no tendency to split in any preferential direction, and thus is eminently suited for carving and elaborate milling, but the term is restricted to stone that is fairly fine grained and works easily. Most freestones are sandstones or granular limestones. (DNR) - A stone that may be cut freely in any direction without fracture or splitting. (BSI ) (DNR)

Definition of GALLET: A stone chip or spall.

Definition of GANG SAW: A machine with multiple blades used to saw rough quarry blocks into slabs (ILA)

Definition of GANGSAW: In fabricating dimension stone, an assemblage Of parallel reciprocating saw blades to cut a quarry block into slabs generally utilizing some loose abrasive material (for example, sand, chat, silicon carbide) with water, or diamond or tungsten carbide blade inserts, to effect the cutting. (DNR)

Definition of GANG SAWED: Description of the granular surface of stone resulting from gang sawing alone. (BSI)

Definition of GARGOYLE: (1) A spout, commonly stone but may be metal, tile or other material, to discharge water outward from gutters, especially those behind parapets. (2 ) By usage, a carved or molded ornamentation, generally in the form of a grotesque figure, of a proj ecting gutter spout. (DNR)

Definition of GLASS SEAM: Vein fillings of coarsely crystalline calcite, that do not necessarily decrease the strength of stone. (ILA) - Trade term (in lime stone industry) for a former fracture or parting that has been recemented and annealed by deposition of transparent calcite. Contrasts with dry (q. v.) and is like calcite streak (g. v.) except transparent. (DNR) Description of a narrow glass-like - It is a streak occurring in stone. joint plane that has been recemented by deposition of translucent calcite in the crack and is structurally sound.

Definition of GNEISS: Coarse-grained metamorphic rock with discontinuous foliation caused by planar alignment of platy and lath-shaped minerals. When used for building stone, generä11y classed as trade granite. Most gneisses are dark and composed mainly of quartz, feldspar, mica and ferromagnesian minerals (iron-magnesium silicates). (DNR)

Definition of GRADE COURSE: Beginning course at the grade level, generally waterproofed with a dampcheck or damp course. (BSI)

Definition of GRAIN: The easiest cleavage direction in a stone. "With the grain" same as "natural bed " Also, particles (crystals, sand grains, etc.) or a rock. (BSI)

Definition of GRANITE: A fine coarse-grained, igneous rock formed by volcanic action consisting of quartz, feldspar and mica, with accessory minerals. Granite-type rocks include those of similar texture adn origin. (BSI ) (1) In scientific (geologic) terms, igneous rock with crystals or grains of visible size and consisting mainly of quartz and the sodium or potassium feldspars. (2) In building stone, crystalline silicate rock with visible grains. The commercial term thus includes gneiss (a metamorphic rock) and igneous rocks that are not granite sensu strictü. (DNR)

Definition of GREENSTONE: Metamorphic rock altered from basic (low-silica) igneous rock. Green color due to iron-bearing silicate minerals. Quarried and fabricated at times for structural and decorative dimension stone. (DNR) - Includes stones that have been metamorphosed or otherwise so altered that they have assurned a distinctive greenish color owing to the presence Of one or more of chlorite, epi- the following minerals: (BSI) dote or actinolite.

Definition of GROUT PILE: Colloquial term for stacked or piled quarried stone that cannot be further processed economically. (DNR)

Definition of GYPSUM: Soft mineral consisting of hydrous calcium sulfate. In massive rock form has been used for building stone, as at Knossos. The raw material from which plaster is rnade (by heating). (DNR)

Definition of HAND CUT RANDOM RECTANGULAR ASHLAR: A pattern where all the stone is hand cut into squares and rectangulars. Joints are fairly consistent. Similar to sawed-bed ashlar in appearance. (BSI)

Definition of HEAD; A stone that has one end dressed to match the face because the end will be exposed at a corner or in a reveal. (DNR) The end of a stone which has been tooled to match the face of the stone. Heads are used at outside corners, windows, door jambs or any place where the veneering will be visible from the side. (BSI)

Definition of HAND OR MACHINE PITCH-FACED - ROCK-FACED ASHLAR: A finish given to both veneer stone and cutting stock. This is created by establi shing a straight line back from the irregular face of the stone. Proper tools are then used to cut along the line leaving a straight arsis and the intended rustic finish on the face. (BSI)

Definition of HEARTH: That part of the floor of a fireplace of stone on which the fire is laid. (BSI)

Definition of HEARTH STONE: originally the single large stone or stones used for the hearth. NOW most commonly used to describe the stone in front of the fire chamber and many ti. lnes extendding on either or both sides Of the front of the fire chamber. (BSI)

Definition of HERRINGBONE WORK: In stone masonry, a pattern of setting in which the stones in a wall are laid aslant; instead of flat, with the direction of incline reversing in alternate courses, forming a zigzag effect; in floors or paving the stones are set at approximately 450 angle with the boundary of the area being clad, alternate rows reversing direction to give a zigzag horizontal pattern, and the end of each stone in one row filling the tr iangle between two stones in the adjacent row. Horizontal herringbone work is more common in brick than in stone. HEWN STONE: Stone shaped with mallet and chisel. (DNR)

Definition of HOLES: Sinkages in the top beds of stones to engage Lewis pins for hoisting. (BSI)

Definition of HONED FINISH: In stone, a very smooth surface, just short of polished, imparted by a rubbing process, either hand or mechani- cal. (DNR)

Definition of HUNG SLATING: (1) Slates covering a wall or other vertical surface rather than a roof (2) Slates (sloping) or floor (horizontal). supported by wire clips rather than by nails. (DNR) (ILA)

Definition of INSCRIPTION: Lettering cut in stone. (BSI)

Definition of IGNEOUS: One of the three great classes of rock, igneous, sed imentary and metamorphic: sol idified from molten state, as granite and lavas. (BSI)

Definition of IGNEOUS ROCK: Rock formed by change of the molten material called magma to the solid state. The igneous rocks are one of the three genetic classes of rocks (igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic). Various igneous rocks, generally termed granite if coarse grained, are used for building stone. (DNR)

Definition of INTERLOCKING JOINT: A form of joggle (g. v.) in which a rib or other protrusion on one stone complements a routed groove or slot on another to prevent relative displacement. (DNR)

Definition of ISODOMUM: An extremely regular masonry pattern in which stones of uniform length and uniform height are set so that each vertical joint is centered over the block beneath. Hor izontal joints are continuous, and the vertical joints form discontinuous straight lines. (DNR)

Definition of JAMB STONE: A stone constituting part of a vertical side in a wall aperture, such as a door or window opening. (DNR)

Definition of JOGGLE: (1) An indentation, projection, job or notch cut into or on a piece of building stone for fitting to a complementary offset in the adjacent stone in setting. piece of stone or metal that fits into paired apertures or grooves in two adj acent stones in a structure, keying them together. A dovetail joggle prevents two stones from moving apart, whereas a simple joggle merely prevents lateral movement in one direction. (DNR)

Definition of JOINT: The space between stone filled with mortar, joint sealant or epoxy. (ILA)

Definition of JUMPER; In ashlar patterns, a piece of stone of higher rise than adjacent stones which is used to end a horizontal mortar joint at the point where it is set. (BSI)

Definition of KEY BLOCK: (1) In deepening a quarry, or start ing to quarry downward from a horizontal surface, the first block removed from a new ledge, providing space and access for further block removal by undercutting, underdrilling or lateral shifting. (2) A keystone. (DNR)

Definition of KEY COURSE: (1) A horizontal row of keystones passing through the center of an arch. Generally used because the archway is too deep for a single keystone (or a single transverse row of arch stones) to suffice. (2) A course of key stones used in the crown of a barrel vault. (DNR)

Definition of KEYSTONE: Wedge-shaped stone at the center or summit of an arch or vault, binding the structure actually or symbo lica11y. Ornamented in some of the orders. (DNR) The last wedge-shaped stone placed in the crown of an arch regarded as binding the whole. (BSI ) The wedge-shaped stone placed at the top center of an arch. ( I IA)

Definition of KNAPPED FLINT: (Brit.) split flint cobbles laid up, split face showing, in walls. Often set in patterns. (DNR)

Definition of KNEELER (KNEESTONE, SKEW): A building stone shaped to change a direction of the masonry, as (1) the stone that supports inclined coping on the slope of a gable, or itself includes a length of coping (skew table), or (2) the stone that breaks the horizontal-vertical unit-and-joint pattern of the normal rnasonry wall to begin the curve or angle of an arch or vault. (DNR)

Definition of LAPIES: The rugosé bedrock surface formed beneath soil by differential solution of limestone, gypsum or other soluble rock. Generally deeply trenched along joints. Lapies presents hazards and excessive costs in footings and foundations, frequently reguiring much dental work and grouting, and test drilling to normal grid density does not yield adequate data for foundation design. Large irregular rtEsses of lapies are used as decorative settings in gardens and conservatories. (DNR) - A general term applied to igneous rocks such as basalt and rhyolite that erupted from the earth by volcanic action. (BSI )

Definition of LEAD BUTTONS: Lead spacers in the solid horizontal joints to support the top stones until the mortar has set. (BSI)

Definition of LEWIS HOLE: Opening cut or drilled in stone blocks, or in columns or other heavy masonry units, to receive lewis hoisting devices. The shape and size of the hole varies with the lewis that is to be used. (DNR) - Holes in cut stones for lifting and support dur ing setting of cut stones and sometimes Holes are checked for for permanent support. the particular lewis (lifting device or hook) to be used. (BSI)

Definition of LIMESTONE: Rock of sedimentary original com- posed principally of calcite or dolomite or both. (DNR) A sedimentary rock composed of calciurp carbonate; includes many varieties. (See oolitic limestone; dolomitic limestone; crystalline limestone). (BSI)

Definition of LINER: In fabrication of stone veneer (principally marble), stone bonded to the back of thin sheets to add strength, rigidity, bearing surface, or depth of joint. (DNR) - Structural 1 y sound sections of marble which are cemented to the back of marble veneer slabs; to give greater strength additional bearing surface; or to increase joint depth. (BSI)

Definition of LINTEL COURSE: In stone masonry, a course set at the level of a lintel, commonly differentiated from the wall by projecting, by finish, or by being lintel thickness, to continue the visual effect of the lintel (DNR)

Definition of LIPPING: Usually refers to flagging rpaterials. Lipping is caused when two pieces of material to be joined together are slightly warped or twisted causing one or more edges to be higher or lower than the adjoining material. (BSI)

Definition of LUG SILL: In stone masonry, sill that projects into the jambs of a window or door opening (compare l' slip sill") (DNR). A stone sill set into the jambs on each side Of masonry opening. (BSI )

Definition of MACHINE FINISH: The generally recognized standard machine finish produced by the (BSI) planers.

Definition of MALPAIS: Literally, badland; refers to dark-colored rock, commonly lava, in (BSI ) rough terrain.

Definition of MARBLE: A metamorphic rock composed essentially of calcite and/or dolom&te, genera Ily a recrystallization of limestone to marble. (BSI) (1) In geology, a metamorphic rock nude up largely of calcite or dolomite. (2) In dimension stone, rock that will polish and that is composed mainly of calcite or colomite, or rarely serpentine. The commercial term thus includes many dense limestones and some rock dolomites. Numerous minerals may be present in minor to significant amounts in marbles, and their presence and distribution account for much of the distinctive appearance that many marbles possess. (DNR)

Definition of METAMORPHIC ROCK: Rock altered at depth in appearance, density and crystalline structure, and in some cases mineral composition, by high temperature or high pressure or both. Slate is derived from shale, quartzite from quartz sandstone, and true marble from limestone. (DNR)

Definition of METAMORPHISM: The change or alteration in a rock caused by exterior agencies, such as deep-seated heat and pressure, or intrusion of rock materials. (BSI)

Definition of MICA: A group of silicate minerals (muscovite and biotite are the most comrnon) characterized by nearly perfect basal cleavage, causing them to split readily into extremely thin plates. Muscovite and phlogopite mica are used for electrical, electronic and thermal insulators and heat-resistant transparThe micas are prominent ent panels. constituents of metamorphic and igneous rocks. (DNR)

Definition of MILLING; In the stone industries, comprehensive term for processing of quarry blocks through sawing, planing, turning and cutting techniques to finished stone. (DNR)

Definition of MODULAR-MULTIPLE CUT-PATTERN CUT: This refers to standard patterns used throughout the stone industry. These patterns are usually based on multiples of a given Stone that is multiple cut or height. pattern cut is precut to allow typically for 1/4" or 1/2" joints or beds. (BSI)

Definition of MOLDINGS: Decorative stone deviating from a plane surface by projections, curved profiles, recesses or any combination the eof. (BSI) (ILA) - In cut stone, the linear, continuous, decorative motif that is cut or carved on or into strips, billets, or blocks of stone. (DNR)

Definition of MONOLITHIC: Shaped from a single block. of stone, as a monolithic colurnn, in contrast with a stacked column consisting of superimposed stone drums. (DNR)

Definition of MOSAIC: A veneering which is generally irregular with no definite pattern. Nearly all the stone used in a mosaic pattern is irregular in shape. (BSI)

Definition of NATURAL BED: The setting of the stone on the same plane as it was formed in the ground. This generally applies to a I I. stratified materials. (BSI) The horizontal stratification of stone as it was formed in the deposit. (ILA) Setting stratified stone so that its bedding is horizontal (paral lei to course joints). As tops and bottoms of beds are never recorded in quarrying, a about half the stone so set is in its original orientation, and half is inverted, but the stone is not set on edge. The principal is applied on occasion to stone not visibly stratified, but to do so requires orientation to be ærked as the stone is quarried, and preserved to point of use. (DNR)

Definition of NATURAL CLEFT: Stone that is split (cleaved) parallel to its stratification, yielding an irregular but nearly flat surface. (DNR) This generally pertains to stones which are formed in layers in the ground. When such stones are cleaved or separated along a natural seam the remaining surface is referred to as a natural cleft surface. (DNR)

Definition of NATURAL STONE: A redundancy, as stone is natural in its occurrence by definition, but term is used to distinguish true stone from imitations. (DNR)

Definition of NICKED BIT FINISH: A stone surface with parallel raised projections of various sizes and spacing formed by an irregularly notched planer blade. (DNR) Obtained by planing the stone with a planer tool in which irregular nicks have been made in the cutting edge. (BSI)

Definition of NIDGINC (OR NIGCING): (Brit.) A method of dressing stone, usually hard, by hand, using a pick or pointed harmer to furrow the entire surface. (DNR) (BSI )

Definition of OBSIDIAN: A glassy phase of lava. A natural volcanic glass of relatively low water con tent. (ACI)

Definition of ONYX: A banded, varicolored form of quartz. The trade terms onyx marble and Mexican onyx are applied, confusingly, to translucent banded calcite deposited as cave fillings and used for decorative purposes, generally polished. (DNR)

Definition of ONYX MARBLE: A dense, crystalline form of lime carbonate deposited usually from cold-water solutions. Generally translucent and shows a characteristic layering due to mode of accumulation. (BSI)

Definition of OOLITE:(1) A spherical grain less than 2 mm diameter that is most commonly composed of calcite and that consists of concentric - (2) A rock, generally limestone, composed largely of the spherical grains also called oolites. (DNR)

Definition of OOLITIC LIMESTONE: In the building stone industry, rock consisting mainly of calcite and made up largely or in considerable part of oolites or granular particles (generally tin: fossils or fossil fragments) that have oolitic coatings. (DNR) - A calcite-cemented calcareous stone formed of shells and shell fragments, practically noncrystalline in character. It is found in massive deposits located almost entirely in Lawrence, Monroe and Owen Counties, Indiana and in Alabama, Kansas and Texas. This limestone is characteristically a freestone, without cleavage planes, possessing a remarkable uniformity of composition, texture and It possesses a high internal structure. elasticity, adapting itself without damage to extreme temperature changes. (BSI)

Definition of PHENOCRYST: Inigneous rocks,

Definition of OPAL; A mineral composed of amorphous hydrous tively large and conspicuous silica (Si02-H20). (ACI) in a finer-grained matrix or (BSI)

Definition of OPALIZED: The introduction into a rock of siliceous rnaterial in the form of opal, a hydrous silicate. mass. (BSI)

Definition of OPEN SLATING (SPACED SLATING): Pattern for installing slate shingles with spaces between adjacent slates in a course, providing ventilation if hung on open battens, and reducing amount of slate required. spaces are covered by higher and lower courses. (DNR)

Definition of OUT OF WIND: To be out of wind is to have the arris of the stone not in parallel or perpen- Stone which is out of wind dicular lines. has an irregular or rustic appearance. (BSI)

Definition of PALLETIZED: Loaded and (usually) strapped on wooden platforms to permit mechanized handing. Said of stone, brick, concrete block. (DNR) - A system of stacking Stone on wooden pallets. Stone which comes palletized is easily moved and transported by modern handling equipment. palletized stone generally arrives at the job site in better condition than un-palletized material. (BSI)

Definition of PARQUETRY; A flat pattern as sembled of closely fitted pieces, usually geometrical, and rtEny patterns consisting of or ltbre colors or materials. Much used for ornamental flooring in stone or wood. (DNR) An inlay Of stone floors in geometrical or other patterns. (BSI)

Definition of PATCH: Compound used to fill natural voids or to replace chips and broken corners or edges in fabricated pieces of cut stone. Applied in plastic form. Mixed or selected to match (DNR) the stone in color and texture.

Definition of PAVING STONE: A block or chunk of stone shaped or selected by shape for cladding a yard or traffic surface. (DNR) (Brit.) (1) Wall built of

Definition of PEBBLE WALLING: (2) Wall faced with pebbles in mortar. pebbles ernbedded, at random or in pattern, in a mortar coating on e>Qosed surface. (DNR)

Definition of PERLITE: A volcanic glass having a perlitic structure, usually having a higher water content than obsidian; when expanded by heating, used as an insulating material and as a lightweight aggregate in concretes, mortars and plasters. (ACI )

Definition of PERPEND STONE (PARPEND STONE): (Brit.) A variety of bond stone (q. v.) that extends completely through a masonry wall and is exposed on both wall faces. A through stone. (DNR)

Definition of PERRONS; Slabs of *one set on other stones serving as steps and arches in gardens. (BSI )

Definition of

Definition of PHENOCRYST: In igneous roccks the relatively large and conspicuous crystals in a finer-grained matrix or ground mass. (BSI). - A coarse crystal in the fine-grained matrix of the igneous rock called "porphyry" (q. v.) (DNR)

Definition of PICKED FINISH: (Brit.) In masonry, a stone surface covered with small pits produced by a pick or chisel point striking the face perpendicularly. (DNR)

Definition of PITCHED STONE: Rough-faced stone that has had each edge of the exposed face pitched (cut at a very low bevel nearly in the plane of the face) to a straight line to form a defined arris at each mortar joint. work is done with a pitching broad chi sel-like instrument that has a slightly tilted striking face. (DNR) - Stone having arris clearly defined, face however is roughly cut with pitching chisel used along the line which becomes the arris. (BSI)

Definition of PLATE TRACERY: Tracery designs, usually simple and geometrical, cut through a thin slab of stone, as distinguished from tracery proper, which is formed by mortared sections of molding. (DNR) The lower square part of the

Definition of PLINTHS: base of a column. A square base or a lower block, as of a pedestal. The base block at the juncture of baseboard and trim around an opening. (BSI) (1) A square or rectangular base for column, pilaster or door framing. (2) A monumental base, many of which are ornamented with moldings,. bas reliefs, or inscriptions, to support a statue or (3) The base courses of a memorial. building collectively, if so treated as to give the appearance of a platform. (DNR)

Definition of PLUCKED FINISH: surface (on stone) produced by setting a planer blade so deep that it removes stone by spalling rather. than by shaving. (DNR) Obtained by rough planing the surface of stone, breaking or plucking out small particles to give rough texture. (BSI )

Definition of POINT: A wedge-shaped or pyramidal chisel. (BSI)

Definition of POINTING: (1) Final treatment of joints in cut stonework. Mortar or a puttylike filler is forced into the joint after the stone is set. (2) In stone carving, creating points from a model and establishing their position on the stone that is to be carved. (DNR) - The final filling and finishing of mortar joints that have been raked out. (ILA)

Definition of POLISHED: The f inest and smoothest finish available in stone characterized by a gloss or reflective property. Generally only possible on hard, dense materials. (BSI)

Definition of POLISHED FINISH: In stone, a finish so smooth that it forms a reflecting surface. Chemical treatment and prolonged mechanical buffing are generally required to obtain a mirror surface, and the stone must be tight and lacking surface voids. (DNR)

Definition of PORPHYRY: Igneous rock characterized by two distinct and strongly contrasting sizes. Coarse crystals called pheno crysts are suspended in a finely crystalline groundmass or one so fine-grained that its crystallinity is invisible. Used as decorative stone for building. (DNR) An igneous rock in which relatively large and conspicuous crystals crysts) are set im. a matrix of crystals. (BSI )

Definition of PREASSEMBLED UNITS: Two or more stones combined into a single unit by the use of epoxy resins, steel framing, or concrete backing., (ILA)

Definition of PROJECTION: In masonry, a stone intentionally been set forward, at one end or throughout, of the general wall surface to appear more rugged or rustic. (DNR) - This refers to the pulling out of stones in a wall to give an effect of ruggedness. The amount each stone is pulled out can vary between 1/2" and 1-1/2". Stones are either pulled out at the same degree at both ends or sometimes one end is pulled out leaving the other end flush with the majority of veneer. (BSI )

Definition of PUMICE: An exceptionally cellular, glassy lava, resembling a solid froth. (BSI)

Definition of QUARRY: The location of an operation where a natural deposit of stone is removed from the ground. (BSI) ( ILA) - An open excavation at the earth's surface for the purpose of extracting usable stone. Underground workings for building stone and certain other industrial minerals are termed quarries even though technically they are mines. Surface workings for un-consolidated or soft materials, such as sand and gravel or clay, are pits rather than quarries, and excavations for ores are called mines if underground and open pits if at the surface. (DNR)

Definition of QUARRY RUN: In building stone, unselected materials within the ranges Of color and texture available from the quarry that is the source. (DNR)

Definition of QUARRY SAP: Colloquial term for the natural moisture in stone as it comes from the quarry ledge. Varies in amount with the porosity. In some types of stone it is necessary to allow time for the blocks to dry (cure) before freezing weather may cause damage. After curing, low temperatures on longer damage sound stone. (DNR)

Definition of QUARTZITE: A compact granular rock composed of quartz crystals, usually so firmly cemented as to rake the mass homogeneous. The stone is generally quarried in stratified layers, the surfaces of which are unusually smooth. Its crushing and tensile strengths are extremely high. The color range is wide. (BSI) (1) Geologically, metamorphic rock resulting from annealing of quartz sandstone. (2) In stone industry, a variety of sandstone composed largely of granular quartz and indurated either by metamorphism or cementation with silica to material that breaks with vitreous fracture across grains and cementation alike. A variety of building stone. (BSI).

Definition of QUARTZITIC SANDSTONE: Dimension stone trade term for a type of sandstone in which most of the grains are quartz and the cementing material is silica. Intermediate between normal sandstone and quartzite. (BSI)

Definition of QUOIN: (1) In stone masonry, one of a series of corner blocks, differing in size, finish or material from the adjacent walling. Origina11y used to strengthen corners and proide support to rubble walls, but now mainly used to provide architectural interest. In the commonest use, each of the walls form ing the corner displays the long face of a quoin and the short face of a quoin in alternate superposition. Built-up quoins of brick may be used in stone walls. wedge-shaped piece of stone. May be used in either corner treatment described above (although most quoin stones are not wedge-shaped) or as a chock, a shim, or a device for leveling or alignment. (BSI) Stones at the corners of a wall emphasized by size, projection, rustication, or by a different finish. (ILA) (BSI)

Definition of RAGGLE: Slot or groove cut in masonry to receive mortared-in flashing. (DNR)

Definition of RAGLIN: In ma sonry, a joint raked to receive mortared-in flashing. (DNR)

Definition of RAGWORK: (Brit.) crude masonry laid up in random pattern of thin-bedded undressed stone (like flagging), cormonly set mostly horizontal, but term is also equated (perhaps incorrectly) with polygonal rubble, which is set on edge as exterior facing (colloquial "rock rash" [q. v. ] in USA). (DNR)

Definition of RANDOM ASHLAR: Stone masonry pattern of rectangular stones set without continuous joints and laid up without drawn patterns. If composed of material cut modular heights, discontinuous but aligned horizontal joints are discernible. (DNR)

Definition of RANDOM BOND; (Brit.) Stone masonry constructed without regular pattern. (DNR)

Definition of RANDOM COURSES; Stone masonry set in courses of variable height. (DNR)

Definition of RANDOM SLATES: Slate shingles installed in irregular pattern using vary ing sizes. (DNR)

Definition of RANGE MASONRY: Stone laid in horizontal courses, which need not be of uniform height. (DNR)

Definition of REGLET: Narrow molding, rectangular in profile but generally elaborated in plan, as the Greek key design in raised fretwork. (DNR)

Definition of REGRATING; In masonry, rznoving the surface of stone in place by some dressing met}wd to clean by exposing fresh stone. (DNR)

Definition of RELIEVED WORK: Ornamentation done in relief-- that is, extending forward from a surface-- by shallow carving or molding. (DNR)

Definition of REPRISE: Inside corner of a stone member with a profile other than a flat plane.

Definition of RETICULATED WORK: (1) Stone surface hand dressed to show a netlike or veinlike raised pattern. (2) A wall built of square blocks set diagonally, the joints showing a net-like pattern. (DNR)

Definition of RETURN OR RETURN HEAD: Stone facing with the finish appearing on both the face and the edge of the same on the corner of a building. (ILA) (BSI)

Definition of REVEAL: The exposed portion of a stone between its outer face and a window or door set in an opening. (IA) The depth of stone between its outer face and a window or door set in an opening. (BSI )

Definition of REVET: To face a sloping foundation or embankment with stone or concrete. Used for bridge piers, highway underpasses, earth dams, levees, fortifications, and the like. (DNR)

Definition of RIFT: The most pronounced (see n grain n ) direction of splitting or cleavage of a stone. Rift and grain be obscure, as in some granites, but are important in both quarrying and processing stone (BSI) - Direction in which stone splits readily. Term comrnonly used for granite or other stone without visible stratification or foliation. (DNR)

Definition of RIPRAP: Irregular shaped stones used for facing bridge abutments and fills. Stones thrown together without order to form a foundation or sustaining walls. (BSI) Irregularly broken and random-sized large pieces of rock. Used for trench foundations, armoring slopes (revetment), retaining walls, breakwater, moles and groins. (DNR)

Definition of RISE; The word rise refers to the heights of stone. Generally used in reference to veneer stone. (BSI )

Definition of ROCK: (1) Geologically, any natural mass of earth material that has appreciable extent. (2) In engineering, solid natural material that requires mechanical or explosive techniques for removal. (3) In the quarry industries, the term stone is more common and means fire, coherent, relatively hard earth material. (DNR) - An integral part of the earth' s crush com- posed of an aggregate of grains of one or more minerals. (Stone is the cormmercial term applied to quarry products) (BSI)

Definition of ROCK (PITCH) FACE: This is similar to split face, except that the face of the stone is pitched to a given line and plane, producing a bold appearance rather than the comparatively straight face obtained in split face. (BSI)

Definition of ROCK RASH: A patchwork applique of odd-shaped stone slabs, used on edge as a veneer, often further embellished with cobbles or geodes. Hideous but different (DNR).

Definition of RODDING: Reinforcement of a structurally unsound marble by cementing reinforcing rods into grooves or channels cut into the back of the slab. (BSI) - Strengthening of stone slabs or panels by cementing reinforcing rods into routing in the back. Practice largely restricted to marble. (DNR)

Definition of ROSE WINDOW: A circular stone window fitted with carved tracery. (BSI) Large circular window, usually in a church facade, ornamented with tracery (DNR)

Definition of ROUGH BACK: (Brit.) In masonry, a concealed end of a stone laid as a bond stone. (DNR) - Side cut (slab) having one side sawed and the other rough, from a block fed through a gangsaw. (DNR)

Definition of RUBBED FINISH: A stone finish between smooth machine finish (q. v.) and honed finish (q. v.) obtained by mechanical rubbing to a very smooth surface. (DNR)

Definition of RUBBLE: Rough stones of irregular shape and size, broken from larger masses by geological processes or by quarrying. (ACI) - A product term applied to dimension stone used for building purposes, chiefly walls and foundations, and consisting of irregularly shaped pieces, partly trinuned or squared, generally with one split or finished face, and selected and specifled within a size range. (BSI) - Pieces of broken stone, irregular in shape and size, used in rough construction of walls, foundations and paving. (DNR)

Definition of RUBBLEWORK: Stone masonry built of rubble. (DNR)

Definition of RUSTIC: (1) In building stone, a term describing masonry, generally of local stone, that is roughly hand-dressed and intentionally laid with high relief in relatively modest structures of rural character. (2) A grade of building limestone, characterized by coarse texture. (DNR)

Definition of RUSTICATED: Tem describing cut stone walling with strongly emphasized recessed joints and smooth or roughly textured The border of each block block faces. may be rebated, chamfered or beveled on all four sides, at top and bottom only, or on two adjacent sides. The face of the block may be flat, pitched or diamond point, and if smooth may be hand or machine tooled. Rusticated work has been used to create an appearance of impregnability in banks, armor ies, prisons, courthouses, and other large public or It has also been semipublic buildings. used on a ground story or plinth in buildings of extreme complexity and eleggnce, such as palaces, opera houses and museums It is unfortunate that this useful term, describing precisely milled blocks used with definite aesthetic purpose, usually in an urban setting, should be so frequently confused with its antonym, "rustic" (q. v.) In British usage the terms are probably irrevocably tangled. (DNR)

Definition of RUSTICATION: A recessed surface cut around or across the face of a stone to produce shadow accent.

Definition of RUSTIC JOINT: In stone masonry, a deeply sunk mortar joint that has been emphasized by having the edges of the adjacent stones chamfered or recessed below the surface of the face. (DNR)

Definition of RUSTIC SLATES: Slate shingles of varying thickness, yielding irregular surface when installed. (DNR)

Definition of RUSTIC STONE: A trade term for rough, broken stone suitable for rustic mason- Generally set with elongate di- mension exposed horizontally, Most commonly limestone or sandstone, but can be any sound stone.

Definition of SADDLE: A flat strip of stone projecting above the floor between the jambs of a door; a threshold. (BSI) A strip of stone or wood used as threshold. (DNR)

Definition of SADDLEBACK: (1) (Brit.) A saddle joint (q.v.). (2) A coping stone with top surface shaped to wash (slope) in opposite directions, with apex in center of width. (DNR)

Definition of SADDLE JOINT (Brit. saddleback) (1) In stone. masonry, a vertical joint along whith the stone is lapped on either side to rise above the level of the washes on a coping or sill (2) and thus divert water from the joint. In metal roofing, a joint formed by crimping the edge of one metal sheet over an upturned edge of the adjacent sheet. (DNR)

Definition of SNOD-RUBBED FINISH: In dimension stone, the type of surface obtained by rubbing with a sand-and-water mixture under a block. This actual process is now little used, and the finish so known is commonly applied with a rotary or belt sander. (DNR)

Definition of SAND-SAWED FINISH: In stone fabrication, the fairly smooth surface resulting from using sand as the abrasive agent carried by the gangsaw blades. (DNR)

Definition of SAND smm FINISH: The surface left as the stone comes from the gang saw. Moderately srnooth, granular surface varying with the (BSI) texture and grade of stone.

Definition of SAND-SIZE: Grains between 1/16 mrn and 2 in largest cross section. (DNR)

Definition of SANDSTONE: A sedimentary rock consisting usually of quartz cemented with silica, iron oxide or calcium carbonate. Sandstone is durable, has a very high crushing and tensile strength, and a wide range of colors and textures. (BSI) Sedimentary rock composed of sand-size (q.v.) grains naturally cemented by mineral materia: In most sandstone used for building, quartz grains predominate. (DNR) A cemented or otherwise compacted sedimentary rock composed predominantly of sand grain. (ACI)

Definition of SAWED FACE: A finish obtained from the process used in producing building stone. Var ies in texture from smooth to rough and coincident with the type of materials used in as diamond-sawn; sand sawn, chat-sawn; shot-sawn. (BSI)

Definition of SAWED FINISH: Any stone surface left by a Term is uninformative, but sawing process. the names of the special sawed finishes, for example, sand-sawed and shot-sawed, are more used and more descriptive. (DNR)

Definition of SCOTIA: A concave molding. (BSI) - One Of the classical ornamental moldings, in profile showing a slightly asymmetrical concave curve. (DNR)

Definition of SCABBLE: To dress stone to a rough planar face with a pick, scabbling harmer or chisel, leaving prominent toolmarks. (DNR)

Definition of SCABBLED: Roughly shaped or dressed to approxi- mate shape and size. (NBGQAI)

Definition of SCULPTURE: The work of a sculptor in three dimensional form by cutting from a solid block of stone. - Statuary cut from stone by a sculptor using handtools and polishing materials, with some assistance in modern times from powered cutting tools. Loosely, used nowadays for statues modeled or cast rather than sculptured.

Definition of SCAGLIOLA: Decorative inlay work in which mixtures of marble dust, a sizing, and various pigments are laid, with great care as to detail, into figures, patterns, and designs routed into a very flat surface on a plate or slab, generally of marble, but may be other stone or plaster. The filled surface is then buffed to a polish, the designs are highlighted and further tinted by delicate brushwork, and a transparent protective coating applied. Used for wall panels, table tops and other decorative purposes. (DNR)

Definition of SEAM: A crack or fissure in a rough quarry block. (NBGQAI )

Definition of SEDIMENTARY ROCK: Rock formed from materials deposited as sediments, in sea or fresh water, or on the land. The the materials are transported to their site of deposition by running water, wind, moving ice, marine energy, or gravitational movements, and they may deposit as fragments or by precipitation from solution. Limestone and sandstone are the sedimentary rocks most used for building. (DNR)

Definition of SCALE: Thin lamina or paper like sheets of rock, often loose, and interrupting an otherwise smooth surface on stone. (BSI)

Definition of SCHIST; A foliated metamorphic rock (recrystalized) characterized by thin foliae that are composed predominantly of minerals of thin platy or prismatic habits and whose long dimensions are oriented in approxirnately parallel positions along the planes of foliation. Because of this foliated structure schists split readily along these planes and so possess a pronounced rock cleavage. The more common schists are composed of the micas and other mica-like minerals (such as chlorite) and generally contain subordinate quartz and/or feldspare of comparatively fine-grained texture: all graduations exist between schist and gneiss (coarsely foliated feldspathic rocks). (BSI) - Metamorphic rock with continuous foliation caused by planar crystalline alignment of mica and other platy and lathlike minerals. Splits along foliation, and is used in minor amount, principally for flagging.

Definition of SELENITE: Variety of gypsum in transparent, foliated, crystalline form. Used as decorative building stone (as at Knossos). (DNR)

Definition of SEMI RUBBED: A finish achieved by rubbing by hand or machine the rough or high spots off the surface to be used leaving a certain amount of the natural surface along with the smoothed areas. - In split stone, a surface sand rubbed to the degree that the former prominences have been smoothed flat, but the lower areas still have the cleft surface. (DNR)

Definition of SCONCHEON: In the side of a door or window opening that is rebated for a frame, strip extending from the slot (or frame) to the innerface of the wall (compare "reveal"). (DNR)

Definition of SERPENTINE: A group of minerals consisting of hydrous magnesium silicate, or rock largely composed of these minerals. Most commonly occurs in greenish shades, and is used for decorative stone, being the prominent constituent in some commercial marbles. (DNR) - A hydrous magnesium silicate material of igneous origin, generally a very dark green color with markings of white, light green or black. One of the hardes varieties of natural building stone. (BSI)

Definition of SCORE: (1) in stone finishing, to rout a channel or groove with handtools or circular saw to interrupt the visual effect of a surface or to otherwise decorate. (DNR) (2) To roughen the surface of stone with straight gouges so that stucco or plaster will adhere. (DNR)

Definition of SCORIA: vesicular volcanic ejecta of larger size, usually of basic composition and characterized by dark color; the material is relatively heavy and partly glassy, partly crystalline; the vesicles do not generally interconnect. (ACI ) - Irregular masses of lava resembling clinker of slag; may be cellular (vesicular) dark-colored and heavy. (BSI)

Definition of SETTING SPACE: A term used to indicate the distance from the finished face of the marble to the face of the back-up wall. (BSI )

Definition of SHALE: A laminated and fissile sedimentary rock, the constituent particles of which are principally in clay and silt sizes; the laminations bedding planes Of rock. (ACI)

Definition of SHOT-SAWED: Description of a finish Obtained by using steel shot in the gang sawing process to produce random markings for a rough surface texture. (ILAXBSI)

Definition of SHOT-SAWN FINISH: In stone fabrication, the randomly scored surface resulting from chilled steel shot carried by the gangsaw blades. (DNR)

Definition of SHOT-SAWN FINISH: A rough gang saw finish produced by sawing with chilled steel shot. (BSI)

Definition of SILL: A flat stone used under windows, doors and other masonry openings. (BSI )

Definition of SILL COURSE: In stone masonry, a course set at window-sill level, and commonly differentiated from the wall by projecting, by finish, or by being sill thickness, to continue the visual effect of the sill(s). (DNR)

Definition of SIZED SLATES: Shingle slates of uniform or modular size, as distinguished from random slates. (DNR)

Definition of SKEW; In stone masonry, (1) a kneeler, and (2) in Scotland, a coping stone or the coping on a gable. (DNR)

Definition of SKEW TABLE: A variety of kneeler ) that is cut integrally with the lowest section of a gable coping and serves as a lower stop for sloping sections of coping above. (DNR)

Definition of SLAB: A lengthwise cut of a large quarry block of stone. (BSI) - A slice of stone cut from a large quarry block. (ILA) - A broad, flat piece of stone cut or split from a block after quarrying. Especially, the tabular sheet, ready for further fabrication, that comes from the gangsaw or wire saw. (DNR)

Definition of SLATE: A hard, brittle metamorphic rock consisting mainly of clay minerals and characterized by good cleavage that is unrelated to the bedding in the earlier shale or clay from which it formed. Extensively used as dimension stone in thin sheets for flooring, roofing, panels (both decorative and electrical), and chalkboard, and as granules to surface composition roofing. (DNR) - A very fine-grained metamoprhic rock derived from sedimentary rock shale. Characterized by an excellent parallel cleavage entirely independent of or iginal bedding, by which cleavage the rock may be split easily into relatively thin slabs. (BSI)

Definition of SLATE HANGING (WEATHER SLATING): (1) Covering a wall or other vertical surface with overlapping slate shingles. (2) Supporting slate shingles by wire clips rather than by nails. (DNR)

Definition of SLATE ROLL: (Brit.) A cylindrical rod of slate, cut V-shaped on the lower side to fit roof pitch, that caps a ridge on a slate roof. (DNR)

Definition of SLATING: (1) Installation of slate shingles on roof or wall. (2) Shingles of slate. (DNR)

Definition of SLIP SILL; A stone sill set between the jambs. (See lug sill). (BSI) - In stone masonry, a sill set between the jambs of a window or door opening (compare lug sill). (DNR)

Definition of SMOOTH FINISH: Description of the finish produced by planer machines without further work, except the removal of objectionable tool marks where they occur. Also known as Smooth Machine Finish. (ILA) - Description of the finish produced by planer machines plus the removal of objectionable tool marks. Also known as "srnooth planer finish" and "smooth machine finish". (BSI) - See "smooth machine finish". (DNR)

Definition of SMOOTH MACHINE FINISH (SMOOTH PLANER FINISH, SMOOTH FINISH): Stone surface obtained from a planer using a tool with snooth edge set to shave without plucking. If toolmarks are evident, they may be removed by carborundum or other surfacing wheel, or by hand-scraping. (DNR)

Definition of SNAPPED EDGE - QUARRY CUT OR BROKEN EDGE: This generally refers to a natural breaking of a stone either by hand or nuchine. The break should be at right angles to the top and bottom surface. (BSI)

Definition of SNECK: (Brit.) Small squared stone block used to fill interstices and even out courses in rubble walls (hence "snecked rubble") (DNR)

Definition of SNECKED RUBBLE: (Brit.) Rubble masonry wall containing snecks (q. v.). (DNR)

Definition of SOAPSTONE: Massive soft rock that contains a high proportion of talc and is cut into dimension stone for laboratory sinks and bench tops and electrical panels. (DNR) - A massive variety of talc with a soapy or greasy feel, used for hearths, washtubs, table tops, carved ornaments, chemical laboratories, etc., known for its stainproof qualities. (BSI)

Definition of STEATITE: An industrial grade of talc that has high purity. Steatite block is soapstone that meets stated purity requirements. (DNR)

Definition of SPALL: A stone fragment that has split or broken off. (BSI) (1) (v. trans.) To break away protrusions or edges on stone blocks with a sledge, hammer,or chisel. (2) (v. intrans) In stone, to flake or split away through frost action or pressure. (3) (n) a chip or flake of stone. (DNR) - Sizes may vary Erom chip size to one and two man stones. Spalls are primarily used for taking up large voids in rough rubble or mosaic patterns.

Definition of STEREOBATE: A basal pedestal-like structure or continuous basement wall supporting the higher parts of a classical building, but not carrying columns, as does a stylobate (q. v.). (DNR)

Definition of STEROTOMY: Cutting solids in three-dimensional shapes, especially formal stone cutting by the rules of solid geometry, and by extension the layout and design of such work and its placement in a structure. (DNR)

Definition of SPANDREL: The stone panel between the window sill and the window head below it.(ILA)

Definition of STICKING: Trade term used in marble-fabricating industry for cementing together broken or separated stone. (DNR) - An expression used in the marble finishing trade to describe the process of cementing together broken slabs or pieces of marble. (BSI )

Definition of SPLIT: Division of a rock by cleavage.(DNR)

Definition of SPLIT FACE (SAWED BED): Usually split face is sawed on the beds and is split either by hand or with machine so that the surface face of the stone exhibits the natural quarry texture. (BSI )

Definition of SPLIT-FACE FINISH: In building stone, a rough face formed by splitting slabs in a split-face machine (q. v.). Generally the slabs are sawed parallel to bedding in stratified stone, so that the split face exposes the bedding in natural orientation or overturned, but some stone is sawed perpendicular to bedding and then split with the bedding vertical, either exposed as a cleft surface or vertical. (DNR)

Definition of STONE: Sometimes synonymous with rock, but more properly applied to individual blocks, masses or fragments taken from their original formation or considered for commercial use. (BSI) - Rock selected or processed by shaping, cutting or sizing for building or other use. (DNR)

Definition of SPLITSTONE FINISH: Obtained by sawing to accurate heights, then breaking by machine to reguired bed widths. (Normal bed widths are 3-1/2") (BSI)

Definition of STONEMASON: A building craftsman skilled in constructing stone masonry. The work of some masons includes such preparation of stone as is done on the job. (DNR)

Definition of SQUARED RUBBLE: (Brit.) Wall construction in which squared stones of various sizes are combined in patterns that make up courses as high as or higher than the tallest stones. (DNR)

Definition of STONE SLATE; Thin-bedded stone slabbing or flagging, irregular in size and shape, and generally limestone or sandstone, used as rough shingling on a roof. Unlike true slate, which is a metamorphic rock that splits along its cleavage, the stone slate separate along their bedding. (DNR)

Definition of STACKED BOND: Stone that is cut to one dimension and installed with unbroken vertical and horizontal joints running the entire length and height of the veneered area. (BSI) - In stone veneer, a pattern in which units of a single size are set with continuous vertical and horizontal joints - in effect a wall without bond. (DNR)

Definition of STONEWORK: (1) Masonry construction in stone. (2) Preparation or setting of stone for building or paving. (DNR)

Definition of

Definition of STOOL: A flat stone, generally polished, used as an interior sill. (BSI)

Definition of START: The beginning of a crack, caused by

Definition of STOP CHAMFER. A chamfer which curves or quarrying, fabrication or handling. (NBGQAI) angles to become narrower until it meets the arris. (DNR)

Definition of STATUE: The representation, in stone, netal or terra cotta, of human or animal figures singly or grouped. A statue is life size (if smaller, the term statuette is used), full length (otherwise, bust) and carved in the round (otherwise, bas relief, haut relief). Nowadays the term is loosely used to describe any construction of whatever material placed on a pedestal for public view. (DNR) - A sculpture of a human or animal figure. (ILA) (BSI)

Definition of STRATIFICATION: A structure produced by deposition of sediments in beds or layers (strata), laminae, lenses, wedges, and other essentially tabular units. (BSI)

Definition of STRATIFIED ROCK: Layered earth materials deposited as successive beds of sediment and solidified by compaction, cementation, or crystallization. Term is used interchangeably with sedimentary rock (q. v.), although not all the latter is visibly stratified in samples or in dividual exposures. (DNR)

Definition of STREAM SHINGLE: Thin slabs of stone that accumulate in the channels of small high-gradient streams in a sloped, overlapping pattern resembling shingling, the pieces dipping upstream because they are most stable in that orientation. Much flagging and material termed fieldstone occurs as stream shingle. Only thin-bedded or foliated rocks form the flat pieces required, and Limestone is the most common variety. (DNR)

Definition of

Definition of TABLET: small flat slab or surface of stone especially one bearing or intended to bear an inscription, carving or the like. (BSI) - (1) A stone or metal plate or bounded surface to carry words, letters, emblems, or carvings. (2) A coping stone set flat. (DNR)

Definition of TAIL: Exposed lower portion of a slate shingle. (DNR)

Definition of TAILING IN: securing one end or edge of a projecting masonry unit, as a cornice. (DNR)

Definition of TALC: A soft mineral composed of hydrous magnesium silicate. Major ingredient of soapstone (q.v.) "Steatite" (q. v.) is a grade of talc. (DNR) - A mineral with a greasy or soapy feel, very soft, having the composition Mg3Si4O10. (See also Cement, masonry). (ACI)

Definition of STRIKE: In stone setting or bricklaying, to finish a mortar joint with a stroke of the trowel, simultaneously removing extruding mortar and surface of the mortar remaining in joint. (DNR)

Definition of STRIP RUBBLE: Generally speaking, strip rubble comes from a ledge quarry. The beds of the stone, while uniformly straight, are of the natural cleft as the stone is removed from the ledge, and then split by machine to approximately 4" widths. (BSI)

Definition of TEMPLATE: A pattern for repetitive marking or fabricating operation. (BSI) - A pattern used in the fabrication operation. (ILA) - Also "safe" a water closet base. - (1) In cut stone fabrication, the full-size sheet metal pattern to which a block or block face is cut. (2) Marble or other stone base for a toilet. (DNR)

Definition of STRIPS: Long pieces of stone - usually low height ashlar courses where length to height ratio is at maximum for the material used. (BSI) - In masonry, billets of stone that are long in relation to the height of the exposed face. (DNR)

Definition of TERRAZZO: A type of concrete in which chips

Definition of STYLOBATE: A large pedestal in the form of a basal structure or continuous basement wall that supports columns, or the stepped-back uppermost part Of such a supporting structure. (DNR)

Definition of

Definition of or pieces of stone, usually marble, are mixed with cement and are ground to a flat surface, exposing the chips which take a (BSI ) high polish.

Definition of TEXTURE: Any finish other than a smooth finish. ( ILA)

Definition of STYLOLITE (colloquial CROWFOOT): In limestone and marble, generally a bedding plane, and rarely a joint (fracture), along which differential solution of the material on each side has caused interpenetration of points, cones, or columns, forming a contact surface that is rough when separated. In cross-section, the stylolitic surface has the appearance of a jagged, zigzag line of varying amplitude.

The boundary may have a thin zone of insoluble mater ials, as clay or iron oxide. Some stylolites constitute a surface of weakness or parting in the stone, but others are tightly annealed. Sawing stone perpendicular to or at a high angle to stylolites produces much of the "veined" stone of the marble and limestone industries, and sawing at a very low angle to stylolites causes some of the "fleuri" patterns.

Stylolites may develop in sandstone or quartzite, but are rare. - A longitudinally streaked, columnar structure occurring in some marbles, and of the same material as the marble in which it occurs. (BSI)

Definition of THROAT: The undercut Of a projected molding to form a drip. (ILA)

Definition of THROUGH BOND: In masonry walls, the transverse bond formed by stone units or bricks extending through the wall. (DNR)

Definition of TOOLED FINISH: In stonework, a fluted, flat surface that carries 2 to 12 concave grooves (batts) per inch. (DNR) - Customarily are four, six or eight parallel, concave grooves to the inch. (BSI)

Definition of TRACERY: ornamentation of panels, circular windows, window heads, etc.(BSI ) - A curving mullion of a stone window, as in Gothic architecture. (ILA) - Gothic window ornamentation depending on window mullions in elaborate flowing or geometrical patterns built up of curved lengths of mortared stone molding. (DNR)

Definition of TRAVERTINE: A variety of limestone deposited by hot or cold wat:er as cavern fillings, including stalactites and stalagmites, or as accumulations at springs. Generally banded and commonly coarsely cellular. Extensively used as building stone, especially as inSome varieties ter ior facing and flooring. that polish in solid portions, although ex- hibiting numerous cavities, are sold as trade marbles. (DNR)

Definition of TRAVERTINE MARBLE: A variety of limestone regarded as a product of chemical precipitation from hot springs. Travertine is cellular with the cells usually concentrated in thin layers that display a stalactitic structure. Some that take a polish are sold as marble, and may be classified as travertine marble under the class of "Commercial Marble". (BSI )

Definition of TREAD: A flat stone used as the top walking (BSI) surface on steps.

Definition of TRIM: Stone used as decorative items only such as sills, coping, enframements, etc., with the facing of another material. (BSI) - Stone used as sills, copings, enframements, etc. with the facing of another material. (ILA) - In building stone, that stone used as decorative members on a structure built or faced largely with other masonry materia1, as brick, tile, block or terra cotta. Trim items include sills, jambs, lintels, coping, cornices, quoins and others. Also called "trim- stone".(DNR)

Definition of TRIMMER ARCH: A stone arch, usually a low rise arch, used for supporting a fireplace hearth. (BSI)

Definition of TUFF: Cemented volcanic ash; many varieties included.(BSI) - Rock composed of volcanic particles, ranging from ash size to pebble size, cornpacted or cemented or welded to firm, consolidated state. Used in modest amounts as building stone. Has low density and high porosity, and hence both easy to work and possessing good thermal and acoustic insulating properties.(DUR)

Definition of TURNED WORK: In stone cutting, pieces with circular outline, as columns, balusters, and some bases and capitals. Generally cut on a lathe, although spheres and some other shapes may be cut by hand. (DNR)

Definition of UNDERCUT: In stonework, (1) to cut away a lower part, leaving a projection above that serves the function of a drip; and (2) to rout a groove or •channel ( a drip) back from the edge of an overhanging member. (DNR) - Cut or molded so as to present an overhanging part, as a drip mold. (ILA) - Cut so as to present an overhanging part.(BSI)

Definition of V-CUTTING: Inscribed lettering in which the cuts are acutely triangular. (DNR)

Definition of VENEER STONE: Any stone used as a decorative facing material which is not meant to be loadbearing. (BSI)

Definition of VERD ANTIQUE: A rnarble composed chiefly of massive serpentine and capable of being polished. It is commonly crossed by veinlets of other minerals, chiefly carbonates of calcium and magnesium. (BSI)

Definition of VERDE ANTIQUE: Dark-green serpentine rock marked with white veins of calcite. May take a high polish where solid, and has been classed as a trade marble for several centuries.(DNR)

Definition of VUG: A cavity in rock; sometimes lined or filled with either amorphous or crystalline material; comrnon in calcereous rocks such as marble or limestone. (BSI)

Definition of WARPED: Generally a condition experienced only in flagging or flagstone materials; very common with flagstone materials that are taken from the ground and used in their natural state. To eliminate warping in stones it would be necessary to further finish the material such as machining, sand rubbing, honing or polishing. (BSI)

Definition of WASH: A sloped area or the area water (BSI) will run over.

Definition of WATER BAR: Typically a strip in a reglet in window sill and stone below to prevent water passage. (BSI)

Definition of WEDGING: Splitting of stone by driving wedges into planes of weakness. (BSI)

Definition of WIND (WINED): A warp in a semifinished stone slab - to be removed by further fabrication.(ILA)

Definition of WIRE SAW: A method of cutting stone by passing a twisted, multi-strand wire over the stone, and immersing the wire in a slurry of abrasive material. (BSI)

Section 04422 Marble Definitions

Definition of ABRASIVE FINISH: A flat, nonreflective surface finish for marble.(MIA)

Definition of ABRASIVE HARDNESS (Ha): Refers to the wearing qualities Of marble for floors, treads and similar uses subjected to abrasion by foot traffic. (NIA)

Definition of ABSORPTION: Percentage of moisture absorption by weight.(MIA))

Definition of ANCHOR; Metal device for securing marble to a structure.(MIA)

Definition of ARTIFICIAL MARBLE: A man-made product that may look like natural quarried marble, sometimes composed of thermosetting resins as a matrix and fillers. (MIA)

Definition of ARRIS: The edge of an external angle. (MI A)

Definition of ASHLAR: Marble having a face of square or rectangular shapes. (MIA)

Definition of BLEED: Staining action on marble caused by corrosive metals, oil-based putties, mastics, caulking or sealing compounds. (MIA)

Definition of BLENDING: Refers to the proper positioning of adj acent marble veneer panels by their predominant color to achieve an overall uniform pattern. (MIA)

Definition of BLOCK: See Quarry Block.

Definition of BRECCIA MARBLE: Any marble composed of angular fragments (MIA)

Definition of BUTTERING: Placing mortar on marble units with a trowel before setting into position. (MIA)

Definition of CALCITE MARBLE: A crystalline var iety of limestone containing nor more than 5 percent of magnesium carbonate. (MIA)

Definition of CARVE: Art of shaping marble, by cutting a design to form the trade of a sculptor. (MIA)

Definition of CAULKING: Making a marble joint tight or leakproof by sealing with an elastic adhesive compound.

Definition of CAVITY VENT: An opening in joint of marble veneer to allow the passage of air and moisture from the wall cavity to the exterior. (MIA)

Definition of CHAMFER: To cut away the edge where two surfaces meet in an external angle, leaving a bevel at the j unction. (MI A)

Definition of COMMERCIAL MARBLE: A crystalline rock composed predominantely of one or more of the following minerals: calcite, dolomite or serpentine and capable of taking a polish. (MIA)

Definition of CONTRACTOR: One who erects and installs fabrica ted dimension marble.

Definition of CONTROL JOINT: Provision for the dimensional change of different parts of a structure due to shrinkage, expansion, temperature variation or other causes so as to avoid the development of high stresses (MIA)

Definition of COURSE: A horizontal range of marble units the length of the wall. (MIA)

Definition of CRAMP: A "U"-shaped metal anchor for holding two adjacent units of marble together. (MIA) - Fabricated dimension marble

Definition of CUBIC MARBLE; units more than two inches in thickness. (MIA)

Definition of CULTURED IARBLE: see Artificial Marble.

Definition of CUSHION: A resilient pad to absorb or counteract severe stresses between adjoining marble units and other materials.(MIA)

Definition of DIMENSION MARBLE: Marble, including onyx, serpentine, travertine, verde antique, and stones used as marble, that has been selected trimmed, or cut to specified or indicated shapes or sizes, with or without one or more mechanically dressed surfaces (MIA)

Definition of DOLOMITE MARBLE: A crystalline variety of limestone, containing in excess of 40 percent of magnesium carbonate as the dolomite molecule

Definition of DOMESTIC MARBLE: Marble quarried in the United States, its terr itor ies and Canada.(MA)

Definition of DOWEL: A cylindr icaI metal pin used in aligning and strengthening joints of adjacent marble units.(MIA)

Definition of DRESSING: The shaping and squar ing, sometimes called scabbling, of raarble blocks for storage and shipment.(MIA)

Definition of DRIP: A recess cut into the underside of projecting marble to divert water and prevent it from running down the face of a wall or other surface of which it is a part. (MIA)

Definition of EFFLORESCENCE: A whitish powder, sometimes found on the surface of marble caused by the deposition of soluble salts carried through or onto the surface by moisture. (MA)

Definition of ERECTION: The process of and setting dimension marble into place. (MIA)

Definition of EXPANSION-CONTRACTION JOINT: A joint between marble units designed to expand or contract with temperature change. (MIA)

Definition of EXPORTER: One sells dimension marble quarried in the United States, its territories and Canada to buyers in foreign countries. (MIA)

Definition of FABRICATED: Dimension marble manufactured and ready for installation. (MA)

Definition of FACE: Refers to the exposed surface of marble on the structure. (MIA)

Definition of FILLING: A trade expression used in the fabrication of marble to indicate the filling of natural voids with cements, shellac or synthetic resins and similar materials. (MIA)

Definition of FILLER STRIP: Refers to a resilient material placed in rear portion of marble joint to function as a sealant stop. (MIA)

Definition of FINES: The powder, dust, silt-size and sand-size material resulting from processing ground marble. (MIA)

Definition of FINISH: Final surface applied to the face of marble during fabr ication. (MIA )

Definition of FLEURI; The mottled effect obtained when certain marble varieties are sawn parallel to their natural bedding plane. (MIA)

Definition of FOREIGN FABRICATED MARBLE: Dimension marble fabricated outside the United States, its territories and Canada. (MIA)

Definition of FOREIGN MARBLE: Dimension marble quarried outside the United States, its territories and Canada. (MIA)

Definition of FORTIFIED MARBLE: see Artificial Marble.

Definition of GANG SAW: A rnechanical device used to reduce marble blocks to slabs of predetermined thickness. Standard (MIA)

Definition of GROUP CLASSIFICATION FOR SOUNDNESS: trade practice definitions setting forth ex- tent of shop fabrication normally required for (See Part I, group A, B, C and D marbles. (MIA) Section 3. MARBLE DESIGN MANUAL I.

Definition of GROUT: Mortar of pouring consistency. (MI A)

Definition of GUIDE SPECIFICATION: A recomended specification for the furnishing and installation of building marble. (MIA )

Definition of HONE FINISH: A satin smooth marble surface finish with little or no gloss. (MIA)

Definition of IMITATION UARBLE: see Artificial Marble. (MIA)

Definition of IMPORT BROKER: one who acts as an independent sales representative in the United States, its territories and Canada for foreign suppliers of marble.

Definition of IMPORTER: One who purchases, stocks and distributes foreign marble in the United States, its territories and Canada. (MIA)

Definition of INSTALLATION: see erection. (MA)

Definition of JOINT: The space between installed marble units or between marble and the adjoining material.

Definition of JOINTING SCHEME: Architects drawing de: tailing dimensions, location and configuration of marble units and joints as related to the structure. (MA)

Definition of LEWIS BOLT: A tapered head device wedged into a tapered recess in edge of marble unit, used for lifting purposes and hanging soffits of marble. (MIA)

Definition of LINERS: Structurally sound sections of marble cemented and dowelled to the back of thin marble units; to give greater strength, additional bearing surface, or to increase joint depth. (MIA)

Definition of MANUFACTURED: Dimension marble fabricated ready for installation. (MIA)

Definition of MANUFACTURER: One who fabricates dimension marble. (MIA )

Definition of MARBLE: Architectural Definition of marble: Calcium Carbonate with other components whith give it color, markings and texture suitable as a desirable building stone.

Definition of Scientific Definition of marble: A metamorphic (recrystallized) limestone composed predominately of crystalline grains of calcite or dolomite or both, having interlocking or nosaic texture.

Definition of Commercial Definition of marble: A crystalline rock composed predominately of one or more of the following minerals: calcite, dolomite or serpentine and capable of taking a polish. (MIA)

Definition of MARBLE INSTITUTE OF AMERICA: The national trade association of the American marble industry membership is composed of marble contractors, exporters, importers, manufacturers, producers and wholesalers of dimension marble in the United States, its territories and Canada. (MIA)

Definition of NATIONAL ASSOCIATION or MARBLE DEALERS: The National Trade Association of the Arneri can Marble Industry whose membership is composed of marble contractors and manufacturers in the United States, its territories and Canada. (MIA)

Definition of NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MARBLE PRODUCERS: The National Trade Association of the American Marble Industry whose membership is composed of marble producers (quarriers) in the United States, its territories and Canada. (MIA)

Definition of ONYX MARBLE; A crystalline form, commonly microcrystalline, of calcium carbonate deposited usually from cold water solutions. It is generally translucent and shows characteristic layering. Conunercially, onyx is considered a marble because it can be polished. (MIA)

Definition of PANEL: A single unit of fabricated marble veneer. (MIA)

Definition of PARGING: Dampproofing by applying a coat of mortar to back of marble units, or to the face of the back-up ruterial. (MIA)

Definition of PAVER: A single unit of fabr icated marble for use as an exterior paving material. (MIA)

Definition of POINTING: The final filling and finishing of mortar joints that YEX. . re been raked out. (NIA)

Definition of POLISHED FINISH: A glossy surface which brings out the full color and character of the marble. (MIA)

Definition of PRODUCER of Marble: One who quarries dimension marble.(MIA) QUARRIER: One who extracts natural stone from a quarry. (MIA)

Definition of QUARRY: The location of an operation where a natural deposit of stone is extracted from the earth, through open pit or underground mine. (MIA)

Definition of QUARRY BLOCK: Generally a rectangular piece of rough stone as it comes from quarry, frequently scabbed (dressed) or wire-sawed for shipment. (MIA)

Definition of QUIRK MITRE JOINT: An external corner formed by two marble panels, at an angle, with meeting edges mitred and exposed portion finished. (MIA)

Definition of REGLET: A narrow, flat recessed molding of rectangular profile. (MIA)

Definition of REINFORCEMENT: A fabrication technique often called rodding; refers to strengthening of structurally unsound marble by cementing rods into grooves or channels cut into the back of a marble unit. Another more recent method of reinforcement is lamina ting fiberglass sheets to the back of the unit. (MIA ) (NIA)

Definition of RODDING: See Reinforcænent.

Definition of ROUGH SAWN: A marble surface f inish accomplished by the gang sawing process. (MIA)

Definition of SAMPLE: A piece of marble, usually of a specified size, showing general range of marking and color of a given variety of marble.(MIA)

Definition of SAND-BLASTED: A matte textured marble surface finish with no gloss; accomplished by exposing the surface to a steady flow of sand under pressure (MIA)

Definition of SCABBLING: The process of removing sur face irregularities from marble blocks for storage and shipmen E. (MIA)

Definition of SCULPTURE: The work of a sculptor in a three-dimensional form by cutting from a block of marble. (MIA)

Definition of SEALANT; An elastic adhesive compound used to seal marble veneer joints (MIA)

Definition of SEALING: Making a marble veneer joint water- tight or leak-proof with an elastic adhesive compound. (MIA)

Definition of SEDIMENTARY: Marble formed by precipitation from solution, as rock salt and gypsum, or from secretion of organisms, as most limestone. (MIA)

Definition of SERPENTINE: A cornmercial marble characterized by a prominent of the mineral serpen- (MIA) tine.

Definition of SETTER: An experienced journeyman who installs dimension marble units. (MIA)

Definition of SETTING: The trade of installing dimension marble units. (MIA)

Definition of SETTING SPACE: Trade terminology referring to the distance from the finished face of marble unit to the face of the back-up material. (MIA)

Definition of SHOP DRAWING: Depending on the specified product use for marble, the shop drawing is a detailed fabrication and installation drawing showing dimensions and methods of anchorage usually prepared by the marble manufacturer. (MIA)

Definition of SILL; A horizontal unit of marble used at the base of an exterior opening in a structure. (MIA)

Definition of SIMULATED MARBLE: see Artificial Marble.

Definition of SLAB: A piece of marble cut from the quarry block prior to fabrication. (MIA)

Definition of SOFFIT: The f inished underside of a lintel, beam or overhead member. (MIA)

Definition of SOUNDNESS: A property Of marble used to describe relative freedom from cracks, faults ard similar imperfections in the untreated stone. one of the characteristics encounered in the fabrication of marble. Part 1, section 3. 4 MARBLE DESIGN MANUAL 1). (MIA)

Definition of SPALL: A chip or splinter separated from the main mass of marble. (MIA)

Definition of SPOT or SPOTTING: An adhesive contact applied to the back Of a marble veneer unit to bridge the space between the unit and the back-up thus helping to maintain the unit in a fixed position. (MIA) STICKING: Trade expression used in the fabrication of marble describing the process of cementing together broken slabs or pieces of unsound marble. (MIA)

Definition of STOOL: A flat unit of marble often referred to as an interior window sill. (MIA)

Definition of SUPPLIER: one who is engaged in supplying auxiliary materials, products, equipment and service to the American marble industry. (MIA)

Definition of TEXTURED FINISH: A rough marble surface finish that tends to subdue the color and markings of marble. (MIA)

Definition of THIN MARBLE: A fabricated marble unit of inches or less in thickness.(MIA)

Definition of TOLERANCE: Dimensional fabrication allowance in the manufactur ing of marble building prod- uctS to specif led dimensions. (MI A)

Definition of TRANSLUCENCE: The light emitting quality of certain marble varieties containing a crystal structure capable of transmitting light. (MIA)

Definition of TRAVERTINE; A variety of limestone which is a precipitant from cave or spring waters. Some varieties of travertine take a polish and have long been marketed as travertine marbles.(HIA)

Definition of UNIT: A piece of fabricated dimension cubic or thin marble. (MIA)

Definition of VARIETY: Type or name of a marble based on its particular color, physical properties or variations in cornposition. (MIA)

Definition of VEIN: A layer, seam or narrow irregular body of mineral material different from the surrounding formation. (MIA)

Definition of VENEER: A facing of marble for buildings. (MIA)

Definition of VENEER PATTERN: An arrangement of fabricated (See Part I, Section marble veneer panels. 3. 11 MARBLE DESIGN BIANUAL 1). (MIA)

Definition of VENTING: A method used to allow air and moisture to escape to outside from the wall cavity. (See Cavity Vent).

Definition of (MIA)

Definition of VERDE ANTIQUE: A comercial marble canposed chiefly of massive serpentine and capable of ta king a high polish. It is comrnonly veined with carbonate minerals, chie fly calcite and dolomite. (MIA)

Definition of WAXING: A trade expression used in the fabrication of interior marble to describe process of filling natural voids with cements, shellac or other materials. (MIA)

Definition of WEEP HOLES: An opening for drainage in veneer joints or in the structural components supporting the veneer. (MIA)

Definition of WHOLESALER: One who purchases marble blocks and slabs for resale to trade. (MIA)

Definition of WIRE SAW: A sawing device consisting of one or more wire cables, running over pulleys used to cut marble into blocks and slabs by tension and fed slurry of an abrasive and water cuts by abrasion. This method is used extensively by Europeans in quarrying marble. (MA)

Section 4500 Refractories & Masonry Cleaning & Restoration Definitions

Definition of SANDBLAST: A system of cutting or abrading a surface such as concrete by a stream of sand ejected from a nozzle at high speed by compressed air; often used for cleanup of horizontal construction joints or for exposure of aggregate in architectural concrete. (ACI ) 04500

Definition of CASTABLE REFRACTORY: A packaged, dry mixture of hydraulic cement, generally calcium-aluminate cement, and specially selected and proportioned refractory aggregates which, when mixed with water, will produce refractory concrete or mortar. (ACI)

Definition of CERAMIC BOND: The development of fired strength as a result of thermo-chemical reactions between materials exposed to temperatures approaching the fusion point of the mixture such as that which may occur, under these condi tions, between calcium-aluminate cement and a refractory aggregate. (ACI)

Definition of CLEAR BURNING: A term generally applied to consistently light-colored fired clays which have few, if any, impurities adding color or spots to the clay body.

Definition of DE-AIRED FIRE CLAY: The removal of all possible air during the extrusion process through the application ot a vacuum charnber. (SC)

Definition of GANISTER; A highly refractory siliceous sedimentary rock used for furnace linings. (ACI )

Definition of REFRACTORIES: Mater ials, usually non-metallic, used to withstand high temperatures.(ACI)

Definition of REFRACTORINESS: In refractories, the property of being resistant to softening or deformation at high temperatures. (ACI )

Definition of REFRACTORY AGGREGATE: Materials having refractory properties which, when bound together into a cong Iomerate mass by a matrix, form a refractory body. (ACI)

Definition of REFRACTORY: Resistant to high temperatures. (ACI)


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