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White noise sound conditioner (C) Daniel Friedman Guide to White Noise, Colored Noise, & Sound Conditioners for Privacy or Sound Control in buildings

Noise & sound conditioners, machines, apps:

This article explains using white noise or colored noise machines for privacy, sleeping aids, or to control sound transmission in buildings: how to make a quiet home, office, or place of business using masking sound or noise generating machines and equipment.

We describe the difference between white noise, pink noise, brown noise, and sound programs such as rain, surf, owls, and we include a table comparing types, features, & prices of various sound generators, noise machines, and apps.

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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

Use of White Noise to Mask Sounds in buildings

Sleep Mate white noise generator (C) Daniel Friedman

This article series discusses noise and sound control in buildings, and includes excerpts or adaptations from Best Practices Guide to Residential Construction (Steve Bliss, J Wiley & Sons) , by Steven Bliss, courtesy of Wiley & Sons.

Article Contents

Our building sound control articles begin

at SOUND CONTROL in buildings.

Other noise and sound diagnosis and control articles are found


Sound conditioners for conversation privacy

As we show in our photo (left), white noise generators may also be used in locations where an extra measure of privacy is required. This installation is in the waiting room outside offices used by psychotherapists.

White noise is a sound containing a blend of all the audible frequencies distributed equally over the range of the frequency band.

When this sound is generated it tends to make unintelligible or even less noticeable other sounds such as nearby conversation. Korkki (2008) reported that people working in open plan offices particularly suffer from noise distraction, citing experts who explain that the effort to ignore distracting noises (such as recognizable speech) forces attention switching to and from one's work, interfering with concentration.

Even small noises can be distracting, particularly recognizable speech.

Shown in our photo above is the Sleep Mate™ sound generator produced by Marpac. In addition to white noise, sound conditioners may produce sounds of nature such as that of a river or brook, lakeshore, surf, thunderstorms, or rainfall. Sound Screen® and SleepMate® are registered trademarks owned by Marpac Corporation.

The Marpac SleepMate™ is currently sold as the Dohm-DS Dual Speed Sound Conditioner by Marpac (formerly known as the Sleepmate/Sound Screen 980A) in a two-speed model and in the $50. U.S. price range.

What setting to use with a white noise generator or sound conditioner

The proper setting for a white noise generator or sound conditioner is not to make the output as loud as possible.

Rather, set the volume on the white noise machine to just mask the noise (or conversation) to be overcome. Setting the white noise volume higher than that level risks making the white noise itself an annoyance in the building.

Depending on the model, sound conditioners, unlike white noise generators that produce a standard "hissing" type sound, other sound conditioner types include speed settings, volume settings, and choices among sound tracks that in some models can be mixed or overlaid.

See SOUND CONTROL in buildings for complete information about noise transmission in buildings and how to control noise and sound problems.

Sound Conditioners / White Noise Machines: brands, models, Smartphone apps, features, prices, where to buy

Sound Conditioners & White Noise Machines
Manufacturer Model Speeds / Features Price Range (USD) Contact
Adaptive Sound Technologies, Inc.
Sound + Sleep Therapy Systems
Ecotones ASM-1002 10 programs, listens to & adapts to surrounding sounds, 3 richness settings, timer $130
  Ecotones Duet   $125  
Conair Conair Su1W 10 sounds, Battery operated $20.


2-speeds $55

  Dohm-NSF 2-speeds, vibration dampening foam pad $70.  
  Dhom-SS 1-speed $55  
  Marsona 1288A Programmable digital, 8 sounds, sound overlay, timer, headphone jack, volume control $130  
  Marsona DS 600A Programmable, 6 sounds, volume control, timer, battery or 120V $100  
  Marsona TSCI-330 Tone control, portable unit, white noise or 3 other programs $85.  

Smartphone App for

Android smartphones

Downloadable smartphone application produces
White noise, pink noise, brown noise
Android App store
iPhone App store
Sound Oasis S-5000 Sound Oasis Deluxe sleep therapy system 145 sound options, AM/FM radio, Voice memo, headphone jack, control for bedside lamp $200.
  S-650- / 660 Sound Oasis sound therapy system   $100  
  S-550 Sound Oasis sound therapy system   $60  
  GTS-1000 Go to sleep      
  S-850 / 850W portable travel sound therapy system, travel alarm clock $90  
  8-hour seamless white noise multiple sound tracks    
  Sleep bear teddy bear, infant/children's sound conditioner $40  

Alternatives to Using White Noise or Sound Conditioning Machines

Smartphone App Provides Variations on "White Noise": definitions of white noise, pink noise, brown noise

Simply Noise white noise colored noise smartphone app review (C) Daniel FriedmanSimply Noise [5], producer of a downloadable smartphone app that allows use of a smartphone as a noise generator, offers the following alternative type & definitions of masking sound programs:

White Noise - Contains sound across all frequencies. White noise is the most effective at blocking distractions because it covers the largest spectrum range. It's great for reading, writing, studying, and anything else that requires focus.

Pink Noise - A blend of high and low frequencies that produce a mesmerizing waterfall effect. Pink noise is great for melting away stress while keeping you alert and energized. The airy drone creates a therapeutic environment that relaxes your mind and body.

Brown Noise - Utilizes the lower sound frequencies to generate a deep ambient rumble. Brown noise is excellent for aiding sleep, pacifying children and pets, even masking Tinnitus. It's also great for breaking in audio equipment and soothing migraines.[5]

We purchased this smartphone app and installed it on an android Galaxy S for testing. The application (About $1.00 U.S.) includes a volume control, timer, and sound programs that select among white noise, pink noise, brown noise, an oscillating noise program. If you plan to leave the noise conditioner app running for a long period you might want to connect your phone to its power adapter.

Ear Plugs

While they may be less comfortable and while they don't offer sophisticated noise cancellation, simple ear plugs are certainly the most economical way to block noise in the workplace, while traveling, in noisy hotels, etc.

Noise-cancelling Headphones

Several companies provide sophisticated noise-cancelling earphones or headphones that do a stunning job of blocking regular, constant and in some cases even sudden loud noises. Typically these devices are combined with the ability to connect the headphones to a music or other desired source. Here are some current example products:

Before buying any of these or their successors you'll want to both read review and actually try out the unit. Some useful references for noise cancelling headphones include

Attending to Tinnitis as a Mitigator for Other Background Noise

I [DF] have suffered tinnitus since learning to fire the 3.5" rocket launcher and the 50 caliber machine gun during basic army training. No earplugs were issued in 1965, and we tried cigarette butts or just ducking when the rocket went off or the machine gun was firing overhead, sometimes just a foot away.

A result is permanent ringing in the ear or tinnitis. Most of the time tinnitis is annoying and it correlates with significant hearing loss in old age (me).

But it's also handy. In a noisy hotel I just put my better ear down on the pillow, turn the ringing ear up to the world, and consciously attend the ringing hissing sound that's always there. It's like being in a room with my own air conditioner or my own white noise machine.


Where can we buy a white noise machine for use in our Ottowa office - Anonymous 9/25/12


We have added the table above listing a number of noise and sound conditioners including white noise machines - thanks for this prompt. Let me emphasize that to protect reader confidence in InspectApedia's information, we have no business nor financial connection with any manufacturer or service provider discussed at our website.

 InspectAPedia is an independent publisher of building, environmental, and forensic inspection, diagnosis, and repair information provided free to the public.


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