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Build your dream home for under $3500, Cobb - reprinted at (C) 20118Index to Book: Build Your Dream Home
How to Build for $3500 © 2020

Chapter 32, Index to original text of BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME

This article series provides an updated version of Hubbard Cobb's Your Dream Home, illustrated by Sigman-Ward, first published by Wm. H. Wise & Co. New York, 1950.

From site selection and obtaining financing through each step in construction of a single family home the simple procedures and drawings in this book are still useful for anyone building or repairing a home or other small structure.

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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?

INDEX to pages in the Original Text

* following a page number indicates an illustration.


>Basement (Cont.);

>>Board (Cont.):

>Abstract, 21

>stair well, 72-73, 73*, 78*

>corner, see Corner boards    H:

>Aggregates, 45-46

>steps, 348

>insulating, 276, 286-287, 286*

>Ampere, 260

>utility room, 392-394

>plaster, 276-279, 285-286, 285*

>Anchor bolts, 75, 81

>windows, 73, 74,* 78*

>>Boiler, 224, 270-274, 271*, 275

>Appljance branch circuit, 241

>Basic House:


>Archway, 280

>materials list, 367

>anchor, 75, 81

>Areaway, 73*

>plans, 78*, 94*-107*, 123*

>drift, 89*

Armored cable, 237-239, 237*,

variations, 6


>238*, 239*, 240*

>Bat insulation, 193-194, 193*

>common, 54, 55*

>Artesian well, gee Wells, drilled


>English, 54, 55*

>Asbestos board, £89-290, 290*

>wails, 301-307, 302*, 303*, 304*,

>>Bondstone, 87*

>Asbestos shingles, 142, 148-149,

>305*, 306*

>>Bookcase, 300

>148*, 181-184, 183*, 335

>wiring, 248*

>>Box sill, 109,109*

>Ash-pit door, 151-162,166

>Bathtub, 223

>>Braces, 38

>Ash-pit dump, 162

>Batter boards, 65*, 67*

>temporary, 119-140

>Asphalt, hot, 85

>Beads, corner, 279, 279*


>Asphalt paint, 132

>Beams, collar, 140

>diagonal, 72*

>Asphalt shingles, 145-6,145*, 184

>Bearing partitions, 85, 86*, 115

>forms, 71-72, 71*, 72*

>Asphalt tiles, 327

>Bearing posts, 76-77, 78*, 82

>let-in, 118*, 121,178



>walls, 120-121

>finishing, 345-346, 346*

>closets, 299*, 300

>>Bracket, 240

>insulating, 196-197, 196*, 197*,

>wiring, 248*

>>Brass pipe, 206-207


>Beil and spigot pipe, see Soil pipe

>>Breezeway, 7,121,132-133

>partition, 345-346

>Bender, 236*

>elevations, 125*-127*


>Bevel siding, 91-92, 91*, 172, 174,

>floor plan, 123*, 129*


>175, 175*,176*, 178*

>foundation plan, 124*


>Beveled cleats, 72-73

>framing plan, 124*

>Backfilling, 89-90

>Black wire, 250-251

>>Brick, 53-57, 54*, 55*, 56*

>Badminton court, 360

>Blanket insulation, gee Insulation,

>bonds, 54, 55

>Balloon framing, 108*


>common, 53-54

>Barrier, vapor, 190


>face brick, 54

>Base, chimney, 150-154

>cinder, 49-53, 67

>firebrick, 54,162-163

>Base flashing, 149

>concrete, 49-53, 50*, 51*, 52*,

>half-brick, 56 .

>Base mold, 319


piers, 88*

>Base shoe, 324,325

>corner, 79, 80*

>walks, 354*, 355*, 356-357

>Base soil, 18

>glass, 308*, 309-313

>>Bridging, 112-113,113*, 139

>Baseboard, 318-319, 318*, 319*

>half-blocks, 79, 80, 81

>metal, 113

>Basement, 40-41

>jamb, 50-51, 50*. 51*, 394

>>Brown coat, 187-188, 283

>excavating, 67-69

>masonry, 40, 79-82, 80*, 83*, 392

>>Brush, 333*, 335*, 336*

>finishing off, 345-348

>Blueprints, 60-63

>calcimine* 335, 335*

floor, 91-92, 91*

>xneasuring, 63

>varnish, 33% 343*

>floor plan, 78*


>>Building blocks, see Masonrv-

>homes with, 220-222

>asbestos, 289-290, 290*


>homes without, 40,82, 222

>batter, see Batter boards

>>Building boards, 276-277, 290-292

>keeping dry, 90

>building, see Building boards

>>Building codes, 8-9, 64

>partition, 347

>composition, 276, 288-289

>>Building paper, 173-174, 174*




>Built-in furniture, 295-301, 296*, 297#, 299*

>Bushing, 206, 239, 239* anti-short, 239, 239* guide, 206

>Butt joints, 144,318*, 319 BX cable, see Armored cable


>Cabinets, 295-300, 296*, 297*

>Cable, 236-241, 236*, 237*, 238*, 239*, 240*

>armored, 237-239, 237*, 238*, 239*, 240* entrance, 244 lead-sheathed, 243 nonmetallic sheathed, 239-241 three-wire, 251 Cant strip, 182 Cantilever, 111*, 112,112*


>chimney, 159-160,160* roof, see Ridge, cap Cape Cod Cottage, 372-391, 373*, 375*, 380*-391* fireplace, 376

>foundations, 372-374,380* framing, 374-376,386*-391* furnace, 376 insulation, 377 materials list, 377 siding, 376 utilities, 377

>Casing, door, 316-317,337 Cast-iron pipe, see Soil pipe Caulking, 184, 214 Ceiling, 292,339 joists, 139

>tile, 276, 287-288, 287*, 290-291 Cement, 39, 45-46 grout, see Grout paint, 347,397 plaster, 81-82 see also Concrete Ceramic flooring, 331 Cesspool, 16, 228, 230 Chimney, 142, 155-160, 157M60* base, 150-154 cricket, 149 damper, 162 flashing, 159,1G0 footings, 77, 78*, 82,150 framing, 171 furnace, 162,167 opening, 112, 139 testing, 167

>Cinder blocks, 49-53, 67 Circuit breaker, 245-246, 246* Circuits, 241-243

appliance branch, 241 general purpose branch, 241 individual branch, 241 Clamp, ground, 247*

>Clay pipe, 227

>Clay-tile, flooring, 331

>Clean-out door, 152,166

>Cleats, beveled, 72-73

>Clips, wire, 86

>Closet, bedroom, 299*, 300

>Closet bowl, 222

>Coal, 265-266

>Coal bin, 73

>Coal chute, 73


>brown, 187-188, 28S finish, 188, 283 scratch, 186, 282-283 Codes, building, 8-9, 64 Collar beams, 140 Colonial House, 392-412, 393*, 404*, 399*-412* chimney, 396 foundations, 394,399* framing, 406*-411* joists, 395 materials list, 396 partitions, 395 rafters, 395 utility room, 392-394 walls, 395,396

>Combustion chamber, 162-164 Common bond, 54, 55* Composition board, 276, 288-289 Composition flooring, 325-327 Composition sheathing, 109, 133, 173,174

>Composition shingles, 142 Composition wood, 287*

>Concrete, 45-53, 70-75, 85 blocks, 49-53, 50*, 51*, 52*, 67 curing, 49, 66, 75 driveways, 350-353 floors, 82-86, 83*, &5*, 86*, 91-93, 121,166, 220, 222,330-332 foundations, 74-77, 77* hardener, 332, 347 pier, 88* ready-mixed, 74 walks, 353, 355 see also Cement Conduit:

>rigid, 236-237, 236* thin-walled, 237 Connector, 239*, 240

>Contract for land, 21

>Copper tubing, 207-209, 207*, 208*

>Corbeling, 159

>Comer, metal, 174-175

>Comer beads, 279, 279*

>Corner blocks, 79, 80*

>Corner board, 174, 175, 175*, 179*, 182*, 183*

>Corner joints, 319 Comer post, 115-116, 117*, 119, 120,133*

>Comer-plate, metal, 176*

>Cornice trim, 143*, 144 Cots wold Cottage, 455-476, 457*, 468*, 463*-476* breezeway, 456 exterior, 455

>floor plan, 455, 468*, 469* foundation, 458,463* framing, 470*-475* garage, 456 interior, 459 joists, 458 materials list, 460 rafters, 458 roof, 459 timbers, 458 windows, 456 Country property, 11 Couplings, 205 Courses, 54, 54*

>Crawl, space, 113 ventilating, 82 Creosote, 178

>Cricket, chimney, 149,161*

>Cross bridging, 112 Crosscut saw, 41 Crown, 140

>Curing concrete, 49, 66, 75 Curtain wall, 87 Cut of the roof, 43 Cutter:

>pipe, 205-206, 205* shingle, 149, 181 tube, 209 Cutting, 7 threads, 205*

>Cypress, 144


>Damper, 162 Dampprooflng, 86*

>Decay, preventing, 109, 132, 143-144,147,168 Deck-roof, 142, 147, 148 Deed, 22-23

>restrictions, 10, 23 Detail drawing, 62 Diagonal bracing, 72*

>Diagonal cut, 177 Diagonal sheathing, 108, 110, 133*, 134

>Die, 205-206, 205*

>Digging, see Excavation

>Ditches, 349


>ash-pit, 151-152, 166 casing, 337, 337* clean-out, 152, 166 dump, 151 Dutch, 300*, 301 hanging, 170, 320-321 hinges, 320-321 jamb, 314-316

>latch, 321

>opening, 136*, 170,171

>Dormer windows, 141-142, 172, 345

>Dosing chamber, 229*, 232

>Downspouts, 349

>Drain, floor, 220-221

>Drain tiles, 68, 90-91, 90#, 349, 361

>Drainage, 17-19, 223, 233*, 227

>Drawings, scaled, 62-63

>Driftbolt, 89*

>Drip edge, 148 Drive head, 201, 202 Driveway, 350-353, 350*, 352* concrete, 350-353 ribbon, 350-353, 350*, 351*, 352* slab, 351,352-353, 352*, 353* Drop siding, 172, 174, 175*, 177-178,179*

>Dry wells, 349 Dry-outs, 283

>Dry-wall construction, 276, 277*, 284-292

>Dump, ash-pit, 162 Dump door, 151 Dutch door, 300*, 301


>Easements, 23 Edger, 328 Elbows in pipe, 205 Electric power, 15 Electric wiring, 235-261; see also  Wiring

>Elevation drawings, 62, 94-97 Elevations: framing, 100*-103* plans, 94*-97*

>End joints, 114,114*

>End joists, 110 English bond, 54, 55*

>Entrance, service, see Service entrance

Equipment, see Tools Evergreens, 362

>Excavation, 67-69, 69*, 79, 82, 83, 88, 89, 90 basement, 67-69

>Expansion joint, 91-92, 91*, 351* Expansion strips, 311 Extension lines, 63 Exterior siding, 173-188


>Face bricks, 54

>Federal Housing Administration loans, 29-31, 34-36 Felt strip, 338; see also Roofing, felt

>Fence, 365*, 366 Fiberboard, structural, 195 glass, 308-309 Fill, 18-19 granular, 83-84 gravel, 83-84

>Fill insulation, 194-195, 194* Fillers, 343 Finish coat, 188, 283 Finishes, wall, 335-337 Fire clay, 152,163 Firebrick, 54, 162-163 Fireplace, 151, 153*, 155-158, 156* combustion chamber, 162-164 finishing, 160-164 footings, 77-79, 78*, 82, 85, 150 framing, 171 hearth, 154*, 160-162 opening, 111*, 112, 112*, 155-156,162*

>Firestop, 295 Fish tape, 236*, 237 Fittings, 199, 205, 208, 209, 211-213

>flanged, 209 flared, 211-213 Fixtures, wall, 305 Flagstones, 356*, 357-358, 357* Flange, 191-192 fittings, 209 Flaring tool, 212*

>Flashing, 171-172, 172* aluminum, 172 base, 149 chimney, 159,160 copper, 145,172 galvanized-iron, 172 metal ridge, 146* roof, 132-133, 145, 146*, 221-222, 221*

>stainless steel, 172 Floor, 51,114, 333 basement, 91-92, 91* concrete, see Concrete, floor drain, 220-221 hardwood, 328-330 finish, 323-332 finishing off, 328-330 joists, 50, 50*, 109*, 110*, 112 openings, 112 sagging, 5 seals, 325

>slab, see Concrete, floor softwood, 325 wood over slab, 86 Floor plan, 62, 98*, 99*, 123* basement, 87*

>Flooring: ceramic, 331

>clay-tile, 331 composition, 325-327 linoleum, 326-327 parquet, 328, 330 resilient, 331 tile, 327,331  Flues, 151-153, 165 Flush joint, 55 Flush tank, 224 Flux, 209, 209*, 210

>Footings, 69-70, 69*, 74-80, 77*, 78*, 82, 85-88, 85*, 86*, 88*, 150, 166, 167 chimney, 77, 78*, 82, 150 fireplace, 72-79, 78*, 82, 85, 150 Forms, 69-75, 69*, 114, 133 Foundation, 6, 49-50, 66-67, 69, 74-77, 77*, 79-82, 86-89, 89* wall, 69, 73-75, 79-82, 87*

>Frame house, 39-40 Frames, 135-136 Framew'ork, see Framing Framing, 171 balloon, 108* breezeway, 121,132-133 chimney, 139 dormer windows, 141-142 elevations, 100*-103* fireplace, 155-156, 162*, 171 floor openings, 111*, 112 gable ends, 140-141 garage, 121-132 materials, 149

>openings, 50-51, 135-137, 136*, 159*, 160*, 171,171* plans, 10S*-105* roof, 139-141 sills, 108-110 square, 42-44 stair well, 139 walls, 81, 115-121 Framing plans:

>Basic House, 100M05* breezeway, 131* garage, 130*

>Framing square, 42-44 Fuels, 265-266 Furnace, 224-225 chimney, 162, 167 flue, 151,152,157-158 Furniture, built-in, 295-301, 296*, 297*. 299*

Furring, 173 nail, 185* strips, 53, 116, 135 Fuse box, 244-248


>Gable ends, 140-141 Galvanized pipe joints, 223 Galvanized-iron flashing, 172 Galvanized-iron gutters, 144 Galvanized-iron pipe, 205-206, 205*

>Game room, 347 Garage, 121-132 elevations, 125*-128* floor plan, 123*, 129* foundation plan, 124* framing plan, 130*

>Garden, 360 Gas, 266

>Gas heating equipment, 152 GI loans, 31-34 Girder, 49-50, 75-77 built-up, 76 I-beam, 75*, 86 pocket, 73, 74*, 78*, 83*, 111 Glass:

>blocks, 308*. 309-313 building with, 308-313 Glazier points, 169 Glazing, 169-170 Glue size, 338-339 Grade cord, 232*

>Grass, 361-362

>Gravity warm-air system, 263-264 Ground clamp, 247*

>Grounds, plaster, 280 Grout, 81, 84-85 Guaranty, see Title guaranty Guide bushing, 206 Guide line, 81*

>Gutter, 144-145, 349 aluminum, 144 copper, 144 galvanized-iron, 144 hangers, 144*

>Guv wires, 363


>Half-blocks, 79, 80, 81 Half-bricks, 56 Hanging doors, 170, 320-321 Hardboard, 287*

>Hardwood floor, 323-325 finishing, 328-330 parquet, 328

>Headers, 54, 109*, 110, 110*, 111*, 290

>Hearth, 154*, 160-162 Heater, hot-water, 224-225, 226* Heating system, 262-275 gas, 152

>radiant, 266, 268, 270, 274-275, 330 solar, 58 steam, 224, 265

>warm-air, 224, 262-264,266, 267* Heel cut, 139,140*

>Help, 2-3, 39 professional, 2-3 supervising, 39 Hinges, door, 320-321 Hip rafter, 44

>Hot-water heater, 224-225, 226* Hot-water system, 264-265 House, Basic, plans, see Basic House House:

>keeping up, 36 laying out, 64-66 positioning, 58-60 sections, 106*-107*

>Hub on soil pipe, 220


>I-beam, 75*, 76 Increaser, 221

>Insulating board, 276, 286-287, 286*

>Insulating lath, 278-279 Insulating sheathing, 133, 134, 134*, 135,195,195*

>Insulating the attic, 196-197, 196*, 197*, 346

>Insulation, 53, 85, 85*, 86*, 189-198

>air-cell, 189-190 bat, 193-194, 193* blanket, see flexible fill, 194-195,194* flexible, 191-193, 191*, 192* granular, see fill patching, 191

>reflective, 190,195-196, 196* rigid, 195,195* roll, see flexible roof, 196-197 thermal, 189 Insulators, service, 243 Interest on loan, 27


>Jamb, door, 314-316

>Jamb blocks, 50-51, 50*, 51*, 394

>Jig, 208*, 209,320*

>Joiner, 81

>Joint, 55*, 109,110,135 butt, 144, 318*, 319 corner, 319 drain tile, 90* end, 114, 114* expansion, 91-92, 91*, 351* flush, 55

>galvanized pipe, 223 horizontal, 180*, 215-216 miter, see Miter joint mortar, see Mortar joint pipe, 205, 223 rabbeted, 318*, 319 raked,55 slip, 223 spacing, 76

>square-cut, 316-317, 316* staggered,142,147,179* strip, 182,183 struck, 55 threaded, 216 vertical, 179,180*, 213-215 watertight, 81, 91-92,171 weathered, 55 wiped, 217, 217*

>Joint runner, 215 Joint strip, 182,183*

>Joists, 110-111,110*, 113,139 end,110 jamb block, 394

>Joists (Cont.):

see also Floor joists and Headers

>Jumper, wire, 247*

>J unction boxes, 247-249


>Key slot, 69 Keys, 278 Kitchen:

>cabinets, 295-300, 296*, 297* sink, 213, 223,224,305* walls, 301-307 wiring, 258*, 260-261 worktable, 295-299, 305* Knockouts, 249


>Lag screws, 110 Land, 16-18,21-22 Landscaping, 359-366, 359*, 360*, 365*

>Lap, amount of, 175 Lapping, 176 Latch, door, 321

>Lath, 117*, 184-186, 185*, 277-279 insulating, 278-279 metal, 278*, 279, 279*

>Lavatory, 223, 224 Lawn, 359-360, 361-362 Laying out the house, 64-66, 66* Lead, caulking with, 214,215* I>evel, 81*

>Lime, neutralizing, 332, 336 Line, 65* extension, 63 guide, 81* shadow, 177*, 179 utility, 83 vent, 221 waste, 222, 223 Linoleum: flooring, 326-327 tile, 327 wall, 306-307 Lintels, 51, 52*, 79 Living room wiring, 248*

>Loan, 24-36 FHA, 29-31 GI, S1-S4 interest, 27 principal, 27 terms, 33, 35 Location, selecting, 64 Louver, 141 Lugs, 246, 246*


>Maintaining the home, 36 Masonry:

foundation, 67, 69 piers, 88, 88*


>Masonry (Cont.): work, 42, 49-57 see also Masonry block Masonry block, 40, 79, 80*, 392 foundation wall, 79-82 size, 79

>wall, 51-53, 83*

>Materials, 38-41 handling, 38-39 selecting, 39-40 Materials List Basic House, 367-368 additions, 369-371 ceilings, 307

>chimney and fireplace, 167 doors, 321 electric wiring, 261 foundation, 93 framing, 149 heating, 275 insulation, 198 interior trim, 321 paint, 344 plumbing, 234 siding, 188 trim, 321 walls, 307 windows, 321 Cape Cod Cottage, 377 Colonial House, 396 Cotswold Cottage, 460 Ranch House, 417 Suburban Home, 501 Tudor Cottage, 482 Vacation Hideaway, 440 Membrane waterproofing, 91 Meter, 244 electric, 243 water, 247, 247*

>Miter joint, 175*, 176*, 316-317, 316*, 319*

>Molding, 305,306* base, 319 picture, 280, 280* shoe, 324, 325 Mopboard, 318

>Mortar, 52-53, 54-57, 79, 80-81, 80*, 81*, 109,152 joints, 55-57, 79, 80-81, 87, 150, 153-154

>Mortgages, 25-29, 32 definition, 25 getting, 25-27 kinds, 27-29


>Nailing, 7, 111, 113, 115, 115*, 120, 146,147,147* base, 134,135 flange, 192*

>Nails, 38,110,114,172, 243 alloy-faced, 183 barbed, 173

>Nails (Cont.): clinched, 110 roofing, 174 rust-proof, 185-186 rust-resistant, 147,184 shingle, 180

>Neutralizing lime, 332, 336 Nuts

>sleeve, 212 union, 211*


>Oakum, 214, 214*

>Oil, 266

>Oil paint, 335-336

>Outlet boxes, 239*, 240*, 247-249

>Paint, 302,335, 336 aluminum, 321 asphalt, 132 calcimine, 337 cement, 335,347 oil, 335-336 priming coat, 334 sprayer, 334, 335 water-thinned, 33<


>asbestos shingles, 148 concrete floors, 332 exterior, 333-335 walls, 335-337 wood trim, 341 Paper:

>building, see Building paper vaporproof, 191, 194*

>Parquet flooring, 328, 330 Partition: attic, 345-346 basement, 347 bearing, 85,86*, 115 inside, 170-171 studding, 278* walls, 119*, 120 Patching insulation, 191 Picture molding, 280, 280* Piers: brick, 88* masonry, 88, 88*

Pigtail splice, 251*


>brass, 206-207 clay, 227

>cutter, 205-206, 205* galvanized-iron, 205-206, 205* iron, 204, 204* joint, 205, 223 lead, 217 straps, 237 vice, 205* water, 203-217 wrenches, 205-206 see also Soil pipe Pitch of the roof, 43


>elevation, 94*-97*, 125*-128* floor, 98% 99*, 123*, 129* framing, 100*-105*, 130*, 131* foundation, 78*, 124* section, 106*, 107*

>Planting: grass 361-362 shrubs, 365 trees, 363 Plaster, 276, 335 base, 277-282

>board, 276-279, 285-286, 285* cement, 81-82 grounds, 280 ready-mixed, 282 Plastering, 282-284 brown coat, 187-188, 283 corner beads, 279, 279* finish coat, 188, 283 scratch coat, 282-283 Plastic tile, 304, 305*

>Plate, see Sole, Top, Partition and Wall plate Plot:

>buying, 21-23 selecting, 8-21 size of, 20 Plumb, 7 Plumb cut, 44 Plumb line, 67*

>Plumber’s soil, 217 Plumbing: fixtures, 217-223, 305 lines, 84* system, 199-234

>Plywood, 114, 180*, 173, 276, 288*, 289, 289*, 290 exterior, 180-181,182* sheathing, 133,138 siding, 180-181,182*

>Pocket, girder, see Girder Portland-cement: paints, 335 stucco, 186

>Positioning the house, 58-60 Post, 88-89

>bearing, 76-77, 78*, 82 comer, 115-116, 117*, 119, 120, 133*

>sawing, 89, 89*

>Posthole digger, 89 Power, electric, 15 Power shovel, 68 Priming coat, 334 Principal of loan, 27 Property: buying, 21-23 country, 11 selecting, 8-21 value, 11-14 Public utilities, 14-16 Putty, 169, 334


>Quitclaim deed, 99


>Rabbeted joints, 318*, 319 Radiant heating, 266, 268, 270, 274-275, 330

>Rafters, 42-44, 139-140, 140* heel cut, 139,140* hip, 44 valley, 44

>Rainfall disposal, 349; see also Drainage Raked joint, 55

>Ranch House, 413-432, 415*, 425*, 420*-432* chimney, 417 foundations, 414, 420* framing, 416, 426*-431* materials list, 417 plumbing, 417 roof, 416 siding, 417 Range, kitchen, 295 wiring, 260-261 Rasp, 217 Reamer, 205-206 Record case, 300 Recreation area, 360 Reflective insulation, 190, 195-196, 196*

>Reinforcements, 162,279, 280* Reinforcing rods, 154*, 162 Relief valve, 225

>Restrictions, 9-10, 16; see also Building codes Retaining walls, 17, 360*, 361 Ridge: board, 140 cap, 146, 146*, 147 flashing, 146*

>Ripsaw, 41 Rise, 43 Risers, 293-294 Roads, 14 Rocks:

>building with, 87 garden, 360

>Rods, reinforcing, 154*, 162 Roll insulation, see Insulation, flexible

>Roll roofing, 145,146 Roof, 139-141 cut off, 43 deck, 142,147,148 flashing, 171-172,172* gutters, see Gutters insulation, 196-197 pitch, 43 scaffolding, 148 sheathing, 142-144 slat, 143-144

>Roofing: compound, 145 felt, 85,145,146, 148 materials, 145-149 nails, 174 roll, 145,146 Rubble wall, 86-87 Run, 43


>Sand, 45-46

>Sanding floors, 328-329 Sashes, window, 169 Sawing posts, 89, 89*

>Saws, 7, 41, 42 Scaffold hook, 138*

>Scaffold jack, 138 Scaffolding, 137-138, 138*, 148, 158*

>Scale, three-sided, 63 Scratch coat, 186, 282-283 Screw: lag, 110 terminal, 251*

>Seals, floor, 330 Section:

>Basic House, 106*-107* drawing, 62

>Septic tank, 16, 228-234 single-chamber, 229*, 230-232 Service entrance, 243-244 cable, 243, 243*, 244 equipment, 246 Service head, 243*, 244,244* Service insulator, 243 Service wire, 243-244 Sewage disposal, 15-16, 228-234 Sewer: line, 361 sanitary, 15 storm, 15 see also Plumbing Shadow line, 177*, 179 Sheathing, 72, 133-135, 142-144, 173

>composition, 109, 133, 173, 174 diagonal, 108,110,133*, 134 insulating, 133, 134, 134*, 135,  195,195*

>plywood, 133, 138 roof, 142-144 termite, 92-93 wood, 133-134 Shellac, 329-330

>Shingles, 142, 145-149, 173, 178-180

>asbestos, 142,148-149,148*, 181-184,183*, 335 asphalt, 145-146,145*, 184 composition, 142

>drv, 147

m M

>edge-grain, 178

>Shingles (Cont.): flat-grain, 178 green, 147 nails, 180 siding, 335 stain, 147 wet, 147

>Shoe molding, 324,325 Shovel, power, 68 Shrubs, 364-365 Siding, 39,40,135, 334 bevel, 91-92, 91#, 172, 174, 175, 175*, 176*, 178*

>drop, 172, 174, 175*, 177-178, 179*

>exterior, 173-188 plywood, 180-181,182* shingles, 335 wood, 173,174-181 Sill, 51,108-110,108*, 110* box,109,109* plate, 244*

>T sill, 108*

>Sink, kitchen, 213,223, 224,305* Site:

>living on, 4 selecting, 8-21 Sizing, 338-339

>Slab floor, tee Concrete floors. Slab-type driveways, 351, 352-353, 352*, 353*

>Slat roof, 143-144

>Sleepers, 377

>Sleeve nut, 212

>Slip joint, 223

>Smoke chamber, 156, 157*

>Smoke pipe, 152,153 Smoke shelf, 163 Softwood floors, 325 Soil: base, 18

>conditions, 18-19,66-67, 68, 72 plumber’s, 217 rocky, 18,19 testing, 361 topsoil, 18, 68, 361-362 Soil pipe, 213-217, 220-221, 227, 232* hub.220

>Soil stack, 219*, 220, 222,223 Solar heating, 58 Solder, 217 Soldering: fitting, 209 joint, 208*, 209 Soldier course, 54 Sole plate, 71, 109*, 110*, 115, 115*, 116-117,119,120,170 Soundproofing, 189 Spacer, 72 Spacer stud, 119*

>Span, 43

>Splice, pigtail, 251*

>Sprayer, paint, 334,335 Square, framing, 42-44 Square-cut joint, 316-317, 316* Squeegee, 303 Stack, vent, 220 Stain, 341-342 shingle, 147

>Staining, 178, 333, 341-343 Stair well, 72-73, 73*, 78*, 112,139 Stairs, see Steps Stakes, 64-66, 67*

>Staples, 240

>Stapling machine, 192*, 193 Steam-heating system, 224, 265 Steps, 292-295 basement, 348 brick, 56* firestop, 295 stringers, 293-295 treads, 293-294 Stock and die, 205*

>Stone walls, 86-87, 87*

>Storage tanks, 225 Storm sewer, 15 Stove-pipe opening, 151,152 Stretcher course, 54 Stringers, 293-295 Strips:

>expansion, 311 felt, 338 joint, 182, 183*

>Struck joint, 55 Stucco, 172,184-188, 335 coloring, 186,187 Portland-cement, 186 Studs

>spacer, 119* wall, 119*

>Studding, 115, 116*, 117, 119-121 forms, 71, 72 gable ends, 140-141,141* openings, 136*, 137 partition, 278*

>Sub-flooring, 109*, 113-115, 114*, 116*, 139, 324 end-matched, 114 Subsoil, 361

>Suburban Home, 497-517, 498*, 509% 504*-517* basement, 498 exterior, 500 finishing off, 501 floor plan, 497, 509% 510* foundation, 498,504* framework, 500, 511*-516* interior, 501 materials list, 501 Survey, see Land survey Sweat-outs, 284 Switch, three-way, 251, 256*

>Switch and fuse box, 244-249


>T sill, 108*

>Tamping, 74 Tank: flush, 224

>septic, 16, 228-234, 229* storage, 225 Tar paper, 331 Telephone service, 15 Terminal screw, 251*


>avoiding, 82, 89, 90, 92-93 sheathing, 92-93 shield, 88*

>Terraces, 354*, 356*, 357-358, 357* Thimble, 152, 153 Threading pipe, 205*, 206 Threshold, 170 Throat, fireplace, 163 Ticking, herringbone, 217 Tileboard, 304-306 Tiles, 302-306 asphalt, 327

>drain, 68, 90-91,90% 349,361 flooring, 327, 331 linoleum, 327 metal, 302-304 plastic, 304, 305*


>guaranty, 22 search, 21-22 Toe-nailing, 109% 110 Toilet bowl, 223*

>Tools, 41-42; see also Cutting tools

>Top plate, 116-117, 118% 119, 120, 139

>Topography, 16-18 Topsoil, 18, 68, 361-362 Treads, 293-294 Trees, 362, 363 deciduous, 362 evergreen, 362 removing, 64 Trenches, 361 for footings, 69 Trim:

>cornice, 143*, 144 exterior, 334-335 interior, 314-319 painting, 341 Trimmers, 111% 112 Trowel finish, 283 Tube cutters, 209 Tubing copper, 207-209, 207*, 208* Tudor Cottage, 477-496, 479*, 489*, 485*-496* insulation, 481 flashing, 481 foundation, 478, 484* framing, 480, 490*-495* materials, 477

>Tudor Cottage (Cont.): materials list, 482 windows, 480


>Union nut, 211*

>Unit of run, 43 Unit of span, 43 Utilities, public, 14^16 Utility lines, 83 Utility room: basement, 392-394 wiring, 249*


>Vacation Hideaway, 433-454, 435*, 437% 438*, 442*-454* finishing, 439 floors, 434-436 foundations, 433, 442* framing, 434, 436, 438, 449*-453*

>materials list, 440 roof, 439

>sheathing, 438-439 siding, 439 Valley rafter, 44 Valves, 205 Vapor barrier, 190 Vaporproof paper, 191,194* Variations on the Basic House, 6 Varnish, 329 brush, 333*, 343* size, 336

>Varnishing, 343-344 Vent: line, 221 pipe, 172 stack, 220 system, 223

>Ventilating crawl space, 82 Veterans Administration, 31-34 Voids, 52, 81, 83*

>Volt, 260


Walks, 353-358, 35S*-357*


>attic, 345, 346*

>bathroom, 301-307

>brick, see Brick wall

>curtain, 87

>framing, 115-121

>garden, 365-366

>kitchen, 301-307

>linoleum, 306-307

>masonrv-block, 51-53, 79-82, 83*

>openings in, 81,119

>painting, 335-337

>partition, 119*, 120

>Wall (Cont.): retaining, 17,360*, 361 rubble, 86-87 stone, 86-87, 87studs, 119* see also Foundation Wall brushes, 333*

>Wall finishes, 335-337 Wall fixtures, 171 Wall planks, 277, 287-288, 287*, 290-291

>Wall plate, 119*

>Wall studs, 119*

>Wall switch, 57

>Wallboard, 53, 117*, 171, 276-277, 277*, 291*, 337

>Wallpapering, 337-340, 338*, 341*, 342*

>Warm-air heating system, 224, 262-264, 266, 267*'

>Warranty deed, 22 Waste lines, 222,223 Water: hard, 204 pipes, 83, 203-205 soft, 203 spring, 203 supply, 15, 200-203 system, 218*, 224 Water closet, 224 Water meter, 247, 247* Waterproof, 77*, 79, 84-85 basement floor, 92

>Waterproof (Cont.): joint, 81, 91-92 wall, 81-82, 87

>Waterproofing, membrane, 91 Weather exposure, 148 Weathered joint, 55  Weep hole, 360*, 361 Wells:

>drilled, 200, 201*, 203 driven, 201-203 dry, 349

>dug, 200-201, 202*, 203 Wet-wall construction, 276 White wire, 250-251 Wicking, 207 Window:

>basement, 73, 74*, 78* dormer, 141-142,172,345 frames, 141,168-169 openings, 73,136* sills, 108-110 wells, 73

>Wiped joint, 217, 217*


>black, 250-251 guy,363 jumper, 247* service, 243 sizes, 241 splicing, 249 white, 250-251

>Wiring, 253-261, 242*, 248*, 249* bathroom, 248* bedroom, 248*

>Wiring (Cont.): fuse box, 244-248 insulators, service, 243 junction boxes, 247-249 kitchen, 258*, 260-261 knockouts, 249 living room, 248* outlet boxes, 239*, 240*, 247-249 range, 260-261 testing, 257 utility room, 249*

>Wood, 39-40, 88 composition, 287* floors, 330 gutters, 144 laths, 277-278, 278* ridge-cap, 146,146*, 147 rot-resisting, 88 sheathing, 133-134 shingles, 143,145-147,178-180 siding, 173,174-181 Woodwork, 333 finishing, 340-344 Worktable, kitchen, 295-299, 305* Wrenches, pipe, 205-206


>Yarning iron, 214


>Zoning regulations, 9-10


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