Window glazing recommendations for different climates:
This article continues our discussion of window energy efficiency with an explanation of window choices matched to climate, use of window shading to control solar gain, the solar heat gain coefficient of windows, visible transmittance ratings for windows, window air leaks, and fading due to UV light from windows or skylights.
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In this article series we discuss the selection and installation of windows and doors, following best construction and design practices for building lighting and ventilation, with attention to the impact on building heating and cooling costs, indoor air quality, and comfort of occupants. We review the proper installation details for windows and doors, and we compare the durability of different window and door materials and types.
As detailed in Best Practices Guide to Residential Construction (Steve Bliss, J Wiley & Sons) Chapter 3, BEST PRACTICES GUIDE: WINDOWS & DOORS:
Due to its significantly lower U-value, low-E glass outperforms standard double glazing in all climates. However, which type of low-E glazing is optimal for a building depends on several factors, including the heating load, cooling load, and orientation of the glass. In general, the windows with the lowest U-values will yield the greatest savings in cold climates, while windows with the lowest solar heat gain will yield the greatest savings in hot climates.
Performance comparisons of different window types in different climates, based on computer modeling, are shown in Figure 3-10 above.
Some window manufacturers market different glazing types in different parts of the country and may be able to provide different glazing types by special order. General recommendations from the EPA’s Energy Star program are shown in Table 3-3 below.
Our photo of a warm-climate window (above, left) is in Rabat, Morocco, a climate that ranges from warm to hot (-DF).
A window with an SHGC of .70 captures about 70% of the available solar energy falling on the window. Clear double glazing has an SHGC of about .75 versus .60 to .70 for standard low-E and about .40 for spectrally selective low- E. Which type of glazing is optimal for a given project depends on the climate, summer and winter fuels costs, and how glass is used in the house design.
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People install windows primarily for daylighting and views, so the higher the percentage of visible light transmitted (VT), the better. Clear double-glazing has a VT of about 80% (see Table 3-4, below). With hard-coat low-E, that figure drops to 75%, and down to about 70% with the new spectrally selective coatings.
See Spectrally Selective Low-E Windows.
All low-E coatings reduce visible light transmittance to some extent and some may appear slightly tinted or more reflective under certain light conditions. The new spectrally selective glazings are fairly color-neutral, but they may appear slightly darker compared to clear glass.
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In general, most people do not notice tinting until the VT of the glazing falls below about 60%. The visible light transmittance ratings listed on NFRC window labels can be confusing since they include the sash and frame, not just the glass.
The VT for the glass only should be available from the window or glazing manufacturer upon request. Beyond the numbers, it is always a good idea to examine a sample of the glass before purchasing. View the glass from both outdoors and indoors under different light conditions to check for tint and glare.
Also see SUNGAIN, FILMS, LOW-E GLASS. And see Skylight Energy Efficiency.
In older homes, leaky windows contributed significantly to heating loads (less to cooling loads), and the drafts made occupants feel cold despite the thermostat setting. While windows built today are, in general, much tighter, the effect of air leakage can still be significant on cold, windy days, particularly on windows with direct wind exposure.
Most windows today are built with a leakage rate of .30 cfm/sq ft of glass area or less, the minimum allowed under the AAMA/NWWDA standard. The best windows have leakage rates near .10 cfm/sq ft.
Windows with compression seals, such as casements and awnings, tend to be tighter than windows with sliding seals, such as double-hungs and sliders. Also slide-by weather-stripping is more prone to wear out over time and more likely to be breached by high winds that cause the window to flex.
With any weather-stripping system, look for long-lasting materials such as EPDM and silicone and heavy-duty construction that can withstand years of use and exposure to water, freezing and burning temperatures, and UV radiation.
Most interior materials, including fabrics, carpeting, paint, and artworks, fade from exposure to sunlight. Although the most potent effect is from ultraviolet (UV) radiation, research has shown that the shorter wavelengths of the visible light spectrum also cause fading.
To account for the relative effects of both UV and visible light on typical materials, researchers have developed an approach called “damage-weighted transmittance” (T-dw), which was recently standardized by the International Standards Association (ISO/CIE 89/3).
Typical T-dw numbers range from about 60% for clear double glazing to about 30% for spectrally selective glazing.
See “UV Light Transmittance,” Table 3-4 above and see Spectrally Selective Low-E Windows.
Lower ratings are available with triple glazing or tinted glass, primarily used in commercial construction. Low numbers for UV transmittance and T-dw indicate less fading potential, but some fading will still occur. The best approach with valuable rugs, artworks, and other light sensitive furnishings is to place them in areas with minimal exposure to windows or to use shades or draperies that substantially cut light transmission.
Details about this topic are found at CONDENSATION on WINDOWS & SKYLIGHTS. Excerpts are below.
To rate a window’s resistance to condensation, NFRC recently
developed a method that evaluates the window’s
frame, glass, and glass edge at a standardized set of temperature
and humidity conditions.
Based on the coldest part of the window assembly, it is assigned a rating from 1 to 100.
The higher the rating, the better the window is at resisting condensation, but the rating doesn’t predict condensation under specific conditions. The voluntary minimum for a “thermally improved window” under the AAMA/NWWDA standard is 35.
The best protection against condensation is low-E glass with gas fill, combined with warm-edge spacers and a nonmetallic window frame, such as wood, vinyl, fiberglass, or one of the newer composites.
Table 3-6 (below) provides a general guide to when condensation is likely to form on different types of glazing. Without warm-edge spacers, condensation will occur at window edges first.
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Which way a window faces has a big impact on its contribution to comfort, heating and cooling loads, and daylighting.
In most cases, one type of glazing can work on all sides of the house. In houses with large amounts of west glass, however, it makes sense to use tinted or spectrally selective glass at least on the west face to reject the summer sun. This will dramatically improve comfort and reduce both peak and annual cooling loads.
If the house is also designed to take advantage of passive solar heating, high-heat-gain windows are preferable on the south face. Mixing glazing types can get tricky, however, and should be handled by an experienced solar designer. One caution, also, is that the slightly different tints of the two glazing types might be objectionable to some clients.
American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA)
Efficient Windows Collaborative
National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) Sustainable by Design
Shareware calculators for sun angles, solar heat gain, and shading
Window and Door Manufacturers Association (WDMA)
This article includes excerpts or adaptations from Best Practices Guide to Residential Construction (Steve Bliss, J Wiley & Sons) , by Steven Bliss, courtesy of Wiley & Sons.
- - Adapted and paraphrased, edited, and supplemented, with permission from Best Practices Guide to Residential Construction (Steve Bliss, J Wiley & Sons) .
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