Bathroom mold causes, cures, prevention:
This article gives advice on how to find, test for, remove & prevent mold in bathrooms, including mold found on bath tiles, moldy tile grout, moldy caulk, and hidden bathroom mold.
Brown mold, and sometimes darker black mold commonly found on bath tile grout may be harmless, a cosmetic clean-up job handled with bathroom cleaners.
On occasion mold in bathrooms may indicate a more serious hidden leak behind a cabinet, vanity, wall, or floor. In such cases there may be hidden rot, insect damage, or a larger mold reservoir that needs attention. Here we explain how to decide what to do about bathroom mold, how to remove it, how to prevent new bath mold growth, and when to dig deeper into building cavities.
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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
This bathroom mold diagnostic procedure helps identify the presence of or locate the probable sources of mold reservoirs in bathrooms, and helps decide if there is a need more invasive, exhaustive inspection and testing such as cutting openings to inspect wall, ceiling or floor cavities.
Obviously such destructive steps should be avoided if at all possible, so first let's look at which kinds of bathroom mold indicate cosmetic versus more serious trouble.
Allergenic bathroom mold:
Our photo above shows the most common place to find mold in a bathroom, on the tile grout or caulk.
Do you need to test this brown stuff to identify it as mold
or to identify the mold genera/species? Normally not. The cleanup procedures are the same regardless of the mold identification. However on occasion, there is a reason to test and identify mold growth in buildings.
See MOLD TEST REASONS for details.
Usually this mold is a member of the Cladosporium sp. group, often C. sphaerospermum - among the most common molds found, and possibly allergenic.
The total area of mold in this case is trivial and unlikely to be harmful to anyone. It is primarily a cosmetic issue.
A close up of this bathroom mold on tile grout is shown at in the photo just above/left.
There is no need to perform a mold test to identify small areas of mold such as those shown here. Just remove the mold and correct the conditions that contribute to mold growth.
Whenever cleaning mold, especially when opening a wall or ceiling cavity where you have found leak damage, remain alert for the discovery of a large moldy area (more than 30 sq.ft.). If a large area of mold is discovered, stop work, seal off the work area, and consult a professional.
Our photos above show close ups of moldy bath tile grout.
Mold may also be found in bathrooms on bath caulks (page to photo) and on the surface of ceramic tiles and even toilets and sinks where those surfaces have become coated with soap scum or organic dust and debris.
These molds may appear to be "black mold" but on closer look they are usually brown members of the Cladosporium family.
A bit of looking around may disclose larger and more problematic mold contamination in bathrooms. Here are some places to look:
If there has been protracted leakage or spillage under built-in cabinets such as bath vanities, there may be a mold cleanup job under or behind these components.
We removed this bath vanity after receiving complaints of recurrent moldy odor in this bathroom. No amount of cleaning of other bath surfaces had reduced the mold smell. A slight slope in the bathroom floor had been sending tub spillage behind this bath vanity for a decade or more.
Water spillage was inconsistent - it depended on who used the shower and how much water they splashed onto the floor.
What makes a lot of sense sense is to study the building carefully to decide on the building points at most risk of having been wet from leaks due to construction details or other site observations. That's where one would make a test cut. Like behind the vanity cabinet near the most moldy corner in our photo, above right.
More mold-contaminated cabinets can be seen
Also see BROWN HAIRY BATHROOM MOLD for a Q&A on the harmfulness of "hairy brown mold" found in a bathroom.
I live in Melbourne Australia and I have a major issue with my bathroom floor. Please see my brown hairy mold photographs (below). The images are of brown mold growths on the bathroom floor, & afterwards when I had scraped them off the floor.
I do understand that no competent expert would pretend to ID mold [or any other microscopic particle] from just a field photo.
But I have no idea what I'm dealing with and of course am concerned for my health and my family's. Can you tell me please - is brown hairy mold dangerous? When I scraped the protrusions off the bathroom floor, it turned into a powder & hair like structures stood on end. I would be most grateful if you could please tell me what this could be and if it is dangerous.
I'm wanting to send a specimen away for analysis & hope that I can locate a government organisation in Australia, such as the Agricultural Department, hopefully they can do this at no cost. - G. P., Melbourne, Australia
Your photos are blurry and no competent expert would pretend to identify a mold genera or species just from email photos.
But with that caveat stated, the pattern and character of the mold in your photos resembles like a fungus Stemonitis sp.
- see BROWN MOLD PHOTOS where we include photographs of Stemonitis sp. found on a bathroom floor and growing on oriented strand board (OSB) or "waferboard" in a basement.
Enlarging your photos [click any image to see an enlarged version] we see the mold was thick under carpeting (above left) meaning that in at least this area of the building, mold growth, including in hidden cavities such as walls, floors, ceilings, is likely to be extensive.
Watch out: And one would certainly expect other leak damage; that "wrinkled" looking floor baseboard trim board - if that's what it is in photo #1 at above left - means there have been leaks and probably rot.
If the mold test lab or aerobiology lab technician who examines a mold test sample you provide is familiar with myxomycetes, s/he should easily recognize the fungus from an actual sample. - you can use the clear adhesive tape sampling procedure
at TEST KIT for DUST, MOLD, PARTICLES: INSTRUCTIONS and send the sample to a qualified local lab of your choice [not to us].
Stemonitis sp. is a Myxomycete ( a class of fungus) that is not listed in our
nor in the authoritative Atlas of Clinical Fungi, deHoog et als. as a known toxic mold but as we warned you earlier, having so much fungal growth and leakage as we saw in that lifted-carpeting photo, you should expect that other genera/species are likely to be present even if you don't see them yourself from a superficial inspection.
Watch out: At a minimum you'd be smart to assume there are allergenic molds present and if there is more than about one square meter of moldy material, to use appropriate protection measures during cleanup as well as, of course, finding and correcting the leaks that led to these conditions. In most circumstances it is not necessary to test mold to identify the genera species.
That information will not change how mold should be removed or prevented in buildings. But on occasion, such as for medical reasons or for control of a larger, costly mold remediation project, there are reasons to identify mold on surfaces or in building air or dust.
Below you will find questions and answers previously posted on this page at its page bottom reader comment box.
On 2021-03-05 by (mod)
@Will, that sounds right, it's certainly a common SNAFU
Luckily this is a pretty small area; simple surface cleaning and perhaps use of a fungicidal sealant will surely be sufficient.
See our suggestions at
On 2021-03-05 by Will - builder says bath exhaust fan was not properly installled - causing mold growth
As a follow-up, the roofer informed me the bathroom exhaust fan was not properly attached to the tubing. Hence the accumulation of moisture/mold between these 2 rafters in particular! (and nowhere else except for adjacent to the skylight).
One last photo of black discoloration on underside of sheathing and white on the neighboring rafters. The roof repair is ongoing, thus the detached exhaust fan tubing.
Here is another picture of a rafter with maybe "cosmetic" mold.
I recently discovered a leak adjacent to a skylight in my home. A roof contractor determined that both the workmanship of the roof install and quality of materials of the roof install adjacent to the skylight were deficient. He has replaced several areas of rotten sheathing.
There are a few spots on intact lumber where there may be residual mold. This picture shows a representative area on a rafter.
Now that the cause of moisture is presumably fixed, do these areas need to be treated?
On 2020-07-04 - by (mod) - moldy toilet cistern cleanup & prevention
Mold growth in the interior of a toilet cistern or tank: simply cleaning with a household cleaner is in order but if the toilet is running - sometimes a cause of mold growth on condensation surfaces - then the flush valve may also need replacement.
On 2018-09-08 - by (mod) -
No, not unless the condition of the tile and grout is so poor that there have been leaks into the wall. If there are leaks in the wall cavity then there's of course a risk that there could be mold or rot or insect damage there as well.
From just what I seen your photo that would not be high on my suspicions list
On 2018-09-07 by Niigata
Bathtub drainage & grout have black mold. Does this indicate mold BEHIND THE WALL? Thank you.
IMAGE LOST by older version of Clark Van Oyen’s useful Comments code - now fixed. Please re-post the image if you can. Sorry. Mod.
On 2016-12-09 - by (mod) -
But before you copy material from this site please see these (C) warnings and explanation of permitted uses:
On 2016-12-08 by Anonymous
who made this website i need it for research project
(July 13, 2014) Anonymous said:
Can mold appear daily as a white fine powder on the side of the toilet bowl
(July 14, 2014) (mod) said:
There are white colored mold genera/species but more likely you are seeing a deposit of mineral scale.
(Aug 6, 2014) Christina said:
We had moisture damage and when my husband removed the plaster we found this. What is it? It's not mold but where do we go from here.
Plumber found there was no failure in bathroom/shower, etc. we don't know where the moisture is coming from but we live in San Diego about 1.5 miles from coast.
From e-text alone no one can tell you what you were looking at when plaster was removed.
If you like, use the email at our CONTACT link to send us some sharp photos and we may be able to comment further.
was wondering if you could tell by the pictures if this is black mold? They are pictures of my shower. The trim by the shower, behind the toilet, is gross too. And on the other side of the wall is another bathroom.
The last picture is of the tile in that bathroom and it has cracked and caved in. If you could take a look, your opinion would be greatly appreciated. - K.L.
A competent onsite inspection by an expert usually finds additional clues that help accurately diagnose a problem with leaks, mold, and hidden mold.
That said, here are some things to consider:
Watch out: don't assume that all "black mold" is harmful nor that it is the most important mold in your home. While some dark colored molds are indeed potentially harmful, others can be insignificant or even simply of cosmetic concern.
However the conditions that produced the mold growth that you see can indeed have produced other, less easy to spot, molds, including hidden mold in building cavities or light colored but harmful molds that move throughout building air (such as Aspergillus sp. or Penicillium sp.) and that could be of more concern.
If you have a small area of mold or even mold-suspect material (less than 30 sq ft or less than 10 ft by some EPA sources with which I disagree) then spending on testing or professional clean-up are not normally appropriate, with the warning that if in the course of ordinary cleaning and renovations you discover a larger reservoir, a professional should be consulted.
Continue reading at MOLD CLEANUP GUIDE- HOW TO GET RID OF MOLD or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX.
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BATHROOM MOLD at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.
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