Sound & Noise Event Log©

Used to Track a Building-Related Noise to Its Source or Cause

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Date & Time Observation Comments

Noise Observed: dates, times, description

  The date and time of the noise at each occurrence, especially when it was first observed
Noise Observers:   Who hears the noise? People's hearing ability varies widely; use someone with acute hearing to help track down noises; don't rule out medical conditions that can cause people to perceive noises that are neurological or bodily in origin
Building activities:   Activities: who is present in the building, people, animals; walking or moving around, using equipment, using plumbing, etc.
Apparent noise location, direction:   Probable noise origin by location: differences in noise perception between what is observed indoors, at different indoor locations, and outside. Where is the noise loudest?
Noise properties: describe the noise   Noise properties:

Noise occurrence correlated with any of the items in our noise checklist

Noise type: buzzing, hissing, bubbling sounds may be identified by matching what you hear to items in our List of Building Noises by Sound Source or Sound Types found beginning just below on this page.

Building Mechanical Equipment: air conditioner, heat, fans, water pump, water softener, appliances, etc. on or off at time noise was observed   What equipment is operating or turned off in the building; equipment may itself be making noise or heating or cooling equipment can cause temperature changes that lead to noises
Weather conditions:   What weather conditions might be pertinent such as wind, wind direction, temperature, temperature changes or shifts, rain, or freezing conditions
Site & neighbors:   Site activities: are there possible noise sources outdoors but near the building from neighboring buildings, power transformers, neighboring businesses, equipment, etc.
Sunlight:   Sun direction and sunlight levels - sunlight can correlate with thermal expansion of materials and thus noises
Temperatures:   Temperature changes: by noting temperatures and temperature changes we might trace noises to creaking, popping, squeaks etc. caused by thermal expansion and contraction of materials or to operating of heating or cooling systems
Wind:    Wind conditions: is wind blowing? From what direction, at what strength; does wind correlate with noise occurrence?
Building modifications, changes:   What has changed in the building that might be relevant such as installation or removal of equipment
Addtional Noise Observations:    


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© 2025 - 2014 Copyright all rights reserved. Publisher: Daniel Friedman.

Building noise troubleshooting: causes & cures. These articles discuss building noise control: how to inspect, diagnose & cure noise or sound problems in homes or commercial buildings. Information is provided about auditory (hearing), visual, historic, medical, or other clues of building condition that explain various sounds heard in buildings. We also discuss methods of sound or noise control in buildings during construction or as a building retrofit.

Separately at SOUND CONTROL in buildings we provide a series of detailed articles on reducing unwanted building noise levels through building design, insulation, sound isolation, and noise barriers.

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